Summer of Life in TAIWAN, Summer of Death in the United States!

The fault for this pandemic lies squarely with the Chinese government. They knew how bad this virus was long before they leveled with the rest of the world about it. They closed down travel from the Wuhan area to other parts of China but allowed travel from Wuhan to the rest of the world. That's a giant FUCK YOU! from China to everyone else!
They have not leveled with the rest of the world. They know the source in nature. Who else knows?
Its true that China has threatened to invade if there is a formal declaration of Independence by TAIWAN. But that is irrelevant to the reality that TAIWAN is a functioning independent country with the 21st largest military force on the planet out of the 197 countries on this planet.
china’s claim ti Taiwan means a lot when their military is far more powerful than Taiwan’s

if biden is in the white house the danger to Taiwan becomes much greater
Summer of Life in TAIWAN, Summer of Death in the United States!

The scale of Trump's failure to protect the United States can be accurately seen in the comparison of deaths and infections from coronavirus between TAIWAN and the United States from the period of June 1, 2020 to September 1, 2020.


United States POPULATION: 332,639,102

Deaths from coronavirus, from June 1, 2020 to September 1, 2020:


United States: 82,716

Infections from coronavirus, from June 1, 2020 to September 1, 2020:


United States: 4,429,547

On a per capita basis, for the United States to have done as well as TAIWAN over the summer, the United States would of needed to have less than 900 infections and less than 15 deaths.
the people in taiwan cooperate with the govt much more than those in this country......yea i know i was shocked too....

Yes, Taiwan is a homogeneous society where people share common cultural values.

The United States is not.

Furthermore, Taiwan is a small island that can control who enters. We cannot (obviously!).

And the Taiwanese government can give orders to the whole nation.

The United States is a bunch of semi-independent states that can and do tell the federal government to go to Hades. Our governors are little dictators.

There is no comparison between the two nations.

The United States can control who enters the country. Most people enter the country through air travel, the same way they enter Taiwan. Most people who cross the land border with Canada or Mexico cross at specific checkpoints where travel can easily be stopped. The United States is not much different from Taiwan except that it is lot farther away from where the infection started in China. John Hopkins University predicted that Taiwan, because of its proximity to China, its extensive trade and travel links with China, would suffer the worse effects of the pandemic of any country in the world.

Taiwan proved that proper government policy in quarantining the country from the outside world could succeed in protecting its citizens from the pandemic. The United States could have done what Taiwan did. The United States is wealthier and has the 2nd largest military on the planet. All it would have taken is proper government planning to implement and do what TAIWAN did. Any disadvantages the United States had by having a land border with Mexico or Canada could easily be covered by the Military.

But lets be clear, the virus came to the United States primarily through AIR TRAVEL. There was little to no spread caused by people crossing the Canadian or Mexican border on foot, in a car or on a train. Even if it was a significant threat, the means to block it, and seal those entry points are there. And no, someone crossing the desert on foot from Mexico to Arizona is not going to be major means of transmitting the virus.
You think the military should have patrolled our entire northern and southern borders to keep people out? Gee, just think if we had a viable border wall between us and Mexico! That might actually be feasible!

Actually, I don't think that would be necessary. Overwhelmingly, most travel is through major border crossing areas that well staffed with border patrol agents. Only a tiny number of people enter the country by walking across the border in a remote area. Not in numbers that would be enough to spread a virus in a rapid uncontrollable manner. The United States has what it needs to block travel at its international airports, sea ports, and land crossings. Its just a matter of security being given the instructions and orders to block travel or quarantine individuals in isolated locations who are let in. All they needed was Trump to follow the TAIWAN model, and we be living in a different world right now in the United States without 340,000 people dead from Covid-19.
Oh, bullshit! Islands like Taiwan, New Zealand and Australia were able to limit Covid by closing down travel there. You can do that when you're an island! You CAN'T do that when you have borders like the US does or most of Europe does! How many people does it take to start a pandemic? One infected person in a large group setting? They infect dozens of others. Those dozens infect dozens more. Do you have any clue how much traffic goes across our Southern and Northern borders on any given day in normal times? Do you have any clue what a shut down of that traffic would do to our economy as well as our neighbors?

The United States can easily shut of the land border between Mexico and the United States at any time. Same with the border with Canada. These land borders don't dramatically change the situation in comparison to TAIWAN.

The only gap would be the person walking across the border at a remote place. But that level of traffic is too small to cause the problem assuming people of that nature were even infected.

Small penetrations of the virus can easily be contained. TAIWAN experienced small penetrations and contained them with testing, tracing, and isolation.

Blocking international travel and quarantining people you do let into the country is ONLY the FIRST LINE OF DEFENSE.

SECOND LINE of defense is testing, tracing, and isolation of infected and potentially infected people within the countries population.

DONALD TRUMP failed to have either of those defenses up for the United States in January and February.

The fact is the United States had the capability to defend itself from the VIRUS and come out of this pandemic with an infection level and loss of life equal to TAIWAN on a per capita basis.
Its true that China has threatened to invade if there is a formal declaration of Independence by TAIWAN. But that is irrelevant to the reality that TAIWAN is a functioning independent country with the 21st largest military force on the planet out of the 197 countries on this planet.
china’s claim ti Taiwan means a lot when their military is far more powerful than Taiwan’s

if biden is in the white house the danger to Taiwan becomes much greater

China can't use its full military power against TAIWAN because TAIWAN has 90 miles of ocean between it and China. This puts drastic limits on what CHINA can do from a military standpoint to TAIWAN. China is limited by how much sea-lift and air-lift capacity they have for their military. That sea-lift and air-lift capacity is also subject to interception in the 90 mile space between the two countries. You could take out a whole Battalion of Chinese Marines on a sea transport with just one torpedo or Cruise Missile hit to it at the water line.

So TAIWAN from a defense standpoint has many advantages and China is at a disadvantage. Such operations are very difficult and its why the Germans never attempted to invade England in 1940 despite their overwhelming military superiority following Dunkirk and complete defeat of France, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Denmark, and Norway.

But there is deep cause for concern despite this, which is why the United States needs to step up its capability to intervene in order to deter China from ever making an attempt.
China is limited by how much sea-lift and air-lift capacity they have for their military.
Thats no problem

sell another half trillion worth of chinese crap in the US and use the profits to build more landing crap

but ultimately their goal is to bully taiwan into submission without an invasion

But the threat of force is always very helpful
Its true that China has threatened to invade if there is a formal declaration of Independence by TAIWAN. But that is irrelevant to the reality that TAIWAN is a functioning independent country with the 21st largest military force on the planet out of the 197 countries on this planet.
china’s claim ti Taiwan means a lot when their military is far more powerful than Taiwan’s

if biden is in the white house the danger to Taiwan becomes much greater

China can't use its full military power against TAIWAN because TAIWAN has 90 miles of ocean between it and China. This puts drastic limits on what CHINA can do from a military standpoint to TAIWAN. China is limited by how much sea-lift and air-lift capacity they have for their military. That sea-lift and air-lift capacity is also subject to interception in the 90 mile space between the two countries. You could take out a whole Battalion of Chinese Marines on a sea transport with just one torpedo or Cruise Missile hit to it at the water line.

So TAIWAN from a defense standpoint has many advantages and China is at a disadvantage. Such operations are very difficult and its why the Germans never attempted to invade England in 1940 despite their overwhelming military superiority following Dunkirk and complete defeat of France, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Denmark, and Norway.
But there is deep cause for concern despite this, which is why the United States needs to step up its capability to intervene in order to deter China from ever making an attempt.

I strongly agree with this

the best way to maintain the peace is through military strength
Summer of Life in TAIWAN, Summer of Death in the United States!

The scale of Trump's failure to protect the United States can be accurately seen in the comparison of deaths and infections from coronavirus between TAIWAN and the United States from the period of June 1, 2020 to September 1, 2020.


United States POPULATION: 332,639,102

Deaths from coronavirus, from June 1, 2020 to September 1, 2020:


United States: 82,716

Infections from coronavirus, from June 1, 2020 to September 1, 2020:


United States: 4,429,547

On a per capita basis, for the United States to have done as well as TAIWAN over the summer, the United States would of needed to have less than 900 infections and less than 15 deaths.
Taiwan is an ISLAND able to block visitors. They stopped incoming people before even wuhan was locked down. YOU KNOW what Trump tried and was called a racist for it.

It sounds like Taiwan knew about the virus early on and like with the dem party leaders likely had CHINESE knowledge of the virus and maybe even a chinese vaccine for it.

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