Sunday Night Roundtable! (10/23) "The Panel Discusses Trumps Gettysburg Address"

Apparently you like paying from 23-92% more for Obamacare, and you'll enjoy the 65% estates tax she will institute, I didn't work 50 year's to give a fucking socialist hack a third more of what I can leave my family when I'm gone.... Apparently you are one of the low information entitled, that will expect more on the backs of the working!
Unless you have a massive estate, which you most likely don't, estate taxes won't affect you. Furthermore a President cannot enact an estate tax, Einstein, thats the duty of Congress

So you don't have the $3.5 million estate, yes, you're a piece of shit that takes from others, excuse me, steals from others, and takes what you never earned. Do America a favor and move to Cuba, scumbag!
Apparently you like paying from 23-92% more for Obamacare, and you'll enjoy the 65% estates tax she will institute, I didn't work 50 year's to give a fucking socialist hack a third more of what I can leave my family when I'm gone.... Apparently you are one of the low information entitled, that will expect more on the backs of the working!
Unless you have a massive estate, which you most likely don't, estate taxes won't affect you. Furthermore a President cannot enact an estate tax, Einstein, thats the duty of Congress

So you don't have the $3.5 million estate, yes, you're a piece of shit that takes from others, excuse me, steals from others, and takes what you never earned. Do America a favor and move to Cuba, scumbag!
I am sorry to disappoint a well educated guy like you, but Federal estate taxes do not begin, for a married couple, unless the estate is over 10.9 million. Is that about the size of your estate?

Again, she plans to lower it to ,$3.5 million...again showing you have no idea about what these candidates espouse!
She CANNOT lower the estate tax, Einstein. Only Congress can do that
After watching the Obumanation do unconstitutional EO's about immigration, and seeing how feckless the Congress is, it's easy for you socialists to do...fuck the law, as the mulatto said, " I have a pen and phone!"
Are you saying that unaccompanied children are not crossing the border in record numbers?

This is from the Washington Post. Not Drudge, Fox or right wing websites.

Who do you think will be supporting these children? Their parents?

Will their parents be coming later to collect their reward of citizenship?
The number of illegals in this country is lower today than when GWB was President. End od story
Are you saying that unaccompanied children are not crossing the border in record numbers?

This is from the Washington Post. Not Drudge, Fox or right wing websites.

Who do you think will be supporting these children? Their parents?

Will their parents be coming later to collect their reward of citizenship?
The number of illegals in this country is lower today than when GWB was President. End od story
There were 7.8 million when Bush became President.

Roughly there are 11.3 million now.

And they continue to send their children unaccompanied.

No one really knows the "real" total.
There were 12.4 million illegals in 2007, and 11.3 today. Those numbers show us the decline over the past years.
If they are illegals, there is no way of counting them and there are estimates of 30 believe whatever your agenda agrees with!
Estimates of 30 million by who? Rush Limbaugh?

Again showing off your low IQ!!!!!
30 Million Illegal Immigrants in US, Says Mexico's Former Ambassador - ...
Breitbart › big-government › 2015/08/18
Aug 18, 2015 - 30 Million Illegal Immigrants in US, Says Mexico's Former Ambassador. ... I think that 30 million is still a very conservative estimate. One illegal is
Unless you have a massive estate, which you most likely don't, estate taxes won't affect you. Furthermore a President cannot enact an estate tax, Einstein, thats the duty of Congress

So you don't have the $3.5 million estate, yes, you're a piece of shit that takes from others, excuse me, steals from others, and takes what you never earned. Do America a favor and move to Cuba, scumbag!
Unless you have a massive estate, which you most likely don't, estate taxes won't affect you. Furthermore a President cannot enact an estate tax, Einstein, thats the duty of Congress

So you don't have the $3.5 million estate, yes, you're a piece of shit that takes from others, excuse me, steals from others, and takes what you never earned. Do America a favor and move to Cuba, scumbag!
I am sorry to disappoint a well educated guy like you, but Federal estate taxes do not begin, for a married couple, unless the estate is over 10.9 million. Is that about the size of your estate?

Again, she plans to lower it to ,$3.5 million...again showing you have no idea about what these candidates espouse!
She CANNOT lower the estate tax, Einstein. Only Congress can do that
After watching the Obumanation do unconstitutional EO's about immigration, and seeing how feckless the Congress is, it's easy for you socialists to do...fuck the law, as the mulatto said, " I have a pen and phone!"
Maybe its time to admit that you don't know WTF you are talking about.
The number of illegals in this country is lower today than when GWB was President. End od story
The number of illegals in this country is lower today than when GWB was President. End od story
There were 7.8 million when Bush became President.

Roughly there are 11.3 million now.

And they continue to send their children unaccompanied.

No one really knows the "real" total.
There were 12.4 million illegals in 2007, and 11.3 today. Those numbers show us the decline over the past years.
If they are illegals, there is no way of counting them and there are estimates of 30 believe whatever your agenda agrees with!
Estimates of 30 million by who? Rush Limbaugh?

Again showing off your low IQ!!!!!
30 Million Illegal Immigrants in US, Says Mexico's Former Ambassador - ...
Breitbart › big-government › 2015/08/18
Aug 18, 2015 - 30 Million Illegal Immigrants in US, Says Mexico's Former Ambassador. ... I think that 30 million is still a very conservative estimate. One illegal is
If breitbart says it, its gotta be true
There were 7.8 million when Bush became President.

Roughly there are 11.3 million now.

And they continue to send their children unaccompanied.

No one really knows the "real" total.
There were 12.4 million illegals in 2007, and 11.3 today. Those numbers show us the decline over the past years.
If they are illegals, there is no way of counting them and there are estimates of 30 believe whatever your agenda agrees with!
Estimates of 30 million by who? Rush Limbaugh?

Again showing off your low IQ!!!!!
30 Million Illegal Immigrants in US, Says Mexico's Former Ambassador - ...
Breitbart › big-government › 2015/08/18
Aug 18, 2015 - 30 Million Illegal Immigrants in US, Says Mexico's Former Ambassador. ... I think that 30 million is still a very conservative estimate. One illegal is
If breitbart says it, its gotta be true
Do a search asswipe, a few million hits on it!....Im dealing with an idiot that isn't as brilliant as a 25 W bulb! ^ | 10/23/2016 |

Very interesting commentary on the polls.

There are 4 polls showing Trump up. So what was the purpose of the ABC poll showing Hillary up 12 points. The purpose is to lower the RCP average. If they did not do that it would show Trump surging.

If the polls are properly weighted, Trump would be up 6-8 points currently.

When Reagan ran he was up 10 pts going into the election and he won 44 states. For Hillary to be up 12 points she would be winning all 50 states. Not possible.

Dude, seriously. Why do you even care now? Talking about what the polls say, which ones are right, which ones are rigged, etc is all just a bunch of noise. The only poll that matters is less than 3 weeks away. You seem obsessed with these polls. My advice is to ignore the polls and start preparing yourself for President Bulldyke. Then if she loses you will be happy.
Not in my makeup to give up, learned from my father, the truly greatest generation!
You ran away. ^ | 10/23/2016 |

Very interesting commentary on the polls.

There are 4 polls showing Trump up. So what was the purpose of the ABC poll showing Hillary up 12 points. The purpose is to lower the RCP average. If they did not do that it would show Trump surging.

If the polls are properly weighted, Trump would be up 6-8 points currently.

When Reagan ran he was up 10 pts going into the election and he won 44 states. For Hillary to be up 12 points she would be winning all 50 states. Not possible.

Dude, seriously. Why do you even care now? Talking about what the polls say, which ones are right, which ones are rigged, etc is all just a bunch of noise. The only poll that matters is less than 3 weeks away. You seem obsessed with these polls. My advice is to ignore the polls and start preparing yourself for President Bulldyke. Then if she loses you will be happy.
Not in my makeup to give up, learned from my father, the truly greatest generation!
You ran away.
Unlike you who has no work to do, but collect a DNC check, I have other responsibilities!
Yes we are swamped by illegals, including gangs and drugs.

You think it's bad now....wait for another 4 years of he'll if the Beast gets in....We will become like Europe with roving bands of robbers. rapists, and murders....
Not only isn't it bad now, but won't be any worse if Hillary is elected. I am sure you are a typical Trump supporter who believes in the fairytales that he is going to deport 11 million people and spend billions of money he doesn't have on a 2500 mile long wall
Apparently you like paying from 23-92% more for Obamacare, and you'll enjoy the 65% estates tax she will institute, I didn't work 50 year's to give a fucking socialist hack a third more of what I can leave my family when I'm gone.... Apparently you are one of the low information entitled, that will expect more on the backs of the working!
Unless you have a massive estate, which you most likely don't, estate taxes won't affect you. Furthermore a President cannot enact an estate tax, Einstein, thats the duty of Congress

So you don't have the $3.5 million estate, yes, you're a piece of shit that takes from others, excuse me, steals from others, and takes what you never earned. Do America a favor and move to Cuba, scumbag!
You are spittling and making no sense. You don't have three and a half dollars, Vigilante. You simply don't get it. ^ | 10/23/2016 |

Very interesting commentary on the polls.

There are 4 polls showing Trump up. So what was the purpose of the ABC poll showing Hillary up 12 points. The purpose is to lower the RCP average. If they did not do that it would show Trump surging.

If the polls are properly weighted, Trump would be up 6-8 points currently.

When Reagan ran he was up 10 pts going into the election and he won 44 states. For Hillary to be up 12 points she would be winning all 50 states. Not possible.

Dude, seriously. Why do you even care now? Talking about what the polls say, which ones are right, which ones are rigged, etc is all just a bunch of noise. The only poll that matters is less than 3 weeks away. You seem obsessed with these polls. My advice is to ignore the polls and start preparing yourself for President Bulldyke. Then if she loses you will be happy.
Not in my makeup to give up, learned from my father, the truly greatest generation!
You ran away.
Unlike you who has no work to do, but collect a DNC check, I have other responsibilities!
You ran away. I have done well in the world. You have been a taker and a complainer, then you attack others.

Trump is a failure, and none of your lies are going to get him elected.
Are we now being "swamped" by either illegals or terrorists? Have we been these last 8 years?
Yes we are swamped by illegals, including gangs and drugs.
That may be your opinion, but the FACTS tell us that illegal immigration has been declining for years. Why not look up some facts for a change?
Are you saying that unaccompanied children are not crossing the border in record numbers?

This is from the Washington Post. Not Drudge, Fox or right wing websites.

Who do you think will be supporting these children? Their parents?

Will their parents be coming later to collect their reward of citizenship?
The number of illegals in this country is lower today than when GWB was President. End od story
No it is not the end of the story. If Hillary wins and opens the borders what happens? If she imports millions from the middle east what happens? Try finding work, using healthcare, keeping your entitlements, and not getting blown up or run over...
If the moon is cheese, you get fed.

Opens the borders? Are you insane? What kind of mature American adult say something stupid like that?
That may be your opinion, but the FACTS tell us that illegal immigration has been declining for years. Why not look up some facts for a change?

Facts??? They don't need no stinking facts. They go on "feelings". They feel that afraid. They feel that they're losing their country. Don't you get that???? ^ | 10/23/2016 |

Very interesting commentary on the polls.

There are 4 polls showing Trump up. So what was the purpose of the ABC poll showing Hillary up 12 points. The purpose is to lower the RCP average. If they did not do that it would show Trump surging.

If the polls are properly weighted, Trump would be up 6-8 points currently.

When Reagan ran he was up 10 pts going into the election and he won 44 states. For Hillary to be up 12 points she would be winning all 50 states. Not possible.

Dude, seriously. Why do you even care now? Talking about what the polls say, which ones are right, which ones are rigged, etc is all just a bunch of noise. The only poll that matters is less than 3 weeks away. You seem obsessed with these polls. My advice is to ignore the polls and start preparing yourself for President Bulldyke. Then if she loses you will be happy.
Not in my makeup to give up, learned from my father, the truly greatest generation!
You ran away.
Unlike you who has no work to do, but collect a DNC check, I have other responsibilities!
You ran away. I have done well in the world. You have been a taker and a complainer, then you attack others.

Trump is a failure, and none of your lies are going to get him elected.

JakeAss, if your bullshit was money, you'd be the wealthiest communist in the world!
Dude, seriously. Why do you even care now? Talking about what the polls say, which ones are right, which ones are rigged, etc is all just a bunch of noise. The only poll that matters is less than 3 weeks away. You seem obsessed with these polls. My advice is to ignore the polls and start preparing yourself for President Bulldyke. Then if she loses you will be happy.
Not in my makeup to give up, learned from my father, the truly greatest generation!
You ran away.
Unlike you who has no work to do, but collect a DNC check, I have other responsibilities!
You ran away. I have done well in the world. You have been a taker and a complainer, then you attack others.

Trump is a failure, and none of your lies are going to get him elected.

JakeAss, if your bullshit was money, you'd be the wealthiest communist in the world!
You, like trump, are a failure. Accept that fact.
No it is not the end of the story. If Hillary wins and opens the borders what happens? If she imports millions from the middle east what happens? Try finding work, using healthcare, keeping your entitlements, and not getting blown up or run over...

Nowhere has Hillary ever advocated "open borders" - ever. Saying you dream of open borders - yes, in a perfect world there would be no restrictions. But the world will never be that perfect. Hillary is a realist. Trump is not.
No it is not the end of the story. If Hillary wins and opens the borders what happens? If she imports millions from the middle east what happens? Try finding work, using healthcare, keeping your entitlements, and not getting blown up or run over...

Nowhere has Hillary ever advocated "open borders" - ever. Saying you dream of open borders - yes, in a perfect world there would be no restrictions. But the world will never be that perfect. Hillary is a realist. Trump is not.
There are no open borders. That is a crazy's silliness in the open.
Not in my makeup to give up, learned from my father, the truly greatest generation!
You ran away.
Unlike you who has no work to do, but collect a DNC check, I have other responsibilities!
You ran away. I have done well in the world. You have been a taker and a complainer, then you attack others.

Trump is a failure, and none of your lies are going to get him elected.

JakeAss, if your bullshit was money, you'd be the wealthiest communist in the world!
You, like trump, are a failure. Accept that fact.
I should only be worth 1% of that failure, You on the other hand, can't get up enough money for a shit sandwich!
Not in my makeup to give up, learned from my father, the truly greatest generation!
You ran away.
Unlike you who has no work to do, but collect a DNC check, I have other responsibilities!
You ran away. I have done well in the world. You have been a taker and a complainer, then you attack others.

Trump is a failure, and none of your lies are going to get him elected.

JakeAss, if your bullshit was money, you'd be the wealthiest communist in the world!
You, like trump, are a failure. Accept that fact.

Can't make a silk purse out of a JakeAss!

The U.S. Mexico border is wide open | Arizona Daily Independent
Arizona Daily Independent | Arizona's only independent news source › th...
Apr 2, 2014 - For those on the southern border that is a simple truth. ... “They left themwide open and cost me a lot of money and I locked them out then. Over
Do a search asswipe, a few million hits on it!....Im dealing with an idiot that isn't as brilliant as a 25 W bulb!

You're the asswipe - using Breitbart as a source. What a laugh. And the former Mexican Amassador - yes he has access to all of the statistics and information to know how many illegals are in the country because he's Mexican.

You are a alt-right idiot.
One man's opinion, and iti s wrong, same as yours. You would love to live in the guest houses on our properties in Texas and Utah, Vigilante. You have your trailer and nothing more.

Trump is going to lose, and your freeloading is going to end.

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