Sunni man ADMITS the goal of Islam is to take over non Islamic Countries

So you only want Sharia courts for civil matters for Muslims?

The real issue is whether muslim women would be denied the protection of our civil courts because even those courts would have to apply sharia law.

Muslims have the same right to prosetelyze as Christians and persuade converts. The difference between islam and Christianity is that Christianity is a choice. Islam believes that there is only one true God who is the father of us all. Every person is born into islam. At the moment of your birth, you are a muslim. Every person on earth. To reject allah and be a Christian or a Jew, a Hindu, Buddhist, animist, pagan or any other belief system once you are appraised of the true facts of your birth is to be an apostate. There is no comparable belief in Christianity. In non muslim countries if other religions are permitted to exist at all it is not a right but a privilege for which you are taxed.

Islam believes that there is only one true God who is the father of us all.

so do a matter of fact it is supposed to be the God of its the same God....only two different Religions who make it seem like two different Gods....

You are not understanding the basic difference. Christians must accept Christ as their personal Lord and Savior, and be baptized. In islam you are muslim from the moment of birth. You are an apostate the minute you learn the truth of your birth and reject islam. The penalty for apostacy is death.
Can you tell us what some of those comparisons are? when people in the west think of Sharia law they think of Usama Bin Ladens face and beheadings.
Western law has a strong basis in the Ten Commandments of the O.T.

The Quran also includes these same 10 laws that are also part of Sharia Law.

Unfortunately, many muslims and christians disobey or ignore what their Holy Book teaches.
The real issue is whether muslim women would be denied the protection of our civil courts because even those courts would have to apply sharia law.

Muslims have the same right to prosetelyze as Christians and persuade converts. The difference between islam and Christianity is that Christianity is a choice. Islam believes that there is only one true God who is the father of us all. Every person is born into islam. At the moment of your birth, you are a muslim. Every person on earth. To reject allah and be a Christian or a Jew, a Hindu, Buddhist, animist, pagan or any other belief system once you are appraised of the true facts of your birth is to be an apostate. There is no comparable belief in Christianity. In non muslim countries if other religions are permitted to exist at all it is not a right but a privilege for which you are taxed.

Islam believes that there is only one true God who is the father of us all.

so do a matter of fact it is supposed to be the God of its the same God....only two different Religions who make it seem like two different Gods....

The bolded is true however the rest is bullshit, they are not the same God and ive proofed this time and again.

oh Christians dont believe in ONE God?.....and its NOT the God of Abraham?.....go ahead enlighten me.....
Can you tell us what some of those comparisons are? when people in the west think of Sharia law they think of Usama Bin Ladens face and beheadings.
Western law has a strong basis in the Ten Commandments of the O.T.

The Quran also includes these same 10 laws that are also part of Sharia Law.

Unfortunately, many muslims and christians disobey or ignore what their Holy Book teaches.

You mean to say they have their own interpretation of what the Ten Commandments were.

Islam believes that there is only one true God who is the father of us all.

so do a matter of fact it is supposed to be the God of its the same God....only two different Religions who make it seem like two different Gods....

The bolded is true however the rest is bullshit, they are not the same God and ive proofed this time and again.

oh Christians dont believe in ONE God?.....and its NOT the God of Abraham?.....go ahead enlighten me.....

Is your reading comprehension lacking or are you just this dimwitted i saidthat Christians believe only in one true God who is the father of us all, but they are not the same God and ive proven it before.
o my impotent muslim men? sexual attacks...really hollie?

I just wanted to tweak the hateful little twit. He's hurled the lesbian and bull dyke comment on several occasions and I've learned that a tweak brings out the misogynist in the little fellow.
The real issue is whether muslim women would be denied the protection of our civil courts because even those courts would have to apply sharia law.

Muslims have the same right to prosetelyze as Christians and persuade converts. The difference between islam and Christianity is that Christianity is a choice. Islam believes that there is only one true God who is the father of us all. Every person is born into islam. At the moment of your birth, you are a muslim. Every person on earth. To reject allah and be a Christian or a Jew, a Hindu, Buddhist, animist, pagan or any other belief system once you are appraised of the true facts of your birth is to be an apostate. There is no comparable belief in Christianity. In non muslim countries if other religions are permitted to exist at all it is not a right but a privilege for which you are taxed.

Islam believes that there is only one true God who is the father of us all.

so do a matter of fact it is supposed to be the God of its the same God....only two different Religions who make it seem like two different Gods....

The bolded is true however the rest is bullshit, they are not the same God and ive proofed this time and again.

actually, it is true. that doesn't mean they're worshipped in the same way.

and the word is 'proven' or 'prooved', depending on the context.

proofed is reviewed/edited
Can you tell us what some of those comparisons are? when people in the west think of Sharia law they think of Usama Bin Ladens face and beheadings.
Western law has a strong basis in the Ten Commandments of the O.T.

The Quran also includes these same 10 laws that are also part of Sharia Law.

Unfortunately, many muslims and christians disobey or ignore what their Holy Book teaches.
Largely false. The problem is that moslems actuallly do follow the manifesto of the god of islam: a 7th century Arab warlord.

Islam believes that there is only one true God who is the father of us all.

so do a matter of fact it is supposed to be the God of its the same God....only two different Religions who make it seem like two different Gods....

The bolded is true however the rest is bullshit, they are not the same God and ive proofed this time and again.

actually, it is true. that doesn't mean they're worshipped in the same way.

and the word is 'proven' or 'prooved', depending on the context.

proofed is reviewed/edited

Yeah the word is proven or proved haven't slept yet, but no they aren't the same.
Largely false. The problem is that moslems actuallly do follow the manifesto of the god of islam: a 7th century Arab warlord.

You mean as opposed to that of an illiterate carpenter?

If you want to attack a religion (and why you would want to, I have no idea) I think you need to find something a bit more relevent than what century it began in.
Largely false. The problem is that moslems actuallly do follow the manifesto of the god of islam: a 7th century Arab warlord.

You mean as opposed to that of an illiterate carpenter?

If you want to attack a religion (and why you would want to, I have no idea) I think you need to find something a bit more relevent than what century it began in.

A stupid non-response, as usual.
Largely false. The problem is that moslems actuallly do follow the manifesto of the god of islam: a 7th century Arab warlord.

You mean as opposed to that of an illiterate carpenter?

If you want to attack a religion (and why you would want to, I have no idea) I think you need to find something a bit more relevent than what century it began in.

A stupid non-response, as usual.

It's actually quite understandable. It is something a muslim would say. It's one of the reasons muslims are quite secure in the US someday being an islamic state.

It's a marvel to watch the US slip into islamization and the assistance islam gets from liberals. Denying Christ's divinity is the first step to conversion. Liberals think it's the first step towards secularization.
Naw, I was born here and have no desire to live in any foreign country.

So I will just work day and night in order to try and help my country embrace Islam and Sharia Law.

It's the most patriotic thing I can do during these tuff social and hard economic times. :cool:

I don't care if you embrace superstitious beliefs or a code of ethics that you personally follow.
Denying Christ's divinity is the first step to conversion. .

I deny Christ's divinity - although I am more than happy for you to feel otherwise.

I don't see my denial of Christ's divinity has any more to do with Islam than it does with Buddhism - it's just not my religion of choice. I am not religious, btw.

Arte -

Please try and maintain a little dignity. I don't see you posts or read your posts, and stalking me won't change that.
Largely false. The problem is that moslems actuallly do follow the manifesto of the god of islam: a 7th century Arab warlord.

You mean as opposed to that of an illiterate carpenter?

If you want to attack a religion (and why you would want to, I have no idea) I think you need to find something a bit more relevent than what century it began in.

It is an indictment of islamism that it has never been able to move beyond its 7th century origins.

Moslems were—and still are—thoroughly outraged that the infidel dared to interrupt the Islamic pogrom of expansionism that was accompanied by murder, rapine, and ultimately, subjugation of any infidel society within reach. Moslems have kept this indignant grudge smoldering for 800 years.

Christianity, as we know, met with reform and enlightenment. In short, it grew up and Abrahamic principles were instrumental in shaping social climate which fostered the freedoms, science, and prosperity of Western civilization. Islam, on the other hand, has not managed a similar enlightenment and reformation. Islam's holy warriors still fancy themselves to be fighting the Christian invaders in the name of their deity. To this day, the wounded adolescent pride of islamist holy warriors is still seething for revenge. In God's name, of course.

Islam is only 1400 years old, and behaves precisely like a 1400 year old religion has been known to behave. Christianity and Judaism were violent religious entities when they were 1400 years old too, still too throttled by superstition and “us vs. them” mentalities. Christianity has mellowed on its, we’re right, you die now”, mentality about 500 years ago. Judaism, over 2000 years ago (but Judaism is far older than Christianity or Islam). Islam is just ramping up into that phase. All religions go through this, much to the pain and suffering of those innocents unlucky enough to be around them.
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