Sunni man ADMITS the goal of Islam is to take over non Islamic Countries

Especially as it applies to women, I am at a disadvantage in a sharia court simply because of my gender. In a male dominated and parochial society, I would have little expectation of equal representation in a sharia.
I don't see why this issue bothers you soo much?

You are Not a muslim women; so your civil problems would never be judged in a Sharia Court.

You are just flailing away about something that has zero to do with you. :cool:

Your apparent denigrating attitudes toward women are no secret. It's a matter of equal rights under the law that you refuse to consider. Throughout the islamist Muddle East, attitudes such as yours are a huge engine of inertia to keep half the population chained to the Dark Ages mindset your politico-religious ideology has never emerged from.

What is the pathology that afflicts you such that you must keep women subservient and deserving of lesser rights? Could it be the manifesto of a 7th century Arab warlord?
Especially as it applies to women, I am at a disadvantage in a sharia court simply because of my gender. In a male dominated and parochial society, I would have little expectation of equal representation in a sharia.
I don't see why this issue bothers you soo much?

You are Not a muslim women; so your civil problems would never be judged in a Sharia Court.

You are just flailing away about something that has zero to do with you. :cool:

So you only want Sharia courts for civil matters for Muslims?

The real issue is whether muslim women would be denied the protection of our civil courts because even those courts would have to apply sharia law.

Muslims have the same right to prosetelyze as Christians and persuade converts. The difference between islam and Christianity is that Christianity is a choice. Islam believes that there is only one true God who is the father of us all. Every person is born into islam. At the moment of your birth, you are a muslim. Every person on earth. To reject allah and be a Christian or a Jew, a Hindu, Buddhist, animist, pagan or any other belief system once you are appraised of the true facts of your birth is to be an apostate. There is no comparable belief in Christianity. In non muslim countries if other religions are permitted to exist at all it is not a right but a privilege for which you are taxed.
Lebensraum with a religious twist. No wonder they proved to be such kindred souls during WWII, ie The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem had high hopes of making his dramatic re entry into that city by hitching a ride in the back of Rommel's baggage cart. Unfortunately for him, the General suffered some alterations in his travel plans, courtesy of the British Eighth Army.
You can't have it both ways either they have fewer rights or they don't and if they had just as many rights as in secular law then there is no way they would be "different" as you put it.
I will give you one example.

In secular civil court when there is a divorce; it is basically a given that the mother will be awarded the children.

But in sharia court the mother is awarded the children if they are younger (under 10 years of age)

And the father is awarded the children if they are older.

Because we feel that a younger child needs their mother and an older child needs the influence of the father.

Thus both parents have rights; but they are different under sharia law than secular civil law.
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Pale Rider -

No, I'm not ignorant - I'm just better informed than you are.

I suggest you check how Sharia law is working in the UK, and let me know whay your concerns are then.

In reality there are as many variations as to what Sharia Law means as there are countries which use it, but of the 20 or so countries which do use it, only in 4 does it actually mean the kind of sinsiter, draconian stone age punishments that we would all fight against.

Even in most muslim countries, it is largely used not for ciminal, contract or civil law, but to settle divorces, inheritances etc.

Your facts seem correct to me. Here we only allow "Kosher" labeling on foods if a Rabbi verifies it. Same with Halal and Zabiah labeling, which must be processed according to Islamic law, and certified by some Islamic authority. In all these cases, the USDA nor the FDA, will do such certification, but require that some religious authority confirm it before it can be put on the label.

Dick if you dont mind me asking....where is here?...
Sunni Man, you should start a thread about Sharia Finance and how it's superior to American Finance, especially when you buy a house.

I know I know! I'm supposed to enjoy paying $300,000 for my $175,000 house but there IS a better way if we throw of the Bankers.

Some of you think it's "Patriotic" to get f*cked by a Bank. Well I don't.
You can't have it both ways either they have fewer rights or they don't and if they had just as many rights as in secular law then there is no way they would be "different" as you put it.
I will give you one example.

In secular civil court when there is a divorce; it is basically a given that the mother will be awarded the children.

But in sharia court the mother is awarded the children if they are younger (under 10 years of age)

And the father is awarded the children if they are older.

Because we feel that a younger child needs their mother and an older child needs the influence of the father.

Thus both parents have rights; but they are different under sharia law than secular civil law.

In other words the childs welfare isn't even considered in the matter.
Sunni Man, you should start a thread about Sharia Finance and how it's superior to American Finance, especially when you buy a house.

I know I know! I'm supposed to enjoy paying $300,000 for my $175,000 house but there IS a better way if we throw of the Bankers.

Some of you think it's "Patriotic" to get f*cked by a Bank. Well I don't.

I thought that was called Islamic banking?
You can't have it both ways either they have fewer rights or they don't and if they had just as many rights as in secular law then there is no way they would be "different" as you put it.
I will give you one example.

In secular civil court when there is a divorce; it is basically a given that the mother will be awarded the children.

But in sharia court the mother is awarded the children if they are younger (under 10 years of age)

And the father is awarded the children if they are older.

Because we feel that a younger child needs their mother and an older child needs the influence of the father.

Thus both parents have rights; but they are different under sharia law than secular civil law.

No, it's because it's easier to train older children how to shoulder an AK-47.:badgrin:
What is the pathology that afflicts you such that you must keep women subservient and deserving of lesser rights?
Muslim women have equal rights in comparison to western women.

But they are just in a different legal frame work.

Question: why are lesbians like you so worked up about what muslim women should and shouldn't do?
if you read the christian allows you to sell your daughter as a can take slaves as long as they are from another tribe...slaves should not rise up against their should not have sex till 7 days after a woman stops bleeding.....the list just goes on and on....both are oppressive to women...
thats the Old Testament Bones.....i was always told after Jesus came on the scene it became just that ....Old....the New Testament takes Precedence....just what i was taught...
Sunni Man, you should start a thread about Sharia Finance and how it's superior to American Finance, especially when you buy a house.

I know I know! I'm supposed to enjoy paying $300,000 for my $175,000 house but there IS a better way if we throw of the Bankers.

Some of you think it's "Patriotic" to get f*cked by a Bank. Well I don't.

How much do you think you paid for your house? Sharia finance is a mathematical subtrefuge under which you pay the same amount for a house that you would pay if you had paid off a loan with interest, only you don't pay interest, it's called something other than interest. It's still interest on the loan. It's a financial flim flam with the same outcome under a different name.
What is the pathology that afflicts you such that you must keep women subservient and deserving of lesser rights?
Muslim women have equal rights in comparison to western women.

But they are just in a different legal frame work.

Question: why are lesbians like you so worked up about what muslim women should and shouldn't do?

Both parties would have to agree for the case to be filed under Sharia law right? what if the woman says no or something?
You can't have it both ways either they have fewer rights or they don't and if they had just as many rights as in secular law then there is no way they would be "different" as you put it.
I will give you one example.

In secular civil court when there is a divorce; it is basically a given that the mother will be awarded the children.

But in sharia court the mother is awarded the children if they are younger (under 10 years of age)

And the father is awarded the children if they are older.

Because we feel that a younger child needs their mother and an older child needs the influence of the father.

Thus both parents have rights; but they are different under sharia law than secular civil law.

No, it's because it's easier to train older children how to shoulder an AK-47.:badgrin:

Well don't forget that we have to start their indoctrinations early or it may not hold, tell the girls their inferior yadda yadda and the men that their superior yadda yadda and Christians are deceivers and Israel is the devil :cuckoo:
if you read the christian allows you to sell your daughter as a can take slaves as long as they are from another tribe...slaves should not rise up against their should not have sex till 7 days after a woman stops bleeding.....the list just goes on and on....both are oppressive to women...
thats the Old Testament Bones.....i was always told after Jesus came on the scene it became just that ....Old....the New Testament takes Precedence....just what i was taught...

Non Christians, like muslims, deny Christ. To the non Christian, there is no such thing as the New Testament. It never happened.
Pale Rider -

No, I'm not ignorant - I'm just better informed than you are.

I suggest you check how Sharia law is working in the UK, and let me know whay your concerns are then.

In reality there are as many variations as to what Sharia Law means as there are countries which use it, but of the 20 or so countries which do use it, only in 4 does it actually mean the kind of sinsiter, draconian stone age punishments that we would all fight against.

Even in most muslim countries, it is largely used not for ciminal, contract or civil law, but to settle divorces, inheritances etc.

Your facts seem correct to me. Here we only allow "Kosher" labeling on foods if a Rabbi verifies it. Same with Halal and Zabiah labeling, which must be processed according to Islamic law, and certified by some Islamic authority. In all these cases, the USDA nor the FDA, will do such certification, but require that some religious authority confirm it before it can be put on the label.

Yes, that is my take on it, too.

We just have to make sure any Sharia decision operates within the limits of our existing civil rights legislation, and then I don't see any major problems.

Sharia is inherently contrary to the basis of Western civil law. are aware the native americans opt out of the western justice system....on reservations...they have their own laws and courts
I grew up in Oklahoma where Indian Tribal Courts are the norm on the reservation; Comanche, Apache, Kiowa, Seminole, and others, each have their own courts.

Heaven help you if you are a white man and are trying to use the Tribal Courts to bring a case against an Indian.

Your chance of winning your case is between zero and none. :(

thats because the White Man speaks with Forked Tongue.....:D
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Both parties would have to agree for the case to be filed under Sharia law right? what if the woman says no or something?

It's a lot like an abitration hearing where both parties have agreed to abide to the arbiters final judgement.

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