Sunni man ADMITS the goal of Islam is to take over non Islamic Countries are aware the native americans opt out of the western justice system....on reservations...they have their own laws and courts
I grew up in Oklahoma where Indian Tribal Courts are the norm on the reservation; Comanche, Apache, Kiowa, Seminole, and others, each have their own courts.

Heaven help you if you are a white man and are trying to use the Tribal Courts to bring a case against an Indian.

Your chance of winning your case is between zero and none. :(

thats because the White speaks with Forked Tongue.....:D

What about us white devil red skin mixtures :eek:
My only concern would be if women were somehow worse off from the Sharia judgement than they would have been that of a standard court - I think that needs to be guarded against.
A muslim woman is better off going to a Sharia Court than a standard Civil Court.

Because her concerns will be addressed and judged according to Sharia; basically the Quran and Hadith; thus the outcome will be in line with Islam and not some bogus made up Western secular law. :cool:

Possibly...but as in Islam it is easier for a man to divorce a woman than the other way around, we do need to ensure that a woman's legal right to divorce her husband is maintained.

Sharia 'courts' can not allow people to opt out of national law, even if they choose to do so.

That is what these sharia "courts" are all about: rejecting Western fundamental principles and norms.
Hollie -

I really have no idea what you are talking about.

Surely the fact that Sharia Courts can operate in western socities, and generally do so smoothly and without major clashes, proves that it is NOT stuck in the 7th century?

Again, only 4 of the 18 Islamic countries operate Sharia Law in anything like the form used in the 7th century. Those 4 countries are stuck in a time warp, but the great majority of countries moved on naturally and in their own time years ago.

btw, the Courts in Britain are not Courts in the full sense of the word. It's more like an arbitration process, but they can not pass legal judgements, only provide advice and suggestions - at least that is how I understand it.

You don't understand it and you don't try to understand it. You just lie, as usual.
I don't see why this issue bothers you soo much?

You are Not a muslim women; so your civil problems would never be judged in a Sharia Court.

You are just flailing away about something that has zero to do with you. :cool:

So you only want Sharia courts for civil matters for Muslims?

The real issue is whether muslim women would be denied the protection of our civil courts because even those courts would have to apply sharia law.

Muslims have the same right to prosetelyze as Christians and persuade converts. The difference between islam and Christianity is that Christianity is a choice. Islam believes that there is only one true God who is the father of us all. Every person is born into islam. At the moment of your birth, you are a muslim. Every person on earth. To reject allah and be a Christian or a Jew, a Hindu, Buddhist, animist, pagan or any other belief system once you are appraised of the true facts of your birth is to be an apostate. There is no comparable belief in Christianity. In non muslim countries if other religions are permitted to exist at all it is not a right but a privilege for which you are taxed.

Islam believes that there is only one true God who is the father of us all.

so do a matter of fact it is supposed to be the God of its the same God....only two different Religions who make it seem like two different Gods....
I will give you one example.

In secular civil court when there is a divorce; it is basically a given that the mother will be awarded the children.

But in sharia court the mother is awarded the children if they are younger (under 10 years of age)

And the father is awarded the children if they are older.

Because we feel that a younger child needs their mother and an older child needs the influence of the father.

Thus both parents have rights; but they are different under sharia law than secular civil law.

No, it's because it's easier to train older children how to shoulder an AK-47.:badgrin:

Well don't forget that we have to start their indoctrinations early or it may not hold, tell the girls their inferior yadda yadda and the men that their superior yadda yadda and Christians are deceivers and Israel is the devil :cuckoo:

Oh, Rest assured... I haven't forgotten that at all.
Sharia is inherently contrary to the basis of Western civil law.
Not really.

Western Law is based on Judeo Christian values and norms.

Islam is also based on Judaism and Christian teachings.

So there is a lot of simularities between Western Law and Sharia Law.

In fact, much more that you care to admit. :cool:
Sharia is inherently contrary to the basis of Western civil law.
Not really.

Western Law is based on Judeo Christian values and norms.

Islam is also based on Judaism and Christian teachings.

So there is a lot of simularities between Western Law and Sharia Law.

In fact, much more that you care to admit. :cool:

Can you tell us what some of those comparisons are? when people in the west think of Sharia law they think of Usama Bin Ladens face and beheadings.
So you only want Sharia courts for civil matters for Muslims?

The real issue is whether muslim women would be denied the protection of our civil courts because even those courts would have to apply sharia law.

Muslims have the same right to prosetelyze as Christians and persuade converts. The difference between islam and Christianity is that Christianity is a choice. Islam believes that there is only one true God who is the father of us all. Every person is born into islam. At the moment of your birth, you are a muslim. Every person on earth. To reject allah and be a Christian or a Jew, a Hindu, Buddhist, animist, pagan or any other belief system once you are appraised of the true facts of your birth is to be an apostate. There is no comparable belief in Christianity. In non muslim countries if other religions are permitted to exist at all it is not a right but a privilege for which you are taxed.

Islam believes that there is only one true God who is the father of us all.

so do a matter of fact it is supposed to be the God of its the same God....only two different Religions who make it seem like two different Gods....

The bolded is true however the rest is bullshit, they are not the same God and ive proofed this time and again.
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As I said earlier, it is essential that we maintain our codes of civil rights, and not allow people to opt out of them, even if they choose to.

I think it needs to be clear to everyone working around Sharia courts that womens rights are enshrined within secular law, and Sharia courts need to work within those laws.
The whole idea of Sharia Courts is to allow muslim people; both men and women, to opt out secular laws and judgements.

That is fine - but disenfranchising women through lousy divorce settlements is not fine.

From my point of view, Sharia courts are welcome here, but only inasmuch as the rights of women are guaranteed to be just as they would in a secular court.

Yes, we know you support muslim extremists.
if you read the christian allows you to sell your daughter as a can take slaves as long as they are from another tribe...slaves should not rise up against their should not have sex till 7 days after a woman stops bleeding.....the list just goes on and on....both are oppressive to women...
thats the Old Testament Bones.....i was always told after Jesus came on the scene it became just that ....Old....the New Testament takes Precedence....just what i was taught...

Non Christians, like muslims, deny Christ. To the non Christian, there is no such thing as the New Testament. It never happened.

well no shit....if your not a Christian why would you take the Bible seriously? post concerned the difference between the Old Testament as compared to the New....nothing more....
What is the pathology that afflicts you such that you must keep women subservient and deserving of lesser rights?
Muslim women have equal rights in comparison to western women.

But they are just in a different legal frame work.

Question: why are lesbians like you so worked up about what muslim women should and shouldn't do?

I see. So women have rights that are equal, just different. Rights are the same, just different. Such nonsense.

Does the denigration of women appeal to the fragile ego of impotent Moslem men?
I grew up in Oklahoma where Indian Tribal Courts are the norm on the reservation; Comanche, Apache, Kiowa, Seminole, and others, each have their own courts.

Heaven help you if you are a white man and are trying to use the Tribal Courts to bring a case against an Indian.

Your chance of winning your case is between zero and none. :(

thats because the White speaks with Forked Tongue.....:D

What about us white devil red skin mixtures :eek:

you mean like Chuck Norris?....
If you're going to come and live in a Western country you have to accept the law of the land. The idea of having different law systems for peeple according to their religion is repugnant and anti-democratic.

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