Sunni man ADMITS the goal of Islam is to take over non Islamic Countries

Who are those moderate moslems? .

They are the 95%+ of ordinary Muslims right around the world.

People who aren't terrorists, who don't support terrorists, and who just live ordinary lives as practising Muslims.

I know these people exist, because I have spent significant periods of my life in Muslim countries talking to people like them, but I appreciate they don't get a lot of TV time.

Islam is not your enemy - extremism is. And there are extremists in many religions.

In every nation that now has muslim extremism, that extremism was voted in, overwhelmingly voted in. It was just voted in Egypt to have fundamental islamic rule. When threatened with extremism why do moderate muslims vote for it rather than reject it?

The rationale that muslims use to reason away extremism may be something that the western mind just can't understand.

I am speaking of the term "moderate Muslim", in Islam you have to either follow all of Islam or none, you can't pick and choose what pieces you like. This is what I heard from the mouths of Muslims themselves, I am not saying it is a good or bad thing but you can verify with the Muslims on this board like Sunni Man for instance, you have to be all in when it comes to Islam. Now I know there are Muslims who drink, eat pork etc. and there is a quite a few who do that, not every Muslim is a religious fanatic but if you talk to a religious Muslim they will tell you, you can't just have some Islam, has to be all.

I do agree with that - but I think it is also a sign that Islam has moved onwards that most Muslims these days do not take the religion too literally.

Most Muslims I have met do not drink or eat pork, but neither do they rush off to do the Haj each year. They pray, but they aren't terrbly interested in Jihad.

I think it's largely a question of human nature that most people are moderate about most things. People want good jobs, a nice home, and a nice school for their kids. Not everyone wants to be a firebrand in any society or religion.

I have met alot of Muslims who drink, fornicate with women, eat pork and go to strip clubs, if you got to a strip club next to a big university alot of their high paying patrons are from countries like Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Oman, UAE, etc etc but of course when they go home after their studies they conform back to an Islamic life style and stop with the booze and women, they have to behave when they are around other strict Muslims. I think alot of the "moderate" Muslims have the same problems.

One of the remarkable things about the book and later movie "Not Without My Daughter" based on a true experience is how easily the moderate muslim huband slipped into fundamentalism once in his home country. When moderates come here, they can be as French, British, American, as anyone, and once in thier own communities are very different people.
I have met alot of Muslims who drink, fornicate with women, eat pork and go to strip clubs, if you got to a strip club next to a big university alot of their high paying patrons are from countries like Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Oman, UAE, etc etc but of course when they go home after their studies they conform back to an Islamic life style and stop with the booze and women, they have to behave when they are around other strict Muslims. I think alot of the "moderate" Muslims have the same problems.

You just described Beirut!
Just like Evanglical Christians; I want the laws changed to reflect my religious beliefs; just the same as they do.

Just to pick your brain...

Why do you want public laws changed to reflect your personal religious beliefs?

In other words, if you don't like pork and can't eat it due to religious restrictions - fine (don't eat it) - but what satisfaction do you draw from making it so that everyone can't eat the pork as well?
I do agree with that - but I think it is also a sign that Islam has moved onwards that most Muslims these days do not take the religion too literally.

Most Muslims I have met do not drink or eat pork, but neither do they rush off to do the Haj each year. They pray, but they aren't terrbly interested in Jihad.

I think it's largely a question of human nature that most people are moderate about most things. People want good jobs, a nice home, and a nice school for their kids. Not everyone wants to be a firebrand in any society or religion.

I have met alot of Muslims who drink, fornicate with women, eat pork and go to strip clubs, if you got to a strip club next to a big university alot of their high paying patrons are from countries like Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Oman, UAE, etc etc but of course when they go home after their studies they conform back to an Islamic life style and stop with the booze and women, they have to behave when they are around other strict Muslims. I think alot of the "moderate" Muslims have the same problems.

One of the remarkable things about the book and later movie "Not Without My Daughter" based on a true experience is how easily the moderate muslim huband slipped into fundamentalism once in his home country. When moderates come here, they can be as French, British, American, as anyone, and once in thier own communities are very different people.

Well the expectations placed on them are severe, especially by their own families. For example a Muslim that parties, drinks alcohol and motor boats strippers at a Gentelemans club cannot act that way when he returns to Kuwait, he will be outcast. When the student returns from his studies abroad he is expected to get a job, marry a Muslima most of the time already picked out by the family and start his life, party time is over.
I have met alot of Muslims who drink, fornicate with women, eat pork and go to strip clubs, if you got to a strip club next to a big university alot of their high paying patrons are from countries like Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Oman, UAE, etc etc but of course when they go home after their studies they conform back to an Islamic life style and stop with the booze and women, they have to behave when they are around other strict Muslims. I think alot of the "moderate" Muslims have the same problems.

You just described Beirut!

Never been, but I heard the night life there is amazing.
I have met alot of Muslims who drink, fornicate with women, eat pork and go to strip clubs, if you got to a strip club next to a big university alot of their high paying patrons are from countries like Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Oman, UAE, etc etc but of course when they go home after their studies they conform back to an Islamic life style and stop with the booze and women, they have to behave when they are around other strict Muslims. I think alot of the "moderate" Muslims have the same problems.

You just described Beirut!

Never been, but I heard the night life there is amazing.

It was...not so sure how it is now.

I wasn't there in the days of legend, when it was one of the great jazz cities in the world. People say it was like Havana...decadent, beautiful and very, very secretive.
In every nation that now has muslim extremism, that extremism was voted in, overwhelmingly voted in. .

What absolute nonsense!

When was extremism voted in in Malaysia? In Indonesia? In Jordan? In Turkey?

They aren't extremist either. Not yet. In Iraq, extremism was defeated, except the people want it too much. Same with Afghanistan. We just saw the victory of extremism in Egypt.

When muslims get to make a political decision, to vote for, or reject, islamic extremism they vote for it. Where they can't vote for it, they fight for it, in France, Britian, India and Sweden. Malaysia and now Thailand is gripped by extremist terrorism.

If in fact, the extremists are outnumbered by the moderates, then the extremists retain the ability to drag the moderates along with only minor complaint and almost no resistence.
You just described Beirut!

Never been, but I heard the night life there is amazing.

It was...not so sure how it is now.

I wasn't there in the days of legend, when it was one of the great jazz cities in the world. People say it was like Havana...decadent, beautiful and very, very secretive.

I hear the night life is still superb, but I would never got there as long as it is a Hezbollah strong hold. As a former American Military member I just wouldn't feel safe.
You just described Beirut!

Never been, but I heard the night life there is amazing.

It was...not so sure how it is now.

I wasn't there in the days of legend, when it was one of the great jazz cities in the world. People say it was like Havana...decadent, beautiful and very, very secretive.

Lebanon used to be s Jewel with offerings that made it the Monte Carlo of the middle east. It was Christian country in those days. Almost no one today knows that Lebanon used to be a Christian nation.
Never been, but I heard the night life there is amazing.

It was...not so sure how it is now.

I wasn't there in the days of legend, when it was one of the great jazz cities in the world. People say it was like Havana...decadent, beautiful and very, very secretive.

Lebanon used to be s Jewel with offerings that made it the Monte Carlo of the middle east. It was Christian country in those days. Almost no one today knows that Lebanon used to be a Christian nation.

Syria used to be a Christian nation as was Egypt at one point I think.

We have had this discussion before and been told it just isn't true. That there is no effort by Islam to convert other Countries, that there is no danger that Islam would create a climate where Western Democracies were converted to Sharia law and no longer democratic at all.

I have told you all that Islam preaches that it must take over the planet. That is it's goal. Islam believes that all the world must be Islamic. And they do not believe in separation of Church and State. Islam teaches that Allah must run every thing including the Government.

There are two schools of thought on how to achieve this goal. One is that they must just bide their time and allow their birth rate and monolithic approach to convert those Countries currently not Islamic. The second is that by violence they can achieve more quickly the goal.

Sunni man has admitted to us at last that HIS goal and that of his religion is the overthrow of the democratic Government of the US and replace it with Islamic rule and Sharia law.

Oh, so one asshole represents or speaks for an entire religion or group of people? Does Don Black speak for all white people? Does Farrakhan speak for all black people?
Of course not. White liberals speak for all black people.

LOL, that was funny .
If you want to be governed by a 7th century theocratic code that was the invention of an Arab Warlord, why not move to where those conditions already exist?

Are you an American? Do you believe in a person's first Amendment rights? Do you believe that people should be able to practice their religion? Why should he move to another country when he's free to practice his religion in THIS COUNTRY?
Yes, he can do that.

He can't, however, legislate his religion, as he says he wants to do.

He certainly has the right to try to do it. I don't see anything illegal with his advocacy.
Are you an American? Do you believe in a person's first Amendment rights? Do you believe that people should be able to practice their religion? Why should he move to another country when he's free to practice his religion in THIS COUNTRY?
Yes, he can do that.

He can't, however, legislate his religion, as he says he wants to do.

He certainly has the right to try to do it. I don't see anything illegal with his advocacy.

Once you legislate religion doesn't that go against the separation of Church and State?:confused:
Yes, he can do that.

He can't, however, legislate his religion, as he says he wants to do.

He certainly has the right to try to do it. I don't see anything illegal with his advocacy.

Once you legislate religion doesn't that go against the separation of Church and State?:confused:

I'm not a religious person and I don't want a theocracy in the very least. My main point is that he has the right to advocate having a theocracy because he's covered by the First Amendment. Many people who are of the Christian persuasion vote for candidates who express their Christianity. Look at many of the republican Presidential candidates in the primaries, most of them with the exception of Ron Paul, made it a point to express their "strong" religious beliefs. Santorum is one of them and Rick Perry is another.


Gov. Perry is the most pro-life governor Texas has ever had and has implemented a number of significant reforms to protect life and strengthen Texas families across our state.

Banning Embryonic Stem Cell Research
Protecting Traditional Marriage
Promoting Adoption"

One can argue that the above is "legislating" his (Rick Perry) religious beliefs. The DOMA is another one of those in my opinion.
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Pale Rider -

No, I'm not ignorant - I'm just better informed than you are.

I suggest you check how Sharia law is working in the UK, and let me know whay your concerns are then.

In reality there are as many variations as to what Sharia Law means as there are countries which use it, but of the 20 or so countries which do use it, only in 4 does it actually mean the kind of sinsiter, draconian stone age punishments that we would all fight against.

Even in most muslim countries, it is largely used not for ciminal, contract or civil law, but to settle divorces, inheritances etc.

Your facts seem correct to me. Here we only allow "Kosher" labeling on foods if a Rabbi verifies it. Same with Halal and Zabiah labeling, which must be processed according to Islamic law, and certified by some Islamic authority. In all these cases, the USDA nor the FDA, will do such certification, but require that some religious authority confirm it before it can be put on the label.

Dick if you dont mind me asking....where is here?...

The USA. Go look up the USDA labeling regulations. That's how it's done. The government doesn't certify Kosher or Halal, but does enforce labeling. The certification is done by some religious authority.
The bolded is true however the rest is bullshit, they are not the same God and ive proofed this time and again.

oh Christians dont believe in ONE God?.....and its NOT the God of Abraham?.....go ahead enlighten me.....

Is your reading comprehension lacking or are you just this dimwitted i saidthat Christians believe only in one true God who is the father of us all, but they are not the same God and ive proven it before.

well yours must be even worse than mine.......
someone said this.....
Islam believes that there is only one true God who is the father of us all.

......i said this in response....

so do a matter of fact it is supposed to be the God of its the same God....only two different Religions who make it seem like two different Gods....
you then said.....

The bolded is true however the rest is bullshit,

so....if the rest is Bullshit.....then your saying Christians dont believe in one God....because i said they do in the Non-Bolded part of the original make up your fucking mind......and as far as them worshipping the same God you cant prove shit.....its all up to how each person interprets the Religions.....i can show you a page right now with 20 different answers to that.....

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