Sunni man ADMITS the goal of Islam is to take over non Islamic Countries

Bripat -

Sharia law IS available in the UK. I had thought you might prefer to go and find this info yourself, but obviously not...

BBC News - Growing use of Sharia by UK Muslims

An estimated 85 Sharia councils could be operating in Britain, according to a 2009 report by the think tank Civitas.

Several bodies like the Islamic Sharia Council have seen a large increase in their cases in the past five years.

''Our cases have easily more than tripled over the past three to five years," says Sheikh al-Haddad.

''On average, every month we can deal with anything from 200 to 300 cases. A few years ago it was just a small fraction of that.
]We are absolutely fine with having high birth rates and large families. Because it increases our demographics; especially in non muslim countries.

Of course you are. State welfare benefits will assist in caring for the litters upon litters that moslems produce. The problem becomes that society as a whole is not responsible for providing unlimited welfare benefits to people who don't contribute to that society.

I understand that you're just hoping to be provocative but is really is and, should be, humiliating to confront the perception of moslems being as swarms of locusts.

Oh my. I've rattled sunni man again. he's back to leaving insulting comments with negative repping. What's the issue sunni man? Is your impotent moslem male ego under assault?
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Sharia will never be imposed in this country. That's one reason we have the 2nd Amendment: to insure that your ilk doesn't get your way.
Actually, the 2nd Amendment was added in case the government became oppressive against its citizens.

And not for idiots like you to take up arms against their fellow citizens. :cuckoo:

No, it wasn't. It's purpose was to insure the individual states had the capacity to raise a militia. Taking up arms against the government is the definition, in the Constitution, of treason.
Of course you are. State welfare benefits will assist in caring for the litters upon litters that moslems produce. The problem becomes that society as a whole is not responsible for providing unlimited welfare benefits to people who don't contribute to that society.
Oh my.....your are quite the little racist. Is it all dark skin people you feel this way about? or just the muslim darkies?? :cool:

Just curious Hollie, what do they say at your local KKK meeting about blacks who are on welfare and have "litters upon litters" as you term it?

All of the muslim people that I know are gainfully employed or own their own business. And do not depend on government hand outs like many other ethnic groups do.

btw Ever ride in a taxi ?? :badgrin:
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Bripat -

Sharia law IS available in the UK. I had thought you might prefer to go and find this info yourself, but obviously not...

BBC News - Growing use of Sharia by UK Muslims

An estimated 85 Sharia councils could be operating in Britain, according to a 2009 report by the think tank Civitas.

Several bodies like the Islamic Sharia Council have seen a large increase in their cases in the past five years.

''Our cases have easily more than tripled over the past three to five years," says Sheikh al-Haddad.

''On average, every month we can deal with anything from 200 to 300 cases. A few years ago it was just a small fraction of that.

Obviously you didn't quote the whole article, because it goes on to detail that these courts have no legal standing whatsoever; that many women's groups vehemently oppose them; and that their are calls for outlawing them.

You are a total fraud.

Leaders like this would be impotent without followers. Maybe we could decrease the amount of followers if we stopped thinking that the world belonged to us, if we stopped telling others what to do, if we stopped blowing the shit out of other sovereign countries, if we stopped killing innocents in the process. If we gave these people a peaceful, inspiring, alternative vision.

No, it's not "our fault". But we are not helping things, and the keyboard commandos simply refuse to admit that.

News flash, Skippy: They hate infidels. It's programmed into them. Being nice simply won't make a difference.
My only concern would be if women were somehow worse off from the Sharia judgement than they would have been that of a standard court - I think that needs to be guarded against.
A muslim woman is better off going to a Sharia Court than a standard Civil Court.

Because her concerns will be addressed and judged according to Sharia; basically the Quran and Hadith; thus the outcome will be in line with Islam and not some bogus made up Western secular law. :cool:
Unfortunately for her, Sharia considers her a piece of property, not a human being.
Oh my.....your are quite the little racist. Is it all dark skin people you feel this way about? or just the muslim darkies?? :cool:

Just curious Hollie, what do they say at your local KKK meeting about blacks who are on welfare and have "litters upon litters" as you term it?
My post made no mention of dark skin people. Maybe you are under the impression that Moslem is a "race"?

Oh my, silly converts . In your case, its best you chose islamism as opposed to a real religion. You seem to fit the profile of the angry, belligerent wannabe.

All of the muslim people that I know are gainfully employed or own their own business. And do not depend on government hand outs like many other ethnic groups do.

btw Ever ride in a taxi ?? :badgrin:
Of course. And some of your best friends are "zionists".

It was reported that the prophet (swish) said:
Oh Muslims, why am I saddled with you idiots when the Jews got the smart ones"
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News flash, Skippy: They hate infidels. It's programmed into them. Being nice simply won't make a difference.

Where are you getting your information from Dave - have you lived in the Middle East?

Are you going to tell us some more lies about all your overseas living? You're such a fraud you sometimes mix up where you currently are.
So Hollie, by your own words, you have exposed yourself as both a lesbian and now a racist.

Is there anything else that you care to reveil; or should we just figure it out from your future postings?? :cool:
Hollie -

its best you chose islamism as opposed to a real religion.

That's a horrible thing to say, Hollie. One one hand you damn Islam for intolerance, and on the other hand ou do a fairly impressive line in intolerance yourself.

Sunni -

you have exposed yourself as both a lesbian and now a racist.

Is being a lesbian supposed to be an insult?

Why do you care whom someone else sleeps with?
So Hollie, by your own words, you have exposed yourself as both a lesbian and now a racist.
You're being silly. Would the prophet (swish) approve of your behavior?

Is there anything else that you care to reveil; or should we just figure it out from your future postings?? :cool:
Reveal is the term you should have used.

It is reported that the prophet (swish) said:

"Oh Muslims, you are an embarrassment"
Hollie, isn't it a little too early in the day for you to be hitting the bottle??

I guess we can now add alcoholism to your resume. :eek:

Looks like you decided to delete your long inebriated rambling post about science. :cuckoo:
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Liberals have some sort of notion that islam preaches tolerance of homosexuality, but individual muslims violate that precept with bias.

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