Sunni man ADMITS the goal of Islam is to take over non Islamic Countries

Liberals have some sort of notion that islam preaches tolerance of homosexuality, but individual muslims violate that precept with bias.

Are you under the impression that Christians teach tolerance of homosexuality?
Liberals have some sort of notion that islam preaches tolerance of homosexuality, but individual muslims violate that precept with bias.

Are you under the impression that Christians teach tolerance of homosexuality?

We don't teach tolerance but when was the last time you saw a Christian kill a faggot in cold blood simply because he "is" a faggot?
No im saying Muslims of other races believe theirs no such thing as Black Muslims.
I'll relay that fact to the black muslim brothers the next time I go to the mosque. :cuckoo:

Sura 3:106 The white face is blessed and the Black face is cursed.
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No im saying Muslims of other races believe theirs no such thing as Black Muslims.
I'll relay that fact to the black muslim brothers the next time I go to the mosque. :cuckoo:

That's odd. Earlier you were using language inflection that was very denigrating of blacks. It seems you waffle back and forth and make up this nonsense as you go along.
No im saying Muslims of other races believe theirs no such thing as Black Muslims.
I'll relay that fact to the black muslim brothers the next time I go to the mosque. :cuckoo:

That's odd. Earlier you were using language inflection that was very denigrating of blacks. It seems you waffle back and forth and make up this nonsense as you go along.

He also only ever uses one liners when hes posting, ive never seen him make a post longer then a sentence or give actual facts, he usually just gives his own opinion and expects everyone else to accept it.
Liberals have some sort of notion that islam preaches tolerance of homosexuality, but individual muslims violate that precept with bias.

Do tell. What liberals is that. Name some names with some quotes too! I can't think of one liberal that thinks that about Islam.

Whats next? Liberals forming alliances with Mulsims to defeat Republicans?
Liberals have some sort of notion that islam preaches tolerance of homosexuality, but individual muslims violate that precept with bias.

Are you under the impression that Christians teach tolerance of homosexuality?

I would say that when compared to Islam, Christian churches are more tolerance, some outright accept gay members too.
So you only want Sharia courts for civil matters for Muslims?

The real issue is whether muslim women would be denied the protection of our civil courts because even those courts would have to apply sharia law.

Muslims have the same right to prosetelyze as Christians and persuade converts. The difference between islam and Christianity is that Christianity is a choice. Islam believes that there is only one true God who is the father of us all. Every person is born into islam. At the moment of your birth, you are a muslim. Every person on earth. To reject allah and be a Christian or a Jew, a Hindu, Buddhist, animist, pagan or any other belief system once you are appraised of the true facts of your birth is to be an apostate. There is no comparable belief in Christianity. In non muslim countries if other religions are permitted to exist at all it is not a right but a privilege for which you are taxed.

Islam believes that there is only one true God who is the father of us all.

so do a matter of fact it is supposed to be the God of its the same God....only two different Religions who make it seem like two different Gods....
I reject the notion that Allah is the God of Abraham.
The real issue is whether muslim women would be denied the protection of our civil courts because even those courts would have to apply sharia law.

Muslims have the same right to prosetelyze as Christians and persuade converts. The difference between islam and Christianity is that Christianity is a choice. Islam believes that there is only one true God who is the father of us all. Every person is born into islam. At the moment of your birth, you are a muslim. Every person on earth. To reject allah and be a Christian or a Jew, a Hindu, Buddhist, animist, pagan or any other belief system once you are appraised of the true facts of your birth is to be an apostate. There is no comparable belief in Christianity. In non muslim countries if other religions are permitted to exist at all it is not a right but a privilege for which you are taxed.

Islam believes that there is only one true God who is the father of us all.

so do a matter of fact it is supposed to be the God of its the same God....only two different Religions who make it seem like two different Gods....
I reject the notion that Allah is the God of Abraham.

I agree. This notion that Islam is an Abrahamic religion is one of the great lies on this planet perpetrated by Islam and a gullible media.
I see. So women have rights that are equal, just different. Rights are the same, just different. Such nonsense.
Sounds familiar, doesn't it?

Can you tell us what some of those comparisons are? when people in the west think of Sharia law they think of Usama Bin Ladens face and beheadings.
Western law has a strong basis in the Ten Commandments of the O.T.

The Quran also includes these same 10 laws that are also part of Sharia Law.

Unfortunately, many muslims and christians disobey or ignore what their Holy Book teaches.

I won't argue your points, merely ask a few questions.

1. Iis female genitalia mutilation a common practice in Muslim countries, and why?
2. Why are females not allowed to drive a car, in Saudi Arabia for example?
3. Why are females required to be covered from head to toe and cannot leave their home without being accompanied by a male relative?
4. Since honor killings are acceptable in Muslim countries, do you think they should be acceptable in the United States?

I have many more questions, and if any of these questions are offensive, I apologize for being insensitive.

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