Sunni man ADMITS the goal of Islam is to take over non Islamic Countries

Hollie -

its best you chose islamism as opposed to a real religion.

That's a horrible thing to say, Hollie. One one hand you damn Islam for intolerance, and on the other hand ou do a fairly impressive line in intolerance yourself.
Not so horrible. The wannabe thinks that his politico-religious ideology provides an allowance for being a bully. I will admit to being intolerant of those who use that politico-religious ideology as a means to promote their failings and self-hate as "religion"

I am curious as to his need to hurl the false lesbian label. I suspect that he has feelings unresolved feelings for men.

Sunni -

you have exposed yourself as both a lesbian and now a racist.

Is being a lesbian supposed to be an insult?

Why do you care whom someone else sleeps with?[/QUOTE]
Hollie, isn't it a little too early in the day for you to be hitting the bottle??

I guess we can now add alcoholism to your resume. :eek:

Looks like you decided to delete your long inebriated rambling post about science. :cuckoo:

Are your attacks toward women a way of dealing with your unresolved feelings for men?
So Hollie, by your own words, you have exposed yourself as both a lesbian and now a racist.

Is there anything else that you care to reveil; or should we just figure it out from your future postings?? :cool:

You really are stupid aren't you Sunni. You just said that all Dark skinned people have no jobs and are on welfare and shes the one whos a Racist because she doesn't think large groups of people (of any race) should be lazy and make kids rather then get a job. Also you Muslims think dark skinned people are descended from monkeys most of which Muslim (Arab) leaders are genetically related too. :lmao:
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So Hollie, by your own words, you have exposed yourself as both a lesbian and now a racist.

Is there anything else that you care to reveil; or should we just figure it out from your future postings?? :cool:

You really are stupid aren't you Sunni. You just said that all Dark skinned people have no jobs and are on welfare and shes the one whos a Racist because she doesn't think large groups of people (of any race) should be lazy and make kids rather then get a job. Also you Muslims think dark skinned people are descended from monkeys most of which Muslim (Arab) leaders are genetically related too.
Sure thing boss man; we is a gonna do dat right now master; once I get me feet a shufflin just a little fasta boss man. Cause you knows how we darkies is :cool:
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no templar its you sounding stupid....sunni is a texan...not of the of dark skinned people...and wasnt it you posting racist threads about native americans and blacks?

why are crusaders always crusading against something......
Liberals have some sort of notion that islam preaches tolerance of homosexuality, but individual muslims violate that precept with bias.

There is absolutely no tolerance of homosexuality in Islam, nobody can show me a verse from the Quran that will support this.
So Hollie, by your own words, you have exposed yourself as both a lesbian and now a racist.

Is there anything else that you care to reveil; or should we just figure it out from your future postings?? :cool:

You really are stupid aren't you Sunni. You just said that all Dark skinned people have no jobs and are on welfare and shes the one whos a Racist because she doesn't think large groups of people (of any race) should be lazy and make kids rather then get a job. Also you Muslims think dark skinned people are descended from monkeys most of which Muslim (Arab) leaders are genetically related too.
Sure thing boss man; we is a gonna do dat right now master; once I get me feet a shufflin just a little fasta boss man. Cause you knows how we darkies is :cool:
Why would you choose to employ a very specify racial stereotype that has no connection to this thread.

You've defined yourself as the real racist.
no templar its you sounding stupid....sunni is a texan...not of the of dark skinned people...and wasnt it you posting racist threads about native americans and blacks?

why are crusaders always crusading against something......

No its you sounding stupid, read my post again i never said Sunni was i said his religious leaders are related to the same people they call Monkeys.

So Hollie, by your own words, you have exposed yourself as both a lesbian and now a racist.

Is there anything else that you care to reveil; or should we just figure it out from your future postings?? :cool:

You really are stupid aren't you Sunni. You just said that all Dark skinned people have no jobs and are on welfare and shes the one whos a Racist because she doesn't think large groups of people (of any race) should be lazy and make kids rather then get a job. Also you Muslims think dark skinned people are descended from monkeys most of which Muslim (Arab) leaders are genetically related too. :lmao:
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Liberals have some sort of notion that islam preaches tolerance of homosexuality, but individual muslims violate that precept with bias.

There is absolutely no tolerance of homosexuality in Islam, nobody can show me a verse from the Quran that will support this.

It's important to point out that Islam is not just the Koran. We have 1,400 years of islamist history, culture and behavior to consider. There is no tolerance for homosexuality in islamism. In the more retrograde sects of Islam; Sunni, salafi, homosexuality is a capital offense and can result in your head being removed from your torso.

For that matter, moslems have little tolerance even for other moslems, depending on the specific sect of Islam that one is born into.
So Hollie, by your own words, you have exposed yourself as both a lesbian and now a racist.

Is there anything else that you care to reveil; or should we just figure it out from your future postings?? :cool:

You really are stupid aren't you Sunni. You just said that all Dark skinned people have no jobs and are on welfare and shes the one whos a Racist because she doesn't think large groups of people (of any race) should be lazy and make kids rather then get a job. Also you Muslims think dark skinned people are descended from monkeys most of which Muslim (Arab) leaders are genetically related too.
Sure thing boss man; we is a gonna do dat right now master; once I get me feet a shufflin just a little fasta boss man. Cause you knows how we darkies is :cool:

Liberals have some sort of notion that islam preaches tolerance of homosexuality, but individual muslims violate that precept with bias.

There is absolutely no tolerance of homosexuality in Islam, nobody can show me a verse from the Quran that will support this.

It's important to point out that Islam is not just the Koran. We have 1,400 years of islamist history, culture and behavior to consider. There is no tolerance for homosexuality in islamism. In the more retrograde sects of Islam; Sunni, salafi, homosexuality is a capital offense and can result in your head being removed from your torso.

For that matter, moslems have little tolerance even for other moslems, depending on the specific sect of Islam that one is born into.

Even the less radical Islamic countries punish homosexuality with a prison sentence, its not tolerated in any Islamic country.
:badgrin: my wife will be very amused to hear I'm a racist; being that she is a black muslimah from Africa. :cool:

Being a black Muslim is like being a Gay Christians theres really no such thing when you get down to the bare bones also who said you were racist against black?

Are you honestly saying there is no such thing as Black Muslims? :confused:

No im saying Muslims of other races believe theirs no such thing as Black Muslims.
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Sunni man has admitted to us at last that HIS goal and that of his religion is the overthrow of the democratic Government of the US and replace it with Islamic rule and Sharia law.
I never said a word about overthrowing the government or anything like that.

So quit lying.

Just like Evanglical Christians; I want the laws changed to reflect my religious beliefs; just the same as they do.

And for this to be achieved through legal process; such as voting, the courts, and the law. :cool:
Islam is evil, we should not change the laws to accomadate satan and his evil horde.
Liberals have some sort of notion that islam preaches tolerance of homosexuality, but individual muslims violate that precept with bias.

There is absolutely no tolerance of homosexuality in Islam, nobody can show me a verse from the Quran that will support this.

It's important to point out that Islam is not just the Koran. We have 1,400 years of islamist history, culture and behavior to consider. There is no tolerance for homosexuality in islamism. In the more retrograde sects of Islam; Sunni, salafi, homosexuality is a capital offense and can result in your head being removed from your torso.

For that matter, moslems have little tolerance even for other moslems, depending on the specific sect of Islam that one is born into.

Don't forget the Hadith Hollie

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