Sunni man ADMITS the goal of Islam is to take over non Islamic Countries

Being a black Muslim is like being a Gay Christians theres really no such thing when you get down to the bare bones also who said you were racist against black?

Are you honestly saying there is no such thing as Black Muslims? :confused:

No im saying Muslims of other races believe theirs no such thing as Black Muslims.

Don't say that to Louis Farrakhan, the longtime head of the African-American religious organization the Nation of Islam. Didn't he speak at a "Million Man March" in DC awhile back? His followers are all called black Muslims for a reason. You figure it out!
Are you honestly saying there is no such thing as Black Muslims? :confused:

No im saying Muslims of other races believe theirs no such thing as Black Muslims.

Don't say that to Louis Farrakhan, the longtime head of the African-American religious organization the Nation of Islam. Didn't he speak at a "Million Man March" in DC awhile back? His followers are all called black Muslims for a reason. You figure it out!

Nevermind Farrakhan, what about the millions of Muslims in Sudan, Mali, Nigeria, Somalia and Kenya for example?
I won't argue your points, merely ask a few questions.

1. Iis female genitalia mutilation a common practice in Muslim countries, and why?
2. Why are females not allowed to drive a car, in Saudi Arabia for example?
3. Why are females required to be covered from head to toe and cannot leave their home without being accompanied by a male relative?
4. Since honor killings are acceptable in Muslim countries, do you think they should be acceptable in the United States?
1) There is nothing Islamic about FGM. It is not mentioned in the Quran or Hadiths. It is a tribal custom that existed long before Islam. In Africa FGM is practiced by muslims, Pagans, and even Christian tribes.

2) Women not being allowed to drive cars in SA is strictly cultural and not Islamic based.

3) Islam only requires that a woman dress modestly and cover her hair. More than that is culture and tradition; which usually predates Islam.

4) Honor killings are not Islamic; and have nothing to do with Islam and are wrong. They are a pre Islamic cultural / tribal practice. btw The most Honor Killings take place among the Hindus in India.
The real issue is whether muslim women would be denied the protection of our civil courts because even those courts would have to apply sharia law.

Muslims have the same right to prosetelyze as Christians and persuade converts. The difference between islam and Christianity is that Christianity is a choice. Islam believes that there is only one true God who is the father of us all. Every person is born into islam. At the moment of your birth, you are a muslim. Every person on earth. To reject allah and be a Christian or a Jew, a Hindu, Buddhist, animist, pagan or any other belief system once you are appraised of the true facts of your birth is to be an apostate. There is no comparable belief in Christianity. In non muslim countries if other religions are permitted to exist at all it is not a right but a privilege for which you are taxed.

Islam believes that there is only one true God who is the father of us all.

so do a matter of fact it is supposed to be the God of its the same God....only two different Religions who make it seem like two different Gods....
I reject the notion that Allah is the God of Abraham.
Dave i just got through looking through 20 different views by 20 different people and many think they worship the same god only do it so much differently that it doesn't seem they are the same.....while some are like you and say they are just boils down to what your going to accept....just like interpreting a bible it to 10 will get 10 different interpretations...
I won't argue your points, merely ask a few questions.

1. Iis female genitalia mutilation a common practice in Muslim countries, and why?
2. Why are females not allowed to drive a car, in Saudi Arabia for example?
3. Why are females required to be covered from head to toe and cannot leave their home without being accompanied by a male relative?
4. Since honor killings are acceptable in Muslim countries, do you think they should be acceptable in the United States?
1) There is nothing Islamic about FGM. It is not mentioned in the Quran or Hadiths. It is a tribal custom that existed long before Islam. In Africa FGM is practiced by muslims, Pagans, and even Christian tribes.

2) Women not being allowed to drive cars in SA is strictly cultural and not Islamic based.

3) Islam only requires that a woman dress modestly and cover her hair. More than that is culture and tradition; which usually predates Islam.

4) Honor killings are not Islamic; and have nothing to do with Islam and are wrong. They are a pre Islamic cultural / tribal practice. btw The most Honor Killings take place among the Hindus in India.
That was a horrendous compilation of tired excuses and lack of accountability for a religion and culture that has remained largely static since the time of its warlord "prophet" (swish).

Firstly, where the horrors of sharia are present, islamism is both the dominant religion and the thus the dominant culture. Primarily, the above atrocities are directed at women by impotent Moslem men.

Secondly, "not in the Koran" is a really failed excuse. How moslems perform salat is not in the Koran either.

Making excuses for a politico-religious ideology that was invented by an Arab warlord and which has never clawed its way out of 7th century is only providing an allowance for Moslem atrocities to continue.
Sura 3:106 The white face is blessed and the Black face is cursed.
Surah 3:106 has nothing to do with race or racism.

It is using cultural idiomatic terms and expressions to describe the fate of believers and non believers during the last days.

Much like we say a person can be "green with envy".

Or "he looks blue today".
That was a horrendous compilation of tired excuses and lack of accountability for a religion and culture that has remained largely static since the time of its warlord "prophet" (swish).

Firstly, where the horrors of sharia are present, islamism is both the dominant religion and the thus the dominant culture. Primarily, the above atrocities are directed at women by impotent Moslem men.

Secondly, "not in the Koran" is a really failed excuse. How moslems perform salat is not in the Koran either.

Making excuses for a politico-religious ideology that was invented by an Arab warlord and which has never clawed its way out of 7th century is only providing an allowance for Moslem atrocities to continue.
Pay no attention to her.

She is just jealous because we don't allow lesbians to convert to Islam. :badgrin:
Sura 3:106 The white face is blessed and the Black face is cursed.
Surah 3:106 has nothing to do with race or racism.

It is using cultural idiomatic terms and expressions to describe the fate of believers and non believers during the last days.

Much like we say a person can be "green with envy".

Or "he looks blue today".

It's convenient to re-write uthman's koran and simply change what is written but why would you think anyone would accept your flaccid re-writing?
That was a horrendous compilation of tired excuses and lack of accountability for a religion and culture that has remained largely static since the time of its warlord "prophet" (swish).

Firstly, where the horrors of sharia are present, islamism is both the dominant religion and the thus the dominant culture. Primarily, the above atrocities are directed at women by impotent Moslem men.

Secondly, "not in the Koran" is a really failed excuse. How moslems perform salat is not in the Koran either.

Making excuses for a politico-religious ideology that was invented by an Arab warlord and which has never clawed its way out of 7th century is only providing an allowance for Moslem atrocities to continue.
Pay no attention to her.

She is just jealous because we don't allow lesbians to convert to Islam. :badgrin:
I think a bit of introspection and honest examination is warranted on your part. I understand that being confronted with the horrors of islamism causes you to run from any, denial is no excuse.

Part of the problem faced by Western converts to an Arab religion is that they no conception of the brutal and nasty times that caused the religion's inventor to cobble together an amalgam of Judaism, Christianity and Arab paganism. For the Western convert, someone who is socially awkard, there's a reasonance in a brutish, antagonistic ideology.

Unfortunately, there is nothing in sharia law to allow for even the consideration of the tolerance and pluralism found in Western liberal democracies. And besides, in Islam, democracy is exemplary of the most heinous of all sins: shirk, which is positing anyone or anything as a challenge to God's sovereign primacy, as delineated by the religions inventor: muhammud (swish).

That's why it's actually comical to read the postings of converts who press the persona of the "angry islamist". "Watch out for me as I'm a boiling cauldron of repressed rage".

We're laughing at you, not with you.
I am definitely laughing at you and your arm chair psycho babble :badgrin: :cuckoo:

That's fine. I didn't expect that you would be equipped to offer a response.

Your posts are most effective when you don't put any thought or effort into them but just post youtube videos.
Your posts are most effective when you don't put any thought or effort into them but just post youtube videos.
That's because you like pretty pictures better than big words you can't understand.

Plus, their easier for your mind to process. :cool:
Your posts are most effective when you don't put any thought or effort into them but just post youtube videos.
That's because you like pretty pictures better than big words you can't understand.

Plus, their easier for your mind to process. :cool:

Actually, no. It's obvious you have difficulty with stringing words together to form coherent sentences.

Your goffy one-liners are tedious and really just showcase you limitations.
You don't have to convince me I've never met one Christian Arab that doesn't dislike Muslims immensely . But that's why the Chaldeans came here to escape a demonic way of life.
Sura 3:106 The white face is blessed and the Black face is cursed.
Surah 3:106 has nothing to do with race or racism.

It is using cultural idiomatic terms and expressions to describe the fate of believers and non believers during the last days.

Much like we say a person can be "green with envy".

Or "he looks blue today".

Yeah right (sarcasm), Sura 9:61 A black man’s heart is more gross than a donkey’s.

Also this analogy stuff is bullshit when it comes to Islam, Imams, Ulamas and Muftis have all sais Islam is to be taken literally with nothing removed or added.
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Yeah right (sarcasm), Sura 9:61 A black man’s heart is more gross than a donkey’s
Ah....the wonder of the internet.

That bogus piece of information has been floating around in cyber space for years.

Pick up any Quran for your self and read exactly what Surah 9:61 says.

Surah 9:61 "And among them are men who annoy the Prophet and say: "He is (lending his) ear (to every news).'' Say: "He listens to what is best for you; he believes in Allah; has faith in the believers; and is a mercy to those of you who believe.'' But those who annoy Allah's Messenger, will have a painful torment."

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