Sunni man ADMITS the goal of Islam is to take over non Islamic Countries

Ishaq: 243 "I heard the Apostle say: ‘Whoever wants to see Satan should look at Nabtal! A black man with long flowing hair, inflamed eyes, and dark ruddy cheeks…. Allah

In other words blacks are of the devil
Farewell Speech of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) that was given in front of a couple of thousand people right before he died.

"All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over a black, nor a black has any superiority over a white- except by piety and good action. Learn that every Muslim is a brother to every Muslim and that the Muslims constitute one brotherhood. Nothing shall be legitimate to a Muslim, which belongs to a fellow Muslim unless it was given freely and willingly. Do not therefor, do injustice to yourselves."

Islam believes that there is only one true God who is the father of us all.

so do a matter of fact it is supposed to be the God of its the same God....only two different Religions who make it seem like two different Gods....
I reject the notion that Allah is the God of Abraham.
Dave i just got through looking through 20 different views by 20 different people and many think they worship the same god only do it so much differently that it doesn't seem they are the same.....while some are like you and say they are just boils down to what your going to accept....just like interpreting a bible it to 10 will get 10 different interpretations...
Indeed. Yet my view of Allah is based on archaeological evidence.
That was a horrendous compilation of tired excuses and lack of accountability for a religion and culture that has remained largely static since the time of its warlord "prophet" (swish).

Firstly, where the horrors of sharia are present, islamism is both the dominant religion and the thus the dominant culture. Primarily, the above atrocities are directed at women by impotent Moslem men.

Secondly, "not in the Koran" is a really failed excuse. How moslems perform salat is not in the Koran either.

Making excuses for a politico-religious ideology that was invented by an Arab warlord and which has never clawed its way out of 7th century is only providing an allowance for Moslem atrocities to continue.
Pay no attention to her.

She is just jealous because we don't allow lesbians to convert to Islam. :badgrin:
One would have to wonder why a lesbian would want to convert to Islam -- unless she's suicidal.
Islamists and Lefties love this guy.

Ibrahim Hooper is the national spokesman Council on American-Islamic Relations. As such, he often is the person journalists and cable chat shows turn to for reaction on issues of concern to Muslim Americans. In that role, Hooper is quick to condemn U.S. law enforcement investigations into alleged terrorist financiers and supporters in America as part of a general war on Islam or as the product of "the pro-Israeli lobby."[1]

Ibrahim Hooper :: The Investigative Project on Terrorism

CAIR spokesman Ibrahim Hooper, in agreement with Islamic radicals in his desire to impose Islam on the United States, told the Minneapolis Star Tribune in a 1993 interview, “I wouldn’t want to create the impression that I wouldn’t like the government of the United States to be Islamic sometime in the future.

Who We Are « American Education Center for Research and Policy
Google him.

Just backin' you up. There are people on this board on both sides that think your position is radical or extreme. It's not. A Sharia compliant America is the goal of every "good" Muslim. Right?
Just backin' you up. There are people on this board on both sides that think your position is radical or extreme. It's not. A Sharia compliant America is the goal of every "good" Muslim. Right?
True, I am neither radical or extreme when it comes to Sharia.

Just as most Christians believe our nation should base it's laws on the Ten Commandments; which btw we basically do.

The majority of muslims believe that Sharia should be incorporated into our justice system; both civil and criminal.

Although, to what degree and which laws; are an ongoing debate within the muslim community. :cool:
"Most Christians" do not want a government based on the Ten Commandments. Killing and stealing are against the law. Adultery, "coveting", and using the Lord's name in vain are not. See how that works?

A secular government works for "most Christians"... :cuckoo: Anyone who proposes otherwise is radical. Except for the "moderate" Muslims.
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Just backin' you up. There are people on this board on both sides that think your position is radical or extreme. It's not. A Sharia compliant America is the goal of every "good" Muslim. Right?
True, I am neither radical or extreme when it comes to Sharia.

Just as most Christians believe our nation should base it's laws on the Ten Commandments; which btw we basically do.

The majority of muslims believe that Sharia should be incorporated into our justice system; both civil and criminal.

Although, to what degree and which laws; are an ongoing debate within the muslim community. :cool:

Sharia itself is radical you can't accurately compare Sharia to the Ten Commandments.
I won't argue your points, merely ask a few questions.

1. Iis female genitalia mutilation a common practice in Muslim countries, and why?
2. Why are females not allowed to drive a car, in Saudi Arabia for example?
3. Why are females required to be covered from head to toe and cannot leave their home without being accompanied by a male relative?
4. Since honor killings are acceptable in Muslim countries, do you think they should be acceptable in the United States?
1) There is nothing Islamic about FGM. It is not mentioned in the Quran or Hadiths. It is a tribal custom that existed long before Islam. In Africa FGM is practiced by muslims, Pagans, and even Christian tribes.

2) Women not being allowed to drive cars in SA is strictly cultural and not Islamic based.

3) Islam only requires that a woman dress modestly and cover her hair. More than that is culture and tradition; which usually predates Islam.

4) Honor killings are not Islamic; and have nothing to do with Islam and are wrong. They are a pre Islamic cultural / tribal practice. btw The most Honor Killings take place among the Hindus in India.

I gave you a 'thank you' but since I have only given out two positive reps, you have to realize a post has to be outstanding IMO. You did good.
naw, i was born here and have no desire to live in any foreign country.

So i will just work day and night in order to try and help my country embrace islam and sharia law.

It's the most patriotic thing i can do during these tuff social and hard economic times. :cool:


Sunni is yanking chains, far & wide. al Qaeda was a set back to world domination, supporting the Taliban in Afghanistan not one of Reagan's best moves. Ok, for Reagan it was AVERAGE.
Sharia itself is radical you can't accurately compare Sharia to the Ten Commandments.
The Levitical Laws in the Old Testament (Torah) and Sharia Law are almost identical. :cool:

Yeah. How many bronze plaques of the Levitical Laws do you see displayed in public?
The Ten Commandments are part of the Levitical Laws.

And can be found carved in the stone of many old government buildings and monuments. :cool:

We have had this discussion before and been told it just isn't true. That there is no effort by Islam to convert other Countries, that there is no danger that Islam would create a climate where Western Democracies were converted to Sharia law and no longer democratic at all.

I have told you all that Islam preaches that it must take over the planet. That is it's goal. Islam believes that all the world must be Islamic. And they do not believe in separation of Church and State. Islam teaches that Allah must run every thing including the Government.

There are two schools of thought on how to achieve this goal. One is that they must just bide their time and allow their birth rate and monolithic approach to convert those Countries currently not Islamic. The second is that by violence they can achieve more quickly the goal.

Sunni man has admitted to us at last that HIS goal and that of his religion is the overthrow of the democratic Government of the US and replace it with Islamic rule and Sharia law.

How is that goal any different than the goal of Christianity? If Christianity didnt want to spread to every country on Earth, there would be no missionaries.

Silly topic. Stupid thread.

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