Sunni thinks his wife is property

Judaism has been around for several thousand years. It is a beautiful religion that deserves much respect.

Zionism is a basically secular political movement that has only been around a little over 100 years. It's evil foundation is based on murder and theft.

Big difference. :evil:

If Israel's boundaries were re-established in their original form, and Palestine were created as a separate, autonomous state, would you be okay with that?

Yes, but currently Israel has no set or defined boundaries.
Now it's about Ropey.


Why? Because he calls Sunni Man on his lies about advocating the Genocide of the Jews.
Sky dancer is a very nice person.

I thought that Dopey was very rude to her. :evil:

Thanks for saying that. I completely disagree with your "Jewish solution". I don't agree with your views toward gay people.

I appreciate that we can disagree whole heartedly and still be friends. It's a bit of a stretch, but we somehow manage it.

Yes, you sure do. You believe his words and he's nice to you. Only Zionists you said.

My neg was not ugly. It was for believing Sunni Man's lies even after being shown them.

I responded to one of Sunni's posts about Zionism vs Judaism. I'd just gotten here. I later responded to his Jewish solution post, which I find disgusting, which you choose to ignore.

He is nice to me now, we've won each other's respect over the years, even though we frequently disagree.

You are very disrepectful of me. I do appreciate it when people are courteous. I don't like it that Sunni calls you Dopey. I think that weakens his position in this discussion.

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Judaism has been around for several thousand years. It is a beautiful religion that deserves much respect.

Zionism is a basically secular political movement that has only been around a little over 100 years. It's evil foundation is based on murder and theft.

Big difference. :evil:

If Israel's boundaries were re-established in their original form, and Palestine were created as a separate, autonomous state, would you be okay with that?

Yes, but currently Israel has no set or defined boundaries.

No, it's about your avocation of genocide Sunni Man. This is not about appeasing you.


It's about your avocation of genocide and I will continue to bring it back to this topic of yours..
My original post had to do with finding a solution to the Jewish problem.

Jews have been massacred and driven out of over 100 countries in the last 2000 years.

So obviously there is a problem between Jews and Gentiles.

As a friend to the Jews I had postulated the idea of giving them their own island so that there would be a separation..

Because the current state of Israel is located in the middle of a hornets nest and will never be totally accepted by its surrounding neighbors.

The island idea was just a possible solution that could be debated.

But Dopey lied by saying I supported genocide against the Jews.

No where have I ever posted anything about genocide against Jews.
Jews are a "problem"?

Who knew?

Careful, Sunni, your anti-semitic slip is showing. Yet again.
Thanks for saying that. I completely disagree with your "Jewish solution". I don't agree with your views toward gay people.

I appreciate that we can disagree whole heartedly and still be friends. It's a bit of a stretch, but we somehow manage it.

Yes, you sure do. You believe his words and he's nice to you. Only Zionists you said.

My neg was not ugly. It was for believing Sunni Man's lies even after being shown them.

I responded to one of Sunni's posts. I'd just gotten here. I responded to his Jewish solution post which I find disgusting.

He is nice to me now, we've won each other's respect over the years, even though we frequently disagree.

You are very disrepectful of me. I do appreciate it when people are courteous. I don't like it that Sunni calls you Dopey. I think that weakens his position in this discussion.


Then I suggest (as I did before) you read at least a few pages back before you stick your feet in your mouth and complain about the response due to your ignorance of the threads information.

Yes, I know you don't like to read this. But that's what it is.

I am not even closely disrespectful to you here. You think that. Sunni plays with you and you like the petting.

I don't pet.

Know and deal
If Israel's boundaries were re-established in their original form, and Palestine were created as a separate, autonomous state, would you be okay with that?

Yes, but currently Israel has no set or defined boundaries.

No, it's about your avocation of genocide Sunni Man. This is not about appeasing you.


It's about your avocation of genocide and I will continue to bring it back to this topic of yours..

I can understand why you'd feel threatened by Sunni's "Jewish Solution". He didn't actually call for genocide of the Jews, but rounding up the world's Jews and putting them on a island is ridiculous, and reminds all of us of how Hitler had the Jews rounded up and later slaughtered, tortured and enslaved.

I've reacted similarly in the past to Sunni's suggestions about the "gay problem". Sometimes we overreact. We're human.
Yes, you sure do. You believe his words and he's nice to you. Only Zionists you said.

My neg was not ugly. It was for believing Sunni Man's lies even after being shown them.

I responded to one of Sunni's posts. I'd just gotten here. I responded to his Jewish solution post which I find disgusting.

He is nice to me now, we've won each other's respect over the years, even though we frequently disagree.

You are very disrepectful of me. I do appreciate it when people are courteous. I don't like it that Sunni calls you Dopey. I think that weakens his position in this discussion.


Then I suggest (as I did before) you read at least a few pages back before you stick your feet in your mouth and complain about the response due to your ignorance of the threads information.

Yes, I know you don't like to read this. But that's what it is.

I am not even closely disrespectful to you here. You think that. Sunni plays with you and you like the petting.

I don't pet.

Know and deal

You're right that I missed Sunni's Jewish solution post before I responded to his one about Zionism vs Judaism.

So what? Is that a crime?

True, you aren't warm and cuddly? So what? This post of yours is a HUGE improvement over your previous ones to me.
He didn't actually call for genocide of the Jews, but rounding up the world's Jews and putting them on a island is ridiculous, and reminds all of us of how Hitler had the Jews rounded up and later slaughtered, tortured and enslaved.

I've reacted similarly in the past to Sunni's suggestions about the "gay problem". Sometimes we overreact. We're human.

That's in and of the definition of Genocide.

Read the given link.

Rounding them up and quarantining them on an island and being held there by force of arms is genocide Sky.

Read the definition.

Genocide - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Genocide is defined as "the deliberate and systematic destruction, in whole or in part, of an ethnic, racial, religious, or national group",[1] though what constitutes enough of a "part" to qualify as genocide has been subject to much debate by legal scholars.[2] While a precise definition varies among genocide scholars, a legal definition is found in the 1948 United Nations Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (CPPCG). Article 2 of this convention defines genocide as "any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such: killing members of the group; causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life, calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; [and] forcibly transferring children of the group to another group."

Become informed. How many of the 13 million young, old, infirm, sick would die in this movement?

That's just the start of it.

This is not about Israel and Zionism. He advocates the removal of the worlds Jewry.

That's genocide, by definition.
He didn't actually call for genocide of the Jews, but rounding up the world's Jews and putting them on a island is ridiculous, and reminds all of us of how Hitler had the Jews rounded up and later slaughtered, tortured and enslaved.

I've reacted similarly in the past to Sunni's suggestions about the "gay problem". Sometimes we overreact. We're human.

That's in of the definition of Genocide.

Read the given link. You speak to much without thinking.

Rounding them up and quarantining them on an island and being held there by force of arms is genocide Sky.

Read the definition.

Genocide - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Genocide is defined as "the deliberate and systematic destruction, in whole or in part, of an ethnic, racial, religious, or national group",[1] though what constitutes enough of a "part" to qualify as genocide has been subject to much debate by legal scholars.[2] While a precise definition varies among genocide scholars, a legal definition is found in the 1948 United Nations Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (CPPCG). Article 2 of this convention defines genocide as "any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such: killing members of the group; causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life, calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; [and] forcibly transferring children of the group to another group."

Become informed. How many of the 13 million young, old, infirm, sick would die in this movement?

That's just the start of it.

I already told Sunni that his "solution" is ridiculous and disgusting. He's talking out his butt. He isn't leading a 'movement'.

That you think I'd support genocide of Jews or anyone else is sad. I merely challenged his view about Zionism vs Judaism and for that, I'm forever your enemy.

Very sad.

Just once, I'd love to get a post from you where you don't presume I'm ignorant or intolerant.

As to you not being prejudiced against Muslims, I seem to remember you wishing I'd move to a Muslim country where I could be oppressed or killed for being a lesbian. (I believe your grievance with me then was because I stated I don't have a problem with American Muslims). I have a problem with Shariah Law as its practiced in the Middle East. I have a problem with people who wish me harm.

As for the Israeli/Palestinian issue, I'm for a two state solution.
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Just once, I'd love to get a post from you where you don't presume I'm ignorant or intolerant.

Thank you for seeing Sunni Man's calls to genocide my people worldwide as more than an Israeli or Zionist thing.

That is what you are saying?

As to you not being prejudiced against Muslims, I seem to remember you wishing I'd move to a Muslim country where I could be oppressed or killed for being a lesbian. (I believe your grievance with me then was because I stated I don't have a problem with American Muslims). I have a problem with Shariah Law as its practiced in the Middle East. I have a problem with people who wish me harm.

I said you would find a different result if you moved there and that I would like to see you experience as a visitor, first hand, how you would be treated.

I do not see you as a hater of anything. I have never said that. I am blunt. Ignorant means not having the necessary information.

Delusional and in denial stand for themselves. You needed to inform yourself. Now you are. I'm sorry if I yanked too hard. I'm an older man. Excuse me.
^^ But this is also not about appeasing Sunni Man.

It's about his advocacy in the future genocide of the Jews worldwide.

He advocates their genocide and when called to it he says that there is no advocacy.

Not Israel. Not Zionism.

The world Jewry....

Why he isn't held to that and why is he appeased with Israeli, Zionism policies, etc. is beyond me though.

Why do people become so unwilling to pointedly address genocide and allow him to slide out of this advocacy?

And on a lighter note...Check out the tags for this thread. Sunni - can you post a pic of you in your slutty burka? Lol

Yes, thanks for the laugh. It took me out of this insanity.

I'm done here. It's not as though anything I am saying makes any difference anyway.

A couple of months off of this place will help. I've more than my share of issues to actually make a difference in and this place is just wasting my time here when people could be actually benefiting from something I do.

He will not be held to his words.
And on a lighter note...Check out the tags for this thread. Sunni - can you post a pic of you in your slutty burka? Lol

Yes, I'm done here. It's not as though anything I am saying makes any difference anyway.

A couple of months off of this place will help. I've more than my share of issues to actually make a difference in and this place is just wasting my time here when people could be actually benefiting from something I do.

He will not be held to his words.
Yes, he is held to them. There are plenty here who will.

And, as you can see, there are plenty of the mamby pamby appeasers along with those who insist on remaining ignorant with willful blindness.

There are also plenty of persons here who hate Blacks.

It's a free speech board and we all see some ugly shit here. And, we all have the opportunity to call it out for what it is.

You have done that and done it well. :thup:

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