Sunni thinks his wife is property

Just once, I'd love to get a post from you where you don't presume I'm ignorant or intolerant.

Thank you for seeing Sunni Man's calls to genocide my people worldwide as more than an Israeli or Zionist thing.

That is what you are saying?

As to you not being prejudiced against Muslims, I seem to remember you wishing I'd move to a Muslim country where I could be oppressed or killed for being a lesbian. (I believe your grievance with me then was because I stated I don't have a problem with American Muslims). I have a problem with Shariah Law as its practiced in the Middle East. I have a problem with people who wish me harm.

I said you would find a different result if you moved there and that I would like to see you experience as a visitor, first hand, how you would be treated.

I do not see you as a hater of anything. I have never said that. I am blunt. Ignorant means not having the necessary information.

Delusional and in denial stand for themselves. You needed to inform yourself. Now you are. I'm sorry if I yanked too hard. I'm an older man. Excuse me.

You would like to see me experience, as a visitor, first hand, how I would be treated? First of all, I have traveled in Muslim areas in Asia. Visitors are treated fine. I do not wear a sign saying LESBIAN when I travel. I traveled with my wife in Asia, and we did not draw any unwanted attention. We just look like two middle aged American women.

It sounds to me, like you don't think I understand your point about being concerned about Shariah Law and the threat of Islamic militant fundamentalism in the Middle East. I am not so ignorant that I need to go there and be killed or tortured to share your concerns.

I am not an ignorant person, or delusional, or in denial. I am fully aware of how gays and lesbians are treated in other parts of the world, like Africa, the Middle East, and Asia. Not too well, I would add.

Thank you for lightening up a little and explaining what you meant.

I may not always have the facts all the time, but it's not necessary to scream insults at me to give me new information.
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Just once, I'd love to get a post from you where you don't presume I'm ignorant or intolerant.

Thank you for seeing Sunni Man's calls to genocide my people worldwide as more than an Israeli or Zionist thing.

That is what you are saying?

As to you not being prejudiced against Muslims, I seem to remember you wishing I'd move to a Muslim country where I could be oppressed or killed for being a lesbian. (I believe your grievance with me then was because I stated I don't have a problem with American Muslims). I have a problem with Shariah Law as its practiced in the Middle East. I have a problem with people who wish me harm.

I said you would find a different result if you moved there and that I would like to see you experience as a visitor, first hand, how you would be treated.

I do not see you as a hater of anything. I have never said that. I am blunt. Ignorant means not having the necessary information.

Delusional and in denial stand for themselves. You needed to inform yourself. Now you are. I'm sorry if I yanked too hard. I'm an older man. Excuse me.

You would like to see me experience, as a visitor, first hand, how I would be treated? First of all, I have traveled in Muslim areas in Asia. Visitors are treated fine. I do not wear a sign saying LESBIAN when I travel. I traveled with my wife in Asia, and we did not draw any unwanted attention. We just look like two middle aged American women.

As a practicing Lesbian you would want to talk to other practicing Lesbians. That's the people I would like you to talk with Sky. Not to practice your togetherness in society, but to talk to those who are held back. To see from their eyes, that was my mindset.

At any rate, I've tarried here far too long.
And on a lighter note...Check out the tags for this thread. Sunni - can you post a pic of you in your slutty burka? Lol

Yes, I'm done here. It's not as though anything I am saying makes any difference anyway.

A couple of months off of this place will help. I've more than my share of issues to actually make a difference in and this place is just wasting my time here when people could be actually benefiting from something I do.

He will not be held to his words.
Yes, he is held to them. There are plenty here who will.

And, as you can see, there are plenty of the mamby pamby appeasers along with those who insist on remaining ignorant with willful blindness.

There are also plenty of persons here who hate Blacks.

It's a free speech board and we all see some ugly shit here. And, we all have the opportunity to call it out for what it is.

You have done that and done it well. :thup:
We all have the opportunity to speak out against ugly shit on this board.

Ropey asked me if I thought genocidal hate speech should be permitted as free speech in a forum and I told him I would prefer that it wasn't.

Calling people 'mamby pamby appeasers' when we ask questions of each other isn't helpful. Just my opinion.
Yes, I'm done here. It's not as though anything I am saying makes any difference anyway.

A couple of months off of this place will help. I've more than my share of issues to actually make a difference in and this place is just wasting my time here when people could be actually benefiting from something I do.

He will not be held to his words.
Yes, he is held to them. There are plenty here who will.

And, as you can see, there are plenty of the mamby pamby appeasers along with those who insist on remaining ignorant with willful blindness.

There are also plenty of persons here who hate Blacks.

It's a free speech board and we all see some ugly shit here. And, we all have the opportunity to call it out for what it is.

You have done that and done it well. :thup:
We all have the opportunity to speak out against ugly shit on this board.

Ropey asked me if I thought genocidal hate speech should be permitted as free speech in a forum and I told him I would prefer that it wasn't.

Calling people 'mamby pamby appeasers' when we ask questions of each other isn't helpful. Just my opinion.
Just as Sunni's anti-semitism is ugly, truth often is, too.
Thank you for seeing Sunni Man's calls to genocide my people worldwide as more than an Israeli or Zionist thing.

That is what you are saying?

I said you would find a different result if you moved there and that I would like to see you experience as a visitor, first hand, how you would be treated.

I do not see you as a hater of anything. I have never said that. I am blunt. Ignorant means not having the necessary information.

Delusional and in denial stand for themselves. You needed to inform yourself. Now you are. I'm sorry if I yanked too hard. I'm an older man. Excuse me.

You would like to see me experience, as a visitor, first hand, how I would be treated? First of all, I have traveled in Muslim areas in Asia. Visitors are treated fine. I do not wear a sign saying LESBIAN when I travel. I traveled with my wife in Asia, and we did not draw any unwanted attention. We just look like two middle aged American women.

As a practicing Lesbian you would want to talk to other practicing Lesbians. That's the people I would like you to talk with Sky. Not to practice your togetherness in society, but to talk to those who are held back. To see from their eyes, that was my mindset.

At any rate, I've tarried here far too long.

Practicing lesbian? Oh brother.

You can bet your sweet bitty I know more about how gays and lesbians are treated worldwide than you do. I speak up all the time about things like the kill gays legislation in Africa.

People want to shut me up because they think I'm overly concerned about such things. Here you are, thinking I'm not radical enough.

I give up.
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You would like to see me experience, as a visitor, first hand, how I would be treated? First of all, I have traveled in Muslim areas in Asia. Visitors are treated fine. I do not wear a sign saying LESBIAN when I travel. I traveled with my wife in Asia, and we did not draw any unwanted attention. We just look like two middle aged American women.

As a practicing Lesbian you would want to talk to other practicing Lesbians. That's the people I would like you to talk with Sky. Not to practice your togetherness in society, but to talk to those who are held back. To see from their eyes, that was my mindset.

At any rate, I've tarried here far too long.

Practicing lesbian? Oh brother.

You can bet your sweet bitty I know more about how gays and lesbians are treated worldwide than you do. I speak up all the time about things like the kill gays legislation in Africa.

People want to shut me up because they think I'm overly concerned about such things. Here you are, thinking I'm not radical enough.

I give up.

I don't want you to shut up. You are not nearly informed as you pretend to be, which is why you had your feet in your mouth.

And this is not an uncommon occurrence with you. Look how long it took to get you to see the second part of Sunni's statement.

It's like you read the first part and your get so ready to post that you bypass informing yourself and add what Sunni Man feeds you vis a vis his (Zionist/Israeli) stuff rather than the second part which was genocidal.

So, it's not up to me to do more than put the information up for you to read, so when you go off on ignorance it is 'your' ownership.

The information you lacked was only a few posts up. If you spent as much time informing yourself of the thread as you do complaining at being held to your words of ignorance, you would not have those words of ignorance or the posts that come after your ignorance.

It was your ignorance. Not mine.
Whatever, Ropey. You can't post to me without an insult. I think I responded pretty damn quickly to Sunni's post once I saw it. I'm done being called ignorant by someone who won't clean up his own ignorant act.

People here think I'm WAY too concerned about how gays and lesbians are treated in the world. You're in your own little posting universe, you practicing het, you.
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Whatever, Ropey. You can't post to me without an insult. I think I responded pretty damn quickly to Sunni's post once I saw it.

You sure did and that was when you put your feet (both) into your mouth. <-- Not an insult. Reality...
Practicing lesbian? Oh brother.

You can bet your sweet bitty I know more about how gays and lesbians are treated worldwide than you do. I speak up all the time about things like the kill gays legislation in Africa.

People want to shut me up because they think I'm overly concerned about such things. Here you are, thinking I'm not radical enough.

I give up.


Bippy, not bitty btw.

just saying...

I never said you were or weren't radical enough. Where do you get your information from? The same place you got "bitty"?

I said you were in error when you said Sunni Man was only Anti-Zionist and Israel. I asked you to look two posts above where he calls to genocide them.

You're still whining about that.

Eat it.
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Whatever, Ropey. You can't post to me without an insult. I think I responded pretty damn quickly to Sunni's post once I saw it.

You sure did and that was when you put your feet (both) into your mouth. <-- Not an insult. Reality...

I get it. If it comes out of your posts, it's not an insult, no matter what you say.

Say, is being a lesbian or a heterosexual a religious practice in your world?
Practicing lesbian? Oh brother.

You can bet your sweet bitty I know more about how gays and lesbians are treated worldwide than you do. I speak up all the time about things like the kill gays legislation in Africa.

People want to shut me up because they think I'm overly concerned about such things. Here you are, thinking I'm not radical enough.

I give up.


Bippy, not bitty btw.

just saying...

Hahaha. In your case, it's BITTY, not bippy. You sound like a bitty.
Whatever, Ropey. You can't post to me without an insult. I think I responded pretty damn quickly to Sunni's post once I saw it.

You sure did and that was when you put your feet (both) into your mouth. <-- Not an insult. Reality...

I get it. If it comes out of your posts, it's not an insult, no matter what you say.

Say, is being a lesbian or a heterosexual a religious practice in your world?

OK, you are really a cross threaded thinker Sky.

You bounce around like you are on a trampoline. This is about Sunni Man and his advocacy of future genocide.

Not you. Why do these things end up being about you when you post in them.

Hmm... :rofl:

Bippy, not bitty btw.

just saying...

Hahaha. In your case, it's BITTY, not bippy. You sound like a bitty.[/QUOTE]

Coming from one who whines about mistreatment?

Eat it
Practicing lesbian? Oh brother.

You can bet your sweet bitty I know more about how gays and lesbians are treated worldwide than you do. I speak up all the time about things like the kill gays legislation in Africa.

People want to shut me up because they think I'm overly concerned about such things. Here you are, thinking I'm not radical enough.

I give up.


Bippy, not bitty btw.

just saying...

I never said you were or weren't radical enough. Where do you get your information from? The same place you got "bitty"?

I said you were in error when you said Sunni Man was only Anti-Zionist and Israel. I asked you to look two posts above where he calls to genocide them.

You're still whining about that.

Eat it.

That's it, Ropey.
Everything what belongs to women was granted to them by men and not nature.
If laws of nature would still apply like in the animal world, then women would stand there without nothing at all and being the baby-machines they were intended to be.
How the hell did this become about Skydancer? It's not about the narcissists.

I see her pattern now. She tries to turn it personal for attention.
Everything what belongs to women was granted to them by men and not nature.
If laws of nature would still apply like in the animal world, then women would stand there without nothing at all and being the baby-machines they were intended to be.

Hahaha. A misogynist troll. :eusa_whistle:
You're in good company, ekrem. These guys are your kinda guys. Have fun.
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