Zone1 Sunny Hostin Believes That Jesus Christ Would Lead A Pride Parade

So you are like me?
You dont want govt healthcare? Welfare? Social security? You want them out of marriage? war mongering in other countries? private property rights? etc etc etc?
Very weird question coming from a federal supremacist.
So when I asked for you to back up your statement about what I support, does this response from you mean you were just making presumptions and talking out of your ass?
Im sure we have some areas of agreement and other areas where we don’t. I believe the government can serve as a voice of the people and a barrier the elements of capitalism that only favor the rich and powerful. It is in place to look out for the poor, sick, vulnerable, and oppressed.

I don’t have a solution to healthcare yet. I’d prefer probate but they’ve done a great job fucking that up.

I support social security and Medicare

I support welfare but the current system needs major reform.

Yes I want them out do love and marriage.

Yes I don’t favor war mongering

Yes I support private property rights and probably most of the etc etc etc
So you are inconsistent. Thanks.
Wrong. Anytime.
You are. You dont mind the govt controlling some things, but not others. Thats called "inconsistency"

  1. not staying the same throughout:
You are. You dont mind the govt controlling some things, but not others. Thats called "inconsistency"

  1. not staying the same throughout:
All or nothing makes no sense

We need government to do some things and not others
God was a prick about homosexuals and anyone who was different

Jesus was about love and compassion
When people, whatever their belief or unbelief, take the Bible and the law literally God is a prick, a capricious and puerile petty tyrant obsessed with diet, fashion and the sexual preferences of consenting adult bipeds and "believers" strive to reflect those attributes.

When people, whatever their belief or unbelief, learn that words used in the same Bible and law are figurative and the subjects are hidden and not directly connected to the literal meaning of the words used, the image of God revealed is more like that of a benevolent, dedicated, compationate and loving father and 'believers" strive to reflect those attributes.

Thats why Jesus was asked 'who is this father?" Jesus made this unknown God known by making his teaching and wisdom hidden in the figurative language used in scripture obvious.

" The kingdom of Heaven is like hidden treasure lying buried in a field. The man who found it (Jesus H. Christ) buried it again."

If you look and look and look and keep on looking you will find it. If you don't you never will...
You are. You dont mind the govt controlling some things, but not others. Thats called "inconsistency"

  1. not staying the same throughout:
Interesting philosophy. Before I respond, let me just ask.., are you for no government at all.? Absolute anarchy?
You are. You dont mind the govt controlling some things, but not others. Thats called "inconsistency"

  1. not staying the same throughout:

That is already a reality in this country einstein, written in the constitution, a form of democratic socialism, "to establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity."

Capitalism is incompatible with democracy. Its social darwinism where only scumbags thrive.
That is already a reality in this country einstein, written in the constitution, a form of democratic socialism, "to establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity."

Capitalism is incompatible with democracy. Its social darwinism where only scumbags thrive.
Thats the preamble. Stealing from producers and giving to the poor isnt providing the "general welfare"
And the constitution that you pointed out, mentions the "general welfare" but it can only be achieved by congress using its enumerated rights.
Every time a person says this cliche bullcrap that you just did, an angel dies.

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