Zone1 Sunny Hostin Believes That Jesus Christ Would Lead A Pride Parade

Homosexuality was openly accepted behavior in roman society, the occupiers of Judea.

If same sex unions was critical to salvation, such a heinous sin, Jesus would have said so, but he didn't say a single word about it. Paul, a self loathing masochistic homophobic misogynist, who contradicted Jesus on many issues key to salvation, did. There is a difference.
Give me something Paul contradicted Jesus about.
Give me something Paul contradicted Jesus about.
Paul claimed that Jesus made the law obsolete which is a direct contradiction of what Jesus taught in Matthew 5:17-20. To fulfill the law is to comply with its demands. Jesus taught to follow his way of complying with law. Unless you do it, eat his flesh and drink his blood, you cannot have the promised life for obedience in you, only a curse, death, i.e. oblivious insanity

The only thing that became obsolete after the revelation of Jesus was the wrong was to follow it, according to the talmud, what Jesus called the traditions of men. Not the law itself.

BTW if the law is obsolete, as Paul said, why do Christians keep on citing its laws? Derp.
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"Go and sin no more"

Jesus said to the about-to-be-stoned adulterer


"Hey, I accept you, even your vile sins that send you to Hell"

(If there were no Hell to be saved from, Jesus did not need to expiate sin on the Cross)
Jesus would accept homosexuality for what it is

Paul claimed that Jesus made the law obsolete which is a direct contradiction of what Jesus taught in Matthew 5:17-20. To fulfill the law is to comply with its demands. Jesus taught to follow his way of complying with law. Unless you do it, eat his flesh and drink his blood, you cannot have the promised life for obedience in you, only a curse, death, i.e. oblivious insanity

The only thing that became obsolete after the revelation of Jesus was the wrong was to follow it, according to the talmud, what Jesus called the traditions of men. Not the law itself.

BTW if the law is obsolete, as Paul said, why do Christians keep on citing its laws? Derp.
Wow, your beliefs are total error. So you actually believe that millions and millions of people over 2000 years have believed wrongly and you are right. That's funny.
Jesus would accept homosexuality for what it is

Again, no one should be speaking for Jesus on this issue. He may or may not have been accepting of it. There were many reasons in Jesus' time to refrain from homosexual activity.

You are equating sex with love, and that is not always the case as sexual desire can be entirely separate from love. Further, what do you think Jesus would have said about illicit sex being okay for everyone as long as there is love somewhere in the mix? (Man-Boy Love Association may be an example. Do you dare to speak for Jesus on that issue as well?)
Again, no one should be speaking for Jesus on this issue. He may or may not have been accepting of it. There were many reasons in Jesus' time to refrain from homosexual activity.

You are equating sex with love, and that is not always the case as sexual desire can be entirely separate from love. Further, what do you think Jesus would have said about illicit sex being okay for everyone as long as there is love somewhere in the mix? (Man-Boy Love Association may be an example. Do you dare to speak for Jesus on that issue as well?)
Actually I am separating sex from love
Most of homosexuality relates to love of your partner

Stop equating homosexuality with pedophilia. Most pedophilia is heterosexual
Actually I am separating sex from love
Most of homosexuality relates to love of your partner

Stop equating homosexuality with pedophilia. Most pedophilia is heterosexual
I never equate homosexuality with pedophilia. I am merely pointing out that if you think you can speak for Jesus on one topic he never addresses, how do you feel about speaking for him about another topic he never addresses? i.e., I am equating you speaking for Jesus, not homosexuality equating with pedophilia, so let's not change the topic.
Again, no one should be speaking for Jesus on this issue. He may or may not have been accepting of it. There were many reasons in Jesus' time to refrain from homosexual activity.

You are equating sex with love, and that is not always the case as sexual desire can be entirely separate from love. Further, what do you think Jesus would have said about illicit sex being okay for everyone as long as there is love somewhere in the mix? (Man-Boy Love Association may be an example. Do you dare to speak for Jesus on that issue as well?)
Sodom and Gomorrah would have something to say about that.
I never equate homosexuality with pedophilia. I am merely pointing out that if you think you can speak for Jesus on one topic he never addresses, how do you feel about speaking for him about another topic he never addresses? i.e., I am equating you speaking for Jesus, not homosexuality equating with pedophilia, so let's not change the topic.
Do you believe God changed his mind on homosexuality? And according to John 1:1 Jesus is God.
Do you believe God changed his mind on homosexuality? And according to John 1:1 Jesus is God.
I believe all of God's commandments are for our benefit, not our destruction. I don't believe they are a test, just advice from a loving father. There are physical, mental, and spiritual reasons for not engaging in homosexual acts. God's Word is a Word to the Wise.

It is commonly said there is an exception to every rule. The big problem here is that everyone wants to be that exception. Sexuality is a powerful force, which is why it so often wins out. What each individual has to face is whether s/he is going to let sexual desire direct their adult lives/decisions. How will unleashing that sexual desire benefit family, community, future generations? (I don't entertain the argument of some who say as long as it does no damage...I want to know the benefits that cannot be obtained any other way.)

I have seen nothing that gets in the way of God's original advice to mankind. And nothing God said tells us to persecute or torment those who do choose to ignore Biblical advice. And to those who do elect homosexual relationships: I never asked any of you to approve what I am doing, so please don't ask for approval of what you are doing. Yes, I am a big proponent of the Victorian era where such things simply weren't discussed. They didn't miss out on a thing.
I believe all of God's commandments are for our benefit, not our destruction. I don't believe they are a test, just advice from a loving father. There are physical, mental, and spiritual reasons for not engaging in homosexual acts. God's Word is a Word to the Wise.

It is commonly said there is an exception to every rule. The big problem here is that everyone wants to be that exception. Sexuality is a powerful force, which is why it so often wins out. What each individual has to face is whether s/he is going to let sexual desire direct their adult lives/decisions. How will unleashing that sexual desire benefit family, community, future generations? (I don't entertain the argument of some who say as long as it does no damage...I want to know the benefits that cannot be obtained any other way.)

I have seen nothing that gets in the way of God's original advice to mankind. And nothing God said tells us to persecute or torment those who do choose to ignore Biblical advice. And to those who do elect homosexual relationships: I never asked any of you to approve what I am doing, so please don't ask for approval of what you are doing. Yes, I am a big proponent of the Victorian era where such things simply weren't discussed. They didn't miss out on a thing.
Sodom and Gomorrah
Ah, I did not make myself clear. I want government completely out of it. It is government who tells us divorce is okay, sex outside of marriage is okay, any kid of sex between any adults is okay.

The government should have no opinion at all on such matters, none of it is government business. There never should have been special treatment for married couples--or any kind of couple.
Everything is OK unless the government says it’s not and makes a law restricting it.
Everything is OK unless the government says it’s not and makes a law restricting it.
Government is to be involved in nation-to-nation business not personal individual business. People can figure out their own business. No government needed for that.

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