Zone1 Sunny Hostin Believes That Jesus Christ Would Lead A Pride Parade

Government is to be involved in nation-to-nation business not personal individual business. People can figure out their own business. No government needed for that.
Sorry, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. The government is what creates law and structure within our country and sets the guidelines of how our society functions. Perhaps you should take a civics lesson.
The government is what creates law and structure within our country and sets the guidelines of how our society functions.
So you are one who wants the federal government involved in everyone's personal life. You cannot take care of your personal life on your own and feel the same about how others handle their personal lives and that they should have frequent federal government intervention. i.e., your utopia is a Nanny State.
So you are one who wants the federal government involved in everyone's personal life. You cannot take care of your personal life on your own and feel the same about how others handle their personal lives and that they should have frequent federal government intervention. i.e., your utopia is a Nanny State.
They're all Marxists.
So you are one who wants the federal government involved in everyone's personal life. You cannot take care of your personal life on your own and feel the same about how others handle their personal lives and that they should have frequent federal government intervention. i.e., your utopia is a Nanny State.
I don’t think legalizing gay marriage or permitting divorce as the government being involved in my personal life. How do you??
I don’t think legalizing gay marriage or permitting divorce as the government being involved in my personal life. How do you??
Why does gay marriage need a federal government's stamp of approval? Or disapproval for that matter. How about the government has no say in marriage. Period.
I don’t think legalizing gay marriage or permitting divorce as the government being involved in my personal life. How do you??

You bring up good points. Both are against the Bible, but there is also a separation of church and state in this country so I can't fault you for pointing that out.
Why does gay marriage need a federal government's stamp of approval? Or disapproval for that matter. How about the government has no say in marriage. Period.
The government gives a 'stamp of approval' to heterosexual marriages because they, and only they, can create a genetic family unit which is the backbone of America. Disney forgot this and they are suffering because of their PC gay policies.
Why does gay marriage need a federal government's stamp of approval? Or disapproval for that matter. How about the government has no say in marriage. Period.
Well because marriage is a legal process that affects finance, tax filings, inheritance, and chain of custody
No, because He didn't care about inherent personal characteristics like race, ethnicity, or sexual orientation. He'd most certainly not get involved in the totally absurd activities to promote these things.
I suspect he would ask if there wasn't something higher than sexuality to discuss and pursue.

Read the Bible. But then, sadly, I know your bible is the bible according to Meriweather. An old story, but a tragic one.

Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a person commits are outside the body, but whoever sins sexually, sins against their own body.--1 Cor 6:18
The only two places I see Him leading them is either repentance or Hell.

Would He dine with gays?


Would He talk with them, minister to them, heal them?


Would He partake of an event expressly meant to celebrate their sin?



In the same vein: He would dine with me, a sinner. He has ministered to me, and in a sense, healed me, a sinner. But He has never celebrated my sin. Believe that. So I'm no different. The only difference is, I try not to celebrate my sin, and don't expect others to do so either.
An old story, but a tragic one.
But not as old and as tragic as Judgment by SweetSue92? ;)

Sue, throughout my life I have read and studied. A lot. Scholars, rabbis, Saints, etc. All bring different thoughts and perspectives to scripture, which I find enriching. You are crediting me with the thoughts and words of people far above me, far more knowledgeable. I share what I have learned from along the way from many, many others. I love all the different perspectives. Could it be the only Biblical perspective you have room for is your own?
Uhhh, I just asked it
I would like to respond. Not insisting the government remain within its boundaries is not asking for absolute anarchy. In fact, take a look at the great empires that fell simply because they wanted the people so dependent on government there was no way out for the government but anarchy.

It is vital for government to observe its own boundaries.
I would like to respond. Not insisting the government remain within its boundaries is not asking for absolute anarchy. In fact, take a look at the great empires that fell simply because they wanted the people so dependent on government there was no way out for the government but anarchy.

It is vital for government to observe its own boundaries.
That is a common sense answer that I’d assume most people would agree with. I’m am curious how the “absolutist” TNHarley feels though as his posts have suggested that he does not support government involvement in anything
I’m am curious how the “absolutist” @TNHarley feels though as his posts have suggested that he does not support government involvement in anything
The federal government not being involved in anything personal narrows its boundaries considerably. Its only focus should be protecting the nation, dealings with other countries, trade, transportation.
The federal government not being involved in anything personal narrows its boundaries considerably. Its only focus should be protecting the nation, dealings with other countries, trade, transportation.
What about currency, commerce, law enforcement and emergency services?

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