Zone1 Sunny Hostin Believes That Jesus Christ Would Lead A Pride Parade

How about you deal with what the Scripture says that I quoted? Just that. Scripture.
Our difference is that you see the English King James version as scripture. I am not saying it is not, just noting it is not the original language or culture.
I say that discussing and hating the sin is a whole lot different than discussing and hating the person.

Same as people would do when dealing with animals with rabies. They're mentally ill and public health hazards and especially dangerous to children.
I would say most don’t want to change
Should they do it to please your.
Regardless........if you beleive in and Accept God, or you refuse to except the obvious evidences that surround you (the things that are created).....Everyone will be judged the same. The Words of Jesus will judge everyone in the end. (John 12:48) Even you will be judged by the Books, the Holy Scriptures and the Book of life.........your life will be compared to the content of the words inspired by Christ Jesus on judgment day. Hades (the resting place of the dead) will give up its dead on that day.......the quick and the dead will be judged (Rev. 20:13)

If you believe and accept this purely up to you. But ......God does not need you, if you hope for the eternal life of your spirit that is ingrained into your will seek out God.......or not. But judgment will come.

Of course.........God forces no one to repent from that which He defines as immoral and a perversion of nature. All of creation was established with free will in mind, nature was established to be controlled and regulated by the laws of physics as established by the God of creation, man was created with the capacity of reason and logic with the freedom to make decisions or judgments, sometimes these judgments are righteous sometimes they are not. God defines Sin as an act of Lawlessness.......a decision to be contrary to the laws established by God. (1 John 3:4)

God requires or needs nothing from mankind, "The God who made the world and everything in it, being Lord of Heaven and Earth, does not live in temples made by man, nor is He served by human hands AS THOUGH HE NEEDED ANYTHING........since He Himself gives to all of mankind life and breath and everything." -- Acts 17:24-25. Its man that is born with an innate need, a yearning to find God.....seeking to find Him, Groping like the the hope that some day he will find Him. But....God is never far from anyone, for IN HIM we live and have our very being.......we exist within the God of Creation (Acts 17:26-28

Thus.......when one, with free will premeditation chooses to become a Reprobate..........sinning continually and refusing to accept as sin that which God defines as sin, God simply CASTS THEM AWAY to their own perverted nature. "And sense they (those with a reprobate mind) do not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a DEBASED MIND (an impure mind) to do what ought not be done." -- Romans 1: 18-28
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Of course.........God forces no one to repent from that which He defines as immoral and a perversion of nature. All of creation was established with free will in mind, nature was established to be controlled and regulated by the laws of physics as established by the God of creation, man was created with the capacity of reason and logic with the freedom to make decisions or judgments, sometimes these judgments are righteous sometimes they are not. God defines Sin as an act of Lawlessness.......a decision to be contrary to the laws established by God. (1 John 3:4)

God requires or needs nothing from mankind, "The God who made the world and everything in it, being Lord of Heaven and Earth, does not live in temples made by man, nor is He served by human hands AS THOUGH HE NEEDED ANYTHING........since He Himself gives to all of mankind life and breath and everything." -- Acts 17:24-25. Its man that is born with an innate need, a yearning to find God.....seeking to find Him, Groping like the the hope that some day he will find Him. But....God is never far from anyone, for IN HIM we live and have our very being.......we exist within the God of Creation (Acts 17:26-28

Thus.......when one, with free will premeditation chooses to become a Reprobate..........sinning continually and refusing to accet as sin that which God defines as sin, God simply CASTS THEM AWAY to their own perverted nature. "And sense they (those with a reprobate mind) do not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a DEBASED MIND (an impure mind) to do what ought not be done." -- Romans 1: 18-28
God made them gay
Regardless........if you beleive in and Accept God, or you refuse to except the obvious evidences that surround you (the things that are created).....Everyone will be judged the same. The Words of Jesus will judge everyone in the end. (John 12:48) Even you will be judged by the Books, the Holy Scriptures and the Book of life.........your life will be compared to the content of the words inspired by Christ Jesus on judgment day. Hades (the resting place of the dead) will give up its dead on that day.......the quick and the dead will be judged (Rev. 20:13)

If you believe and accept this purely up to you. But ......God does not need you, if you hope for the eternal life of your spirit that is ingrained into your will seek out God.......or not. But judgment will come.

Of course.........God forces no one to repent from that which He defines as immoral and a perversion of nature. All of creation was established with free will in mind, nature was established to be controlled and regulated by the laws of physics as established by the God of creation, man was created with the capacity of reason and logic with the freedom to make decisions or judgments, sometimes these judgments are righteous sometimes they are not. God defines Sin as an act of Lawlessness.......a decision to be contrary to the laws established by God. (1 John 3:4)

God requires or needs nothing from mankind, "The God who made the world and everything in it, being Lord of Heaven and Earth, does not live in temples made by man, nor is He served by human hands AS THOUGH HE NEEDED ANYTHING........since He Himself gives to all of mankind life and breath and everything." -- Acts 17:24-25. Its man that is born with an innate need, a yearning to find God.....seeking to find Him, Groping like the the hope that some day he will find Him. But....God is never far from anyone, for IN HIM we live and have our very being.......we exist within the God of Creation (Acts 17:26-28

Thus.......when one, with free will premeditation chooses to become a Reprobate..........sinning continually and refusing to accept as sin that which God defines as sin, God simply CASTS THEM AWAY to their own perverted nature. "And sense they (those with a reprobate mind) do not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a DEBASED MIND (an impure mind) to do what ought not be done." -- Romans 1: 18-28
Which god/goddess?
God made them gay
No........their debased mind made them Queer. They are guilty of nothing until they make a free will decision to engage in perverted sex. The mind controls the act of sex........or you have just been raped. Sex is not required to maintain life, find shelter, food, healthcare......etc., choosing how you wish to engage in sex is a free will decision. Queerness was established as a mental "handicap" until the 1970s.........then all the supposed smart people decided to spary some perfume on this stemaing pile of mental freedom and declare it was a biological condition from birth. What do you get when you spary perfume upon a pile of crap........a pile of crap.

If being queer is not based upon a choice but is mandated by genetics from birth. Science should be able to take 2 deceased human beings, any race, any gender (as queernesss exists in all races on earth).........1 having lived his/her entire life as a queer, the other having lived as a straight person. Do an independent Autospy......down to the celluar level, by someone who has no previous information on the 2 subjects.......and Science should be able to distinquish the queer from the straight......if not why not? Show me the QUEER GENE.

The human mind controls sex........its lust that defines the queer, just as it defines the adulterer, the rapists, the thief....etc., all have the same wages.......sin that leadeth to death if it remains unrependant. God has provided a method to control such lust.......its called marriage. And God defines marriage......not man.
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Its amusing........those who support homosexuality and homsexual marriage in the United States have already been Cast Out/Away by the God of creation, with God allowing their "depraved" attitude (refusing to obey the laws of God) to take control and direct their lives.

They have corrupted the legal system in the US by allowing a minority led by an "oligarchy" to establish law void of even having a 50 +1 majority.......this has been accomplished not through the proper channels that mandate the congresses of the state and federal governmenst as the only bodies authorized to WRITE LAW.......they have invoked homosexality as a civil rights issue when sex has nothing to do with the basic concepts of being is not a requirement to sustain human life and the basic needs thereof.,....all this has been incorporated through a radical court system that self professes to have the authority to CHANGE LAW void of any type of representation from the people.

The courts have even redefined Marriage as a civil rights issue (when there has always existed a legal platform, called civil union contracts to have access to the same benefits of those who are really married).........pretending the Social Mores' established by THE PEOPLE of the Untied States never defined marriage as union between a man and woman, the courts totally ignored 200 years of historical legal precendent to make new laws from the bench.

If the states wish to incorporate homosexuality as being normal..........more power to them, its always been a State's Right issue. Who cares if God has cast away the vast majority of the modern progressive party? I will shed no tears for those who refuse to repent and accept God's authority as the Creator.

God has allowed them to slide down this slippery slope that leads directly to hell. They have their laws established.....but they still bitch because they can't change the minds and attitudes of those who serve God righteously. I find it amusing......the anger, the grinding and gnashing of teeth........the hissing, any time a Christian defends the actual word of God, as If they can justify their depravity and make God agree with their lack of reason and logic. They always attempt to blame God :102:for their free will decisions. LOL.:abgg2q.jpg:
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Did God make everyone heterosexual?
God made everyone human.......some humans are "naturally" born with abnormalities........mental weaknesses, physical handicaps etc. What's different from those who are killers, child molestors, raptists, serial killers, theives..etc., than the homosexual......all are born with a clear mental imbalance.

God is not to blame for the actions/results of the laws of physics that control the natural world. Anytime a human is born with some type of anomaly.......mental or physical, there exists a history based upon the free will decisions of the previous generations that have corrupted the natural and normal processes of bith. These happen through ignorance.....such as smoking or using drugs while the child is in a state of gestation in the womb..........or by someone in the ancestral lineage having exposed themsleves to some physical pathogen...etc. Nothing happens void of reason and logic. God can't be blamed for allowing nature to take its course.....when some 'mutation' happens through natural means. A mutant is one born with something lacking in their DNA signature that others have complete. Some people are simply born without the ability to have remorse or empathy.......etc., I see no one attempting to defend those future killers and rapists because they were born different......

Death is as natural as breathing...........People, to include new born children die every day in the world. God has no respect of person. sin can happen if someone is born with a mental anomaly that does not allow them to be able to comprehend right from wrong, good from evil. "Blessed are the poor in spirit/mind". Just as a child cannot sin......a peson with the mind of a child cannot be charged with sin. But those born with the capacity to reason and plan with premeditation have no excuse. Sin is Lawlessness...........the breaking of God's law. The sin of homosexuality cannot be subject to Sin until a free will decision has been made to allow one's lust to overcome the Law...........there is always hope for the living who does not hold a reprobate mental state (continues in sin and expects God to forgive that sin)
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The overwhelming percentage of sex has nothing to do with procreation
Sex comes first, then passion? The purpose of sex is passion? There would be no passion without sex? (Same questions for both love and affection as well.)
Sex comes first, then passion? The purpose of sex is passion? There would be no passion without sex? (Same questions for both love and affection as well.)

It can
There are a variety of reasons to have sex
Usually not involving procreation
It can
There are a variety of reasons to have sex
Usually not involving procreation
This brings us back to my original question: What is the purpose of sex? I didn't ask how else sex can be used. Nor is the question directed at homosexuality.

My purpose: In a book written thousands of years ago, ancient man observed that lack of sexual discipline led to the downfall of community/tribe/nation. Lack of sexual discipline does not start with homosexuality--lack of sexual discipline is well established by that point, and how can a little more have that much of an effect, either way.

Perhaps most parents have walked into a room where it seems a thousand Legos have been scattered every which way. Picking up a single Lego would not come close to cleaning up the mess. Those who think our lack of sexual discipline can be altered by having homosexuals saying No to same gender sexual relationships is like saying picking up a single Lego would create order in a child's room. Society lacks sexual discipline. If people truly wanted to create order out of this rather than leaving everything as is, they would start with discipline within the largest group, not the smallest.

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