Zone1 Sunny Hostin Believes That Jesus Christ Would Lead A Pride Parade

Thats the preamble. Stealing from producers and giving to the poor isnt providing the "general welfare"
And the constitution that you pointed out, mentions the "general welfare" but it can only be achieved by congress using its enumerated rights.
Every time a person says this cliche bullcrap that you just did, an angel dies.

No one is advocating stealing from producers and giving to the poor. Try again.

So what are you advocating? fuck the poor? Social Darwinism? Only the ruthless survive?
Here's what Jesus would say to Sonny Hostin.
"For you are like whitewashed tombs which indeed appear beautiful outwardly, but inside are full of dead men’s bones and all uncleanness. 28 Even so you also outwardly appear righteous to men, but inside you are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness". Matthew 23.
I agree. But expecting to have the government control who others love and marry is not reasonable
Ah, I did not make myself clear. I want government completely out of it. It is government who tells us divorce is okay, sex outside of marriage is okay, any kid of sex between any adults is okay.

The government should have no opinion at all on such matters, none of it is government business. There never should have been special treatment for married couples--or any kind of couple.
So you are like me?
You dont want govt healthcare? Welfare? Social security? You want them out of marriage?
Exactly! No government involvement in anything that does involve protecting the nation from outsiders, trade, transportation. We the people can provide our own living, our own healthcare, our own retirement, and what is and is not marriage and other personal relationships.
Jesus was about love and compassion
Jesus was about discerning the will of God and following it. Note what he said about leading children down the wrong path or those who did not enter places in the proper way. His words were firm Turn away (repent) from wrong doing and your wrong ways will be forgiven. Go. Sin no more.

His words were not to compassionately tell people it is perfectly alright to commit any and all wrongs. We are to be perfect.
Jesus would have had no problem with society supporting its weakest members
Jesus would have had big problems with society encouraging its weakest members in wrong-doings and dishonorable acts. We are to turn away from unholy deeds.
Ah, I did not make myself clear. I want government completely out of it. It is government who tells us divorce is okay, sex outside of marriage is okay, any kid of sex between any adults is okay.

The government should have no opinion at all on such matters, none of it is government business. There never should have been special treatment for married couples--or any kind of couple.

Shouldn't the church be kept out as well then? As it is the separation between church and state is only an illusion. The church is saying divorce is not ok, sex outside of marriage is not ok, and sex between consenting adults is not ok and religious radicals have been infiltrating places of authority to impose this perverse view of the world on the entire population.

Is that ok?
Shouldn't the church be kept out as well then?
No. Here is the difference. People who live in the nation and accept the nation's protection, trade, transportation, and negotiations with other nations should follow all laws that pertain to these organizations.

Church is like the 4-H or any club. People are born into a nation but walk into and join a Church or a club. When I walk into the Catholic Church, I am saying, I believe and will live in a marriage between a man and a woman, and I will stay married until death parts us. If I hold no such belief, then I would join another faith or denomination.
The church is saying divorce is not ok, sex outside of marriage is not ok, and sex between consenting adults is not ok
Correct. That is what Church tells its members. Church does not govern entire nations. People can come and go in Church as they please.
No, God was not. Homosexuality brought issues to an ancient society not yet prepared to deal with them either medically or psychologically.

Homosexuality was openly accepted behavior in roman society, the occupiers of Judea.

If same sex unions was critical to salvation, such a heinous sin, Jesus would have said so, but he didn't say a single word about it. Paul, a self loathing masochistic homophobic misogynist, who contradicted Jesus on many issues key to salvation, did. There is a difference.
"Go and sin no more" Jesus said to the about-to-be-stoned adulterer

The prophets spoke of Israel as an unfaithful wife. Had nothing whatever to do with sex.

Jesus said "only a perverse and adulterous generation seeks a sign". Nothing to do with sex.

You worship a first century Jewish man as if he was God? Adulterer! Caught in the act. Perv.

Now you know. Go and sin no more.
Homosexuality was openly accepted behavior in roman society, the occupiers of Judea.

If same sex unions was critical to salvation, such a heinous sin, Jesus would have said so, but he didn't say a single word about it. Paul, a self loathing masochistic homophobic misogynist, who contradicted Jesus on many issues key to salvation, did. There is a difference.
Homosexuality was not openly accepted among Jews, but those they regarded as outsiders. If Jesus was not in agreement with Jewish Law on not to practice homosexuality, he would not have been bashful to say so. The fact that he took aim at the Jewish practices of washing hands and dietary practices but never the ban on homosexuality speaks volumes.
The prophets spoke of Israel as an unfaithful wife. Had nothing whatever to do with sex.

Jesus said "only a perverse and adulterous generation seeks a sign". Nothing to do with sex.

You worship a first century Jewish man as if he was God? Adulterer! Caught in the act. Perv.

Now you know. Go and sin no more.
this is insane

you'll have to work it out by yourself, though.. I can't help you.. You've already shown yourself to be the horse led to water that refuses to drink
Homosexuality was not openly accepted among Jews, but those they regarded as outsiders. If Jesus was not in agreement with Jewish Law on not to practice homosexuality, he would not have been bashful to say so. The fact that he took aim at the Jewish practices of washing hands and dietary practices but never the ban on homosexuality speaks volumes.

Yes, volumes. By teaching that kosher law was not about food he was teaching that the law was not to be taken literally including morality laws which the perverse think is about sex.

You belong to an anti woman church whose priesthood consists of 'celibate' men only (lol) who have forsaken women to swear obedience to the Pope, a man, for life as if they were married, united to collectively perpetuate the worship a naked man on a cross. A mortal sin..

Is that not adulterous in the sight of God?
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