Super Bowl?

It was not an argument, dude. It was a trivial suggestion that you decided to question me about for whatever reason.
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Whatever. You suggested something and I told you why it wasn't a good idea then you went off on some time zone and snow fall tangent. If this were 1965 then keeping teams in the same areas would make sense but since it's not there's no reason to break up divisions with years of built-up rivalries so the fan bases are in the same time zone. Which this list doesnt do either but whatever. Like why does Dallas being in the same division as Tampa and Atlanta make any more sense than the one they are currently in? The flight time difference is 30 mins Dallas-Tampa vs Dallas-NY.
I emailed my idea to the commissioner.
2 Super Bowls - congrats to the franchiise, but the fans ?
Baltimore is a shithole, and hasn't been a respectable city since the Colts bailed out of there.
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Most of Baltimore's "fans" aren't even in the city, and if they are they can't afford the tickets over crack money and food.
Thanks what does that have to do with what we are talking about?
I dont know what’s ganna happen out of the AFC but I’ll stick KC over Buffalo or Baltimore and TB over GB with the NFC game being an OVER 51 - 55 pts. The Supper Bowl will come out of the NFC
How about them Bills though? You cant have on and off weeks after 17 though. I see them 1st round knock out

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