Support for Tea Party hits all time low

part of the reason people hate them is many sold out to the Establ. Repubs.

No, the reason people in general hate them is people don't want their insane concept of "super tiny" government that allows pollution, doesn't solve our educational problems, and doesn't lead the world in science. Most people want exactly what the tea party doesn't want.

The tea party are red-neck amish. Most of America simply isn't.

The American people in general favor the establishment republicans for keeping government open.

like i told the other idiot. when you are able to take back all the seats Republicans and yes, those Tea Party members took then you may have a point.

until then you're just a joke to be laughed at
Why the GOP House Majority Is Safe in 2016 - WSJ Blogs
The Wall Street Journal
Jun 9, 2015 - Three reasons the House races look so comfortable for Republicans and so ... in their quest to keep control of the House of Representatives in next year's ... Democrats can win enough seats to wrest back control of the House.


You went to Murdock Street Journal and found a conservative opinion and you even posted the conservative opinion mean you found a conservative, working for a conservative paper who has a conservative opinion...color me underwhelmed.


guess you think you made a point?

ok if it makes you feel better; can YOU or ANYBODY here provide a list of all the awesome Democrats poised to put the House back in the hands of Democrats next year?

ANY SOURCE WILL DO; just a list; of all the disticts in question please

i wont be a bitch and question your sources

i want to see a list, of actual people in actual districts, running for democrats next year, poised to flip the House back into Democrat hands

dont just give me a list of seats up for re-election. we all know more are from places where republicans won recently

give me actual names in actual districts please

libs are losers who lie to themselves
You KNOW I had to post this:

part of the reason people hate them is many sold out to the Establ. Repubs.
Eventually they have to sell out because their goal is to eliminate a large segment of the government that they and their constituents are financially dependent. So they go to Washington and create legislation that does nothing while chanting slogans about the evils of big government while insuring that evil big government money continues to flow into their district and state.
In U.S., Support for Tea Party Drops to New Low
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Americans' support for the Tea Party has dropped to its lowest level since the movement emerged on the national political scene prior to the 2010 midterm elections.

how can that be?

Sounds like it's time for a name change.

The Tea Party failed because it was never really founded on principles but rather slogans such as limited government, the Constitution, stop the spending, and abolish the fed. They didn't have a principled understanding of these concepts. They didn't know what the federal government was supposed to be limited to. They didn't know what the Constitution said. They didn't know the criterion for deciding what Congress should and shouldn't be spending money on. In short, they were all over the map.

That's why it was so easy for the Koch's to spend a little money to assume leadership and point it in the direction that they wanted.
you dont obsess over people if you really consider them a joke. you dont talk about them at all

libs are morons; laughable really!!! lol

Nobody was obsessed over the tea party. We were reasonably concerned when the Kochs bought them and aimed them at legislation to help the rich and hurt everyone else, and then we laughed when they turned into a parody of a political party. Now, they are just a familiar joke that everybody has already heard.
you dont obsess over people if you really consider them a joke. you dont talk about them at all

libs are morons; laughable really!!! lol

Nobody was obsessed over the tea party. We were reasonably concerned when the Kochs bought them and aimed them at legislation to help the rich and hurt everyone else, and then we laughed when they turned into a parody of a political party. Now, they are just a familiar joke that everybody has already heard.

it has been pointed out to you mindless morons that nothing the Kochs did made the rich get richer and the poorest get poorer ON THE PROGRESSIVE WATCH

why do you losers insist on this false narrative???
i keep waiting for the list of all the awesome democrats poised top snatch away seats the Tea Party took, but i cant get any from you idiots................... i mean since the Tea Party is a "familiar joke that everybody has already hears" and all................................



Please be sure to let us when you have an original thought. You have so very few.

Why respond to him. His entire mission is to derail the thread.

He post in a thread while feigning disinterest.
When the feign disinterest does not kill the thread, he issues challenges and stake claims that are really unrelated to the topic.

For instance,Who needs to talk about Democrats House prospects when the thread is about the decline in support to the Tea party?

The Republican prospects could have increased some but the Tea party candidate is not contributing to that increase due to it(TP) losing public support.

Until Bdw stops feigning disinterest and makes a significant point, ignore him. There are a few cases he does say something worthwhile. But only a few


Please be sure to let us when you have an original thought. You have so very few.

Why respond to him. His entire mission is to derail the thread.

He post in a thread while feigning disinterest.
When the feign disinterest does not kill the thread, he issues challenges and stake claims that are really unrelated to the topic.

For instance,Who needs to talk about Democrats House prospects when the thread is about the decline in support to the Tea party?

The Republican prospects could have increased some but the Tea party candidate is not contributing to that increase due to it(TP) losing public support.

Until Bdw stops feigning disinterest and makes a significant point, ignore him. There are a few cases he does say something worthwhile. But only a few

Do not confuse disinterest with disgust.


Please be sure to let us when you have an original thought. You have so very few.

Why respond to him. His entire mission is to derail the thread.

He post in a thread while feigning disinterest.
When the feign disinterest does not kill the thread, he issues challenges and stake claims that are really unrelated to the topic.

For instance,Who needs to talk about Democrats House prospects when the thread is about the decline in support to the Tea party?

The Republican prospects could have increased some but the Tea party candidate is not contributing to that increase due to it(TP) losing public support.

Until Bdw stops feigning disinterest and makes a significant point, ignore him. There are a few cases he does say something worthwhile. But only a few

Republican Prospects? Really?

Thanks to the dead-from-the-neck-up yahoo's in charge of the Hilary Inquisition, her campaign has been handed on silver platter hours and hours of political ads where she is seen calm, cool and collected as Goober Gowdy is seen sweating buckets.

JEB! is on life support and went running to Poppi for help. Seems his idiot deserter brotherkilled the brand with his fuck ups in Afghanistan and Iraq.

The TeaHadists at an all time poll wise.

Oh is feigning you new word of the day?

Does that mean you have reached the ability to spell two syllable words now?
Last edited:


Please be sure to let us when you have an original thought. You have so very few.

Why respond to him. His entire mission is to derail the thread.

He post in a thread while feigning disinterest.
When the feign disinterest does not kill the thread, he issues challenges and stake claims that are really unrelated to the topic.

For instance,Who needs to talk about Democrats House prospects when the thread is about the decline in support to the Tea party?

The Republican prospects could have increased some but the Tea party candidate is not contributing to that increase due to it(TP) losing public support.

Until Bdw stops feigning disinterest and makes a significant point, ignore him. There are a few cases he does say something worthwhile. But only a few

Republican Prospects? Really?

Thanks to the dead-from-the-neck-up yahoo's in charge of the Hilary Inquisition, her campaign has been handed on silver platter hours and hours of political ads where she is seen calm, cool and collected as Goober Gowdy is seen sweating buckets.

JEB! is on life support and went running to Poppi for help. Seems his idiot deserter brotherkilled the brand with his fuck ups in Afghanistan and Iraq.

The TeaHadists at an all time poll wise.

Oh is feigning you new word of the day?

Does that mean you have reached the ability to spell two syllable words now?
^ that :lol:


Please be sure to let us when you have an original thought. You have so very few.

Please be sure to let me know when you have that list of all the awesome Democrats poised to take the House back next year moron. i mean since you tried to ridicule the notion that the House is safe for Republicans at least through the next election cycle at all.........................and you have all these original thoughts and shit right??
In U.S., Support for Tea Party Drops to New Low
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Americans' support for the Tea Party has dropped to its lowest level since the movement emerged on the national political scene prior to the 2010 midterm elections.

how can that be?

Sounds like it's time for a name change.

The Tea Party failed because it was never really founded on principles but rather slogans such as limited government, the Constitution, stop the spending, and abolish the fed. They didn't have a principled understanding of these concepts. They didn't know what the federal government was supposed to be limited to. They didn't know what the Constitution said. They didn't know the criterion for deciding what Congress should and shouldn't be spending money on. In short, they were all over the map.
Moreover, it wasn't anything new. The Republicans have been running on those slogans forever.

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I predicted this whole thing back in 2012.

See...Ron Paul's original protests, back in December 2007, I think...largly unknown to GOP manstreamers, because it was an attempt to convince George Bush to NOT bail out the banks......was what the GOP coopted, and turned it into a place to hide for Republicans ashamed about the way the Bush admin ended.

Republicans got to live in denial that they supported the administration that ended in the worst economic recession, since the great deression.

Now they were Tea Partiers.

Well, no need to hide anymore, because in the minds of Republicans, the GOP has saddled Obama with all the blame for how the Bush admin ended.

Especaly after Obama's term is done, and a GOP president is elected...spending won't be bad aymore, because the goverment will be spending money on things Republicans like.
Yep, nailed it.

Sent from my SM-N910T3 using Tapatalk
In U.S., Support for Tea Party Drops to New Low
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Americans' support for the Tea Party has dropped to its lowest level since the movement emerged on the national political scene prior to the 2010 midterm elections.

how can that be?

Sounds like it's time for a name change.

The Tea Party failed because it was never really founded on principles but rather slogans such as limited government, the Constitution, stop the spending, and abolish the fed. They didn't have a principled understanding of these concepts. They didn't know what the federal government was supposed to be limited to. They didn't know what the Constitution said. They didn't know the criterion for deciding what Congress should and shouldn't be spending money on. In short, they were all over the map.
Moreover, it wasn't anything new. The Republicans have been running on those slogans forever.

Sent from my SM-N910T3 using Tapatalk

actually dummy; obama ran on those slogans.
what did candidate obama have to say about raising the Debt Ceiling leftard?
what did he say about defending our friends in Israel as a candidate?
how about gay marriage?

libs are losers who lie to themselves

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