Support for Tea Party hits all time low


why do leftardz keep insisting on saying things they cant back up??

as for bumper sticker mentality; as long as there are idiots stupid enough to mindlessly chant "change!" that bumper sticker mentality will be around
You can see why the Republican party is in such disarray by the comments of some on this thread. Boehner left for a reason, there is a group of 8 year olds pretending to be adults who want to hold the government hostage and threaten people every single time they don't get what they want and the 'normal' Republicans know this isn't how American democracy works.

The Teabaggers had their moment, its done now and they are fading away.
You can see why the Republican party is in such disarray by the comments of some on this thread. Boehner left for a reason, there is a group of 8 year olds pretending to be adults who want to hold the government hostage and threaten people every single time they don't get what they want and the 'normal' Republicans know this isn't how American democracy works.

The Teabaggers had their moment, its done now and they are fading away.
You shouldn't try to talk with a teabagger's nuts in your mouth.
You can see why the Republican party is in such disarray by the comments of some on this thread. Boehner left for a reason, there is a group of 8 year olds pretending to be adults who want to hold the government hostage and threaten people every single time they don't get what they want and the 'normal' Republicans know this isn't how American democracy works.

The Teabaggers had their moment, its done now and they are fading away.
You shouldn't try to talk with a teabagger's nuts in your mouth.

Keep your hobbies in your own house thanks.
You can see why the Republican party is in such disarray by the comments of some on this thread. Boehner left for a reason, there is a group of 8 year olds pretending to be adults who want to hold the government hostage and threaten people every single time they don't get what they want and the 'normal' Republicans know this isn't how American democracy works.

The Teabaggers had their moment, its done now and they are fading away.
They are so disillusioned, they are ready to nominate a real estate man who's claim to fame is bankrupting his companies and trading insults with media personifies.
"Support for Tea Party hits all ti me low"

Likely because there never was a 'tea party.'

The 'tea party' was nothing more than republicans angry about 2008.

Don't tell the TeaBaggers that.

Tea party rallies.

Don't call it teabagging.

Don't Call Me Teabagger, Whitey.

The TeaHadists were the very people who coined the phrase "Teabagger", and then go all their frillies in twist over the what teabagging meant.

Urban Dictionary: teabagging.

Teabaggers were, are and always will be TeaHadists.
Yet, these crazy mother fuckers think they can win on loserterianism??? when not even a right-leaning republican managed it. lol

Believe me, people don't want cuts, slashes, and less this election. Loserterisnism is for losers!

I simply can't believe any college in America would allow you to enroll.
In U.S., Support for Tea Party Drops to New Low
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Americans' support for the Tea Party has dropped to its lowest level since the movement emerged on the national political scene prior to the 2010 midterm elections.

how can that be?

Sounds like it's time for a name change.

The Tea Party failed because it was never really founded on principles but rather slogans such as limited government, the Constitution, stop the spending, and abolish the fed. They didn't have a principled understanding of these concepts. They didn't know what the federal government was supposed to be limited to. They didn't know what the Constitution said. They didn't know the criterion for deciding what Congress should and shouldn't be spending money on. In short, they were all over the map.
Better known as a grassroots movement filled with individuals instead of frigging sheep.
"Support for Tea Party hits all ti me low"

Likely because there never was a 'tea party.'

The 'tea party' was nothing more than republicans angry about 2008.

Don't tell the TeaBaggers that.

Tea party rallies.

Don't call it teabagging.

Don't Call Me Teabagger, Whitey.

The TeaHadists were the very people who coined the phrase "Teabagger", and then go all their frillies in twist over the what teabagging meant.

Urban Dictionary: teabagging.

Teabaggers were, are and always will be TeaHadists.
There is no political party known as the "Tea Party". The tea party is just a bunch of concerned citizens who use the system to try to get the best conservative candidates. You could poll most colleges and high schools and idiots on the street to get a reduction in support for conservative politics but it's just another exercise in left wing psychology.
That may be the desire of the true conservative Americans in the movement, but saintmike and keys and Rambo and steven-_mcgarrett and their racist, sexist, and nativist buddies have hijacked it.

Thinking America knows it.
There is no political party known as the "Tea Party". The tea party is just a bunch of concerned citizens who use the system to try to get the best conservative candidates. You could poll most colleges and high schools and idiots on the street to get a reduction in support for conservative politics but it's just another exercise in left wing psychology.

Epic fail.

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