Support for Third U.S. Political Party Up to 63%

Humans are driven by fear. And with the combination of decades of practice, and better tools at their disposal (internet), the parties have become masters at fear-mongering.
Except in reality, it's not. There is little doubt that when the next election comes 98% of this 63% will still herd themselves into voting R or D. They will ultimately decide that the third party can't win and it's SUPER important that (insert Trump or Biden) doesn't get back into office, so they will choose one and the third party will get 2% of the vote. Hence, the self-fulfilling prophecy continues yet another cycle.

Generically a majority always is, then when the questions get down to specifics not so much. Rather run with the devils they know.
Trump claimed to be competent running a large corporation, and you see how much he screwed everything up. Our government is not a business, and can't be run like one.
The problem is…NOBODY moral, decent, sane, normal and productive believes Trump screwed anything up as all legit real core Americans were kicking ass and watching America improve right before their eyes while on Trumps watch.
That said…we know for certain are CERTAINLY one of the following:
Pole puffer
Rug muncher
Chick with a dick
Bottom feeding begging degenerate
Filthy globalist
Illegal wetback
Angry negro

Be totally honest….which group are you part of?
MAGA is the cancer, as we swirl around the drain.
The problem is…NOBODY moral, decent, sane, normal and productive believes Trump screwed anything up as all legit real core Americans were kicking ass and watching America improve right before their eyes while on Trumps watch.
That said…we know for certain are CERTAINLY one of the following:
Pole puffer
Rug muncher
Chick with a dick
Bottom feeding begging degenerate
Filthy globalist
Illegal wetback
Angry negro

Be totally honest….which group are you part of?
The problem is…NOBODY moral, decent, sane, normal and productive believes Trump screwed anything up as all legit real core Americans were kicking ass and watching America improve right before their eyes while on Trumps watch.
That said…we know for certain are CERTAINLY one of the following:
Pole puffer
Rug muncher
Chick with a dick
Bottom feeding begging degenerate
Filthy globalist
Illegal wetback
Angry negro

Be totally honest….which group are you part of?
I'm part of the group that fired trump, and is happy to see him finally facing responsibility for his lawless actions.
dblack I’ve asked 1,000 times and none of you Libs can ever articulate an answer.
So you want a party that doesn’t expand government, legalizes all narcotics, hates sovereignty, allows America to be the worlds nation and doesn’t spend money… I right?
I'm part of the group that fired trump, and is happy to see him finally facing responsibility for his lawless actions.
Got it…so you‘re definitely part of one of the aforementioned groups which clearly explains your position on Trump.
Now tell us, how was everybody legit kicking ass while you were suffering and being hateful while under then Trump admin?
dblack I’ve asked 1,000 times and none of you Libs can ever articulate an answer.
So you want a party that doesn’t expand government, legalizes all narcotics, hates sovereignty, allows America to be the worlds nation and doesn’t spend money… I right?
What are you smoking to make you ask such a stupid question?
dblack I’ve asked 1,000 times and none of you Libs can ever articulate an answer.
So you want a party that doesn’t expand government, legalizes all narcotics, hates sovereignty, allows America to be the worlds nation and doesn’t spend money… I right?
Are you right? I don't think that's ever happened, has it? You're a racist shitbag, so scared of brown people you'll vote for any conman who pats you on the head tells you he'll make them go away.
Are you right? I don't think that's every happened, has it? You're a racist shitbag, so scared of brown people you'll vote for any conman who pats you on the head tells you he'll make them go away.
Does that mean you can’t articulate to us what it is that you are looking for and that Fantasy Party of yours?
Why is the question so difficult for you and Golfing Gator ?

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