Support of hopeless country that could lead to nuclear war

Half of Americans believe in the energetic and strong Biden and that a man, who declares himself a woman and participates in women's sports on that basis is not a crazy pervert, but a freedom fighter for human rights.
Well than half of Americans need their heads tested, Biden is a dementia patient, there are sinister people behind him and we know who they are, still doesn't explain the weaponized stupidity.
Well than half of Americans need their heads tested, Biden is a dementia patient, there are sinister people behind him and we know who they are, still doesn't explain the weaponized stupidity.
People, who sincerely believe in something that contradicts basic biological foundations, in something that does not seem to need any explanation, namely, that a man can be surgically made into a woman and vice versa, have very bad, rotted brains. And they can be taught anything through TV, including that Ukraine is a democratic state that needs to be helped with arms
It was years before Russian went into Ukraine, they tried to get a resolution for years with Minsk and Minsk 2, they didn't even recognize the breakaway republics for years, the Germans and Ukrainians admitted they used Minsk 2 just to buy time to build up the Ukrainian army for an assault on Donbas after they had been beaten at the airport in Donetsk and other battles,it's all explained in that video, but the MSM in the West has been fabricating and propagating the bullshit that Russia just decided to invade Ukraine one day for no reason, watch the video.

Russia was interfering in the Ukraine right from the beginning of Putin's reign.

Remember the presidential candidate who got poisoned?
Well than half of Americans need their heads tested, Biden is a dementia patient, there are sinister people behind him and we know who they are, still doesn't explain the weaponized stupidity.

"sinister people"... like the Koch brothers? Nope, that's the Republicans.
No more foreign wars.

how is weather in Moscow ? ivan 🇷🇺
1. What the hell is that mean?
2. Stinking lie
They have been subjected to fake news and propaganda for years, their default position is to believe anything bad about Russia no matter what the actual facts are, if they are confronted with facts they can't handle it because they would have to face up to being fooled all their lives, so it's easier to double down on their nonsense, it takes a bigger person to admit they have been wrong.
"sinister people"... like the Koch brothers? Nope, that's the Republicans.
Better known as the Deep State, big oil, Corporations and military nut cases, like Smedley Butler said all those years ago, War is a Racket, yet after all these wars some people still don't get it, or don't want to because they can't bring themselves to believe they are actually the guys in the black hats, it goes against everything they have been told since they could walk.
Yes, Putin was interfering a lot.

Just like he's interfered in all non-EU non-NATO former USSR countries.
That is just not true, any evidence or is it another Trump is a Russian agent bullshit fabrication? look at History the US started to interfere in Ukraine while it was still part of the USSR just after the war, the CIA supported what was left of the Bandera terrorists and other Nazis to wage a terror war against the Russians.
That is just not true, any evidence or is it another Trump is a Russian agent bullshit fabrication? look at History the US started to interfere in Ukraine while it was still part of the USSR just after the war, the CIA supported what was left of the Bandera terrorists and other Nazis to wage a terror war against the Russians.

Right, anything that goes against what you want it to be is just fake news.

So, what's the point then?
If we are going to abandon Ukraine we may as well abandon Israel as well. They just get the Arab world to hate the U.S. and make us a target for terrorism like 9/11.

Ukraine is different. It truly would be a domino effect if it fell because then comes Poland and the rest of eastern Europe which are all NATO allies and the U.S. is then obligated to join the fight.
If we are going to abandon Ukraine we may as well abandon Israel as well. They just get the Arab world to hate the U.S. and make us a target for terrorism like 9/11.

Ukraine is different. It truly would be a domino effect if it fell because then comes Poland and the rest of eastern Europe which are all NATO allies and the U.S. is then obligated to join the fight.
Where do you get this shit from? Russia couldn't invade Poland even if they wanted to why would they?
Btw, like democracy lovers and freedom pushers that you are, how did it happen that the allied intervention in the Russian Civil War took place in 1918? Weren't the oppressed by the Tsarist Regime common folks trying to break free and striving for a better life? The ostensible reason for all your wars of late was just that: to make the peoples, whom you didn't know exist and give a flying fuck about the day before, happy. Why weren't you eager to help the poor Russians and Ukrainians too back then I wonder?
Many of these morons don't know about the American led intervention in Russia in 1918, weaponized ignorance.
Russia is the country that is helpless and hopeless.

Only Putin's death will allow the oligarchs in Russia to sue for peace.
Putin dealt with most of your Oligarchs that's why they live in expensive parts of London and Paris, they would be arrested if they went back to Russia, you clowns have never got over it for some reason, were you one of the Carpetbaggers looting Russia when that piss head Yeltsin was there?

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