Support Officer Derik Chauvin.

No matter what they did, Floyd would have likely died. Also, Floyd was already in the back seat of the cop car and started to put up a struggle. Here is the video of it.

View attachment 350400

You also said he was trying to kick out a window, but it was far more likely Floyd was squirming around somewhat in the back seat, and the cops didn't like that. We don't know because you cannot see Floyd in the video.
Pinning him down until he gave up hope of escaping and calmed down would have seemed the safest option.

In other words, brutally torturing him into submission.
No, restraining him until he calmed down enough to be safely transported to the precinct to process his arrest. You seem to be confusing your emotional response to the image of a white man kneeling on a black man's neck with the facts of the case. Neck restraints are not only legal but specifically permitted in Minneapolis to get control of a subject who is resisting and they have been used hundreds of times in Minneapolis in the last few years with no deaths of serious injuries reported.
Your hero's life is over as it should be.

And why is that. Because he didn't murder anybody?
Actually he did which is why he was charged with murder.

Look at the video again. Were these cops trying to murder each other? And what they were doing was a lot worse than what happened to the worthless criminal Floyd.
Jeden test - uškrtí vás při policejním zákroku 115 kily - Streamable
I dont have to look at the video again. I already saw it enough times. Again thats why he was charged with murder. The trail is just a formality he shouldnt get because he deprived Floyd of his trail.

It's strange to see somebody who actually enjoys being an asshole. You would think I would be used to it by now. All officer did was hold down a struggling criminal. That is ALL he did. He didn't murder Floyd. Floyd died all on his own. Right now officer Chauvin is just a political prisoner to appease the savage humanzee masses that want to be free to commit crimes.
Its kind of strange to see an asshole stand up for man that is a murderer.

And how was Floyd "murdered." It wasn't from having a knee on his neck. Which if there was any problem at all, that would have been the most vulnerable point.

You know what is even stranger than what you say? Seeing somebody who doesn't know or care they they are in fact the asshole. Get this. Despite the media's efforts to make Floyd look like some kind of angel, he was a CRIMINAL!!! He already spent 5 years in prison for his involvement in an armed home invasion and assault. It should have been longer. He tried to pass counterfeit money. He was high on meth and fentanyl. He resisted arrest. Which itself is a crime. Only the lowest of scum sucking slime would support a criminal.
After a person is in police custody (cuffs on) the police are 100% responsible for their safety. Understand that. Anything the suspect may have done is of no importance. These are supposed to be professionals and yet they acted in a way that resulted in the death of a suspect in custody. The police are subject to the law like everyone else. The law says they are responsible for Floyd's death.

The cops aren't doctors. They called an ambulance. That is the most anybody should expect from them. Maybe you think that they should have given him CPR. But with Floyd having coronavirus, that would have been a bad idea.
The cop was immediately fired because no reasonable person could justify his actions. Maybe you should stop trying. Let him go.

No. The cop was immediately fired to appease the savage, anti-White, criminal negro hordes.
He is going to be found not guilty. If there is any real justice in this country. The trial is going to be very short. First, all they have to do is show the jury the video I posted here. Then have three of the largest jurors do exactly to him what they did to Floyd. For as long as they want. The judge may then just bypass the jury and throw the whole case out of court. Despite all that, officer Chauvin could probably use a little moral support over his mistreatment. If you want to do so, here is the address where you can write him at.

Derik Chauvin
c/o Minnesota Correctional Facility-
Oak Park Heights
5329 Osgood Avenue North
Stillwater, MN 55082
He is not mistreated. He lit the fuse to the whole mess of the last two weeks. His own wife dumped him immediately. Last I heard, when he went to jail, knowing what he had done and what was happening out there, he had to be put on suicide watch 24/7. I cannot work up much pity or sympathy.
.....ok--you just made an undeniable mistake--the criminal and/or whoever called the police LIT the fuse ...the cops were not sitting around in a KKK meeting saying '' let's go get us a n****r''' !!! 99% of these cases the cops are CALLED to a problem or see a problem
Floyd had a history, that day it was suspect forgery. Some said a check now here people say it was passing a funny $20. If you explore back far enough say who set this in motion, you could say Adam in the Garden of Eden, but Adam didn't sit with his knee on a handcuffed suspect's neck for 8-1/2 minutes (several which after he was non-responsive (either just to make it look good? or just to be sure) becoming the most final act committed to the victim. One may not think it logical that protests sometimes lead to riots. It may not seem logical that others across the country and around the world will join a cause of some snuffed out petty criminal at the hands of authority, but we have seen most of this before. It is like the cell phone camera. If you are will to do the deed, in uniform of authority, brazenly uncaring about your victim and that the whole world will be watching as you exercise your supposed implied authority and dominion, you are intentionally lighting a fuse. It's a matter of proximity.
.....stop the ridiculous Adam and Eve babble crap----the cops didn't go looking for N*****S or Floyd....he was being LEGALLY arrested and he resisted arrest...there is no way you can say the cop started this crap
Minnesota does not have a Resisting Arrest law. It is generally covered under Minnesota 609.50 Obstructing. Most he could have gotten on it if charged was
(2) if the act was accompanied by force or violence or the threat thereof, and is not otherwise covered by clause (1), to imprisonment for not more than one year or to payment of a fine of not more than $3,000, or both; or
(3) in other cases, to imprisonment for not more than 90 days or to payment of a fine of not more than $1,000, or both.
Definitely does not justify holding an unarmed handcuffed suspect down in a stress position until dead and continuing to kneel on him 3 minutes after non-responsive.
Don't bitch at me. Bitch at their legislator, I didn't write the laws they were supposed to be enforcing when they killed the guy. If you approve, send him some money, set up a go fund him site, would not recommend walking around with sandwich board advertising it up there, but suit yourself. All good in the internet neighborhood, eh?

It doesn't matter what the law is. If cops arrest somebody and they put up resistance, the cops job is to subdue them. In as much of an efficient way as possible. Such as placing a knee on their neck.
He is going to be found not guilty. If there is any real justice in this country. The trial is going to be very short. First, all they have to do is show the jury the video I posted here. Then have three of the largest jurors do exactly to him what they did to Floyd. For as long as they want. The judge may then just bypass the jury and throw the whole case out of court. Despite all that, officer Chauvin could probably use a little moral support over his mistreatment. If you want to do so, here is the address where you can write him at.

Derik Chauvin
c/o Minnesota Correctional Facility-
Oak Park Heights
5329 Osgood Avenue North
Stillwater, MN 55082
He is not mistreated. He lit the fuse to the whole mess of the last two weeks. His own wife dumped him immediately. Last I heard, when he went to jail, knowing what he had done and what was happening out there, he had to be put on suicide watch 24/7. I cannot work up much pity or sympathy.

If you repeat a lie often enough, others are likely to believe it. Maybe that is what happened to officer Chauvin. It is unfortunate if he believes that. If he in fact does at all. Because he was there. He was the one doing it. He has to know that what he was doing didn't cause Floyd to die. How about this. Instead of going by what the bullshit the media spreads, write him and ask him yourself. Though he obviously has more important things on his mind, maybe he will write you back.
I'll pass. I saw the video and believed my eyes and heard him beg. You get no credit for not knowing someone may have conditions that may prevent them from living though intentional torture, while hand cuffed. All four of those cops, just as culpable morally.
There was no torture. He had refused to get into the police car and the cops simply restrained him to give him a chance to calm down so they could transport him back to the precinct to process the arrest. The guy was six foot seven so what were to alternatives? They could have just tasered him into submission, but knowing what we know now about his poor health and drugs, that would probably have killed him. Alternatively, they could have just used brute force to stuff him kicking and screaming into the back of the police car to take him to the precinct, but that clearly would have been dangerous for everyone. Pinning him down until he gave up hope of escaping and calmed down would have seemed the safest option.
Could have done a lot of things. could have shackled his feet, put a night stick through the cuffs on his hands and drug him into the car. But they did not, and that is why we are here.

No matter what they did, Floyd would have likely died. Also, Floyd was already in the back seat of the cop car and started to put up a struggle. Here is the video of it.

View attachment 350400
I guess they should have left him in the car.

And leave him to kick out a window? And to all the negroes and other idiots out there,the best solution would have been to not arrest him at all. It is all those who believe that who need to be arrested too. For the negroes, deport them to Africa. For any "whites," put them into reeducation camps. Where they can be taught the value of law and order.
Kick out a window? Don't $hit me boy. I've had a turd in every pocket. I don't think they take broken car windows out of the cops pay unless the cop shoots it out or breaks it some other stupid way himself. I paid a $150 on one for my jeep. Is that what a man's life is worth where you come from? Deport To Africa? What century do you think this is. They didn't come on a slave ship last year and aren't here on an expiring visa. The right wing used to be original construction constitutionalists. Have you ever read a copy?

Well if a window gets broken or a door dented, the criminal isn't going to pay to get it fixed. The police department does that. Next, we're not talking about a man's life. We're talking about a negro criminal's life. Which isn't worth shit. Next, since negroes came from Africa, they can just go back there. They apparently aren't happy here. Let them go back there and have whatever kind of police force suits them. We more civilized people don't need their shit here. Next, fuck the constitution. Criminals of all sorts use it to hide behind.
Okay. Now I get. You’re an ignorant racist.

Thank's for the compliment. But that isn't the point. The point is that officer Chauvin didn't murder Floyd. As the video I posted showed, having a knee to the neck wouldn't have done it. And that was the worst that happened to him. So if the knee to the neck didn't kill him, then no murder happened.
Great. Just tell me what you are going to tell him. Then you can hear from me.
If you have something to say to me, say it.

I already did. But that wasn't the point. I said that whatever you would say to the hero cop Derik Chauvin, say it to me. I will answer you here and now. Officer Chauvin would probably just use your letter as toilet paper and not answer you. I will.

Chauvin is no hero.

Maybe not. But he sure as hell isn't a murderer.
No matter what they did, Floyd would have likely died. Also, Floyd was already in the back seat of the cop car and started to put up a struggle. Here is the video of it.

View attachment 350400

You also said he was trying to kick out a window, but it was far more likely Floyd was squirming around somewhat in the back seat, and the cops didn't like that. We don't know because you cannot see Floyd in the video.

I don't watch the show COPS very often. But over the years I have seen a few people who were in cuffs in the back seat of a cop car try to do just that. Also, from the way the cops were moving, it looked like they were trying to stop Floyd from struggling. And should any body cam video ever be released, that is probably what it will show.
Great. Just tell me what you are going to tell him. Then you can hear from me.
If you have something to say to me, say it.

I already did. But that wasn't the point. I said that whatever you would say to the hero cop Derik Chauvin, say it to me. I will answer you here and now. Officer Chauvin would probably just use your letter as toilet paper and not answer you. I will.

Chauvin is no hero.

Maybe not. But he sure as hell isn't a murderer.

Manslaughter. He intentionally disregarded policy. He didn't do his job correctly. Period.
Pinning him down until he gave up hope of escaping and calmed down would have seemed the safest option.

In other words, brutally torturing him into submission.
No, restraining him until he calmed down enough to be safely transported to the precinct to process his arrest. You seem to be confusing your emotional response to the image of a white man kneeling on a black man's neck with the facts of the case. Neck restraints are not only legal but specifically permitted in Minneapolis to get control of a subject who is resisting and they have been used hundreds of times in Minneapolis in the last few years with no deaths of serious injuries reported.

That's allowed in order to control someone with "light to moderate pressure" or "with the intention of rendering the person unconscious by applying adequate pressure." The latter act is authorized only to protect officer lives with a suspect who is "actively aggressive" and cannot be controlled by lesser methods.

Scott said he's shocked that's allowed.

"I have never seen an agency in writing promote that type of force in such a critical area that is so susceptible to damage or death," Scott said, "and I’ve traveled the country and seen many use of force policies."​

There are many alternative methods to control someone who is handcuffed. So the Minneapolis rules also don't allow for the cop to sit on him for a long time until the suspect is likely dead like Chauvin did. Chauvin violated the rule also because his life or other officer's lives were surely never in danger.

It is also unforgiveable to ignore Floyd's pleas of distress. With three cops there and Floyd in handcuffs, they would lose absolutely nothing to take his pleas seriously.
Pinning him down until he gave up hope of escaping and calmed down would have seemed the safest option.

In other words, brutally torturing him into submission.
No, restraining him until he calmed down enough to be safely transported to the precinct to process his arrest. You seem to be confusing your emotional response to the image of a white man kneeling on a black man's neck with the facts of the case. Neck restraints are not only legal but specifically permitted in Minneapolis to get control of a subject who is resisting and they have been used hundreds of times in Minneapolis in the last few years with no deaths of serious injuries reported.

That's allowed in order to control someone with "light to moderate pressure" or "with the intention of rendering the person unconscious by applying adequate pressure." The latter act is authorized only to protect officer lives with a suspect who is "actively aggressive" and cannot be controlled by lesser methods.

Scott said he's shocked that's allowed.

"I have never seen an agency in writing promote that type of force in such a critical area that is so susceptible to damage or death," Scott said, "and I’ve traveled the country and seen many use of force policies."​

There are many alternative methods to control someone who is handcuffed. So the Minneapolis rules also don't allow for the cop to sit on him for a long time until the suspect is likely dead like Chauvin did. Chauvin violated the rule also because his life or other officer's lives were surely never in danger.

It is also unforgiveable to ignore Floyd's pleas of distress. With three cops there and Floyd in handcuffs, they would lose absolutely nothing to take his pleas seriously.

One the suspect is secured, the proper procedure is to sit them upright. Chauvin didn't follow procedure.
He is going to be found not guilty. If there is any real justice in this country. The trial is going to be very short. First, all they have to do is show the jury the video I posted here. Then have three of the largest jurors do exactly to him what they did to Floyd. For as long as they want. The judge may then just bypass the jury and throw the whole case out of court. Despite all that, officer Chauvin could probably use a little moral support over his mistreatment. If you want to do so, here is the address where you can write him at.

Derik Chauvin
c/o Minnesota Correctional Facility-
Oak Park Heights
5329 Osgood Avenue North
Stillwater, MN 55082
He is not mistreated. He lit the fuse to the whole mess of the last two weeks. His own wife dumped him immediately. Last I heard, when he went to jail, knowing what he had done and what was happening out there, he had to be put on suicide watch 24/7. I cannot work up much pity or sympathy.
.....ok--you just made an undeniable mistake--the criminal and/or whoever called the police LIT the fuse ...the cops were not sitting around in a KKK meeting saying '' let's go get us a n****r''' !!! 99% of these cases the cops are CALLED to a problem or see a problem
Floyd had a history, that day it was suspect forgery. Some said a check now here people say it was passing a funny $20. If you explore back far enough say who set this in motion, you could say Adam in the Garden of Eden, but Adam didn't sit with his knee on a handcuffed suspect's neck for 8-1/2 minutes (several which after he was non-responsive (either just to make it look good? or just to be sure) becoming the most final act committed to the victim. One may not think it logical that protests sometimes lead to riots. It may not seem logical that others across the country and around the world will join a cause of some snuffed out petty criminal at the hands of authority, but we have seen most of this before. It is like the cell phone camera. If you are will to do the deed, in uniform of authority, brazenly uncaring about your victim and that the whole world will be watching as you exercise your supposed implied authority and dominion, you are intentionally lighting a fuse. It's a matter of proximity.
.....stop the ridiculous Adam and Eve babble crap----the cops didn't go looking for N*****S or Floyd....he was being LEGALLY arrested and he resisted arrest...there is no way you can say the cop started this crap
Minnesota does not have a Resisting Arrest law. It is generally covered under Minnesota 609.50 Obstructing. Most he could have gotten on it if charged was
(2) if the act was accompanied by force or violence or the threat thereof, and is not otherwise covered by clause (1), to imprisonment for not more than one year or to payment of a fine of not more than $3,000, or both; or
(3) in other cases, to imprisonment for not more than 90 days or to payment of a fine of not more than $1,000, or both.
Definitely does not justify holding an unarmed handcuffed suspect down in a stress position until dead and continuing to kneel on him 3 minutes after non-responsive.
Don't bitch at me. Bitch at their legislator, I didn't write the laws they were supposed to be enforcing when they killed the guy. If you approve, send him some money, set up a go fund him site, would not recommend walking around with sandwich board advertising it up there, but suit yourself. All good in the internet neighborhood, eh?
....doesn't matter--if you resist arrest, you are partly responsible for what happens
..this isn't Disneyland where everybody LOVES each other and passes out flowers--but a world with human jackasses
Sometime the police handle their responsibilities in a prette Mickey Mouse way as if they are living in a fantasy 1984 authoritarian way.
..the police do not start it--plain and simple--then when they RESPOND to the criminal/complaint-the jackasses ESCALATE the problem
..there are bad cops/etc...but there is no MAJOR problem of police brutality
He is going to be found not guilty. If there is any real justice in this country. The trial is going to be very short. First, all they have to do is show the jury the video I posted here. Then have three of the largest jurors do exactly to him what they did to Floyd. For as long as they want. The judge may then just bypass the jury and throw the whole case out of court. Despite all that, officer Chauvin could probably use a little moral support over his mistreatment. If you want to do so, here is the address where you can write him at.

Derik Chauvin
c/o Minnesota Correctional Facility-
Oak Park Heights
5329 Osgood Avenue North
Stillwater, MN 55082
He is not mistreated. He lit the fuse to the whole mess of the last two weeks. His own wife dumped him immediately. Last I heard, when he went to jail, knowing what he had done and what was happening out there, he had to be put on suicide watch 24/7. I cannot work up much pity or sympathy.
.....ok--you just made an undeniable mistake--the criminal and/or whoever called the police LIT the fuse ...the cops were not sitting around in a KKK meeting saying '' let's go get us a n****r''' !!! 99% of these cases the cops are CALLED to a problem or see a problem
Floyd had a history, that day it was suspect forgery. Some said a check now here people say it was passing a funny $20. If you explore back far enough say who set this in motion, you could say Adam in the Garden of Eden, but Adam didn't sit with his knee on a handcuffed suspect's neck for 8-1/2 minutes (several which after he was non-responsive (either just to make it look good? or just to be sure) becoming the most final act committed to the victim. One may not think it logical that protests sometimes lead to riots. It may not seem logical that others across the country and around the world will join a cause of some snuffed out petty criminal at the hands of authority, but we have seen most of this before. It is like the cell phone camera. If you are will to do the deed, in uniform of authority, brazenly uncaring about your victim and that the whole world will be watching as you exercise your supposed implied authority and dominion, you are intentionally lighting a fuse. It's a matter of proximity.
.....stop the ridiculous Adam and Eve babble crap----the cops didn't go looking for N*****S or Floyd....he was being LEGALLY arrested and he resisted arrest...there is no way you can say the cop started this crap
Minnesota does not have a Resisting Arrest law. It is generally covered under Minnesota 609.50 Obstructing. Most he could have gotten on it if charged was
(2) if the act was accompanied by force or violence or the threat thereof, and is not otherwise covered by clause (1), to imprisonment for not more than one year or to payment of a fine of not more than $3,000, or both; or
(3) in other cases, to imprisonment for not more than 90 days or to payment of a fine of not more than $1,000, or both.
Definitely does not justify holding an unarmed handcuffed suspect down in a stress position until dead and continuing to kneel on him 3 minutes after non-responsive.
Don't bitch at me. Bitch at their legislator, I didn't write the laws they were supposed to be enforcing when they killed the guy. If you approve, send him some money, set up a go fund him site, would not recommend walking around with sandwich board advertising it up there, but suit yourself. All good in the internet neighborhood, eh?
....doesn't matter--if you resist arrest, you are partly responsible for what happens
..this isn't Disneyland where everybody LOVES each other and passes out flowers--but a world with human jackasses
Sometime the police handle their responsibilities in a prette Mickey Mouse way as if they are living in a fantasy 1984 authoritarian way.
..the police do not start it--plain and simple--then when they RESPOND to the criminal/complaint-the jackasses ESCALATE the problem
..there are bad cops/etc...but there is no MAJOR problem of police brutality
Ever played "Jack's Alive"? The last one holding the stick is responsible for it going out and has he face painted with it. Chauvin is the last man that had his hand (in this case knee) on the decease human being and kept it there several minutes after the man became non responsive, waiting for EMTs just to make sure. Chauvin is responsible. Many people think he should have quit torturing the man, just to prove it was OK to do it. It wasn't. The videos will be played for the jury. Chauvin is toast.
He is going to be found not guilty. If there is any real justice in this country. The trial is going to be very short. First, all they have to do is show the jury the video I posted here. Then have three of the largest jurors do exactly to him what they did to Floyd. For as long as they want. The judge may then just bypass the jury and throw the whole case out of court. Despite all that, officer Chauvin could probably use a little moral support over his mistreatment. If you want to do so, here is the address where you can write him at.

Derik Chauvin
c/o Minnesota Correctional Facility-
Oak Park Heights
5329 Osgood Avenue North
Stillwater, MN 55082
He is not mistreated. He lit the fuse to the whole mess of the last two weeks. His own wife dumped him immediately. Last I heard, when he went to jail, knowing what he had done and what was happening out there, he had to be put on suicide watch 24/7. I cannot work up much pity or sympathy.
.....ok--you just made an undeniable mistake--the criminal and/or whoever called the police LIT the fuse ...the cops were not sitting around in a KKK meeting saying '' let's go get us a n****r''' !!! 99% of these cases the cops are CALLED to a problem or see a problem
Floyd had a history, that day it was suspect forgery. Some said a check now here people say it was passing a funny $20. If you explore back far enough say who set this in motion, you could say Adam in the Garden of Eden, but Adam didn't sit with his knee on a handcuffed suspect's neck for 8-1/2 minutes (several which after he was non-responsive (either just to make it look good? or just to be sure) becoming the most final act committed to the victim. One may not think it logical that protests sometimes lead to riots. It may not seem logical that others across the country and around the world will join a cause of some snuffed out petty criminal at the hands of authority, but we have seen most of this before. It is like the cell phone camera. If you are will to do the deed, in uniform of authority, brazenly uncaring about your victim and that the whole world will be watching as you exercise your supposed implied authority and dominion, you are intentionally lighting a fuse. It's a matter of proximity.
.....stop the ridiculous Adam and Eve babble crap----the cops didn't go looking for N*****S or Floyd....he was being LEGALLY arrested and he resisted arrest...there is no way you can say the cop started this crap
Minnesota does not have a Resisting Arrest law. It is generally covered under Minnesota 609.50 Obstructing. Most he could have gotten on it if charged was
(2) if the act was accompanied by force or violence or the threat thereof, and is not otherwise covered by clause (1), to imprisonment for not more than one year or to payment of a fine of not more than $3,000, or both; or
(3) in other cases, to imprisonment for not more than 90 days or to payment of a fine of not more than $1,000, or both.
Definitely does not justify holding an unarmed handcuffed suspect down in a stress position until dead and continuing to kneel on him 3 minutes after non-responsive.
Don't bitch at me. Bitch at their legislator, I didn't write the laws they were supposed to be enforcing when they killed the guy. If you approve, send him some money, set up a go fund him site, would not recommend walking around with sandwich board advertising it up there, but suit yourself. All good in the internet neighborhood, eh?
....doesn't matter--if you resist arrest, you are partly responsible for what happens
..this isn't Disneyland where everybody LOVES each other and passes out flowers--but a world with human jackasses
Sometime the police handle their responsibilities in a prette Mickey Mouse way as if they are living in a fantasy 1984 authoritarian way.
..the police do not start it--plain and simple--then when they RESPOND to the criminal/complaint-the jackasses ESCALATE the problem
..there are bad cops/etc...but there is no MAJOR problem of police brutality
Ever played "Jack's Alive"? The last one holding the stick is responsible for it going out and has he face painted with it. Chauvin is the last man that had his hand (in this case knee) on the decease human being and kept it there several minutes after the man became non responsive, waiting for EMTs just to make sure. Chauvin is responsible. Many people think he should have quit torturing the man, just to prove it was OK to do it. It wasn't. The videos will be played for the jury. Chauvin is toast. what? he's responsible---and-the point?
..Floyd is also partly responsible
He is going to be found not guilty. If there is any real justice in this country. The trial is going to be very short. First, all they have to do is show the jury the video I posted here. Then have three of the largest jurors do exactly to him what they did to Floyd. For as long as they want. The judge may then just bypass the jury and throw the whole case out of court. Despite all that, officer Chauvin could probably use a little moral support over his mistreatment. If you want to do so, here is the address where you can write him at.

Derik Chauvin
c/o Minnesota Correctional Facility-
Oak Park Heights
5329 Osgood Avenue North
Stillwater, MN 55082
He is not mistreated. He lit the fuse to the whole mess of the last two weeks. His own wife dumped him immediately. Last I heard, when he went to jail, knowing what he had done and what was happening out there, he had to be put on suicide watch 24/7. I cannot work up much pity or sympathy.
.....ok--you just made an undeniable mistake--the criminal and/or whoever called the police LIT the fuse ...the cops were not sitting around in a KKK meeting saying '' let's go get us a n****r''' !!! 99% of these cases the cops are CALLED to a problem or see a problem
Floyd had a history, that day it was suspect forgery. Some said a check now here people say it was passing a funny $20. If you explore back far enough say who set this in motion, you could say Adam in the Garden of Eden, but Adam didn't sit with his knee on a handcuffed suspect's neck for 8-1/2 minutes (several which after he was non-responsive (either just to make it look good? or just to be sure) becoming the most final act committed to the victim. One may not think it logical that protests sometimes lead to riots. It may not seem logical that others across the country and around the world will join a cause of some snuffed out petty criminal at the hands of authority, but we have seen most of this before. It is like the cell phone camera. If you are will to do the deed, in uniform of authority, brazenly uncaring about your victim and that the whole world will be watching as you exercise your supposed implied authority and dominion, you are intentionally lighting a fuse. It's a matter of proximity.
.....stop the ridiculous Adam and Eve babble crap----the cops didn't go looking for N*****S or Floyd....he was being LEGALLY arrested and he resisted arrest...there is no way you can say the cop started this crap
Minnesota does not have a Resisting Arrest law. It is generally covered under Minnesota 609.50 Obstructing. Most he could have gotten on it if charged was
(2) if the act was accompanied by force or violence or the threat thereof, and is not otherwise covered by clause (1), to imprisonment for not more than one year or to payment of a fine of not more than $3,000, or both; or
(3) in other cases, to imprisonment for not more than 90 days or to payment of a fine of not more than $1,000, or both.
Definitely does not justify holding an unarmed handcuffed suspect down in a stress position until dead and continuing to kneel on him 3 minutes after non-responsive.
Don't bitch at me. Bitch at their legislator, I didn't write the laws they were supposed to be enforcing when they killed the guy. If you approve, send him some money, set up a go fund him site, would not recommend walking around with sandwich board advertising it up there, but suit yourself. All good in the internet neighborhood, eh?
....doesn't matter--if you resist arrest, you are partly responsible for what happens
..this isn't Disneyland where everybody LOVES each other and passes out flowers--but a world with human jackasses
Sometime the police handle their responsibilities in a prette Mickey Mouse way as if they are living in a fantasy 1984 authoritarian way.
..the police do not start it--plain and simple--then when they RESPOND to the criminal/complaint-the jackasses ESCALATE the problem
..there are bad cops/etc...but there is no MAJOR problem of police brutality
Ever played "Jack's Alive"? The last one holding the stick is responsible for it going out and has he face painted with it. Chauvin is the last man that had his hand (in this case knee) on the decease human being and kept it there several minutes after the man became non responsive, waiting for EMTs just to make sure. Chauvin is responsible. Many people think he should have quit torturing the man, just to prove it was OK to do it. It wasn't. The videos will be played for the jury. Chauvin is toast.
..the ROOOOOOT of the problem is blacks having kids before they are mentally and financially ready:
--crime at higher rates and low graduations rates = MAJOR and many problems for the community
He is going to be found not guilty. If there is any real justice in this country. The trial is going to be very short. First, all they have to do is show the jury the video I posted here. Then have three of the largest jurors do exactly to him what they did to Floyd. For as long as they want. The judge may then just bypass the jury and throw the whole case out of court. Despite all that, officer Chauvin could probably use a little moral support over his mistreatment. If you want to do so, here is the address where you can write him at.

Derik Chauvin
c/o Minnesota Correctional Facility-
Oak Park Heights
5329 Osgood Avenue North
Stillwater, MN 55082
He's a dead man walking once he's put in the general population of a prison.
Great. Just tell me what you are going to tell him. Then you can hear from me.
If you have something to say to me, say it.

I already did. But that wasn't the point. I said that whatever you would say to the hero cop Derik Chauvin, say it to me. I will answer you here and now. Officer Chauvin would probably just use your letter as toilet paper and not answer you. I will.

Chauvin is no hero.

Maybe not. But he sure as hell isn't a murderer.

Manslaughter. He intentionally disregarded policy. He didn't do his job correctly. Period.

The policy is to subdue a struggling criminal. Anything is BS. Also, there is much that they leave up to the cop's discretion. For example, I was going through a park one day and a couple lowlifes started giving me some lip. So I gave them the bird and told them to fuck off. They followed me. I ended up getting into a fight with one of them. Afterwards, I called the cops. They eventually showed up. The cop went over and talked to them. Then they walked away. Maybe they told him I surrounded them. I don't know. But I guess in some cases, assault is ok.

When Floyd complained about not being able to breathe, it was up to the cop as to whether or not to believe him. And when he stopped moving, how was the cop to know that he was anything other than passed out. He may not even have been dead at the time. But luckily, he ended up that way. Also, they called an ambulance for him. What more were they supposed to do. Give him CPR and catch coronavirus?
He is going to be found not guilty. If there is any real justice in this country. The trial is going to be very short. First, all they have to do is show the jury the video I posted here. Then have three of the largest jurors do exactly to him what they did to Floyd. For as long as they want. The judge may then just bypass the jury and throw the whole case out of court. Despite all that, officer Chauvin could probably use a little moral support over his mistreatment. If you want to do so, here is the address where you can write him at.

Derik Chauvin
c/o Minnesota Correctional Facility-
Oak Park Heights
5329 Osgood Avenue North
Stillwater, MN 55082
He is not mistreated. He lit the fuse to the whole mess of the last two weeks. His own wife dumped him immediately. Last I heard, when he went to jail, knowing what he had done and what was happening out there, he had to be put on suicide watch 24/7. I cannot work up much pity or sympathy.
.....ok--you just made an undeniable mistake--the criminal and/or whoever called the police LIT the fuse ...the cops were not sitting around in a KKK meeting saying '' let's go get us a n****r''' !!! 99% of these cases the cops are CALLED to a problem or see a problem
Floyd had a history, that day it was suspect forgery. Some said a check now here people say it was passing a funny $20. If you explore back far enough say who set this in motion, you could say Adam in the Garden of Eden, but Adam didn't sit with his knee on a handcuffed suspect's neck for 8-1/2 minutes (several which after he was non-responsive (either just to make it look good? or just to be sure) becoming the most final act committed to the victim. One may not think it logical that protests sometimes lead to riots. It may not seem logical that others across the country and around the world will join a cause of some snuffed out petty criminal at the hands of authority, but we have seen most of this before. It is like the cell phone camera. If you are will to do the deed, in uniform of authority, brazenly uncaring about your victim and that the whole world will be watching as you exercise your supposed implied authority and dominion, you are intentionally lighting a fuse. It's a matter of proximity.
.....stop the ridiculous Adam and Eve babble crap----the cops didn't go looking for N*****S or Floyd....he was being LEGALLY arrested and he resisted arrest...there is no way you can say the cop started this crap
Minnesota does not have a Resisting Arrest law. It is generally covered under Minnesota 609.50 Obstructing. Most he could have gotten on it if charged was
(2) if the act was accompanied by force or violence or the threat thereof, and is not otherwise covered by clause (1), to imprisonment for not more than one year or to payment of a fine of not more than $3,000, or both; or
(3) in other cases, to imprisonment for not more than 90 days or to payment of a fine of not more than $1,000, or both.
Definitely does not justify holding an unarmed handcuffed suspect down in a stress position until dead and continuing to kneel on him 3 minutes after non-responsive.
Don't bitch at me. Bitch at their legislator, I didn't write the laws they were supposed to be enforcing when they killed the guy. If you approve, send him some money, set up a go fund him site, would not recommend walking around with sandwich board advertising it up there, but suit yourself. All good in the internet neighborhood, eh?
....doesn't matter--if you resist arrest, you are partly responsible for what happens
..this isn't Disneyland where everybody LOVES each other and passes out flowers--but a world with human jackasses
Sometime the police handle their responsibilities in a prette Mickey Mouse way as if they are living in a fantasy 1984 authoritarian way.
..the police do not start it--plain and simple--then when they RESPOND to the criminal/complaint-the jackasses ESCALATE the problem
..there are bad cops/etc...but there is no MAJOR problem of police brutality
Ever played "Jack's Alive"? The last one holding the stick is responsible for it going out and has he face painted with it. Chauvin is the last man that had his hand (in this case knee) on the decease human being and kept it there several minutes after the man became non responsive, waiting for EMTs just to make sure. Chauvin is responsible. Many people think he should have quit torturing the man, just to prove it was OK to do it. It wasn't. The videos will be played for the jury. Chauvin is toast. what? he's responsible---and-the point?
..Floyd is also partly responsible the blacks commit over 3 THOUSAND murders per year, and THOUSANDS of other crimes--the cops non-maliciously kill less than what?????? 10?? 10 pear year and you people say the COPS are the problem???!! IDIOCY
He is going to be found not guilty. If there is any real justice in this country. The trial is going to be very short. First, all they have to do is show the jury the video I posted here. Then have three of the largest jurors do exactly to him what they did to Floyd. For as long as they want. The judge may then just bypass the jury and throw the whole case out of court. Despite all that, officer Chauvin could probably use a little moral support over his mistreatment. If you want to do so, here is the address where you can write him at.

Derik Chauvin
c/o Minnesota Correctional Facility-
Oak Park Heights
5329 Osgood Avenue North
Stillwater, MN 55082
He is not mistreated. He lit the fuse to the whole mess of the last two weeks. His own wife dumped him immediately. Last I heard, when he went to jail, knowing what he had done and what was happening out there, he had to be put on suicide watch 24/7. I cannot work up much pity or sympathy.
.....ok--you just made an undeniable mistake--the criminal and/or whoever called the police LIT the fuse ...the cops were not sitting around in a KKK meeting saying '' let's go get us a n****r''' !!! 99% of these cases the cops are CALLED to a problem or see a problem
Floyd had a history, that day it was suspect forgery. Some said a check now here people say it was passing a funny $20. If you explore back far enough say who set this in motion, you could say Adam in the Garden of Eden, but Adam didn't sit with his knee on a handcuffed suspect's neck for 8-1/2 minutes (several which after he was non-responsive (either just to make it look good? or just to be sure) becoming the most final act committed to the victim. One may not think it logical that protests sometimes lead to riots. It may not seem logical that others across the country and around the world will join a cause of some snuffed out petty criminal at the hands of authority, but we have seen most of this before. It is like the cell phone camera. If you are will to do the deed, in uniform of authority, brazenly uncaring about your victim and that the whole world will be watching as you exercise your supposed implied authority and dominion, you are intentionally lighting a fuse. It's a matter of proximity.
.....stop the ridiculous Adam and Eve babble crap----the cops didn't go looking for N*****S or Floyd....he was being LEGALLY arrested and he resisted arrest...there is no way you can say the cop started this crap
Minnesota does not have a Resisting Arrest law. It is generally covered under Minnesota 609.50 Obstructing. Most he could have gotten on it if charged was
(2) if the act was accompanied by force or violence or the threat thereof, and is not otherwise covered by clause (1), to imprisonment for not more than one year or to payment of a fine of not more than $3,000, or both; or
(3) in other cases, to imprisonment for not more than 90 days or to payment of a fine of not more than $1,000, or both.
Definitely does not justify holding an unarmed handcuffed suspect down in a stress position until dead and continuing to kneel on him 3 minutes after non-responsive.
Don't bitch at me. Bitch at their legislator, I didn't write the laws they were supposed to be enforcing when they killed the guy. If you approve, send him some money, set up a go fund him site, would not recommend walking around with sandwich board advertising it up there, but suit yourself. All good in the internet neighborhood, eh?
....doesn't matter--if you resist arrest, you are partly responsible for what happens
..this isn't Disneyland where everybody LOVES each other and passes out flowers--but a world with human jackasses
Sometime the police handle their responsibilities in a prette Mickey Mouse way as if they are living in a fantasy 1984 authoritarian way.
..the police do not start it--plain and simple--then when they RESPOND to the criminal/complaint-the jackasses ESCALATE the problem
..there are bad cops/etc...but there is no MAJOR problem of police brutality
Ever played "Jack's Alive"? The last one holding the stick is responsible for it going out and has he face painted with it. Chauvin is the last man that had his hand (in this case knee) on the decease human being and kept it there several minutes after the man became non responsive, waiting for EMTs just to make sure. Chauvin is responsible. Many people think he should have quit torturing the man, just to prove it was OK to do it. It wasn't. The videos will be played for the jury. Chauvin is toast. what? he's responsible---and-the point?
..Floyd is also partly responsible the blacks commit over 3 THOUSAND murders per year, and THOUSANDS of other crimes--the cops non-maliciously kill less than what?????? 10?? 10 pear year and you people say the COPS are the problem???!! IDIOCY
Cops are not the problem, the overwhelming vast majority are good cops, and those for the most
part we never hear about....sadly. It's those few who slide through the cracks that become a problem and then given lots of air time.
Not sure why the bad is not put in context with what's good....the media always leaves out the good.
Pinning him down until he gave up hope of escaping and calmed down would have seemed the safest option.

In other words, brutally torturing him into submission.
No, restraining him until he calmed down enough to be safely transported to the precinct to process his arrest. You seem to be confusing your emotional response to the image of a white man kneeling on a black man's neck with the facts of the case. Neck restraints are not only legal but specifically permitted in Minneapolis to get control of a subject who is resisting and they have been used hundreds of times in Minneapolis in the last few years with no deaths of serious injuries reported.

That's allowed in order to control someone with "light to moderate pressure" or "with the intention of rendering the person unconscious by applying adequate pressure." The latter act is authorized only to protect officer lives with a suspect who is "actively aggressive" and cannot be controlled by lesser methods.

Scott said he's shocked that's allowed.

"I have never seen an agency in writing promote that type of force in such a critical area that is so susceptible to damage or death," Scott said, "and I’ve traveled the country and seen many use of force policies."​

There are many alternative methods to control someone who is handcuffed. So the Minneapolis rules also don't allow for the cop to sit on him for a long time until the suspect is likely dead like Chauvin did. Chauvin violated the rule also because his life or other officer's lives were surely never in danger.

It is also unforgiveable to ignore Floyd's pleas of distress. With three cops there and Floyd in handcuffs, they would lose absolutely nothing to take his pleas seriously.

What a bunch of bullshit. Look at the video I posted. Those cops put a knee on each others necks with way more pressure than was put on Floyd. Next, Floyd was a criminal putting up a struggle. Fuck his pleas. I am reminded of that one negro a few years ago who did a strong arm robbery. Then punched out a cop. The cop got out of his car and grabbed his gun. The negro then supposedly threw up his hands and said "Don't Shoot!" Fuck him. He deserved to die.

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