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Support the fast food workers

In a related story: Posting links from Daily Kos is the news equivalent of "My sister's best friend's aunt said . . ." and marks you as an utter chump that no one need take seriously.

If Daily Kos was giving away free beer for visiting their website, I STILL wouldn't do it.
I am sure you watch only the fox news channel.

I'm sure that after posting a Daily Kos link, it matters not even a little bit what you're sure of. Were you actually imagining your insults - or lame attempts at them, at any rate - would have any weight to them at this point? "Ooh, noes! A ignoranus who reads Daily Kos just said I watch Fox News! Wherever shall I hide my face?" Yeah, I don't think so.

Wear a mask.
So now it's insulting to use my first amendment rights?

This warrior culture is ruining our country.

It always was, fucktard. Having a right to say what you think doesn't mean that what you think is intelligent or valuable . . . or that it involves any actual thinking.
military pay scale. Outrageously overpaid. That's why our taxes are so high.

We will fall like the roman empire because of this.

So let's do the same for all employees, eh?

Abolish wage altogether, remove daily and weekly work caps, and eliminate all overtime and comptime.

Work 40 hours a week, get a set wage. Work 60 hours a week, get the same wage. Work 100 hours a week... get the same wage.

Work on Christmas? Well, tough luck, you might get off next year. Not feeling well and want to call in sick? Nope, no can do, gotta work anyways. Just want to take a day off? Nope, no can do.

It is obvious that you know as little about the military as you do the Roman Empire. The Roman Empire largely fell because of the lack of military and the entitlement mindset (panem et circenses) mindset that became all to common in the empire.

For goodness sakes, most of their borders were patrolled by barbarian mercenaries, not even legions. That is like paying illegal aliens to protect your borders.
"eighty hours a week!" Pooh.

You think I am kidding?

My first duty station was guarding a Naval Weapons Station. I pulled 36 hours on, 36 hours off. And during periods of increased security, I would often pull 48 hour shifts.

And that was my schedule from 1983-1987. To this day I still have some of the most messed up sleep schedules that can be imagined.

During deployment, I worked 24 on and 24 off for an entire year. But that "24 off" was not really 24 off. Including PT and it was really 28 on and 20 off. And when we were on high alert, not even 20 hours off, sleeping on the floor for 2 or 3 hours before continuing, doing this for a week straight (I think I put in close to 140 hours those weeks).

You are under some illusion I guess that we just work 8 hour days then go home.
I am sure you watch only the fox news channel.

I'm sure that after posting a Daily Kos link, it matters not even a little bit what you're sure of. Were you actually imagining your insults - or lame attempts at them, at any rate - would have any weight to them at this point? "Ooh, noes! A ignoranus who reads Daily Kos just said I watch Fox News! Wherever shall I hide my face?" Yeah, I don't think so.

Wear a mask.

Ignoranus can't define "sarcasm".

Let me dumb it down for you, fool: You posted a Daily Kos link. Who cares what you're "sure" of?
When your toilet stops up and you have to hire a plumber, do you have him stay for dinner?

What's wrong with asking a plumber to dinner ?

Do you look at his asking rate, and pay double?
If I tip someone is that a problem, because I have done this before, and people have tipped me beyond my asking rate in the past also, so what's your point ?

Or do you just demand of others what you will not do yourself?

I never demand of others what I won't do myself, again what's your point ?

Employees in a company are no different than your gardener, your pool boy, or the house keeper. You are paying them for a service. You pay an agreed upon amount - that's how grown ups do things. You union goons are a bunch of little children thinking that the company is daddy and should care for you.
Not care for me as in take care of me after work, but at least respect me while I am there.

Problem is, is that you are mixing in something that makes no sense as to how you just played this, because there is a difference in someone being an independent contractor/operator/service provider, as is opposed to companies that work hundreds of employee's who are being mistreated maybe.

I would have no reason to interfere with the man or woman whom comes to my residence to perform a service for me, otherwise to then pry into their business about what they make or how their circumstances are at their company off the cuff, unless they want to tell me about it because they are distraught maybe about it all, and so they just begin laying it on my shoulders trying to get it off of theirs in which I would comment just like I am here in many ways.

I might suggest something in the way of help if I can (give them other names of companies or refer them if I think they are telling the truth), because I may at that point become aware that the person might be working for a no good company in life, and for whom I need to speak out against or may even boycott if the situation is bad enough.

Don't play stupid...You don't get socially involved with people with which you've done business.
There should be a wall between business and personal interaction. That's just the way it is.
Just the same as the wall between labor and management. The two are not created to intermingle.
Hmm, I guess the retail industry is getting hit by what they see as a bad idea of them holding up the strength that once existed in manufacturing in this country, and in turn once held up a strong middle class. Now since the nation has transferred (in which they all said it would turn into a service and retail industry), yet now they refuse to take the lead? This industry is refusing to hold up a middle class standard as once was seen in other industries across this nation. Now what do we do to keep this nation strong or to grow it strong again, otherwise if the new industry is reluctant to realize it's new role in keeping the nation strong now ? Was the nation duped by Nafta, and this ever since it has transferred over to an industry that will not keep this nation strong or reluctant to take the lead, thus exposing the nation to weakness in many ways now ?

This industry is refusing to hold up a middle class standard

It's awful, they keep prices low for middle class and lower class customers. Disgraceful.
There are ways to keep prices low other than what they have been doing in the past, and it's not by using the Chinese government etc. who was more than willing to work it's people like slaves, and for American corporations just to keep those prices low back here. Bad Idea with long term implications or future problems down the road as a result of such actions.

How about India and the textile industry also, who also slaved it's people the same or near about, and all in order to make American corporations their products also to sell back here to us ? The fornicating with the world in these ways, has grave consequences in the end, and we have seen these consequences unfolding here and over there after so much of this has gone on now. Are we experiencing the blow back right here and out in the world now from it all ?

There are ways to keep prices low other than what they have been doing in the past

You should get right on that.
You can call your store Whiny Mart
Yes, well, I love Subway's food, but that being said, there are several Subways in town that I won't frequent. No matter how much franchises try to standardize their products and services, they can't totally eliminate the human factor.

I'm an advocate of voting with your pocketbook, but that's not the same as deciding that someone's business needs to be destroyed and wiped away just because I don't like them.

My, aren't you special?:eusa_angel:

Next time you have fuck-all to say, but desperately think you need to say something, just say that . . . because you are, anyway.

So special.:eusa_angel:
I'm sure that after posting a Daily Kos link, it matters not even a little bit what you're sure of. Were you actually imagining your insults - or lame attempts at them, at any rate - would have any weight to them at this point? "Ooh, noes! A ignoranus who reads Daily Kos just said I watch Fox News! Wherever shall I hide my face?" Yeah, I don't think so.

Wear a mask.

Ignoranus can't define "sarcasm".

Let me dumb it down for you, fool: You posted a Daily Kos link. Who cares what you're "sure" of?


Be glad he posted any source: normally he destroys his credability without one.
If you don't want a job that only pays $8.25 an hour get another job. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to work at a McDonald's. The pay scale matches the skills required.

WalMart makes DC citizens happy by creating jobs and providing wanted products at decent prices.

At the expense of exploiting it's workers and buying everything from china.

Exploiting? How? They do their jobs. They earn a paycheck. The receive benefits. They receive store discounts..
Oh, wait...I have it now....There's no union representation....And THAT is the problem you mouth breathers have with Walmart.
The funny thing is, if these idiots do manage to get their wish, you will see even less people employed by WallMart and many other businesses.

I work at an IT company, and there has already been talk about possibly spinning off part of the company to make automated kiosks for use in retail and fast food establishments.

Essentially replacing the people who run the cash registers and your food orders with unmanned kiosks. A few are thinking this is going to be a growing market in the next decade and are wanting to get in on the ground floor.

No talking to a rude 18 year old slacker with a bad complexion. Step up, order your food exactly how you want it, swipe an ATM card or insert the cash, and people in the back prepare your food. No more counting cash drawers, and removing an average of 5-15 employees per location.

We are already seeing this in retail. It is rare nowadays to enter a grocery store or discount store and not see a "self check" isle. I remember when a WallMart might have 2-4 of these, but now I see on average 8-12 in each store. By following this manpower is reduced big time, going from 1-2 people per register to 4-6 registers per 1 person.
At the expense of exploiting it's workers and buying everything from china.

You must have this country confused with one where you are forced to work for a company that is exploiting you.

They buy everything from China? Liberal math strikes again. LOL!
All depending, there are many whom are bogged down in a bad situation, and just because they are doesn't mean that they should become easy targets for exploitation. I know of a situation where a man had rental property, and he was renting multiple properties as rentals. He then was caught getting favors by weak easily exploited women, whom needed help on the rent, or felt that they needed to become obedient to the owner whom they felt had their lives in his hand. The correct thing that the owner should have been doing is being a Christian and ethical moral up standing citizen in society, in which could teach good things about how to help those whom are in need or need help, and not demand favors in the way that he did just because he saw an easy target to exploit in the ways that he did. This lesson applies to many situations, and people should check themselves if they are exploiting people whom are easy to exploit, and they should get help fast.

What ever happened to people being able to look up to their peers in their life, especially for those whom are above them in their jobs or where have all the role models gone in life ?

I don't see being gainfully employed as a "bad situation"....
At the expense of exploiting it's workers and buying everything from china.

What exploiting? There are normally 20 people who apply for every opening at WallMart.

As I have long said, if you do not like getting minimum wage, get yourself some skills so you make a decent income!

I have not made "Minimum Wage" since I was in High School, over 30 years ago. And the only times I did, it was "Wage +", as in tips or a commission where the actual "minimum Wage" was nothing but beer money.

I for one am sick and tired of hearing how "exploited" some 28 year old slacker is who has never done anything above minimal labor unskilled work. If anybody is over 21 and still making minimum wage, then they need to take a real hard look at themselves, because they are failing in life for one reason or another.

Bad work quality, talking back to the boss or customers, showing up late or not showing up at all, not taking more responsibility, the reasons are many. But I can't think of a single reason why somebody would work at a place for more then a year and still be making minimum wage.

Hell, I was 18 and working at a fast food chain for less then 6 months when I got my first promotion and a 50 cent per hour raise (this was in 1983, $3.35, would be around $1 an hour raise today). And if I had stayed there they were talking about sending me to the 2 year AA program at the corporate headquarters.

But I was already enlisted in the military, so I turned all of that down. But I still left after 9 months, making $4.10. So when people whine about only making minimum wage, I tell them they need to get off their butt and learn a skill so they are not just "minimum wage employees".

The military is overpaid. A buck private makes at least 15 per hour counting in benefits, food, clothing, shelter, health care provided.

You are full of shit.
It is because of them( E-1's) and others who served you can live in the comfort of your home knowing your rights to criticize them are secured.
Now...A 'buck private" which is an E-1 makes $1516 per month. That's less than $400 per week... So, genius....I will ask you again...Care to change your bullshit story?
2013 Military Pay Scale Chart - For US Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines
The military is overpaid. A buck private makes at least 15 per hour counting in benefits, food, clothing, shelter, health care provided.
You are retarded. They pay for clothing? Maybe if you're willing to wear military clothing when your off work, and even then you're only allowed to wear your dress uniform off base. They pay for SOME food, but its not like the galley is open at midnight for personell on night shift. The health care is also VERY limited. Get a cavity, they simply pull the tooth.

I was making $200 dollars every 2 Weeks when I was E1, so don't tell me I was getting good pay. You try and buy food, clothes, music, drinks, entertainment, etc on $200 every two Weeks.
Add it up, food, shelter, clothing, health care, military discounts, education.

You must learn personal responsibility. The military is the most socialistic organization there is.

You may now pull your bottom lip over your head and swallow.

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