Support The Fight For Civil Rights For Mexicans In Mexico


Apr 20, 2010
If you belong to facebook, please consider joining this Cause:

Civil Rights INSIDE Mexico |

NOW, about this Cause:


If Felipe Calderon is so concerned about the civil rights of illegal immigrants in Arizona, why are so many people still DYING to get out of Mexico?

Why are there no protests at the Consulates & Embassies of Mexcio?

Mr Calderon recently asserted that if Americans weren't buying drugs, the drug cartels in Latin America wouldn't be so powerful. Good point, but NOT a good EXCUSE for failure to weaken & cripple them. I guess by his reasoning, it's also apparently OK for freaks to pay for sex with minors in the legendary border town brothels. I've not heard of him fighting that either...

Why is bribery still the only way for non-criminals to get things done when dealing with the Policia?


* Expose the corruption of the Mexican govt.
* Stop the exploitation of the poor in Mexico.
* Improve the quality of life of ALL Mexican citizens.

The Cause does NOT solicit donations. Instead, it seeks to create dialogue as to how we can support efforts to turn back the tide of corruption and crime in Mexico that results in such gross violations of human rights for its citizens.

Mexican jail inmates allowed out to murder and collect debts - IFJ Global - IFJ Condemns Murders of Journalists in Mexico

Latin American Herald Tribune - Mexico’s 2010 Murder Toll Surpasses 2,000

Mexicans need and deserve our support for their efforts to reclaim their nation as a fit place to live, just as Americans deserve relief from the stream of refugees and criminals entering our country from the south. The illegal immigration problem cannot be solved or even addressed unless we Americans stand shoulder to shoulder with law abiding Mexicans and fight this blight on humanity -- theirs and ours.

You are NOT being asked to give money.

You are NOT being asked to divert a large quantity of time or effort towards this cause.

You ARE being asked to help raise awareness and create dialogue.


The narco terrorists have to be killed faster than they can kill other people.
How about we just quit smoking dope and snortin' the snow?
We'll save money, our gov't w/save money, Mexico w/be safer.

I like getting stoned as much as the next guy but the older I get the stupider it seems. For various reasons- including these.
Then the drug cartels will really be in charge, and we will have put them there.
How about we just quit smoking dope and snortin' the snow?
We'll save money, our gov't w/save money, Mexico w/be safer.

I like getting stoned as much as the next guy but the older I get the stupider it seems. For various reasons- including these.

Wishful thinking.

Trying to stop this problem at the end user is NEVER going to work.
Mexico could ALSO stop producing drugs! Geez! What a concept. Mexico is doomed.....doubt it can be changed - or maybe if a miracle were to happen!
Then the drug cartels will really be in charge, and we will have put them there.

The cartels would become LLCs or corporations if drugs are legalized, or disappear.

Then if a producer gets shortchanged by a distributor, the producer takes that distributor to court for breech of contract, instead of breaking arms and wrecking property.

Violence and intimidation is the way justice is handled in the black market. How many legal businesses have a weapons cache and hitmen?
Mexico could ALSO stop producing drugs! Geez! What a concept. Mexico is doomed.....doubt it can be changed - or maybe if a miracle were to happen!

Mexico produces drugs to sell in the US. The US produces guns to sell in Mexico. Seems to me that "miracle" ain't hard to envision, Angelhair. You can admit defeat if you wish...but how comfy is life in a border state ever going to be if Mexico continues to be The Seventh Circle Of Hell?
What happens in Mexico is not our business.... however, if they keep bringing their problems over our border, I would not be against bombing the shithole back to the stone age.
Mexico could ALSO stop producing drugs! Geez! What a concept. Mexico is doomed.....doubt it can be changed - or maybe if a miracle were to happen!

Mexico produces drugs to sell in the US. The US produces guns to sell in Mexico. Seems to me that "miracle" ain't hard to envision, Angelhair. You can admit defeat if you wish...but how comfy is life in a border state ever going to be if Mexico continues to be The Seventh Circle Of Hell?

Tell me - if there were NO illegal drugs being produced, would we have druggies? If there were NO druggies, would illegal drugs be produced???
Nope, sorry, no miracles will happen. They have been waiting for miracles forever in Mexico. It's a lot easier for many of them to head to the el norte than to fight for change. It's up to MEXICO and its people to stop being 'The Seventh Circle of Hell'. I don't see that happening in the very distant future. They focus too much on putting the blame on the USA and if not the USA, on other entities. They are not known for taking responsiblilty for anything that goes wrong. Have you not seen how many times EVERY president of Mexico has tried to interfere in the affairs of the U.S. as a means to blame it for one thing or another that has gone wrong in that corrupt country??? Nah, you can keep on dreaming - I don't see Mexico climbing out of the pit of hell it put itself into after generations of corruption and lawlessness.
The narco terrorists have to be killed faster than they can kill other people.

We need to legalize drugs and cut the legs off their money trees.

Or..... we could just be smart and not do drugs. Now, that would be radical.

I'm guessing coke heads are none too socially conscious, CG. Meanwhile I won't even smoke dope unless I know where it was grown. I am not taking my mood enhancers at the cost of some little Mexican child's life.
What happens in Mexico is not our business.... however, if they keep bringing their problems over our border, I would not be against bombing the shithole back to the stone age.

My neighbor's suffering is my problem, especially when the epidemic savaging their family spreads to mine.
Mexico could ALSO stop producing drugs! Geez! What a concept. Mexico is doomed.....doubt it can be changed - or maybe if a miracle were to happen!

Mexico produces drugs to sell in the US. The US produces guns to sell in Mexico. Seems to me that "miracle" ain't hard to envision, Angelhair. You can admit defeat if you wish...but how comfy is life in a border state ever going to be if Mexico continues to be The Seventh Circle Of Hell?

'So the latest reason why we American’s must give up our right to protect ourselves is because things are so out of control in Mexico. The theory is that all of Mexico’s drug violence can be blamed on the fact that the US is still a free country where you can legally own a gun. Mexican drug gangs supposedly exploit that by obtaining guns in the US and exporting them to Mexico. (Sounds like a reason to close the border to me.)
But what is the reality. If they couldn’t get guns in the US would their problems just melt away. Of course not!'
'Semi-autos, some very high-end Sigs and other European handguns were not uncommon along with piles of old revolvers. I thought I had seen everything in the states, but in Mexico it’s not uncommon for people to own full-auto military rifles. Everything from an M16, UZI machine pistols and the most popular, select-fire AK47 military rifles. These are not the so-called “assault weapons” you can buy at the local gun shop in the U.S., but full select-fire military-issue rifles. Now, I know you want to know and are dying to ask; Did I see any U.S. military-issue weapons stolen from the U.S. military? Not a single one was marked with U.S. military markings. Everything was marked with additional foreign markings on the receiver, including M16 rifles, or they had nothing at all. I saw firearms manufactured in Europe, China, Russia and South America along with U.S. manufactured weapons. I saw rifles that looked familiar with no place of manufacture, no serial number or manufacturer’s logo. The information was not removed, it was never there to begin with. I can only assume they came from illegal arms manufacturers in India or Pakistan that produce copies of weapons. It was obvious that none of these firearms came from a U.S. gun shop in Tucson or San Diego. You couldn’t buy them from a gun shop in the states if you tried.'

Say Anything Weapons of Choice In Mexico Did Not Come From USA
Angelhair, I do not deny the problems facing Mexico are complex, and I do not think they are the US's fault -- I just think that if Mexico were a safe, economically viable nation in which to live that would be best for Mexicans and for the US.

I have not asked for you do a single solitary thing except object to the corruption in Mexico's government. If it feels to you as if showing even that little concern for Mexico is too much, I guess I have difficulty understanding why.

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