Supported by Scripture, who's in Hell?

And it says to do those 3 things where?

The largest group of Christians in the United States believe that it does.

That same large group of Christians have never read the entire Bible. They just read the spoon fed verses used to make theological points that support a particular belief or tradition.

I was an evangelical Christian for 20 years before I ever read the Bible. Once I read the Bible I realized that I had been conned. I'm more of an atheistic Calvinist nowadays. If God loves me then He loves me. If God hates me then He hates me. There isn't really much that I can do about it. If God wants to send me to hell then He can do it. If God doesn't want me in hell then He can prevent it from happening. I have no say in the matter. If God doesn't exist then I approach life the exact same way. His existence or non-existence wouldn't change the way I live. Every living human being is exactly the same. If they were proved wrong about God then they would still live the same way. These are trivial issues that cause broken families, broken friendships and even wars. It makes me shake my head and deal with it in the best way that I can. God is a big part of our lives whether He exists or not. You can't ignore it.

Just agree with people when they say you are going to hell. It stops them in their tracks.
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And it says to do those 3 things where?

The largest group of Christians in the United States believe that it does.

That same large group of Christians have never read the entire Bible. They just read the spoon fed verses used to make theological points that support a particular tradition.

I was an evangelical Christian for 20 years before I ever read the Bible. Once I read the Bible I realized that I had been conned. I'm more of an atheistic Calvinist nowadays. If God loves me then He loves me. If God hates me then He hates me. There isn't really much that I can do about it. If God wants to send me to hell then He can do it. If God doesn't want me in hell then He can prevent it from happening. I have no say in the manner. If God doesn't exist then I approach life the exact same way. His existence or non-existence wouldn't change the way I live. Every living human being is exactly the same. If they were proved wrong about God then they would still live the same way. These are trivial issues that cause broken families, broken friendships and even wars. It makes me shake my head and deal with it in the best way that I can. God is a big part of our lives whether He exists or not.

Was raised non-religious. Am Jewish though. Went to churches with friends, and later to synagogues. Though when I drove across the country one summer long ago popped in to every interesting church I found. Sat in on Christian Science services, JWs, tried a Mormon one but they shooed me out (don't like visitors apparently,)and lots of Baptist, Catholic, and others mainstream denominational ones.

Have read a lot about religion in my life. Tried and prayed and begged for faith. Something convincing to my scientific educaiton to believe in and be like, "Ah ha! Now I get it! This makes perfect sense." But have yet to receive anything to set my back against and believe in.

Am now of the opinion that if there really is a god, he isn't worthy of being worshipped since he never does anything overt like gods in the the movies do. Doesn't seem like a very high standard. Do something, anything to confirm people aren't just making themselves unhappy obeying you and there really is someone watching who cares.
For God so hated the world, that he sent his only begotten son, that whosoever believith not in him should perish, and suffer everlasting torment,

Anyway, that was what I was taught in Sunday School.
It's something churches use for children to help them understand salvation. It's not in the Bible exactly like that... sheesh!

I was raised up in a Baptist Church my whole life. I am a closet atheist that is still actively involved in a medium sized Southern Baptist Church. People really do believe this is the way to heaven and the way to avoid hell. It isn't just a joke that we tell children like Santa Clause. People genuinely believe this.

Why are you still in church if you are an atheist?
Using Scripture where you can show 'if you did this, you'd be sent to Hell' who's in Hell right now? Not, who is going, should go, but of those who've already died, who's being ripped apart and boiling in lava or whatever you 'good people' imagine.

As far as I know "Hell" isn't a Biblical idea but one concocted by early Church fathers to increase their flock through fear. Increase their income as well, like the selling of indulgences.

I'm an atheist now but when I was about 3 yrs. old I lived with my Grandmother for a while. She was a Bible thumping Baptist who really put the fear of the Devil in me. I can still remember hiding behind the couch from him after stealing a cookie from the cookie jar or some such sin of childhood. That was the same place I hid when Lon Chaney started changing into the Wolfman.
It's something churches use for children to help them understand salvation. It's not in the Bible exactly like that... sheesh!

I was raised up in a Baptist Church my whole life. I am a closet atheist that is still actively involved in a medium sized Southern Baptist Church. People really do believe this is the way to heaven and the way to avoid hell. It isn't just a joke that we tell children like Santa Clause. People genuinely believe this.

Why are you still in church if you are an atheist?

The same reason you are still in church.
My parents are Christians, my children are Christians, one brother in law is a pastor, the other is a youth pastor, my mother in law, father in law are Christian , my wife is the Children's director at our church and I live in North Carolina. Finding employment in my area would become even harder if word was to get around that I was an atheist. It is very bigoted in my area. Being a "Christian" is extremely advantageous. Surely you can identify the sociological trappings of religion. My wife and children know that I am an atheist but they don't believe me. Nobody else really knows that I am atheist. I see no benefit in telling anybody. Besides Christianity is the best religion in the world.

I'm certain I love Christianity way more than the average believer. They appreciate it because they have to believe it. The average believer has no idea how genius the Christian philosophical system is.

The difference between you and me is that I refuse to lie to myself about the whole matter. Nobody believes in talking donkeys, talking snakes, resurrected zombies, magical rivers of blood, or any other such silliness. Let's be serious.

Warning: Don't ever read the Bible. You'll start to understand it's power and laugh at the way it is cheapness into mystical nonsense.
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Using Scripture where you can show 'if you did this, you'd be sent to Hell' who's in Hell right now? Not, who is going, should go, but of those who've already died, who's being ripped apart and boiling in lava or whatever you 'good people' imagine.

As far as I know "Hell" isn't a Biblical idea but one concocted by early Church fathers to increase their flock through fear. Increase their income as well, like the selling of indulgences.

I'm an atheist now but when I was about 3 yrs. old I lived with my Grandmother for a while. She was a Bible thumping Baptist who really put the fear of the Devil in me. I can still remember hiding behind the couch from him after stealing a cookie from the cookie jar or some such sin of childhood. That was the same place I hid when Lon Chaney started changing into the Wolfman.

A lot of the lore of hell comes from Dante's Inferno and the Hades of Greek mythology. The Bible is very ambiguous on the subject of hell .
It's something churches use for children to help them understand salvation. It's not in the Bible exactly like that... sheesh!

I was raised up in a Baptist Church my whole life. I am a closet atheist that is still actively involved in a medium sized Southern Baptist Church. People really do believe this is the way to heaven and the way to avoid hell. It isn't just a joke that we tell children like Santa Clause. People genuinely believe this.

Why are you still in church if you are an atheist?

The same reason you are still in church.
My parents are Christians, my children are Christians, one brother in law is a pastor, the other is a youth pastor, my mother in law, father in law are Christian , my wife is the Children's director at our church and I live in North Carolina. Finding employment in my area would become even harder if word was to get around that I was an atheist. It is very bigoted in my area. Being a "Christian" is extremely advantageous. Surely you can identify the sociological trappings of religion. My wife and children know that I am an atheist but they don't believe me. Nobody else really knows that I am atheist. I see no benefit in telling anybody. Besides Christianity is the best religion in the world.

I'm certain I love Christianity way more than the average believer. They appreciate it because they have to believe it. They have no idea how genius the Christian philosophical system is.

The difference between you and me is that I refuse to lie to myself about the whole matter. Nobody believes in talking donkeys, talking snakes, resurrected zombies, magical rivers of blood, or any other such silliness.

Warning: Don't ever read the Bible.

I have read the Bible cover to cover; twice,
I ditched church at 16. I was Lutheran
I was born-again 12 years ago, so, I think our reasons are quite different.

I actually DO believe in all that. If you can believe in ghosts and aliens, why not? Anything is possible.
It's something churches use for children to help them understand salvation. It's not in the Bible exactly like that... sheesh!

I was raised up in a Baptist Church my whole life. I am a closet atheist that is still actively involved in a medium sized Southern Baptist Church. People really do believe this is the way to heaven and the way to avoid hell. It isn't just a joke that we tell children like Santa Clause. People genuinely believe this.

Why are you still in church if you are an atheist?

The same reason you are still in church.
My parents are Christians, my children are Christians, one brother in law is a pastor, the other is a youth pastor, my mother in law, father in law are Christian , my wife is the Children's director at our church and I live in North Carolina. Finding employment in my area would become even harder if word was to get around that I was an atheist. It is very bigoted in my area. Being a "Christian" is extremely advantageous. Surely you can identify the sociological trappings of religion. My wife and children know that I am an atheist but they don't believe me. Nobody else really knows that I am atheist. I see no benefit in telling anybody. Besides Christianity is the best religion in the world.

I'm certain I love Christianity way more than the average believer. They appreciate it because they have to believe it. They have no idea how genius the Christian philosophical system is.

The difference between you and me is that I refuse to lie to myself about the whole matter. Nobody believes in talking donkeys, talking snakes, resurrected zombies, magical rivers of blood, or any other such silliness.

Warning: Don't ever read the Bible.

I have read the Bible cover to cover; twice,
I ditched church at 16. I was Lutheran
I was born-again 12 years ago, so, I think our reasons are quite different.

I actually DO believe in all that. If you can believe in ghosts and aliens, why not? Anything is possible.

I don't believe in aliens or ghosts.
It's something churches use for children to help them understand salvation. It's not in the Bible exactly like that... sheesh!

I was raised up in a Baptist Church my whole life. I am a closet atheist that is still actively involved in a medium sized Southern Baptist Church. People really do believe this is the way to heaven and the way to avoid hell. It isn't just a joke that we tell children like Santa Clause. People genuinely believe this.

Why are you still in church if you are an atheist?

The same reason you are still in church.
My parents are Christians, my children are Christians, one brother in law is a pastor, the other is a youth pastor, my mother in law, father in law are Christian , my wife is the Children's director at our church and I live in North Carolina. Finding employment in my area would become even harder if word was to get around that I was an atheist. It is very bigoted in my area. Being a "Christian" is extremely advantageous. Surely you can identify the sociological trappings of religion. My wife and children know that I am an atheist but they don't believe me. Nobody else really knows that I am atheist. I see no benefit in telling anybody. Besides Christianity is the best religion in the world.

I'm certain I love Christianity way more than the average believer. They appreciate it because they have to believe it. They have no idea how genius the Christian philosophical system is.

The difference between you and me is that I refuse to lie to myself about the whole matter. Nobody believes in talking donkeys, talking snakes, resurrected zombies, magical rivers of blood, or any other such silliness.

Warning: Don't ever read the Bible.

I have read the Bible cover to cover; twice,
I ditched church at 16. I was Lutheran
I was born-again 12 years ago, so, I think our reasons are quite different.

I actually DO believe in all that. If you can believe in ghosts and aliens, why not? Anything is possible.

I don't mind lying to others but I am not going to lie to myself anymore.
It's something churches use for children to help them understand salvation. It's not in the Bible exactly like that... sheesh!

I was raised up in a Baptist Church my whole life. I am a closet atheist that is still actively involved in a medium sized Southern Baptist Church. People really do believe this is the way to heaven and the way to avoid hell. It isn't just a joke that we tell children like Santa Clause. People genuinely believe this.

Why are you still in church if you are an atheist?

The same reason you are still in church.
My parents are Christians, my children are Christians, one brother in law is a pastor, the other is a youth pastor, my mother in law, father in law are Christian , my wife is the Children's director at our church and I live in North Carolina. Finding employment in my area would become even harder if word was to get around that I was an atheist. It is very bigoted in my area. Being a "Christian" is extremely advantageous. Surely you can identify the sociological trappings of religion. My wife and children know that I am an atheist but they don't believe me. Nobody else really knows that I am atheist. I see no benefit in telling anybody. Besides Christianity is the best religion in the world.

I'm certain I love Christianity way more than the average believer. They appreciate it because they have to believe it. They have no idea how genius the Christian philosophical system is.

The difference between you and me is that I refuse to lie to myself about the whole matter. Nobody believes in talking donkeys, talking snakes, resurrected zombies, magical rivers of blood, or any other such silliness.

Warning: Don't ever read the Bible.

I have read the Bible cover to cover; twice,
I ditched church at 16. I was Lutheran
I was born-again 12 years ago, so, I think our reasons are quite different.

I actually DO believe in all that. If you can believe in ghosts and aliens, why not? Anything is possible.

I don't believe in aliens or ghosts.

What DO you believe in? You should not be in church for the social... my opinion.
It's something churches use for children to help them understand salvation. It's not in the Bible exactly like that... sheesh!

I was raised up in a Baptist Church my whole life. I am a closet atheist that is still actively involved in a medium sized Southern Baptist Church. People really do believe this is the way to heaven and the way to avoid hell. It isn't just a joke that we tell children like Santa Clause. People genuinely believe this.

Why are you still in church if you are an atheist?

The same reason you are still in church.
My parents are Christians, my children are Christians, one brother in law is a pastor, the other is a youth pastor, my mother in law, father in law are Christian , my wife is the Children's director at our church and I live in North Carolina. Finding employment in my area would become even harder if word was to get around that I was an atheist. It is very bigoted in my area. Being a "Christian" is extremely advantageous. Surely you can identify the sociological trappings of religion. My wife and children know that I am an atheist but they don't believe me. Nobody else really knows that I am atheist. I see no benefit in telling anybody. Besides Christianity is the best religion in the world.

I'm certain I love Christianity way more than the average believer. They appreciate it because they have to believe it. They have no idea how genius the Christian philosophical system is.

The difference between you and me is that I refuse to lie to myself about the whole matter. Nobody believes in talking donkeys, talking snakes, resurrected zombies, magical rivers of blood, or any other such silliness.

Warning: Don't ever read the Bible.

I have read the Bible cover to cover; twice,
I ditched church at 16. I was Lutheran
I was born-again 12 years ago, so, I think our reasons are quite different.

I actually DO believe in all that. If you can believe in ghosts and aliens, why not? Anything is possible.

I don't mind lying to others but I am not going to lie to myself anymore.
When I left the Lutheran church I was a atheist.
Using Scripture where you can show 'if you did this, you'd be sent to Hell' who's in Hell right now? Not, who is going, should go, but of those who've already died, who's being ripped apart and boiling in lava or whatever you 'good people' imagine.

As far as I know "Hell" isn't a Biblical idea but one concocted by early Church fathers to increase their flock through fear. Increase their income as well, like the selling of indulgences.

I'm an atheist now but when I was about 3 yrs. old I lived with my Grandmother for a while. She was a Bible thumping Baptist who really put the fear of the Devil in me. I can still remember hiding behind the couch from him after stealing a cookie from the cookie jar or some such sin of childhood. That was the same place I hid when Lon Chaney started changing into the Wolfman.

A lot of the lore of hell comes from Dante's Inferno and the Hades of Greek mythology. The Bible is very ambiguous on the subject of hell .

dante based his INFERNO----on catholic teachings of his time----he did not invent it for the book
I was raised up in a Baptist Church my whole life. I am a closet atheist that is still actively involved in a medium sized Southern Baptist Church. People really do believe this is the way to heaven and the way to avoid hell. It isn't just a joke that we tell children like Santa Clause. People genuinely believe this.

Why are you still in church if you are an atheist?

The same reason you are still in church.
My parents are Christians, my children are Christians, one brother in law is a pastor, the other is a youth pastor, my mother in law, father in law are Christian , my wife is the Children's director at our church and I live in North Carolina. Finding employment in my area would become even harder if word was to get around that I was an atheist. It is very bigoted in my area. Being a "Christian" is extremely advantageous. Surely you can identify the sociological trappings of religion. My wife and children know that I am an atheist but they don't believe me. Nobody else really knows that I am atheist. I see no benefit in telling anybody. Besides Christianity is the best religion in the world.

I'm certain I love Christianity way more than the average believer. They appreciate it because they have to believe it. They have no idea how genius the Christian philosophical system is.

The difference between you and me is that I refuse to lie to myself about the whole matter. Nobody believes in talking donkeys, talking snakes, resurrected zombies, magical rivers of blood, or any other such silliness.

Warning: Don't ever read the Bible.

I have read the Bible cover to cover; twice,
I ditched church at 16. I was Lutheran
I was born-again 12 years ago, so, I think our reasons are quite different.

I actually DO believe in all that. If you can believe in ghosts and aliens, why not? Anything is possible.

I don't believe in aliens or ghosts.

What DO you believe in? You should not be in church for the social... my opinion.

I believe in survival . I believe in human relations. I believe that wisdom has been gleaned through the ages. Wisdom is easy to identify. Any book that has survived 400 years or more contains wisdom. If a book lasts 400 years then it will last forever. There is great power in that wisdom that we can unlock. The concept of God is the most successful philosophical construct ever created. There are lots of great things that happen in life that cannot be explained. To contemplate on God is invigorating. I just don't use God to explain away misfortunes and I certainly don't spend hours on end praying to him.

I was raised up in a Baptist Church my whole life. I am a closet atheist that is still actively involved in a medium sized Southern Baptist Church. People really do believe this is the way to heaven and the way to avoid hell. It isn't just a joke that we tell children like Santa Clause. People genuinely believe this.

Why are you still in church if you are an atheist?

The same reason you are still in church.
My parents are Christians, my children are Christians, one brother in law is a pastor, the other is a youth pastor, my mother in law, father in law are Christian , my wife is the Children's director at our church and I live in North Carolina. Finding employment in my area would become even harder if word was to get around that I was an atheist. It is very bigoted in my area. Being a "Christian" is extremely advantageous. Surely you can identify the sociological trappings of religion. My wife and children know that I am an atheist but they don't believe me. Nobody else really knows that I am atheist. I see no benefit in telling anybody. Besides Christianity is the best religion in the world.

I'm certain I love Christianity way more than the average believer. They appreciate it because they have to believe it. They have no idea how genius the Christian philosophical system is.

The difference between you and me is that I refuse to lie to myself about the whole matter. Nobody believes in talking donkeys, talking snakes, resurrected zombies, magical rivers of blood, or any other such silliness.
IWarning: Don't ever read the Bible.

I have read the Bible cover to cover; twice,
I ditched church at 16. I was Lutheran
I was born-again 12 years ago, so, I think our reasons are quite different.

I actually DO believe in all that. If you can believe in ghosts and aliens, why not? Anything is possible.

I don't believe in aliens or ghosts.

What DO you believe in? You should not be in church for the social... my opinion.

I have no desirable options. Burning in hell for eternity isn't so bad but living hell on earth is more than I can bear.

What do you see as the alternative? Lying to myself until I actually believe it? Leave my wife and kids just because of a book? My life is great. Why should I throw it all away just because you are uncomfortable with my presence? There are millions of people that pretend to be Christians for their own protection. Your desire for me to abandon my life and become vulnerable to the harsh ridicule of Christians isn't very Christian of you. I don't want to live my life as a hopeless outcast even though it sounds like you would enjoy seeing me suffer in this way. I am not interested. I love my life.

As I said before , the difference between me and you is that you prefer to lie to yourself. I do not. Nobody believes that silly nonsense even if it does feel good to pretend.
Last edited:
Hell, where billions of souls suffer eternal torment, is alien to the nature of the God I see in scripture.
Read OT KJV at eight.
My understanding is that those whose names are not writhn in the book of life, die the second death. No eternal glory, no eternal agony, no eternity, but an ending.
Why are you still in church if you are an atheist?

The same reason you are still in church.
My parents are Christians, my children are Christians, one brother in law is a pastor, the other is a youth pastor, my mother in law, father in law are Christian , my wife is the Children's director at our church and I live in North Carolina. Finding employment in my area would become even harder if word was to get around that I was an atheist. It is very bigoted in my area. Being a "Christian" is extremely advantageous. Surely you can identify the sociological trappings of religion. My wife and children know that I am an atheist but they don't believe me. Nobody else really knows that I am atheist. I see no benefit in telling anybody. Besides Christianity is the best religion in the world.

I'm certain I love Christianity way more than the average believer. They appreciate it because they have to believe it. They have no idea how genius the Christian philosophical system is.

The difference between you and me is that I refuse to lie to myself about the whole matter. Nobody believes in talking donkeys, talking snakes, resurrected zombies, magical rivers of blood, or any other such silliness.

Warning: Don't ever read the Bible.

I have read the Bible cover to cover; twice,
I ditched church at 16. I was Lutheran
I was born-again 12 years ago, so, I think our reasons are quite different.

I actually DO believe in all that. If you can believe in ghosts and aliens, why not? Anything is possible.

I don't believe in aliens or ghosts.

What DO you believe in? You should not be in church for the social... my opinion.

I believe in survival . I believe in human relations. I believe that wisdom has been gleaned through the ages. Wisdom is easy to identify. Any book that has survived 400 years or more contains wisdom. If a book lasts 400 years then it will last forever. There is great power in that wisdom that we can unlock. The concept of God is the most successful philosophical construct ever created. There are lots of great things that happen in life that cannot be explained. To contemplate on God is invigorating. I just don't use God to explain away misfortunes and I certainly don't spend hours on end praying to him.

Why are you still in church if you are an atheist?

The same reason you are still in church.
My parents are Christians, my children are Christians, one brother in law is a pastor, the other is a youth pastor, my mother in law, father in law are Christian , my wife is the Children's director at our church and I live in North Carolina. Finding employment in my area would become even harder if word was to get around that I was an atheist. It is very bigoted in my area. Being a "Christian" is extremely advantageous. Surely you can identify the sociological trappings of religion. My wife and children know that I am an atheist but they don't believe me. Nobody else really knows that I am atheist. I see no benefit in telling anybody. Besides Christianity is the best religion in the world.

I'm certain I love Christianity way more than the average believer. They appreciate it because they have to believe it. They have no idea how genius the Christian philosophical system is.

The difference between you and me is that I refuse to lie to myself about the whole matter. Nobody believes in talking donkeys, talking snakes, resurrected zombies, magical rivers of blood, or any other such silliness.
IWarning: Don't ever read the Bible.

I have read the Bible cover to cover; twice,
I ditched church at 16. I was Lutheran
I was born-again 12 years ago, so, I think our reasons are quite different.

I actually DO believe in all that. If you can believe in ghosts and aliens, why not? Anything is possible.

I don't believe in aliens or ghosts.

What DO you believe in? You should not be in church for the social... my opinion.

I have no desirable options. Burning in hell for eternity isn't so bad but living hell on earth is more than I can bear.

What do you see as the alternative? Lying to myself until I actually believe it? Leave my wife and kids just because of a book? My life is great. Why should I throw it all away just because you are uncomfortable with my presence? There are millions of people that pretend to be Christians for their own protection. Your desire for me to abandon my life and become vulnerable to the harsh ridicule of Christians isn't very Christian of you. I don't want to live my life as a hopeless outcast even though it sounds like you would enjoy seeing me suffer in this way. I am not interested. I love my life.

As I said before , the difference between me and you is that you prefer to lie to yourself. I do not. Nobody believes that silly nonsense even if it does feel good to pretend.
I did not realize you would lose your wife and kids. That is a big secret to keep
Using Scripture where you can show 'if you did this, you'd be sent to Hell' who's in Hell right now? Not, who is going, should go, but of those who've already died, who's being ripped apart and boiling in lava or whatever you 'good people' imagine.
You'll find out who's in hell when you get there.
The same reason you are still in church.
My parents are Christians, my children are Christians, one brother in law is a pastor, the other is a youth pastor, my mother in law, father in law are Christian , my wife is the Children's director at our church and I live in North Carolina. Finding employment in my area would become even harder if word was to get around that I was an atheist. It is very bigoted in my area. Being a "Christian" is extremely advantageous. Surely you can identify the sociological trappings of religion. My wife and children know that I am an atheist but they don't believe me. Nobody else really knows that I am atheist. I see no benefit in telling anybody. Besides Christianity is the best religion in the world.

I'm certain I love Christianity way more than the average believer. They appreciate it because they have to believe it. They have no idea how genius the Christian philosophical system is.

The difference between you and me is that I refuse to lie to myself about the whole matter. Nobody believes in talking donkeys, talking snakes, resurrected zombies, magical rivers of blood, or any other such silliness.

Warning: Don't ever read the Bible.

I have read the Bible cover to cover; twice,
I ditched church at 16. I was Lutheran
I was born-again 12 years ago, so, I think our reasons are quite different.

I actually DO believe in all that. If you can believe in ghosts and aliens, why not? Anything is possible.

I don't believe in aliens or ghosts.

What DO you believe in? You should not be in church for the social... my opinion.

I believe in survival . I believe in human relations. I believe that wisdom has been gleaned through the ages. Wisdom is easy to identify. Any book that has survived 400 years or more contains wisdom. If a book lasts 400 years then it will last forever. There is great power in that wisdom that we can unlock. The concept of God is the most successful philosophical construct ever created. There are lots of great things that happen in life that cannot be explained. To contemplate on God is invigorating. I just don't use God to explain away misfortunes and I certainly don't spend hours on end praying to him.

The same reason you are still in church.
My parents are Christians, my children are Christians, one brother in law is a pastor, the other is a youth pastor, my mother in law, father in law are Christian , my wife is the Children's director at our church and I live in North Carolina. Finding employment in my area would become even harder if word was to get around that I was an atheist. It is very bigoted in my area. Being a "Christian" is extremely advantageous. Surely you can identify the sociological trappings of religion. My wife and children know that I am an atheist but they don't believe me. Nobody else really knows that I am atheist. I see no benefit in telling anybody. Besides Christianity is the best religion in the world.

I'm certain I love Christianity way more than the average believer. They appreciate it because they have to believe it. They have no idea how genius the Christian philosophical system is.

The difference between you and me is that I refuse to lie to myself about the whole matter. Nobody believes in talking donkeys, talking snakes, resurrected zombies, magical rivers of blood, or any other such silliness.
IWarning: Don't ever read the Bible.

I have read the Bible cover to cover; twice,
I ditched church at 16. I was Lutheran
I was born-again 12 years ago, so, I think our reasons are quite different.

I actually DO believe in all that. If you can believe in ghosts and aliens, why not? Anything is possible.

I don't believe in aliens or ghosts.

What DO you believe in? You should not be in church for the social... my opinion.

I have no desirable options. Burning in hell for eternity isn't so bad but living hell on earth is more than I can bear.

What do you see as the alternative? Lying to myself until I actually believe it? Leave my wife and kids just because of a book? My life is great. Why should I throw it all away just because you are uncomfortable with my presence? There are millions of people that pretend to be Christians for their own protection. Your desire for me to abandon my life and become vulnerable to the harsh ridicule of Christians isn't very Christian of you. I don't want to live my life as a hopeless outcast even though it sounds like you would enjoy seeing me suffer in this way. I am not interested. I love my life.

As I said before , the difference between me and you is that you prefer to lie to yourself. I do not. Nobody believes that silly nonsense even if it does feel good to pretend.
I did not realize you would lose your wife and kids. That is a big secret to keep

Not really. I don't see it as that big of a deal. Remember I don't believe in God. Only Christians think it is something shocking. I think it is akin to believing in the 9/11 conspiracy or something. It's only weird if you talk about it. I don't like mayonnaise but I don't have to talk about it all the time and make others uncomfortable. Just because I believe/disbelieve something doesn't necessarily make it important.

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