Supported by Scripture, who's in Hell?

Why are you looking for the living among the dead?
He is not here he has been resurrected.
There is only one way to see him alive again.
Here it is, Here it is.

A - Admit to God that you're a sinner and repent
B - Believe that Jesus is the son of God
C - Confess your faith in Jesus Christ as your savior

He is alive! He is alive!
Come and see that He is risen!
He is alive!
He is alive! He is alive!
All your sins have been forgiven.
He is alive!

Here is the video:

Here is the video with the cool dance moves:

I have read the Bible cover to cover; twice,
I ditched church at 16. I was Lutheran
I was born-again 12 years ago, so, I think our reasons are quite different.

I actually DO believe in all that. If you can believe in ghosts and aliens, why not? Anything is possible.

I don't believe in aliens or ghosts.

What DO you believe in? You should not be in church for the social... my opinion.

I believe in survival . I believe in human relations. I believe that wisdom has been gleaned through the ages. Wisdom is easy to identify. Any book that has survived 400 years or more contains wisdom. If a book lasts 400 years then it will last forever. There is great power in that wisdom that we can unlock. The concept of God is the most successful philosophical construct ever created. There are lots of great things that happen in life that cannot be explained. To contemplate on God is invigorating. I just don't use God to explain away misfortunes and I certainly don't spend hours on end praying to him.

I have read the Bible cover to cover; twice,
I ditched church at 16. I was Lutheran
I was born-again 12 years ago, so, I think our reasons are quite different.

I actually DO believe in all that. If you can believe in ghosts and aliens, why not? Anything is possible.

I don't believe in aliens or ghosts.

What DO you believe in? You should not be in church for the social... my opinion.

I have no desirable options. Burning in hell for eternity isn't so bad but living hell on earth is more than I can bear.

What do you see as the alternative? Lying to myself until I actually believe it? Leave my wife and kids just because of a book? My life is great. Why should I throw it all away just because you are uncomfortable with my presence? There are millions of people that pretend to be Christians for their own protection. Your desire for me to abandon my life and become vulnerable to the harsh ridicule of Christians isn't very Christian of you. I don't want to live my life as a hopeless outcast even though it sounds like you would enjoy seeing me suffer in this way. I am not interested. I love my life.

As I said before , the difference between me and you is that you prefer to lie to yourself. I do not. Nobody believes that silly nonsense even if it does feel good to pretend.
I did not realize you would lose your wife and kids. That is a big secret to keep

Not really. I don't see it as that big of a deal. Remember I don't believe in God. Only Christians think it is something shocking. I think it is akin to believing in the 9/11 conspiracy or something. It's only weird if you talk about it. I don't like mayonnaise but I don't have to talk about it all the time and make others uncomfortable. Just because I believe/disbelieve something doesn't necessarily make it important.

In the sense that your family believes - I would think it is (to them). Your statement that you would lose them if they knew speak volumes.

Some people take their Christian walk more seriously than others. If your family believes they should be living for God and that life on Earth here revolves around God, I would think it's a big deal. But, if they simply believe in God and go to church on Sunday's to worship him, maybe not as impactful. But I totally know where you are coming from because I was there. My mother was horrified when I told her what I believed about God and all religions. I was the biggest mocker.

But sounds to me like you don't mock them, you just don't believe.
I don't believe in aliens or ghosts.

What DO you believe in? You should not be in church for the social... my opinion.

I believe in survival . I believe in human relations. I believe that wisdom has been gleaned through the ages. Wisdom is easy to identify. Any book that has survived 400 years or more contains wisdom. If a book lasts 400 years then it will last forever. There is great power in that wisdom that we can unlock. The concept of God is the most successful philosophical construct ever created. There are lots of great things that happen in life that cannot be explained. To contemplate on God is invigorating. I just don't use God to explain away misfortunes and I certainly don't spend hours on end praying to him.

I don't believe in aliens or ghosts.

What DO you believe in? You should not be in church for the social... my opinion.

I have no desirable options. Burning in hell for eternity isn't so bad but living hell on earth is more than I can bear.

What do you see as the alternative? Lying to myself until I actually believe it? Leave my wife and kids just because of a book? My life is great. Why should I throw it all away just because you are uncomfortable with my presence? There are millions of people that pretend to be Christians for their own protection. Your desire for me to abandon my life and become vulnerable to the harsh ridicule of Christians isn't very Christian of you. I don't want to live my life as a hopeless outcast even though it sounds like you would enjoy seeing me suffer in this way. I am not interested. I love my life.

As I said before , the difference between me and you is that you prefer to lie to yourself. I do not. Nobody believes that silly nonsense even if it does feel good to pretend.
I did not realize you would lose your wife and kids. That is a big secret to keep

Not really. I don't see it as that big of a deal. Remember I don't believe in God. Only Christians think it is something shocking. I think it is akin to believing in the 9/11 conspiracy or something. It's only weird if you talk about it. I don't like mayonnaise but I don't have to talk about it all the time and make others uncomfortable. Just because I believe/disbelieve something doesn't necessarily make it important.

In the sense that your family believes - I would think it is (to them). Your statement that you would lose them if they knew speak volumes.

Some people take their Christian walk more seriously than others. If your family believes they should be living for God and that life on Earth here revolves around God, I would think it's a big deal. But, if they simply believe in God and go to church on Sunday's to worship him, maybe not as impactful. But I totally know where you are coming from because I was there. My mother was horrified when I told her what I believed about God and all religions. I was the biggest mocker.

But sounds to me like you don't mock them, you just don't believe.

What is it that made you finally believe?
What DO you believe in? You should not be in church for the social... my opinion.

I believe in survival . I believe in human relations. I believe that wisdom has been gleaned through the ages. Wisdom is easy to identify. Any book that has survived 400 years or more contains wisdom. If a book lasts 400 years then it will last forever. There is great power in that wisdom that we can unlock. The concept of God is the most successful philosophical construct ever created. There are lots of great things that happen in life that cannot be explained. To contemplate on God is invigorating. I just don't use God to explain away misfortunes and I certainly don't spend hours on end praying to him.

What DO you believe in? You should not be in church for the social... my opinion.

I have no desirable options. Burning in hell for eternity isn't so bad but living hell on earth is more than I can bear.

What do you see as the alternative? Lying to myself until I actually believe it? Leave my wife and kids just because of a book? My life is great. Why should I throw it all away just because you are uncomfortable with my presence? There are millions of people that pretend to be Christians for their own protection. Your desire for me to abandon my life and become vulnerable to the harsh ridicule of Christians isn't very Christian of you. I don't want to live my life as a hopeless outcast even though it sounds like you would enjoy seeing me suffer in this way. I am not interested. I love my life.

As I said before , the difference between me and you is that you prefer to lie to yourself. I do not. Nobody believes that silly nonsense even if it does feel good to pretend.
I did not realize you would lose your wife and kids. That is a big secret to keep

Not really. I don't see it as that big of a deal. Remember I don't believe in God. Only Christians think it is something shocking. I think it is akin to believing in the 9/11 conspiracy or something. It's only weird if you talk about it. I don't like mayonnaise but I don't have to talk about it all the time and make others uncomfortable. Just because I believe/disbelieve something doesn't necessarily make it important.

In the sense that your family believes - I would think it is (to them). Your statement that you would lose them if they knew speak volumes.

Some people take their Christian walk more seriously than others. If your family believes they should be living for God and that life on Earth here revolves around God, I would think it's a big deal. But, if they simply believe in God and go to church on Sunday's to worship him, maybe not as impactful. But I totally know where you are coming from because I was there. My mother was horrified when I told her what I believed about God and all religions. I was the biggest mocker.

But sounds to me like you don't mock them, you just don't believe.

What is it that made you finally believe?

I went back to church because my kids were a mess, so, I went in hopes they would straighten up and live a good life (but when I started going to church again, it was a Baptist church; I knew the Lutheran church was no good because I turned out to be a mess). I'm not saying any of this is logical thinking, but it was how I was thinking 15 years ago!

God can speak to you when you are really listening, and, during one church service, he was speaking to me - through the message, the songs and the scriptures. I realized He is real, I got baptized that day, and so, here I am.

Becoming a Christian and finally recognizing God isn't something someone "talks you into". It's more like a realization or an epiphany. Click.
The Bible is vague in regards to hell. Only imagination could be responsible for such a work.

Heaven in scripture is associated with life, hell with death. Heaven is the realm of living beings, hell the realm of the dead. Both terms are figurative descriptions for states of conscious existence. Heaven is a state of peace and understanding, hell a state of suffering and confusion.

The promised consequence for obedience to divine law is life. According to scripture "the death" promised for noncompliance is immediate, in the very day of defiance, and not after a long physical life which means the dead in hells keeping are already being tormented day and night all around you and can easily be seen and heard by those with eyes that see and ears that hear.

Take a good hard look around these very boards. All of those who openly practice idolatry exhibit all of the signs of being under the condemnation of God. They believe in things that never actually happened, look forward to things that will never actually take place and in the meantime don't have a clue about what is actually going on, are tormented day and night by confusion, and consequently say and do stupid things that injure themselves and the people they love.

If that ain't a perfect description of hell what is?

When everything a person believes is false and everything they see is distorted and perverted, life is hell and reality is a consuming fire that will never go out.
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I don't believe in aliens or ghosts.

What DO you believe in? You should not be in church for the social... my opinion.

I believe in survival . I believe in human relations. I believe that wisdom has been gleaned through the ages. Wisdom is easy to identify. Any book that has survived 400 years or more contains wisdom. If a book lasts 400 years then it will last forever. There is great power in that wisdom that we can unlock. The concept of God is the most successful philosophical construct ever created. There are lots of great things that happen in life that cannot be explained. To contemplate on God is invigorating. I just don't use God to explain away misfortunes and I certainly don't spend hours on end praying to him.

I don't believe in aliens or ghosts.

What DO you believe in? You should not be in church for the social... my opinion.

I have no desirable options. Burning in hell for eternity isn't so bad but living hell on earth is more than I can bear.

What do you see as the alternative? Lying to myself until I actually believe it? Leave my wife and kids just because of a book? My life is great. Why should I throw it all away just because you are uncomfortable with my presence? There are millions of people that pretend to be Christians for their own protection. Your desire for me to abandon my life and become vulnerable to the harsh ridicule of Christians isn't very Christian of you. I don't want to live my life as a hopeless outcast even though it sounds like you would enjoy seeing me suffer in this way. I am not interested. I love my life.

As I said before , the difference between me and you is that you prefer to lie to yourself. I do not. Nobody believes that silly nonsense even if it does feel good to pretend.
I did not realize you would lose your wife and kids. That is a big secret to keep

Not really. I don't see it as that big of a deal. Remember I don't believe in God. Only Christians think it is something shocking. I think it is akin to believing in the 9/11 conspiracy or something. It's only weird if you talk about it. I don't like mayonnaise but I don't have to talk about it all the time and make others uncomfortable. Just because I believe/disbelieve something doesn't necessarily make it important.

In the sense that your family believes - I would think it is (to them). Your statement that you would lose them if they knew speak volumes.

Some people take their Christian walk more seriously than others. If your family believes they should be living for God and that life on Earth here revolves around God, I would think it's a big deal. But, if they simply believe in God and go to church on Sunday's to worship him, maybe not as impactful. But I totally know where you are coming from because I was there. My mother was horrified when I told her what I believed about God and all religions. I was the biggest mocker.

But sounds to me like you don't mock them, you just don't believe.

There is difference between an atheist and an antitheist. I don't think belief in God is harmful enough to crusade against it. Quite the opposite. I think that belief in God is beneficial. It is more beneficial to believe in the biblical God than the culturally popular God but believing in a weak God is somewhat harmless. The person who believes in the irrational, jealous and omnipotent God of scripture is better equipped to handle powerful people in real life.

The traits of God aren't supposed to create our favorite fairy tale. The traits of God are supposed to match real life. The traits of God should be identical to the traits of powerful people in real life. I think we get confused because we think of a president as a powerful person and have no concept of a king. (Contrary to most atheist I believe our founders used Biblical wisdom to understand human nature's response to power. Absolute power was eliminated from our government which was motivated by educated scholars of the Bible. The Supreme Court is the ultimate authority. This was the system used in Israel to protect the citizenry from the despotic nature of powerful men.) A more accurate representation of the human condition is a business owner or the strong personality within a family. Those are the "gods" in real life. If we can learn to trust and respect Yahweh then we can minimize the damage that can be caused by our boss or the dominate personality in our family. We can even learn to gain mercy and grace from these arrogant individuals that otherwise make life uncomfortable or unbearable. The Bible is good if we understand as wisdom instead of understanding it as truth.
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God represents powerful people in the world. Yes. Managers behave this way. The story of God's love for humanity is not that big of a stretch. I don't have a fancy picture but I can create an analogy.

I am going to hire you so that you can do lots and lots of work for me. Then I will take credit for making you into something great. I will make you feel guilty because of the debt that you owe to me. Then I will sacrifice you when I no longer need you. You will be grateful to me for the opportunity that I gave to you because I am so wonderful. If you show any bit of discomfort when I fire you then I will destroy your reputation and you will never work again. If I ever need you again I will give you a call and you will come running to me because I am the greatest that has ever lived. Go and work elsewhere until I actually need you but don't you dare talk bad about me or I'll destroy you.

Learning about reality through fables is more painless than learning through experience. A smart man learns from his own mistakes. A wise man learns from the mistakes of others. An even wiser man learns from the wisdom collected over hundreds of years from the failures of men.

Only a fool would mock the Bible. You are free to mock mindless fanatics but anybody who attacks the Bible is not all that smart.
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Using Scripture where you can show 'if you did this, you'd be sent to Hell' who's in Hell right now? Not, who is going, should go, but of those who've already died, who's being ripped apart and boiling in lava or whatever you 'good people' imagine.

I don't think scripture is very clear about this. In the evangelical Christian tradition there is a clear cut answer but I challenge that answer to be unbiblical.

I don't think it is either. But some Christians like to 'save your soul from hell' so figured they'd have na idea who's already there. :)

Apparently all the people who were born before D L Moody invented the sinners prayer in the late 1800's are burning in hell.

Never heard of him. Something wrong with Jesus saying go recite the Lord's Prayer? Wasn't good enough was it? :)

It is called the A B C's in the evangelical world. A - admit to God that you are a sinner. B - Believe that Jesus gave his life for you. C - Confess to Jesus as your Savior and Lord.

Abc's is symbolic of the simplicity of the whole thing.

Once you take these easy steps then Jesus will wash away all of your sins which not only protects you from God's wrath and punishment. The blood of Jesus also allows you to commune with God directly through prayer. Before your magic prayer you were repulsive and disgusting in the eyes of God because of your sins. Now that Christ has forgiven you then you have become a friend of God.

Your teachers must be very confused---- Do you think Peter, Mary, Paul, etc did those 3 things?
Then Why didn't Jesus' sacrifice cover their sins? You see the wages sin pays is death--all who died paid the wages of their own sin. Why did they die if Jesus sacrifice covered their sin? There is obviously another meaning of who Jesus' death actually covered. So that they would never taste death, but it hasn't occurred yet.
I don't think scripture is very clear about this. In the evangelical Christian tradition there is a clear cut answer but I challenge that answer to be unbiblical.

I don't think it is either. But some Christians like to 'save your soul from hell' so figured they'd have na idea who's already there. :)

Apparently all the people who were born before D L Moody invented the sinners prayer in the late 1800's are burning in hell.

Never heard of him. Something wrong with Jesus saying go recite the Lord's Prayer? Wasn't good enough was it? :)

It is called the A B C's in the evangelical world. A - admit to God that you are a sinner. B - Believe that Jesus gave his life for you. C - Confess to Jesus as your Savior and Lord.

Abc's is symbolic of the simplicity of the whole thing.

Once you take these easy steps then Jesus will wash away all of your sins which not only protects you from God's wrath and punishment. The blood of Jesus also allows you to commune with God directly through prayer. Before your magic prayer you were repulsive and disgusting in the eyes of God because of your sins. Now that Christ has forgiven you then you have become a friend of God.

Your teachers must be very confused---- Do you think Peter, Mary, Paul, etc did those 3 things?
Then Why didn't Jesus' sacrifice cover their sins? You see the wages sin pays is death--all who died paid the wages of their own sin. Why did they die if Jesus sacrifice covered their sin? There is obviously another meaning of who Jesus' death actually covered. So that they would never taste death, but it hasn't occurred yet.

Oh I know they are confused. Have you ever heard of Billy Graham?
Proliferation of Ascots

Blasphemy and idolatry are specifically dealt with in the Scriptures and hellfire and punishment are mentioned in reference to those sins.

Was Eva Braun a blasphemer for supporting her genocidal boyfriend Adolf Hitler? Was Jack the Ripper guilty of idolatry in his dangerously wrathful overt criticism of policework frailties?

The Scriptures can be viewed as texts of proverbs and psalms or as a recording of religious history.

In our modern era of vigilantism fantasies being circulated in the media and in the movies, ethics has become a pedestrian issue.


High Incident (TV Series)

I don't think it is either. But some Christians like to 'save your soul from hell' so figured they'd have na idea who's already there. :)

Apparently all the people who were born before D L Moody invented the sinners prayer in the late 1800's are burning in hell.

Never heard of him. Something wrong with Jesus saying go recite the Lord's Prayer? Wasn't good enough was it? :)

It is called the A B C's in the evangelical world. A - admit to God that you are a sinner. B - Believe that Jesus gave his life for you. C - Confess to Jesus as your Savior and Lord.

Abc's is symbolic of the simplicity of the whole thing.

Once you take these easy steps then Jesus will wash away all of your sins which not only protects you from God's wrath and punishment. The blood of Jesus also allows you to commune with God directly through prayer. Before your magic prayer you were repulsive and disgusting in the eyes of God because of your sins. Now that Christ has forgiven you then you have become a friend of God.

Your teachers must be very confused---- Do you think Peter, Mary, Paul, etc did those 3 things?
Then Why didn't Jesus' sacrifice cover their sins? You see the wages sin pays is death--all who died paid the wages of their own sin. Why did they die if Jesus sacrifice covered their sin? There is obviously another meaning of who Jesus' death actually covered. So that they would never taste death, but it hasn't occurred yet.

Oh I know they are confused. Have you ever heard of Billy Graham?

Yes I have.
Apparently all the people who were born before D L Moody invented the sinners prayer in the late 1800's are burning in hell.

Never heard of him. Something wrong with Jesus saying go recite the Lord's Prayer? Wasn't good enough was it? :)

It is called the A B C's in the evangelical world. A - admit to God that you are a sinner. B - Believe that Jesus gave his life for you. C - Confess to Jesus as your Savior and Lord.

Abc's is symbolic of the simplicity of the whole thing.

Once you take these easy steps then Jesus will wash away all of your sins which not only protects you from God's wrath and punishment. The blood of Jesus also allows you to commune with God directly through prayer. Before your magic prayer you were repulsive and disgusting in the eyes of God because of your sins. Now that Christ has forgiven you then you have become a friend of God.

Your teachers must be very confused---- Do you think Peter, Mary, Paul, etc did those 3 things?
Then Why didn't Jesus' sacrifice cover their sins? You see the wages sin pays is death--all who died paid the wages of their own sin. Why did they die if Jesus sacrifice covered their sin? There is obviously another meaning of who Jesus' death actually covered. So that they would never taste death, but it hasn't occurred yet.

Oh I know they are confused. Have you ever heard of Billy Graham?

Yes I have.

A lot of people subscribe to his theology. I'm not talking about 100 people. I'm talking like 10's of millions. He teaches people that God has to accept you if you ask him. He teaches that God will become your best buddy.

It's not scriptural at all but it does draw a crowd. At least he gets people to notice the existence of a Bible. Billy Graham's false doctrine isn't a total loss.
Never heard of him. Something wrong with Jesus saying go recite the Lord's Prayer? Wasn't good enough was it? :)

It is called the A B C's in the evangelical world. A - admit to God that you are a sinner. B - Believe that Jesus gave his life for you. C - Confess to Jesus as your Savior and Lord.

Abc's is symbolic of the simplicity of the whole thing.

Once you take these easy steps then Jesus will wash away all of your sins which not only protects you from God's wrath and punishment. The blood of Jesus also allows you to commune with God directly through prayer. Before your magic prayer you were repulsive and disgusting in the eyes of God because of your sins. Now that Christ has forgiven you then you have become a friend of God.

Your teachers must be very confused---- Do you think Peter, Mary, Paul, etc did those 3 things?
Then Why didn't Jesus' sacrifice cover their sins? You see the wages sin pays is death--all who died paid the wages of their own sin. Why did they die if Jesus sacrifice covered their sin? There is obviously another meaning of who Jesus' death actually covered. So that they would never taste death, but it hasn't occurred yet.

Oh I know they are confused. Have you ever heard of Billy Graham?

Yes I have.

A lot of people subscribe to his theology. I'm not talking about 100 people. I'm talking like 10's of millions. He teaches people that God has to accept you if you ask him. He teaches that God will become your best buddy.

It's not scriptural at all but it does draw a crowd. At least he gets people to notice the existence of a Bible. Billy Graham's false doctrine isn't a total loss.

Jehovah called Abraham--friend---- Jesus is Gods best buddy.( per-se)
Every trinity teacher on earth teaches false doctrine, not to mention a non existent god. They lead their followers to break Gods #1 commandment daily. Its very sad, alls it takes is believing Jesus over men' dogmas but they wont. Because most of them do not know what Jesus taught.
Francois-Marie Arouet is probably in hell. He totally blasphemed God all the time.

He is more commonly known as Voltaire but I'm pretty sure he is in hell if hell exists.
Using Scripture where you can show 'if you did this, you'd be sent to Hell' who's in Hell right now? Not, who is going, should go, but of those who've already died, who's being ripped apart and boiling in lava or whatever you 'good people' imagine.

It's something churches use for children to help them understand salvation. It's not in the Bible exactly like that... sheesh!

I was raised up in a Baptist Church my whole life. I am a closet atheist that is still actively involved in a medium sized Southern Baptist Church. People really do believe this is the way to heaven and the way to avoid hell. It isn't just a joke that we tell children like Santa Clause. People genuinely believe this.

Why are you still in church if you are an atheist?

The same reason you are still in church.
My parents are Christians, my children are Christians, one brother in law is a pastor, the other is a youth pastor, my mother in law, father in law are Christian , my wife is the Children's director at our church and I live in North Carolina. Finding employment in my area would become even harder if word was to get around that I was an atheist. It is very bigoted in my area. Being a "Christian" is extremely advantageous. Surely you can identify the sociological trappings of religion. My wife and children know that I am an atheist but they don't believe me. Nobody else really knows that I am atheist. I see no benefit in telling anybody. Besides Christianity is the best religion in the world.

I'm certain I love Christianity way more than the average believer. They appreciate it because they have to believe it. They have no idea how genius the Christian philosophical system is.

The difference between you and me is that I refuse to lie to myself about the whole matter. Nobody believes in talking donkeys, talking snakes, resurrected zombies, magical rivers of blood, or any other such silliness.

Warning: Don't ever read the Bible.

I have read the Bible cover to cover; twice,
I ditched church at 16. I was Lutheran
I was born-again 12 years ago, so, I think our reasons are quite different.

I actually DO believe in all that. If you can believe in ghosts and aliens, why not? Anything is possible.

I don't believe in aliens or ghosts.

Aliens are fallen angels such as Lucifer is a fallen angel now known as Satan. They present themselves as aliens in order to deceive the world but they are the very same angels that rebelled against God and were thrown out of heaven. Demons can manifest and people have seen them - according to Luke 10:19 the Christian has full authority over them and over fallen angels also - the Believer has all authority over the wicked one.
Francois-Marie Arouet is probably in hell. He totally blasphemed God all the time.

He is more commonly known as Voltaire but I'm pretty sure he is in hell if hell exists.

the Hebrew--Sheol = the greek word Hades both translate--the grave

Hell is mentioned over 400 times in the Old Testament. Your Book New Word Translations is not the Bible, kjw47. It's not the Word of God.

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