Supported by Scripture, who's in Hell?

the Hebrew--Sheol = the greek word Hades both translate--the grave

Hell is mentioned over 400 times in the Old Testament. Your Book New Word Translations is not the Bible, kjw47. It's not the Word of God.

they do have the same meaning--the same thing that happens to all when they die= the grave.

Here is a language lesson for you---Sheol= Hebrew= Hades= greek= Hell = English--- 100% fact--sheol-hades translate-- the grave--so guess what hell translates?
Sheol is what is mentioned in the ot.

Only an unjust sadist non existent trinity would condemn a little decieved sinful mortal to eternal suffering( trillions x trillions x trillions, etc of never ending years of punishment) for 70-90 years of unrepented sin.
The bible teaches--ALL of Gods ways are-JUSTICE( Deut 32:4) as well a merciful kind, loving God.
You should get to know the real one. He is Jehovah.

Sheol is not hades or hell. That is a poor translation of hebrew to greek. Sheol is a place of death, a bit like a limbo, an empty waiting area. A place separate from god, not a place of judgement or suffering, just a place. There is a belief that eventually the souls in sheol will be raised or moved to a place closer to god.

Greeks had their own idea of hades or hell and not of a limbo like sheol so when they translated the text they use words that greeks would identify with and not really a correct equation for the meaning that jews had of sheol.

Sheol is more of a suspended animation or hibernation of the soul till a later time. It has nothing to do with sin or redemption, good or bad. It is just death.

My post was correct--every scholar on earth will tell you--the Hebrew word Sheol = the greek word-Hades.

No, it does not

16. Hebrew and Greek words mistranslated to mean Hell

Jews do not have the idea of hell or place of punishment after death. Hell or hades is a greco/roman concept. It is incorrect to interchange the words because they do not have the same meaning.
I'm pretty sure that Jesus is the first person who told us about hell. He mentioned hell many times in his parables, and explained the criteria to get there. One of these parable was the rich man who did nothing to help the poor man. Another parable were the virgins who were not ready at the gate when the bridegroom arrives at the wedding. Another parable is the division between the sheep and the goats.

It was symbolism--there is no place of eternal suffering. only a sadist would do that to a nothing mortal.
It was symbolic for the eternal value of what is lost by those who are thrown into the lake of fire.
I'm pretty sure that Jesus is the first person who told us about hell. He mentioned hell many times in his parables, and explained the criteria to get there. One of these parable was the rich man who did nothing to help the poor man. Another parable were the virgins who were not ready at the gate when the bridegroom arrives at the wedding. Another parable is the division between the sheep and the goats.

It was symbolism--there is no place of eternal suffering. only a sadist would do that to a nothing mortal.
It was symbolic for the eternal value of what is lost by those who are thrown into the lake of fire.
So Jesus was trying to scare people straight? He didn't really mean what he said about hell?

Wow, what a relief to know that Jesus is really a liar who told make-believe stories to scare us.
I'm pretty sure that Jesus is the first person who told us about hell. He mentioned hell many times in his parables, and explained the criteria to get there. One of these parable was the rich man who did nothing to help the poor man. Another parable were the virgins who were not ready at the gate when the bridegroom arrives at the wedding. Another parable is the division between the sheep and the goats.

Jesus didn't lie, He taught in parables, certain teachings were only partial truths that had to added and applied to other truths as well to make a whole truth.
Many things had to be hidden( Daniel 12:4)--to keep satan in spiritual darkness so he couldn't twist it all into oblivion. Even the angels are desiring to learn certain truths. 1Peter 1:12)

Here is truth taught about who God actually is and how he deals with everything.
Deuteronomy 32:4--ALL of Gods ways are justice
He taught all what real justice is--an eye for an eye= ice

It was symbolism--there is no place of eternal suffering. only a sadist would do that to a nothing mortal.
It was symbolic for the eternal value of what is lost by those who are thrown into the lake of fire.
So Jesus was trying to scare people straight? He didn't really mean what he said about hell?

Wow, what a relief to know that Jesus is really a liar who told make-believe stories to scare us.
I'm pretty sure that Jesus is the first person who told us about hell. He mentioned hell many times in his parables, and explained the criteria to get there. One of these parable was the rich man who did nothing to help the poor man. Another parable were the virgins who were not ready at the gate when the bridegroom arrives at the wedding. Another parable is the division between the sheep and the goats.

It was symbolism--there is no place of eternal suffering. only a sadist would do that to a nothing mortal.
It was symbolic for the eternal value of what is lost by those who are thrown into the lake of fire.
So Jesus was trying to scare people straight? He didn't really mean what he said about hell?

Wow, what a relief to know that Jesus is really a liar who told make-believe stories to scare us.

Jesus didn't lie, he taught in parables-- some truths need to be added to other truths to make 1 whole truth.
But those who actually know God, know this fact--Deuteronomy 32:4-- ALL of Gods ways are justice--he taught all real justice= an eye for an eye. A perfect balance on the set of justice scales-- uncorruptable

Lets apply eternal suffering teaching to those scales

70-90 years of unrepented sin, on one side----- trillions x trillions x trillions, etc of never ending years of punishment= no balance on that set of scales--thus not Gods justice scales.
a false sadistic teaching by those who do not know God.
So in reality it was symbolism for what is lost by being thrown into the lake of fire( destruction)
As each new day dawns in Gods kingdom, those will miss every day for eternity--likened to be a hell.
There is no time in hell, so all your calculations are useless.

The lake of fire( second death) is the final destination--Fire represents destruction--For those who do believe Jesus he said--those walking the broad and spacious path will be destroyed.
There is no time in hell, so all your calculations are useless.

The lake of fire( second death) is the final destination--Fire represents destruction--For those who do believe Jesus he said--those walking the broad and spacious path will be destroyed.

boogie man is out to get you. Do this or else..............

bully people to do what you say.

what about doing something for the pleasure it bring to yourself or others in this life now? No god no judgement, just what is better for the most people as if this is the only life there is, or at least what does the minimal harm.
boogie man is out to get you. Do this or else..............

bully people to do what you say.

what about doing something for the pleasure it bring to yourself or others in this life now? No god no judgement, just what is better for the most people as if this is the only life there is, or at least what does the minimal harm.

How about measuring the long term consequences in relation to the short term gain?

How about measuring long term gains against short term consequences?

All ethics can be summarized by ignoring the short term benefits and focusing on the long term benefits.

For example: My boss left for the week and forgot to make this $56,294.15 cash deposit. Nobody else is here. It would be completely impossible to prove anything legally if I took it. It is an 100% guarantee that I will not go to jail. Should I take the cash home with me?

Short term answer: Of course you should. You would be a moron to pass up that opportunity.

Long term answer: Hell no I shouldn't. That is a very stupid thing to do. I will gain $56,294.15 which would be really good but nobody would ever hire me for as long as I live. I could lose $1,000,000 - $2,000,000 in potential income for a measly $56,294.15.

All ethics can be analyzed this way. Screwing lots of chicks may sound like a lot of fun but there are long term consequences and risk to consider in order to make the correct decision.
boogie man is out to get you. Do this or else..............

bully people to do what you say.

what about doing something for the pleasure it bring to yourself or others in this life now? No god no judgement, just what is better for the most people as if this is the only life there is, or at least what does the minimal harm.

How about measuring the long term consequences in relation to the short term gain?

How about measuring long term gains against short term consequences?

All ethics can be summarized by ignoring the short term benefits and focusing on the long term benefits.

For example: My boss left for the week and forgot to make this $56,294.15 cash deposit. Nobody else is here. It would be completely impossible to prove anything legally if I took it. It is an 100% guarantee that I will not go to jail. Should I take the cash home with me?

Short term answer: Of course you should. You would be a moron to pass up that opportunity.

Long term answer: Hell no I shouldn't. That is a very stupid thing to do. I will gain $56,294.15 which would be really good but nobody would ever hire me for as long as I live. I could lose $1,000,000 - $2,000,000 in potential income for a measly $56,294.15.

All ethics can be analyzed this way. Screwing lots of chicks may sound like a lot of fun but there are long term consequences and risk to consider in order to make the correct decision.

Threat of jail should not be the motivation of not keeping the cash. Without the deposit the business might go under and you and everyone else that works there would loose the job.
Yes it is about short and long term consequences but logic should prove that out not some threat of a punishable crime or maybe being caught.
Boss misses the deposit, take it to the bank and make the deposit for him or at lease get a note from the bank for the money till the boss can be contacted.

Hell or heaven is not a practical or provable reason. Logic of harming others by keeping the money is. You can live without the 'shiny green suit' or ruby slippers. It will be harder for everyone to live without jobs.

God and hell don't have to be involved or invoked for reason to be evident.
There is no time in hell, so all your calculations are useless.

The lake of fire( second death) is the final destination--Fire represents destruction--For those who do believe Jesus he said--those walking the broad and spacious path will be destroyed.

boogie man is out to get you. Do this or else..............

bully people to do what you say.

what about doing something for the pleasure it bring to yourself or others in this life now? No god no judgement, just what is better for the most people as if this is the only life there is, or at least what does the minimal harm.

Those who desire to gain life everlasting in Gods kingdom, live to do Gods will now-Matt 7:21-- Seeking self is not a wise path-Matt 16:24
Atheists trot out all the same arguments in every tread, how God is a meanie for sending people to hell.

However, fear of hell is only the first step in a Christian's faith journey.

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