Supported by Scripture, who's in Hell?

Aliens are fallen angels such as Lucifer is a fallen angel now known as Satan. They present themselves as aliens in order to deceive the world but they are the very same angels that rebelled against God and were thrown out of heaven. Demons can manifest and people have seen them - according to Luke 10:19 the Christian has full authority over them and over fallen angels also - the Believer has all authority over the wicked one.

Are you suggesting Superman?
Using Scripture where you can show 'if you did this, you'd be sent to Hell' who's in Hell right now? Not, who is going, should go, but of those who've already died, who's being ripped apart and boiling in lava or whatever you 'good people' imagine.
First of all, I don't think Hell exists yet. Just as I believe the dead, all of them, sleep right now.

Anyway, it's not my call on who's in Hell or who ain't. It's a possibility that Hitler himself could have prayed for forgiveness right before he had somebody shoot him, we don't know, we weren't there, same with Judas Iscariot.

We are not God, and thus don't get to make the rules as to who He lets in and who doesn't make the cut. Gonna be a lot of good people who are very hot, when the world ends, and a lot of people, we think shouldn't be in Heaven, will be there, but hey, only those in the heat are gonna be pointing fingers anyway.
You go to hell if you don't accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior. He said "no one gets to the Father but by Me" so, I take that to mean it's Jesus or nothing. He died for our sins, and, if you don't accept that free gift of salvation, you die. I'm sure if I gave it more time I could make a stronger case, but, that's it for now.

Seems I still have to commit a shitload of sins to make Jesus' sacrifice worth it.
Otherwise I would have to feel guilty because it was a bit exaggerated.
Seems I still have to commit a shitload of sins to make Jesus' sacrifice worth it.
Otherwise I would have to feel guilty because it was a bit exaggerated

Doesn't matter if it's 1 sin or a million. You need Jesus for it to be forgiven.
God is not compromising. We must be covered by Jesus' blood to be acceptable in His sight.
Doesn't matter if it's 1 sin or a million. You need Jesus for it to be forgiven.
God is not compromising. We must be covered by Jesus' blood to be acceptable in His sight.

Sounds like the dragon blood story of Siegfrid. And a bit disgusting.
Doesn't matter if it's 1 sin or a million. You need Jesus for it to be forgiven.
God is not compromising. We must be covered by Jesus' blood to be acceptable in His sight.

Sounds like the dragon blood story of Siegfrid. And a bit disgusting.

It's beautiful. We are lucky to have God's sacrifice for us.
But it's your choice to not accept it.
It's beautiful. We are lucky to have God's sacrifice for us.
But it's your choice to not accept it.

Listen, I am always flabbergasted by the self esteem of religious people, believing a god who created this Universe would sacrifice himself for some naked monkeys on a totally irrelevant planet,
because they disobeyed some rules they phantasised he would have stipulated for them.

And of course only for them. The rest who never heard of ths god will roast.
This is so mean. :badgrin:
It's beautiful. We are lucky to have God's sacrifice for us.
But it's your choice to not accept it.

Listen, I am always flabbergasted by the self esteem of religious people, believing a god who created this Universe would sacrifice himself for some naked monkeys on a totally irrelevant planet,
because they disobeyed some rules they phantasised he would have stipulated for them.

And of course only for them. The rest who never heard of ths god will roast.
This is so mean. :badgrin:

If you believe it's mean, why do you laugh?
Of course, if you just don't believe, it should be irrelevant to you.

He created us. Gave us a choice. We chose to disobey.
He gave us an out.
I'm glad.
It's beautiful. We are lucky to have God's sacrifice for us.
But it's your choice to not accept it.

Listen, I am always flabbergasted by the self esteem of religious people, believing a god who created this Universe would sacrifice himself for some naked monkeys on a totally irrelevant planet,
because they disobeyed some rules they phantasised he would have stipulated for them.

And of course only for them. The rest who never heard of ths god will roast.
This is so mean. :badgrin:

If you believe it's mean, why do you laugh?
Of course, if you just don't believe, it should be irrelevant to you.

He created us. Gave us a choice. We chose to disobey.
He gave us an out.
I'm glad.

People, sinful humans, believe in such a god. They hope for some salvation to their own faults and frailties and need to believe they will be 'saved' while everyone else will suffer.
Either god is for all humans or there is no god. Some form of scientific laws, nature or as yet unknown force perhaps but not a selective petty god with human attributes and emotions.

God gave his message to the one of the smallest most insignificant people on the earth at that time? He will save a select group that pray to an idol on the cross? He ignores the suffering and death of millions of innocents but will magically bring a bunch of hypocrites to heaven in some rapture because they invoke the name of Jesus?

This is really what too many have learned from their faith and bible? The bible was codexed by bishops that argued over each entry and even came to blows over the nature of Jesus. Flawed men decided what was 'god's word'. A book that came to have more to do with politics than to faith in god or jesus. Some 200 text that early christian read and found inspiration from were rejected and destroyed. All this came more than 300 years after Jesus death. Most the gospels in the codex were no even written till the 2nd century by people who had never met Jesus but heard stories from stories from stories passed word of mouth.

This is what so many claim is the word of god and therefore infallible. A book translated into more than 500 languages, but what we have come to know as the english KJB is the perfect word? Far more people speak chinese, hindu and arabic that speak english, but a book written only a few hundred years ago in a language that did not exist during the time of jesus is flawless? Wow, some vanity and ego to take that stand. Ever heard that pride is a sin?
It's beautiful. We are lucky to have God's sacrifice for us.
But it's your choice to not accept it.

Listen, I am always flabbergasted by the self esteem of religious people, believing a god who created this Universe would sacrifice himself for some naked monkeys on a totally irrelevant planet,
because they disobeyed some rules they phantasised he would have stipulated for them.

And of course only for them. The rest who never heard of ths god will roast.
This is so mean. :badgrin:

If you believe it's mean, why do you laugh?
Of course, if you just don't believe, it should be irrelevant to you.

He created us. Gave us a choice. We chose to disobey.
He gave us an out.
I'm glad.

People, sinful humans, believe in such a god. They hope for some salvation to their own faults and frailties and need to believe they will be 'saved' while everyone else will suffer.
Either god is for all humans or there is no god. Some form of scientific laws, nature or as yet unknown force perhaps but not a selective petty god with human attributes and emotions.

God gave his message to the one of the smallest most insignificant people on the earth at that time? He will save a select group that pray to an idol on the cross? He ignores the suffering and death of millions of innocents but will magically bring a bunch of hypocrites to heaven in some rapture because they invoke the name of Jesus?

This is really what too many have learned from their faith and bible? The bible was codexed by bishops that argued over each entry and even came to blows over the nature of Jesus. Flawed men decided what was 'god's word'. A book that came to have more to do with politics than to faith in god or jesus. Some 200 text that early christian read and found inspiration from were rejected and destroyed. All this came more than 300 years after Jesus death. Most the gospels in the codex were no even written till the 2nd century by people who had never met Jesus but heard stories from stories from stories passed word of mouth.

This is what so many claim is the word of god and therefore infallible. A book translated into more than 500 languages, but what we have come to know as the english KJB is the perfect word? Far more people speak chinese, hindu and arabic that speak english, but a book written only a few hundred years ago in a language that did not exist during the time of jesus is flawless? Wow, some vanity and ego to take that stand. Ever heard that pride is a sin?

The Bible isn't a text book
It is the word of God, that, when the reader is enlightened understands it's words and they have life.
Prayerful meditation allows God to speak to you as you read scripture revealing the meaning and God's message to us all.

Looking at it intellectually will never make sense.
Using Scripture where you can show 'if you did this, you'd be sent to Hell' who's in Hell right now? Not, who is going, should go, but of those who've already died, who's being ripped apart and boiling in lava or whatever you 'good people' imagine.
Nobody knows. Hitler might be in hell, but we can't be certain of it.
Francois-Marie Arouet is probably in hell. He totally blasphemed God all the time.

He is more commonly known as Voltaire but I'm pretty sure he is in hell if hell exists.

the Hebrew--Sheol = the greek word Hades both translate--the grave

Hell is mentioned over 400 times in the Old Testament. Your Book New Word Translations is not the Bible, kjw47. It's not the Word of God.

Here is a language lesson for you---Sheol= Hebrew= Hades= greek= Hell = English--- 100% fact--sheol-hades translate-- the grave--so guess what hell translates?
Sheol is what is mentioned in the ot.

Only an unjust sadist non existent trinity would condemn a little decieved sinful mortal to eternal suffering( trillions x trillions x trillions, etc of never ending years of punishment) for 70-90 years of unrepented sin.
The bible teaches--ALL of Gods ways are-JUSTICE( Deut 32:4) as well a merciful kind, loving God.
You should get to know the real one. He is Jehovah.
Francois-Marie Arouet is probably in hell. He totally blasphemed God all the time.

He is more commonly known as Voltaire but I'm pretty sure he is in hell if hell exists.

the Hebrew--Sheol = the greek word Hades both translate--the grave

Hell is mentioned over 400 times in the Old Testament. Your Book New Word Translations is not the Bible, kjw47. It's not the Word of God.

Here is a language lesson for you---Sheol= Hebrew= Hades= greek= Hell = English--- 100% fact--sheol-hades translate-- the grave--so guess what hell translates?
Sheol is what is mentioned in the ot.

Only an unjust sadist non existent trinity would condemn a little decieved sinful mortal to eternal suffering( trillions x trillions x trillions, etc of never ending years of punishment) for 70-90 years of unrepented sin.
The bible teaches--ALL of Gods ways are-JUSTICE( Deut 32:4) as well a merciful kind, loving God.
You should get to know the real one. He is Jehovah.

Sheol is not hades or hell. That is a poor translation of hebrew to greek. Sheol is a place of death, a bit like a limbo, an empty waiting area. A place separate from god, not a place of judgement or suffering, just a place. There is a belief that eventually the souls in sheol will be raised or moved to a place closer to god.

Greeks had their own idea of hades or hell and not of a limbo like sheol so when they translated the text they use words that greeks would identify with and not really a correct equation for the meaning that jews had of sheol.

Sheol is more of a suspended animation or hibernation of the soul till a later time. It has nothing to do with sin or redemption, good or bad. It is just death.
Using Scripture where you can show 'if you did this, you'd be sent to Hell' who's in Hell right now? Not, who is going, should go, but of those who've already died, who's being ripped apart and boiling in lava or whatever you 'good people' imagine.
Nobody knows. Hitler might be in hell, but we can't be certain of it.

Hitler is in hell. I remember the testimony of someone who said the LORD showed them Hitler was in hell. I also remember another testimony about an intercessor ( I believe it was an intercessor - a Christian) who said they saw Hitler in hell and he was cursing Rees Howells and saying he was the man who destroyed his plan and caused him to lose the war. Rees Howells was a very powerful prayer warrior who prayed specifically against Hitler during WWII. I believe that the person must have seen him in hell and heard him say that because Christians have for some time believed it was the prayers of Rees Howells and his team of intercessors that brought Hitler down. That is the power of prayer. How glorious is that?!!
Hmmmmmmm.... You should be carefull about mentioning hitler after all and it may disturb you to know he was christian and raised as a catholic...the swastica was the crooked cross and he always said the thousand year reich instead of the thousand year kingdom of christ.... But heh dont take my word for it study it yourself.... One could say the halacaust had its fruits or beginnings in the teaching of hatred of the jewish people by christian doctrines... Does that mean all your teachers preachers monks etc etc are in hell with him after all jesus supposedly has the key so he must be the one looking after the place making him......hmmmmm,.....
Francois-Marie Arouet is probably in hell. He totally blasphemed God all the time.

He is more commonly known as Voltaire but I'm pretty sure he is in hell if hell exists.

the Hebrew--Sheol = the greek word Hades both translate--the grave

Hell is mentioned over 400 times in the Old Testament. Your Book New Word Translations is not the Bible, kjw47. It's not the Word of God.

Here is a language lesson for you---Sheol= Hebrew= Hades= greek= Hell = English--- 100% fact--sheol-hades translate-- the grave--so guess what hell translates?
Sheol is what is mentioned in the ot.

Only an unjust sadist non existent trinity would condemn a little decieved sinful mortal to eternal suffering( trillions x trillions x trillions, etc of never ending years of punishment) for 70-90 years of unrepented sin.
The bible teaches--ALL of Gods ways are-JUSTICE( Deut 32:4) as well a merciful kind, loving God.
You should get to know the real one. He is Jehovah.

Sheol is not hades or hell. That is a poor translation of hebrew to greek. Sheol is a place of death, a bit like a limbo, an empty waiting area. A place separate from god, not a place of judgement or suffering, just a place. There is a belief that eventually the souls in sheol will be raised or moved to a place closer to god.

Greeks had their own idea of hades or hell and not of a limbo like sheol so when they translated the text they use words that greeks would identify with and not really a correct equation for the meaning that jews had of sheol.

Sheol is more of a suspended animation or hibernation of the soul till a later time. It has nothing to do with sin or redemption, good or bad. It is just death.

My post was correct--every scholar on earth will tell you--the Hebrew word Sheol = the greek word-Hades.
Francois-Marie Arouet is probably in hell. He totally blasphemed God all the time.

He is more commonly known as Voltaire but I'm pretty sure he is in hell if hell exists.

the Hebrew--Sheol = the greek word Hades both translate--the grave

Hell is mentioned over 400 times in the Old Testament. Your Book New Word Translations is not the Bible, kjw47. It's not the Word of God.

Here is a language lesson for you---Sheol= Hebrew= Hades= greek= Hell = English--- 100% fact--sheol-hades translate-- the grave--so guess what hell translates?
Sheol is what is mentioned in the ot.

Only an unjust sadist non existent trinity would condemn a little decieved sinful mortal to eternal suffering( trillions x trillions x trillions, etc of never ending years of punishment) for 70-90 years of unrepented sin.
The bible teaches--ALL of Gods ways are-JUSTICE( Deut 32:4) as well a merciful kind, loving God.
You should get to know the real one. He is Jehovah.

Sheol is not hades or hell. That is a poor translation of hebrew to greek. Sheol is a place of death, a bit like a limbo, an empty waiting area. A place separate from god, not a place of judgement or suffering, just a place. There is a belief that eventually the souls in sheol will be raised or moved to a place closer to god.

Greeks had their own idea of hades or hell and not of a limbo like sheol so when they translated the text they use words that greeks would identify with and not really a correct equation for the meaning that jews had of sheol.

Sheol is more of a suspended animation or hibernation of the soul till a later time. It has nothing to do with sin or redemption, good or bad. It is just death.

My post was correct--every scholar on earth will tell you--the Hebrew word Sheol = the greek word-Hades.

No, it does not

16. Hebrew and Greek words mistranslated to mean Hell

Jews do not have the idea of hell or place of punishment after death. Hell or hades is a greco/roman concept. It is incorrect to interchange the words because they do not have the same meaning.
I'm pretty sure that Jesus is the first person who told us about hell. He mentioned hell many times in his parables, and explained the criteria to get there. One of these parable was the rich man who did nothing to help the poor man. Another parable were the virgins who were not ready at the gate when the bridegroom arrives at the wedding. Another parable is the division between the sheep and the goats.

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