Supporters raise $40K to help man who deflated ‘Baby Trump’ balloon

You are positively FREAKING OUT over a balloon

Get a grip

you have one of your fellow Trumpians saying that the attack on the balloon was justified because an insult of Trump is an insult of all his worshipers. Using this logic it would be justified to attack a person that says bad things about Trump.

do you agree with that logic?
You gotta love it. The snowflakes just can't do anything these days.
Supporters of a man who knifed and deflated a diaper-clad “Baby Trump” balloon so the president would not see it during his visit to watch a University of Alabama football game have raised almost $40,000 to pay his legal fees.

A GoFundMe page created Saturday asks for donations to help Hoyt Deau Hutchinson, 32, “pay legal fees and restitutions” for the balloon had raised $39,641 as of Monday afternoon. The goal for fundraiser was initially set at $6,000.

Hutchinson allegedly cut an 8-foot-long gash into the back of the giant inflatable, which depicted a bright orange Trump donning a diaper and clutching a cell phone.

He was arrested and charged with felony first-degree criminal mischief after fleeing the crime scene in his hometown of Tuscaloosa, where a group of protesters had inflated the balloon for a demonstration at Monnish Park.

Amazing how many people are willing to set the law aside so they can show support for their party, because the party is all that matters.

Yeah. Didn’t Trump recently receive about 13 million in donations from Republican citizens in a day?

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The man was wrong to destroy the balloon and it's wrong to give him money for doing so. If you don't support the expression of unpopular opinions, you don't support free expression.
The police disagree with you on the cost, to be charged with what he was the cost of the item has to be in excess of $2500.

I would like to see him get the max to deter the next idiot from doing this.

But people like you and those that gave to the GFM page are ensuring that next time something even worse will happen, since they know they will be given all sorts of free money.

He should have done it from a distance with a good rifle. By the time it deflates, the rifle is apart and he's gone.
That would make a few small holes in it that could be patched up in a matter of hours.

why does the balloon trigger you all so very much?

you remind me of the Muslims freaking out over a cartoon
You are positively FREAKING OUT over a balloon

Get a grip

you have that backwards there buddy...the ones attacking it are the ones freaked out by it.

the ones attacking it are the ones freaked out by it

Obviously the individual who cut the balloon was freaked out almost as much as you and the liberal trump haters who want to put him in prison for a minor offense
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You are positively FREAKING OUT over a balloon

Get a grip

you have one of your fellow Trumpians saying that the attack on the balloon was justified because an insult of Trump is an insult of all his worshipers. Using this logic it would be justified to attack a person that says bad things about Trump.

do you agree with that logic?
The liberal balloon that was attacked is not a human person with free speech rights

You have overreacted in a big way to a minor offense of civil disobedience

How would you have treated the colonists who threw british tea into boston harbor?

Sent them to a penal colony in Australia for life perhaps?
Obviously the individual who cut the balloon was freaked out almost as much as you and the liberal trump haters who want to put him in prison for a minor offense

not freaked out at all, why must you play this silly game. You have one of your fellow Trump worshipers saying that any insult of Trump is an attack on them personally, yet you want to make me the "freaked out" one.

Sorry buddy, but that dog don't hunt.
The liberal balloon that was attacked is not a human person with free speech rights

Since it is not a human person with free speech rights it also cannot be liberal. Logic is not your thing.

How would you have treated the colonists who threw british tea into boston harbor?

Sent them to a penal colony in Australia for life perhaps?

Wow, as I said, logic is not your thing. That you would even think to compare these two events are just kind of shocking, even for this forum.

But, that aside...imagine the effect had the British done so....we all might be still singing God Save the Queen :21::21:
You gotta love it. The snowflakes just can't do anything these days.
Supporters of a man who knifed and deflated a diaper-clad “Baby Trump” balloon so the president would not see it during his visit to watch a University of Alabama football game have raised almost $40,000 to pay his legal fees.

A GoFundMe page created Saturday asks for donations to help Hoyt Deau Hutchinson, 32, “pay legal fees and restitutions” for the balloon had raised $39,641 as of Monday afternoon. The goal for fundraiser was initially set at $6,000.

Hutchinson allegedly cut an 8-foot-long gash into the back of the giant inflatable, which depicted a bright orange Trump donning a diaper and clutching a cell phone.

He was arrested and charged with felony first-degree criminal mischief after fleeing the crime scene in his hometown of Tuscaloosa, where a group of protesters had inflated the balloon for a demonstration at Monnish Park.

Amazing how many people are willing to set the law aside so they can show support for their party, because the party is all that matters.

Yeah, you progressives do it all of the time.
This guy obviously is against free speech. What is more bizarre is that he has linked his crime to some war of "good v. evil" and some unidentified religious cult he's in. How could any politician, much less trump, be a religious hero?
You gotta love it. The snowflakes just can't do anything these days.
Supporters of a man who knifed and deflated a diaper-clad “Baby Trump” balloon so the president would not see it during his visit to watch a University of Alabama football game have raised almost $40,000 to pay his legal fees.

A GoFundMe page created Saturday asks for donations to help Hoyt Deau Hutchinson, 32, “pay legal fees and restitutions” for the balloon had raised $39,641 as of Monday afternoon. The goal for fundraiser was initially set at $6,000.

Hutchinson allegedly cut an 8-foot-long gash into the back of the giant inflatable, which depicted a bright orange Trump donning a diaper and clutching a cell phone.

He was arrested and charged with felony first-degree criminal mischief after fleeing the crime scene in his hometown of Tuscaloosa, where a group of protesters had inflated the balloon for a demonstration at Monnish Park.

You know as an ex felon in Alabama he won't be able to vote... We need more 'Trump Babies'...
You gotta love it. The snowflakes just can't do anything these days.
Supporters of a man who knifed and deflated a diaper-clad “Baby Trump” balloon so the president would not see it during his visit to watch a University of Alabama football game have raised almost $40,000 to pay his legal fees.

A GoFundMe page created Saturday asks for donations to help Hoyt Deau Hutchinson, 32, “pay legal fees and restitutions” for the balloon had raised $39,641 as of Monday afternoon. The goal for fundraiser was initially set at $6,000.

Hutchinson allegedly cut an 8-foot-long gash into the back of the giant inflatable, which depicted a bright orange Trump donning a diaper and clutching a cell phone.

He was arrested and charged with felony first-degree criminal mischief after fleeing the crime scene in his hometown of Tuscaloosa, where a group of protesters had inflated the balloon for a demonstration at Monnish Park.

Amazing how many people are willing to set the law aside so they can show support for their party, because the party is all that matters.

Yeah, you progressives do it all of the time.

nice of you to admit you are no different than them.
You gotta love it. The snowflakes just can't do anything these days.
Supporters of a man who knifed and deflated a diaper-clad “Baby Trump” balloon so the president would not see it during his visit to watch a University of Alabama football game have raised almost $40,000 to pay his legal fees.

A GoFundMe page created Saturday asks for donations to help Hoyt Deau Hutchinson, 32, “pay legal fees and restitutions” for the balloon had raised $39,641 as of Monday afternoon. The goal for fundraiser was initially set at $6,000.

Hutchinson allegedly cut an 8-foot-long gash into the back of the giant inflatable, which depicted a bright orange Trump donning a diaper and clutching a cell phone.

He was arrested and charged with felony first-degree criminal mischief after fleeing the crime scene in his hometown of Tuscaloosa, where a group of protesters had inflated the balloon for a demonstration at Monnish Park.

Amazing how many people are willing to set the law aside so they can show support for their party, because the party is all that matters.

Yeah, you progressives do it all of the time.

nice of you to admit you are no different than them.

No, you won't see my approval anywhere in this thread. I support free speech. This person cutting up the balloon is wrong headed to do that.

But you progressives do this shit all of the time.
This guy obviously is against free speech. What is more bizarre is that he has linked his crime to some war of "good v. evil" and some unidentified religious cult he's in. How could any politician, much less trump, be a religious hero?

He hears every day that the battle is against the forces of evil. Shit, we see it on this forum on a regular basis. They have been programed to think anyone that disagrees with them.
This guy obviously is against free speech. What is more bizarre is that he has linked his crime to some war of "good v. evil" and some unidentified religious cult he's in. How could any politician, much less trump, be a religious hero?

He hears every day that the battle is against the forces of evil. Shit, we see it on this forum on a regular basis. They have been programed to think anyone that disagrees with them.

You progressives should look in the mirror. Projection is the term.

You're doing it.
This guy obviously is against free speech. What is more bizarre is that he has linked his crime to some war of "good v. evil" and some unidentified religious cult he's in. How could any politician, much less trump, be a religious hero?

He hears every day that the battle is against the forces of evil. Shit, we see it on this forum on a regular basis. They have been programed to think anyone that disagrees with them.

You progressives should look in the mirror. Projection is the term.

You're doing it.

you try so very hard and yet fail every time. At least you are consistent
This guy obviously is against free speech. What is more bizarre is that he has linked his crime to some war of "good v. evil" and some unidentified religious cult he's in. How could any politician, much less trump, be a religious hero?

He hears every day that the battle is against the forces of evil. Shit, we see it on this forum on a regular basis. They have been programed to think anyone that disagrees with them.

You progressives should look in the mirror. Projection is the term.

You're doing it.
you keep using that word...

gator seems to be a lot of things, but since i've gotten here and gotten past his RUBE talk, i do see him more centric and one of the few consistent people in how they see things situation to situation. he's not on anyones "bandwagon" that i've seen.

and i do agree - people in here are fighting for their "side" for the most part and going into attack mode at the drop of a hat. i've disagreed with people on both sides and have gotten into it pretty hard with said "both sides" when i see them do things they scream a the OTHER side for doing.

is this an incorrect statement?

an unfortunate vast majority of the posters are in here are here to "attack" that bad old "other" side, not talk issues. they talk their side of them. why THEY and ONLY they are right. point out how their logic fails the consistency check it gets ugly. both sides. we all have a need to be emotionally validated. some just take it to incredible "unhealthy" (in my humble opinion) levels.

we then fall back to simple stereotypes in chosen "insulting" ways to call someone an extreme name or association and decide we won cause they're just too stupid to see the obvious.

kinda described us all at times, but some of us see it when we do it.

so in that light, i agree with gator. people in here and in the world we live in seem programmed to think anyone disagreeing with them on 1 view is evil. they fail to see we all disagree sooner or later which would make us all evil. but that takes a power of thought not many show to run parallel like that.
This guy obviously is against free speech. What is more bizarre is that he has linked his crime to some war of "good v. evil" and some unidentified religious cult he's in. How could any politician, much less trump, be a religious hero?

He hears every day that the battle is against the forces of evil. Shit, we see it on this forum on a regular basis. They have been programed to think anyone that disagrees with them.

The "good versus evil" thing has been the basis for countless stories over the centuries. Fantasies of being a hero have motivated people for hundreds of years in every culture on earth. I, too, love fantasy and I loved that Frodo got the ring back to Mordor. But it's scary that people can be manipulated into believing that this stuff is reality in the 21st Century, particularly in the U.S.
...Who's setting the law aside?
1. destruction of property
2. obstruction of free speech
3. wielding a deadly weapon in public
4. fleeing the scene of a crime
5. evading arrest
6. disorderly conduct

Hope that helps
...It’s not what conservatives do ..they are the wise and knows unfairness better and they decide that the laws are unfair and in the real world that makes what they do to stop it legal and going against illegal and in time the wise will win. Men against women has now arrived .. they view what fair is totally different ... for now it’s the women’s vote that has something illegal or legal ... this will throw all western democracies back to the misery of the dark ages Trump is the last chance and must bring martial law within a year in order to save the nation
Is there a coherent thought somewhere in that mess, Tvaritch? And what does any of that have to do with deflating a parade balloon?

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