Supreme Court Allows Sandy Hook Families' Case Against Remington Arms To Proceed

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Even the brown ones?

By the way, I knew you were going to bail on me rather than answer my question. You didn't answer it because you couldn't.

You knew damn well that Phillips' ethnicity had nothing to do with

It had everything to do with it. Had it been a teen of color disrespecting a White Veteran, they'd have gone all Rodney King on his ass.

Sandmann is a white entitled piece of shit... not going to get far in life with that attitude. Hopefully he grows up at some point.

Why can't you answer a simple question? Again, you're talking about the events after the incident in D.C.. So once again: What did Phillips' ethnicity have to do with the events of THAT DAY?

Is it the reason he approached Sandmann and banged his drum in his face?
Is it the reason Sandmann was there that day?
Is it the reason Sandmann said nothing and smiled at him?
Is it the reason Phillips gave contradictory reasons as to why he approached Sandmann (one that he wanted to defuse the situation between the Covington kids and the BAs and the other that he was trying to get up the memorial steps)?
Is it the reason he wrongly said he couldn't get up the steps when the video proved he had a clear path to and up the steps?

Now here are some pertinent questions that hit closer to the truth:

Was his being Native American the reason you wrongly thought Phillips was there with a veterans group?
Is it the reason you wrongly thought Sandmann knew Phillips was a vet?
Is it the reason that Sandmann just happened to be a Catholic, a group of people you just happen to hate?
Is it the reason Sandmann was wearing a MAGA hat, a symbol of another group of people you just happen to hate?

Can you answer even one of these questions or are you going to tuck tail and bail out again?
And no, I’m not talking about a single ambiguous, cherry-picked verse, either. I’d much rather that were the case. The sad truth is that the Book of Morman [sic] says it explicitly and in numerous passages: black people are cursed by God and our dark skin is the evidence of our accursedness.

Most of us understand the term “black people” to refer to the Negroid races from Africa. The Book of Mormon makes absolutely no mention whatsoever of them, nor does it give any basis to extrapolate any of what the Book of Mormon says of God's dealings with the Lamanites, to apply to why other races not mentioned therein might differ from one another. The Book of Mormon covers very specifically, the dealings between the descendants of Lehi, and what God did to make the Lamanites easily distinguishable from the Nephites; as filtered through the perceptions of the Nephites who wrote it.
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Great news. The gun industry has been irresponsible in selling weapons for mass killing to the public. Hopefully they will be soon paying for it.

Supreme Court Allows Sandy Hook Families' Case Against Remington Arms To Proceed

The Supreme Court has denied Remington Arms Co.'s bid to block a lawsuit filed by families who lost loved ones in the Sandy Hook school massacre. The families say Remington should be held liable, as the maker of the AR-15-style rifle used in the 2012 killings.

I wonder when families will be able to sue GM, Ford, and all the car companies, for every death caused by a drunk driver?
Great news. The gun industry has been irresponsible in selling weapons for mass killing to the public. Hopefully they will be soon paying for it.

Supreme Court Allows Sandy Hook Families' Case Against Remington Arms To Proceed

The Supreme Court has denied Remington Arms Co.'s bid to block a lawsuit filed by families who lost loved ones in the Sandy Hook school massacre. The families say Remington should be held liable, as the maker of the AR-15-style rifle used in the 2012 killings.

Newlywed 'brutally’ beaten to death with baseball bat at his Calif. wedding reception, suspects in custody

We need to start suing those baseball bat manufacturers.
Why can't you answer a simple question?

I did. You just didn't like the answer so you are pounding your head against the wall like a retard... At least put your helmet on first.

I wonder when families will be able to sue GM, Ford, and all the car companies, for every death caused by a drunk driver?

It depends. Did Ford, etc. specifically market to drunk drivers and make their cars more dangerous?

If Ford acted like Remington, cars would look like this.


Most of us understand the term “black people” to refer to the Negroid races from Africa. The Book of Mormon makes absolutely no mention whatsoever of them, nor does it give any basis to extrapolate any of what the Book of Mormon says of God's dealings with the Lamanites, to apply to why other races not mentioned therein might differ from one another. The Book of Mormon covers very specifically, the dealings between the descendants of Lehi, and what God did to make the Lamanites easily distinguishable from the Nephites; as filtered through the perceptions of the Nephites who wrote it.

Yes, the Book of Mormon states that NATIVE AMERICANS were cursed with Dark Skin by God, and therefore it was okay to murder them and take their land.

Oh, not that there were any Nephites or Lamanites... Joseph Smith made that shit up.

Now, when it comes to black people, not to worry, the Mormons had an excuse for discrimination against them, too. Utah under Brigham Young was a slave territory.

Foundation for Discrimination | Watchman Fellowship, Inc.

While the Bible speaks of Cain being marked by God, there is not a trace of information there about the nature of that mark. It also speaks of Canaan, the son of Noah's son Ham, being cursed by Noah, that he and his descendants would serve Shem and Japheth and their descendants. All of this is obviously insufficient evidence on which to base any theory that African blacks are descendants of Cain, Ham or Canaan, or that their skin color is either a mark or a curse from God, or that they should be prohibited from holding the priesthood.

Uniquely Mormon scriptures, however, all in the Pearl of Great Price, bridge the doctrinal chasm. "For behold, the Lord shall curse the land with much heat, and the barrenness thereof shall go forth forever; and there was a blackness came upon all the children of Canaan, that they were despised among all people"(Moses 7:8). To many Mormons, the land here described sounds like the African desert, and it seems sufficient to identify the people dwelling there at one time as having black skin.

Four verses later it is stated that Enoch, a giant of the faith, "continued to call upon all the people, save it were the [black] people of Canaan, to repent" (v. 12). There is no direct statement of a curse here, but surely such a man of God as Enoch would not withhold the opportunity for repentance from the people of Canaan out of base prejudice. So, it is reasoned, there must have been some kind of curse from God upon them, of which, supposedly, their black skin was emblematic.
Why can't you answer a simple question?

I did. You just didn't like the answer so you are pounding your head against the wall like a retard... At least put your helmet on first.

I guess that means you're going to bail again.

Look, another question is not an answer and your question focused on the reactions of other people after the incident to the fact that Phillips was a Native American and a vet, and that Sandmann was white, Catholic, went to a private school and wore a MAGA hat. In fact, Sandmann's being Catholic had nothing to do with the events of that day either but that didn't stop prejudiced fucks like you from using that as a weapon against him.

Sandmann and his group did not instigate this incident, Phillips did. But because Sandmann was white and wore a MAGA hat, he was the bad guy.

I'll bet it never even occurred to you that no violence was committed that day and that no harsh words were spoken by either Phillips or Sandmann and in fact, they exchanged no words at all. Yet, the reaction of a lot of people was to issue death threats and call for violence to be committed against Sandmann and the Covington kids, a lot of them from celebrities. The threats got so bad that the school had to close down for a time.

People like you are dangerous to our society. Far more dangerous than any kid wearing a silly hat.

I wonder when families will be able to sue GM, Ford, and all the car companies, for every death caused by a drunk driver?

It depends. Did Ford, etc. specifically market to drunk drivers and make their cars more dangerous?

Irrelevant. The M16 was designed for the military for combat and killing/maiming people. There are hundreds of thousands of M16s in our military and law enforcement and in those of other countries around the world. Of these hundreds of thousands of weapons, most will never be fired at another human being in anger. A weapon or device is only as dangerous as the person using it. Or misusing it as the case may be.
I wonder when families will be able to sue GM, Ford, and all the car companies, for every death caused by a drunk driver?

It depends. Did Ford, etc. specifically market to drunk drivers and make their cars more dangerous?

If Ford acted like Remington, cars would look like this.


Really? Because I've seen ads by Remington, and not one said "Great for use in murder!".

Me thinks you fabricate a bit much.
Why can't you answer a simple question?

I did. You just didn't like the answer so you are pounding your head against the wall like a retard... At least put your helmet on first.

I wonder when families will be able to sue GM, Ford, and all the car companies, for every death caused by a drunk driver?

It depends. Did Ford, etc. specifically market to drunk drivers and make their cars more dangerous?

If Ford acted like Remington, cars would look like this.


Most of us understand the term “black people” to refer to the Negroid races from Africa. The Book of Mormon makes absolutely no mention whatsoever of them, nor does it give any basis to extrapolate any of what the Book of Mormon says of God's dealings with the Lamanites, to apply to why other races not mentioned therein might differ from one another. The Book of Mormon covers very specifically, the dealings between the descendants of Lehi, and what God did to make the Lamanites easily distinguishable from the Nephites; as filtered through the perceptions of the Nephites who wrote it.

Yes, the Book of Mormon states that NATIVE AMERICANS were cursed with Dark Skin by God, and therefore it was okay to murder them and take their land.

Oh, not that there were any Nephites or Lamanites... Joseph Smith made that shit up.

Now, when it comes to black people, not to worry, the Mormons had an excuse for discrimination against them, too. Utah under Brigham Young was a slave territory.

Foundation for Discrimination | Watchman Fellowship, Inc.

While the Bible speaks of Cain being marked by God, there is not a trace of information there about the nature of that mark. It also speaks of Canaan, the son of Noah's son Ham, being cursed by Noah, that he and his descendants would serve Shem and Japheth and their descendants. All of this is obviously insufficient evidence on which to base any theory that African blacks are descendants of Cain, Ham or Canaan, or that their skin color is either a mark or a curse from God, or that they should be prohibited from holding the priesthood.

Uniquely Mormon scriptures, however, all in the Pearl of Great Price, bridge the doctrinal chasm. "For behold, the Lord shall curse the land with much heat, and the barrenness thereof shall go forth forever; and there was a blackness came upon all the children of Canaan, that they were despised among all people"(Moses 7:8). To many Mormons, the land here described sounds like the African desert, and it seems sufficient to identify the people dwelling there at one time as having black skin.

Four verses later it is stated that Enoch, a giant of the faith, "continued to call upon all the people, save it were the [black] people of Canaan, to repent" (v. 12). There is no direct statement of a curse here, but surely such a man of God as Enoch would not withhold the opportunity for repentance from the people of Canaan out of base prejudice. So, it is reasoned, there must have been some kind of curse from God upon them, of which, supposedly, their black skin was emblematic.



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Look, another question is not an answer and your question focused on the reactions of

Yeah, actually, it kind of is... Little Entitled bastard was disrespectful.

Really? Because I've seen ads by Remington, and not one said "Great for use in murder!".

Me thinks you fabricate a bit much.

No, we see ads like this.


Oh, Mormon Bob, your concession is duly noted.

Do you really think this ad is geared towards someone who is well adjusted?
I only see one person in this discussion even hinting at the idea that “Gangbanger” denotes anything racial about the criminal to whom the term is applied. That would be you.

Yes, we know, this is the thing you guys do... pretend your racism isn't racist.

You know, never met any white gangbangers in my life... and I'm old.
Here we go again with the white boy who does not know shit about racism telling other people they are racist

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
Moron...when you release violent, repeat gun offenders after less than 3 years it doesn't matter how many people you lock are letting the gun offenders back doofus. And when you let violent shooters out of jail on bond, to go back to the very neighborhoods they just shot up less than a week from their release, you allow them to terrorize witnesses, making prosecution less likely, you dope.....

Again, we lock up 2 million people. Locking people up isn't a deterrent.

Also- most gun violence isn't criminals with records, its ordinary people who shoot their family members, their neighbors or themselves.
Then tell me why when the city of Richmond VA actually enforced federal gun laws by putting criminals in federal prison the murder rate dropped by 20% in less than a year

And most people who commit murder are not regular people they have criminal records and most of them cannot legally own a gun

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
Wonder when SCOTUS will allow us to SUE car companies for the THOUSANDS OF DEATHS A YEAR that cars cause?....Never mind that it's intended use has been subverted!
Wonder when SCOTUS will allow us to SUE car companies for the THOUSANDS OF DEATHS A YEAR that cars cause?....Never mind that it's intended use has been subverted!
Not just car makers.

How about alcohol makers?

How about knife makers?

Shit if someone beats a person to death with a baseball bat they should be able to sue Louisville Slugger.

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
Here we go again with the white boy who does not know shit about racism telling other people they are racist

Uh, guy, I grew up in the most racist neighborhood in Chicago... I'm old enough to remember when things go so bad we had race riots in this city.
Then tell me why when the city of Richmond VA actually enforced federal gun laws by putting criminals in federal prison the murder rate dropped by 20% in less than a year

And most people who commit murder are not regular people they have criminal records and most of them cannot legally own a gun

Hey, guy, if I wanted to read NRA propaganda, I'd read Dick Tiny's posts.

Do you have anything else?

Shit if someone beats a person to death with a baseball bat they should be able to sue Louisville Slugger.

Did Louisville Slugger market their product to crazy people, you MIGHT have a point.

"Louisville Slugger, it'll give you that edge in a drunken bar fight."

Um. No. Louisville slugger actually marketed their product to PLAY BASEBALL>


Remington marketted to crazy people like Nancy Lanza.
Here we go again with the white boy who does not know shit about racism telling other people they are racist

Uh, guy, I grew up in the most racist neighborhood in Chicago... I'm old enough to remember when things go so bad we had race riots in this city.
Still don't know shit about it because you never experienced it you were just a bystander

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
Then tell me why when the city of Richmond VA actually enforced federal gun laws by putting criminals in federal prison the murder rate dropped by 20% in less than a year

And most people who commit murder are not regular people they have criminal records and most of them cannot legally own a gun

Hey, guy, if I wanted to read NRA propaganda, I'd read Dick Tiny's posts.

Do you have anything else?

Shit if someone beats a person to death with a baseball bat they should be able to sue Louisville Slugger.

Did Louisville Slugger market their product to crazy people, you MIGHT have a point.

"Louisville Slugger, it'll give you that edge in a drunken bar fight."

Um. No. Louisville slugger actually marketed their product to PLAY BASEBALL>

View attachment 296424

Remington marketted to crazy people like Nancy Lanza.
Show me where any gun was marketed for committing murder

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
Then tell me why when the city of Richmond VA actually enforced federal gun laws by putting criminals in federal prison the murder rate dropped by 20% in less than a year

And most people who commit murder are not regular people they have criminal records and most of them cannot legally own a gun

Hey, guy, if I wanted to read NRA propaganda, I'd read Dick Tiny's posts.

Do you have anything else?

Shit if someone beats a person to death with a baseball bat they should be able to sue Louisville Slugger.

Did Louisville Slugger market their product to crazy people, you MIGHT have a point.

"Louisville Slugger, it'll give you that edge in a drunken bar fight."

Um. No. Louisville slugger actually marketed their product to PLAY BASEBALL>

View attachment 296424

Remington marketted to crazy people like Nancy Lanza.
Show me where any gun was marketed for committing murder

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
And project exile worked

I have already posted links

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
Look, another question is not an answer and your question focused on the reactions of

Yeah, actually, it kind of is... Little Entitled bastard was disrespectful.

A question is not an answer to another question you idiot. And the above comment is not an answer either. Why? Because whether or not he was actually disrespectful, it still has no bearing on Phillips' ethnicity.

In your mind, Sandmann is a disrespectful entitled Little Catholic Bastard, correct? Which means he would have reacted the same way to anyone who approached him in this manner, yes?

So even if you are right in everything you say about Sandmann, Phillips' ethnicity still has no relevance to or was a factor in the events of that day.

Now, here's an even simpler question that even you should be able to answer:

Did Phillips approach Sandmann?

A simple yes or no will suffice. No "Do you mean, is Sandmann a misogynist?" Or, "Did the winter solstice occur the other day?". Just a one word response in the negative or affirmative is all that's required.

You know what's hilarious and pathetic? You have been sparring with me for over a month in this thread. You stood there, feet firmly planted, throwing jabs for thirty eight fucking straight days but when I press you to answer a simple question, that's when you bail.

Really? Because I've seen ads by Remington, and not one said "Great for use in murder!".

Me thinks you fabricate a bit much.

No, we see ads like this.

View attachment 296421

Oh, Mormon Bob, your concession is duly noted.

Do you really think this ad is geared towards someone who is well adjusted?

I know you didn't ask me but here's my answer in the form of another question: Is someone with a fragile male ego any less well adjusted than someone who hates Catholics?

I couldn't resist the opportunity to pull a JoeB bullshit evasive maneuver.

Now that that's out of the way, unlike you, I will actually answer your question directly with no fatuous dodges or evasions.

The answer to your question, in a word is: yes.

But in actuality, given that Nancy Lanza was a woman, the question is moot anyway. Also, men with frail egos get through life just fine without ever shooting up a school. Male egos have never been a factor in any of the mass shootings that have occurred in this country anyway. A common theme in mass shootings in the U.S. is depression or other mental health problems.

In my opinion there are a few factors at work here:

1) Young people today are ill equipped to deal with normal disappointments and failures and some of the harsher realities of life. It explains why so many millennials today are in favor of a government system (socialism) that essentially gives them everything without ever really having to work for it. Therefore, the pain, embarrassment, confusion and uncertainty of suffering, say, bullying, becomes much more acute and daunting.

2) Throw depression and other mental health issues into the pot and, given other contributing factors, you have a volatile mixture that may go off at any time.

3) Due to the stigma of mental health issues, our society has never really explored or approached the issue openly and directly. As a result, parents and society are in turn ill equipped to nurture a child or teenager with special emotional and mental needs.
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