Supreme Court Allows Sandy Hook Families' Case Against Remington Arms To Proceed

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I know you didn't ask me but here's my answer

This is why nobody asks you... you just ask other questions.

Is someone with a fragile male ego any less well adjusted than someone who hates Catholics?

Well, let's see now. The Catholic Church ran an international conspiracy to shield pedophile priests. You see, this is where you keep getting confused. It's not "Catholics" I hate. (Most of my relatives are catholic, after all) I despite the Church and it's cult like atmosphere...

In my opinion there are a few factors at work here:

You know what, all of these factors exist in every other country in the Western world. Some of them, a LOT worse than the US.

Yes none of those countries have mass shootings as a common problem. In fact, it's rare if it happens at all.


Blaming "youth" or "socialism" or "mental illness" is kind of silly. Because the real problem isn't that you have a bunch of mal-adjusted people... They are in fact, kind of rare. Millions of these kids go to school and they don't shoot the school up despite bullying and mental illness..

What does happen is that the few who are nuts CAN GET GUNS REALLY EASILY.
Look, another question is not an answer and your question focused on the reactions of

Yeah, actually, it kind of is... Little Entitled bastard was disrespectful.

Really? Because I've seen ads by Remington, and not one said "Great for use in murder!".

Me thinks you fabricate a bit much.

No, we see ads like this.

View attachment 296421

Oh, Mormon Bob, your concession is duly noted.

Do you really think this ad is geared towards someone who is well adjusted?
Yeah, because not all men are so pathetic, that they assume being a man means being acting like a women.

Men like cars. Men like bombs. Men like guns.

This normal. And yes, well adjusted.
I know you didn't ask me but here's my answer

This is why nobody asks you... you just ask other questions.

I answered your question dumbass. The question in my first response was strictly for yucks because that is what you do. Then I answered with "yes". I know you saw this. And why do you have a problem with questions, anyway?

Is someone with a fragile male ego any less well adjusted than someone who hates Catholics?

Well, let's see now. The Catholic Church ran an international conspiracy to shield pedophile priests. You see, this is where you keep getting confused.

I'm not confused at all about what the Catholic church did, I'm confused as to what it has to do with Sandmann. So what did any of this have to do with Sandmann or the Covington school?

It's not "Catholics" I hate. (Most of my relatives are catholic, after all) I despite the Church and it's cult like atmosphere...

Bullshit. If you were just angry at the church then you wouldn't have brought up Sandmann's religion and called him a Little Catholic Bastard. You're full of shit.

Let me refresh your memory as to what you've said about Sandmann's Catholicism and about the school:

Post# 502 - "Sandmann is a little smirking Catholic Bastard."

Post# 519 "I saw the video. WHat I saw was a smirking little Catholic bastard disrespecting a vet."

Post# 608 - "When they realized doing the right thing might actually cost them money, Bishop McFeely or whatever his name was backed off."

You've made snide remarks about Sandmann's religion from the beginning and alluded to pedophelia on more than one occasion in this thread and in others in regards to this topic. You're not fooling anybody; you hate Catholics. If it's true what you say then it begs the question as to why you keep bringing it up and using it against Sandmann to further denigrate him.

In my opinion there are a few factors at work here:

You know what, all of these factors exist in every other country in the Western world. Some of them, a LOT worse than the US.

Give me links and numbers.

Yes none of those countries have mass shootings as a common problem. In fact, it's rare if it happens at all.


Not true. According to the website World Population Review, there are only two countries in the entire world with complete bans on gun ownership: Eritrea and North Korea. Every single European country allows gun ownership. Most countries have more restrictions than the U.S. but almost every country in the world allows gun ownership.

And don't forget, the mass shooting that remains the worst in history was committed in Norway by a Norwegian.

Blaming "youth" or "socialism" or "mental illness" is kind of silly.

Not what I said dumbass. I didn't blame youth or socialism or even mental illness. I said they were ill equipped to deal with life's difficulties. They're not ill equipped because of their youth or socialism, they're ill equipped because of the laziness and complacency of their parents and that their parents coddled them.
They're ill equipped because of what they are taught in schools and the way they are taught about things like science and history. They're ill equipped because of the stinking shit that the media and the entertainment industry and celebrities feed them on a daily basis.
They're ill equipped because they can't pull their fucking faces out of their phones long enough to see that the world is falling apart around them and it's falling apart around them in part because they can't pull their fucking faces out of their phones. To make matters worse, their parents can't get their fucking faces out of their phones long enough to tell the kids to get their fucking faces out of their phones and teach them about the joys and benefits of human interaction, fellowship and the potential for learning from others and about the real world around them.

Because the real problem isn't that you have a bunch of mal-adjusted people... They are in fact, kind of rare. Millions of these kids go to school and they don't shoot the school up despite bullying and mental illness..

Until one of them does. Like a Harris, Klebold, Cruz or a Lanza.

But I see you like comparing numbers and averages for your own purposes while at the same time, discounting anyone else's. It's true that most young people with everyday young people problems will never shoot up a school. But it's also true that, out of the 10 to 15 million semiautomatic rifles in the U.S., only a handful will be used to kill and fewer than that for mass shootings.
And project exile worked

I have already posted links

I know, to gun nutter websites.

Research analysts offered different opinions as to the program's success in reducing gun crime.

Jens Ludwig and Steven Raphael, in a 2003 analysis of the program, argued that the decline in gun homicide was part of a general regression to the mean across U.S. cities with high homicide rates.[12]

Project Exile - Wikipedia
In Richmond VA the murder rate declined by twice the average of other comparable cities

A statistically significant difference

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
I know you didn't ask me but here's my answer

This is why nobody asks you... you just ask other questions.

Is someone with a fragile male ego any less well adjusted than someone who hates Catholics?

Well, let's see now. The Catholic Church ran an international conspiracy to shield pedophile priests. You see, this is where you keep getting confused. It's not "Catholics" I hate. (Most of my relatives are catholic, after all) I despite the Church and it's cult like atmosphere...

In my opinion there are a few factors at work here:

You know what, all of these factors exist in every other country in the Western world. Some of them, a LOT worse than the US.

Yes none of those countries have mass shootings as a common problem. In fact, it's rare if it happens at all.


Blaming "youth" or "socialism" or "mental illness" is kind of silly. Because the real problem isn't that you have a bunch of mal-adjusted people... They are in fact, kind of rare. Millions of these kids go to school and they don't shoot the school up despite bullying and mental illness..

What does happen is that the few who are nuts CAN GET GUNS REALLY EASILY.
And you still have a 99.997% chance of not getting murdered by a person with a gun

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
I'm not confused at all about what the Catholic church did, I'm confused as to what it has to do with Sandmann. So what did any of this have to do with Sandmann or the Covington school?

You mean other than he happily participated in one of their Misogynistic events against a woman's right to choose?

You've made snide remarks about Sandmann's religion from the beginning and alluded to pedophelia on more than one occasion in this thread and in others in regards to this topic. You're not fooling anybody; you hate Catholics. If it's true what you say then it begs the question as to why you keep bringing it up and using it against Sandmann to further denigrate him.

Um, yeah, I know this is hard for you to accept, but the Catholic Church was involved in a world-wide, decades long effort to shield pedophiles... Shit, we even had a principle at my HS who was sent off on "Sabbatical", and another lay teacher who was later sued for showing his football players gay porn. Two priests at my parish were caught being pedophiles, and the only "Surprise" was that one of them was involved with a girl instead of a boy.

The Church is contemptible in doing this, and a lot of the congregations, KNOWING what they were doing, are still sticking their asses in pews and throwing money in collection plates to pay off the victims.

I said they were ill equipped to deal with life's difficulties. They're not ill equipped because of their youth or socialism, they're ill equipped because of the laziness and complacency of their parents and that their parents coddled them.
They're ill equipped because of what they are taught in schools and the way they are taught about things like science and history. They're ill equipped because of the stinking shit that the media and the entertainment industry and celebrities feed them on a daily basis.

One more time, buddy. You could make the same argument about Youth in Japan or England or Germany.. but they don't have School Shootings for some reason.


Until one of them does. Like a Harris, Klebold, Cruz or a Lanza.

But I see you like comparing numbers and averages for your own purposes while at the same time, discounting anyone else's. It's true that most young people with everyday young people problems will never shoot up a school. But it's also true that, out of the 10 to 15 million semiautomatic rifles in the U.S., only a handful will be used to kill and fewer than that for mass shootings.

Okay, here's the thing.

We can get rid of the guns, and be just fine.
We can't really get rid of the kids..

You seem to think that 33,000 gun deaths, 70,000 gun injuries, and $270 BILLION in economic losses are something we can live with... along with the Active Shooter Drills, Security Guards, Metal Detectors and all the other SHIT the rest of us have to put up with because you have a fetish.
I'm not confused at all about what the Catholic church did, I'm confused as to what it has to do with Sandmann. So what did any of this have to do with Sandmann or the Covington school?

You mean other than he happily participated in one of their Misogynistic events against a woman's right to choose?

You've made snide remarks about Sandmann's religion from the beginning and alluded to pedophelia on more than one occasion in this thread and in others in regards to this topic. You're not fooling anybody; you hate Catholics. If it's true what you say then it begs the question as to why you keep bringing it up and using it against Sandmann to further denigrate him.

Um, yeah, I know this is hard for you to accept, but the Catholic Church was involved in a world-wide, decades long effort to shield pedophiles... Shit, we even had a principle at my HS who was sent off on "Sabbatical", and another lay teacher who was later sued for showing his football players gay porn. Two priests at my parish were caught being pedophiles, and the only "Surprise" was that one of them was involved with a girl instead of a boy.

The Church is contemptible in doing this, and a lot of the congregations, KNOWING what they were doing, are still sticking their asses in pews and throwing money in collection plates to pay off the victims.

I said they were ill equipped to deal with life's difficulties. They're not ill equipped because of their youth or socialism, they're ill equipped because of the laziness and complacency of their parents and that their parents coddled them.
They're ill equipped because of what they are taught in schools and the way they are taught about things like science and history. They're ill equipped because of the stinking shit that the media and the entertainment industry and celebrities feed them on a daily basis.

One more time, buddy. You could make the same argument about Youth in Japan or England or Germany.. but they don't have School Shootings for some reason.

View attachment 296601

Until one of them does. Like a Harris, Klebold, Cruz or a Lanza.

But I see you like comparing numbers and averages for your own purposes while at the same time, discounting anyone else's. It's true that most young people with everyday young people problems will never shoot up a school. But it's also true that, out of the 10 to 15 million semiautomatic rifles in the U.S., only a handful will be used to kill and fewer than that for mass shootings.

Okay, here's the thing.

We can get rid of the guns, and be just fine.
We can't really get rid of the kids..

You seem to think that 33,000 gun deaths, 70,000 gun injuries, and $270 BILLION in economic losses are something we can live with... along with the Active Shooter Drills, Security Guards, Metal Detectors and all the other SHIT the rest of us have to put up with because you have a fetish.
No one on this board but you has ever been in an active shooter drill and I seriously doubt you have

I never walk through metal detectors except for the ones at the airport

So stop with the histrionics

And suicide is a choice so those people die from suicide not gun violence

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
No one on this board but you has ever been in an active shooter drill and I seriously doubt you have

Actually, I have twice. One time, they brought in a cop to tell us what to do in an active shooter situation. One employee even asked if he had his own gun, would that be a good thing, and the cop looked at him like he was a retard.

The other time happened a few weeks ago, when the facility manager panicked when he saw an ex-employee walking the halls. (She had been invited back to attend a retirement party, but the guy panicked.)

Kind of tired of living with your fetish...
No one on this board but you has ever been in an active shooter drill and I seriously doubt you have

Actually, I have twice. One time, they brought in a cop to tell us what to do in an active shooter situation. One employee even asked if he had his own gun, would that be a good thing, and the cop looked at him like he was a retard.

The other time happened a few weeks ago, when the facility manager panicked when he saw an ex-employee walking the halls. (She had been invited back to attend a retirement party, but the guy panicked.)

Kind of tired of living with your fetish...
Uh huh

Funny how out of all the people here only you say that.

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
Kind of tired of living with your fetish...
Funny how out of all the people here only you say that.

There is a quotation, of unknown provenance, but often falsely attributed to Freud, which states that a fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual maturity.

Although the origin of this quote is unknown, there's enough evidence to be seen of its truth. Just take note, in any conversation about the right to keep and bear arms, from which side nearly all the sexual references are made, consisting mostly of descriptions of weapons as objects of sexual fetishes, and of obvious projections of the speakers' own perceived sexual inadequacies against those whom they are opposing.

So, tell me, JoeB131, what is the condition of your marriage, and of your relationship with your wife?
There is a quotation, of unknown provenance, but often falsely attributed to Freud, which states that a fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual maturity.

Naw, guy, your side is the one compensating for tiny dicks with guns.

We have a reasonable fear that some nut who was able to get a weapon is going to shoot something up.



So, tell me, JoeB131, what is the condition of your marriage, and of your relationship with your wife?

I realized a long time ago marriage is a scam... Probably watching all these senior Sergeants in the Army getting taken to the Cleaner by Wife #2 when wife #1 had already cleaned him out.

This has nothing to do with the fact you fetishists seem intent on compensating.
There is a quotation, of unknown provenance, but often falsely attributed to Freud, which states that a fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual maturity.

Although the origin of this quote is unknown, there's enough evidence to be seen of its truth. Just take note, in any conversation about the right to keep and bear arms, from which side nearly all the sexual references are made, consisting mostly of descriptions of weapons as objects of sexual fetishes, and of obvious projections of the speakers' own perceived sexual inadequacies against those whom they are opposing.

So, tell me, JoeB131, what is the condition of your marriage, and of your relationship with your wife?

Quod erat demonstrandum.
Naw, guy, your side is the one compensating for tiny dicks with guns.
I realized a long time ago marriage is a scam... Probably watching all these senior Sergeants in the Army getting taken to the Cleaner by Wife #2 when wife #1 had already cleaned him out.

This has nothing to do with the fact you fetishists seem intent on compensating.
There is a quotation, of unknown provenance, but often falsely attributed to Freud, which states that a fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual maturity.

Although the origin of this quote is unknown, there's enough evidence to be seen of its truth. Just take note, in any conversation about the right to keep and bear arms, from which side nearly all the sexual references are made, consisting mostly of descriptions of weapons as objects of sexual fetishes, and of obvious projections of the speakers' own perceived sexual inadequacies against those whom they are opposing.

So, tell me, JoeB131, what is the condition of your marriage, and of your relationship with your wife?

Quod erat demonstrandum.
Naw, guy, your side is the one compensating for tiny dicks with guns.
I realized a long time ago marriage is a scam... Probably watching all these senior Sergeants in the Army getting taken to the Cleaner by Wife #2 when wife #1 had already cleaned him out.

This has nothing to do with the fact you fetishists seem intent on compensating.

Naw, man, I'm fine with my sex life... I just haven't encountered sex so awesome I'm going to sign away half my possessions for.

I did live with a woman for 13 years... but she had her priorities and I had mine.

Again, nothing do do with you tiny dicks compensating with guns...
I realized a long time ago marriage is a scam... Probably watching all these senior Sergeants in the Army getting taken to the Cleaner by Wife #2 when wife #1 had already cleaned him out.

This has nothing to do with the fact you fetishists seem intent on compensating.

I think your “sour grapes” view of marriage has everything to do with your sexual inadequacies, real or perceived, and with your pathetic projection of your own issues on others. It demonstrates the applicability, regarding you, of the adage about a fear of weapons being a sign of retarded sexual maturity.

You don't have what it takes to make a marital relationship work. And that's a pretty low bar. I would not represent myself as the ideal of maturity and mental health, but in a few months, my wonderful wife and I will have been married for a quarter of a century. And given the various issues and conflicts that we both have, if we can make it work, I have a difficult time imagining how dysfunctional, immature, and just plain pathetic a Gillettized loser such as yourself would have to be, to have failed so spectacularly at it and to come away with such an intense loathing of the entire institution of marriage.

But then, there's that loathing of weapons, and the retarded sexual maturity that it indicates, and which you persist in projecting at others. Perhaps that's all it takes.
Naw, man, I'm fine with my sex life... I just haven't encountered sex so awesome I'm going to sign away half my possessions for.

I did live with a woman for 13 years... but she had her priorities and I had mine.

Again, nothing do do with you tiny dicks compensating with guns...

I learned something very early in life.

There are two kinds of people. Those who boast about their sex lives, and those who actually have sex lives. The latter consider it sacred enough to keep it between themselves and their partner, and not a subject to be boasted about to those whose business it is not. The former, well, there again, there is that adage about what a fear of weapons means.

And, by the way, marriage is about much more than just sex. But I wouldn't expect you to understand it, and I'd think it futile to try to explain it to you. You just don't have what it would take to understand it.
I think your “sour grapes” view of marriage has everything to do with your sexual inadequacies, real or perceived, and with your pathetic projection of your own issues on others. It demonstrates the applicability, regarding you, of the adage about a fear of weapons being a sign of retarded sexual maturity.

You don't have what it takes to make a marital relationship work.

I also don't know how to fly a jet plane...what's your point?

Then again, I don't belong to a cult where they keep the women in sexual slavery trying to fuck their men into the Celestial Heaven, either.

I would not represent myself as the ideal of maturity and mental health, but in a few months,

No, guy, you have severe anger issues, and you belong to a whacky cult. Commenting any further would probably be a violation of forum rules, so I won't.

And given the various issues and conflicts that we both have, if we can make it work, I have a difficult time imagining how dysfunctional, immature, and just plain pathetic a Gillettized loser such as yourself would have to be, to have failed so spectacularly at it and to come away with such an intense loathing of the entire institution of marriage.

No, it just tells me we have different priorities... Which I'm fine with. Do what makes you happy, although you don't seem like a very happy guy, to be honest.

As I said, when I was in the service, when most people make the marriage mistake, it really turned me off to the concept. You go on deployment, the chances of her being there when you get back were slim... and frankly, most of the married guys were cheating on the side when they were on deployment, so they really didn't have much to complain about, did they?

But then, there's that loathing of weapons, and the retarded sexual maturity that it indicates, and which you persist in projecting at others. Perhaps that's all it takes.

Guy, I was in the army for 11 years, I've fired weapons you gun nuts only wank off about. It's not guns I worry about. It's guns in the hands of nuts, I worry about....

considering that someone killed himself with a gun not more than 30 feet from where I am sitting right now, it's a reasonable concern.
There are two kinds of people. Those who boast about their sex lives, and those who actually have sex lives. The latter consider it sacred enough to keep it between themselves and their partner, and not a subject to be boasted about to those whose business it is not.

Here's the problem.. you have fetishized sex to mean something more than it really is. This is why you totally freak out around gay folks, which tells me you have real issues. It's been scientifically established that most homophobic men have latent homosexual tendencies.

Homophobes Might Be Hidden Homosexuals

Homophobes should consider a little self-reflection, suggests a new study finding those individuals who are most hostile toward gays and hold strong anti-gay views may themselves have same-sex desires, albeit undercover ones.

The prejudice of homophobia may also stem from authoritarian parents, particularly those with homophobic views as well, the researchers added.

"This study shows that if you are feeling that kind of visceral reaction to an out-group, ask yourself, 'Why?'" co-author Richard Ryan, a professor of psychology at the University of Rochester, said in a statement. "Those intense emotions should serve as a call to self-reflection."

In four studies, the researchers looked at the discrepancies between what people say about their sexual orientation and their implicit sexual orientation based on a reaction-time test. The studies involved college students from Germany and the United States.

For the implicit measure, students had to categorize words and pictures flashed onto a computer screen into "gay" or "straight" groups. Words included "gay," "straight," "homosexual" and "heterosexual," while the pictures showed straight and gay couples. Before each trial, participants were primed with the word "me" or "others" flashed momentarily onto a computer screen. The researchers said quicker reaction time for "me" and "gay," and a slower association of "me" with "straight" would indicate said an implicit gay orientation.
I think your “sour grapes” view of marriage has everything to do with your sexual inadequacies, real or perceived, and with your pathetic projection of your own issues on others. It demonstrates the applicability, regarding you, of the adage about a fear of weapons being a sign of retarded sexual maturity.

You don't have what it takes to make a marital relationship work.

I also don't know how to fly a jet plane...what's your point?

You haven't the slightest hint of what you're missing; what most guys, by the time they reach our age, get out of being in a healthy marriage to a wonderful wife. I don't think you're even capable of imagining the benefits of such a relationship, beyond your immature view of sex.

Then again, I don't belong to a cult where they keep the women in sexual slavery trying to f••• their men into the Celestial Heaven, either.

If any such cult exists, I am not at all familiar with it.

Neither do I, nor, as far as I know, anyone participating in this discussion.

No, guy, you have severe anger issues
Do what makes you happy, although you don't seem like a very happy guy, to be honest.


As I said, when I was in the service, when most people make the marriage mistake, it really turned me off to the concept. You go on deployment, the chances of her being there when you get back were slim... and frankly, most of the married guys were cheating on the side when they were on deployment, so they really didn't have much to complain about, did they?

Do you realize that for every pathetic, Gillettized, worthless loser such as yourself, who cannot come anywhere close to making a marriage work, there are several guys like myself, who, whatever issues we may have, are in stable, healthy marriages, and benefiting from it in ways far beyond what losers such as yourself can even imagine?
Here's the problem.. you have fetishized sex to mean something more than it really is. This is why you totally freak out around gay folks, which tells me you have real issues. It's been scientifically established that most homophobic men have latent homosexual tendencies.

Homophobes Might Be Hidden Homosexuals

Homophobes should consider a little self-reflection, suggests a new study finding those individuals who are most hostile toward gays and hold strong anti-gay views may themselves have same-sex desires, albeit undercover ones.

The prejudice of homophobia may also stem from authoritarian parents, particularly those with homophobic views as well, the researchers added.

"This study shows that if you are feeling that kind of visceral reaction to an out-group, ask yourself, 'Why?'" co-author Richard Ryan, a professor of psychology at the University of Rochester, said in a statement. "Those intense emotions should serve as a call to self-reflection."

In four studies, the researchers looked at the discrepancies between what people say about their sexual orientation and their implicit sexual orientation based on a reaction-time test. The studies involved college students from Germany and the United States.

For the implicit measure, students had to categorize words and pictures flashed onto a computer screen into "gay" or "straight" groups. Words included "gay," "straight," "homosexual" and "heterosexual," while the pictures showed straight and gay couples. Before each trial, participants were primed with the word "me" or "others" flashed momentarily onto a computer screen. The researchers said quicker reaction time for "me" and "gay," and a slower association of "me" with "straight" would indicate said an implicit gay orientation.

This bullshit again. So why is it that it's only “prejudice” against one specific form of sick, immoral, sexual perversion, that is persistently and falsely claimed to be an indication that one latently harbors that very same perversion?

If I recognize that sexually molesting children is wrong, does that mean that I must be a latent pedophile?

If I recognize that adultery is wrong, does that make me a latent adulterer?

If I recognize that stealing is wrong, does that make me a latent thief?

If I recognize that murder is wrong, does that make me a latent murderer

And what does this mean about you, and the various hatred and bigotry that you continually spew?

Are you really a self-loathing latent Catholic, or latent Mormon?

The extreme hatred that you have for any basic standards of decency and morality—does that mean that deep down, you believe in these standards and hate yourself for it?

Why should this principle apply only to homosexuality, and not to every other thing that anyone might—rightly or wrongly—consider to be wrong?
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