Supreme Court Allows Sandy Hook Families' Case Against Remington Arms To Proceed

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There is a quotation, of unknown provenance, but often falsely attributed to Freud, which states that a fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual maturity.

Naw, guy, your side is the one compensating for tiny dicks with guns.

We have a reasonable fear that some nut who was able to get a weapon is going to shoot something up.



So, tell me, JoeB131, what is the condition of your marriage, and of your relationship with your wife?

I realized a long time ago marriage is a scam... Probably watching all these senior Sergeants in the Army getting taken to the Cleaner by Wife #2 when wife #1 had already cleaned him out.

This has nothing to do with the fact you fetishists seem intent on compensating.
To be afraid of something that has a. 003 percent chance of happening is the very definition of an irrational fear

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
There is a quotation, of unknown provenance, but often falsely attributed to Freud, which states that a fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual maturity.

Although the origin of this quote is unknown, there's enough evidence to be seen of its truth. Just take note, in any conversation about the right to keep and bear arms, from which side nearly all the sexual references are made, consisting mostly of descriptions of weapons as objects of sexual fetishes, and of obvious projections of the speakers' own perceived sexual inadequacies against those whom they are opposing.

So, tell me, JoeB131, what is the condition of your marriage, and of your relationship with your wife?

Quod erat demonstrandum.
Naw, guy, your side is the one compensating for tiny dicks with guns.
I realized a long time ago marriage is a scam... Probably watching all these senior Sergeants in the Army getting taken to the Cleaner by Wife #2 when wife #1 had already cleaned him out.

This has nothing to do with the fact you fetishists seem intent on compensating.

Naw, man, I'm fine with my sex life... I just haven't encountered sex so awesome I'm going to sign away half my possessions for.

I did live with a woman for 13 years... but she had her priorities and I had mine.

Again, nothing do do with you tiny dicks compensating with guns...
A telling statement

No wonder you're so fucking miserable

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
You haven't the slightest hint of what you're missing; what most guys, by the time they reach our age, get out of being in a healthy marriage to a wonderful wife. I don't think you're even capable of imagining the benefits of such a relationship, beyond your immature view of sex.

Actaully, I know exactly what I'm missing. Most of my friends are in either miserable marriages or nasty divorces.

If any such cult exists, I am not at all familiar with it.

Neither do I, nor, as far as I know, anyone participating in this discussion.

Yeah, I know, the Cultist never realizes he's in a cult.. Hopefully some day, you'll get deprogrammed.

Do you realize that for every pathetic, Gillettized, worthless loser such as yourself, who cannot come anywhere close to making a marriage work, there are several guys like myself, who, whatever issues we may have, are in stable, healthy marriages, and benefiting from it in ways far beyond what losers such as yourself can even imagine?

Yeah, again... My current batch of co-workers... Two of them are divorced, one of them is in a miserable marriage she won't end because she doesn't want to pay alimony... I have another person in my circle who has a crazy wife putting their kids in therapy.... I'm glad I dodged so many bullets..

This bullshit again. So why is it that it's only “prejudice” against one specific form of sick, immoral, sexual perversion, that is persistently and falsely claimed to be an indication that one latently harbors that very same perversion?

If I recognize that sexually molesting children is wrong, does that mean that I must be a latent pedophile?

Well, the thing is, you haven't proven that gay relationships are sick, immoral or perverted.

The difference between that and pedophilia is a child can't consent.

The only argument you have against homosexuality is you think it's icky. You think it's so icky that you describe it in the most graphic and detailed terms.

And what does this mean about you, and the various hatred and bigotry that you continually spew?

Are you really a self-loathing latent Catholic, or latent Mormon?

Well, no, you see, I give a reasoned explanation of why I think those religions are silly. As opposed to your homophobia, which is kind of pathological in your hatred.

Other people being gay has no effect on your life. Other people being Catholic has an effect on my life in that they keep trying to make their superstitions the law in this country.

Why should this principle apply only to homosexuality, and not to every other thing that anyone might—rightly or wrongly—consider to be wrong?

Mostly, because I can explain to you why I think those things are wrong... The only explanation you have for your homophobia is you think it's icky.

Hey, I think two dudes having sex is icky... I just recognize that's my hangup, not their problem. (Two chicks on the other hand....)
To be afraid of something that has a. 003 percent chance of happening is the very definition of an irrational fear

Really. I have a pretty low chance of being caught in a house fire. In fact, total deaths from fires in the US were only a tenth of gun deaths, about 3400. Yet I still have a smoke detector, a fire extinguisher, and an escape plan to get out of my house.

A telling statement

No wonder you're so fucking miserable

Naw, guy, the only miserable ones are the hateful folks on the right. I became a much happier person when I turned off the Hate Radio and stopped voting Republican.
I'm not confused at all about what the Catholic church did, I'm confused as to what it has to do with Sandmann. So what did any of this have to do with Sandmann or the Covington school?

You mean other than he happily participated in one of their Misogynistic events against a woman's right to choose?

First of all, you said you hated the church for covering up pedophilia, not for their beliefs. Secondly, Sandmann's Catholic anti-abortion beliefs have nothing to do with the church's cover up of pedophilia. So once again, what does any of that have to do with Sandmann and the events of January 2018? Why did you bring up Sandmann's Catholicism in that context when it had nothing to do with anything that happened that day?

You've made snide remarks about Sandmann's religion from the beginning and alluded to pedophelia on more than one occasion in this thread and in others in regards to this topic. You're not fooling anybody; you hate Catholics. If it's true what you say then it begs the question as to why you keep bringing it up and using it against Sandmann to further denigrate him.

Um, yeah, I know this is hard for you to accept, but the Catholic Church was involved in a world-wide, decades long effort to shield pedophiles... Shit, we even had a principle at my HS who was sent off on "Sabbatical", and another lay teacher who was later sued for showing his football players gay porn. Two priests at my parish were caught being pedophiles, and the only "Surprise" was that one of them was involved with a girl instead of a boy.

Fine, but again, what does it have to do with Sandmann and the events of January 2018?

The Church is contemptible in doing this, and a lot of the congregations, KNOWING what they were doing, are still sticking their asses in pews and throwing money in collection plates to pay off the victims.

I agree, it was contemptible, but faith can be very compelling. You didn't seriously think that Catholics would just turn their backs on the church and the only life they've ever known because of the wrongs committed by others, did you?

I said they were ill equipped to deal with life's difficulties. They're not ill equipped because of their youth or socialism, they're ill equipped because of the laziness and complacency of their parents and that their parents coddled them.
They're ill equipped because of what they are taught in schools and the way they are taught about things like science and history. They're ill equipped because of the stinking shit that the media and the entertainment industry and celebrities feed them on a daily basis.

One more time, buddy. You could make the same argument about Youth in Japan or England or Germany.. but they don't have School Shootings for some reason.

Actually, I don't think I could make the same argument. I don't agree with you on this one. I know other countries have their problems with their youth like anyone else but this phenomenon is relatively new in this country. Or at least, we've never seen it to this degree before.

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Until one of them does. Like a Harris, Klebold, Cruz or a Lanza.

But I see you like comparing numbers and averages for your own purposes while at the same time, discounting anyone else's. It's true that most young people with everyday young people problems will never shoot up a school. But it's also true that, out of the 10 to 15 million semiautomatic rifles in the U.S., only a handful will be used to kill and fewer than that for mass shootings.

Okay, here's the thing.

We can get rid of the guns, and be just fine.
We can't really get rid of the kids..

We can't get rid of the kids but we can get rid of the angst, or alleviate it some by teaching our children more about the real world, how to deal with bullies, how to deal with personal failures and difficulties and how to approach life head on. We can simply become more involved in our childrens' lives and their doings and if we can just start with that, we'll be just fine.

You seem to think that 33,000 gun deaths, 70,000 gun injuries, and $270 BILLION in economic losses are something we can live with... along with the Active Shooter Drills, Security Guards, Metal Detectors and all the other SHIT the rest of us have to put up with because you have a fetish.

You seem to think that 37,000 deaths, 2.35 million injuries and 230.6 billion dollars in economic losses a year in automobile accidents are something we can live with. Everyone has to put up with this because everyone has a fetish.

Finally, you never answered my question: Did Phillips approach Sandmann?
First of all, you said you hated the church for covering up pedophilia, not for their beliefs.

Actually, I hate them for both, and their intertwined.

Secondly, Sandmann's Catholic anti-abortion beliefs have nothing to do with the church's cover up of pedophilia.

First, he's 16... he doesn't get to have "beliefs". When he can vote and pay taxes, then he gets to have beliefs.

Second, um, yeah, the Catholic Church uses this kind of bullshit to raise money to pay off the altar boys.

I agree, it was contemptible, but faith can be very compelling. You didn't seriously think that Catholics would just turn their backs on the church and the only life they've ever known because of the wrongs committed by others, did you?

Um,yeah, I think most of the parents KNEW that Catholic Clergy are EXACTLY what they are. If you are such a fucking brainwashed zombie that you can see that your clergy are complete perverts, and you keep sitting your ass in a pew and throwing money at them, that's on you.

Actually, I don't think I could make the same argument. I don't agree with you on this one. I know other countries have their problems with their youth like anyone else but this phenomenon is relatively new in this country. Or at least, we've never seen it to this degree before.

Again- the only difference is that this country lets any crazy person with a tiny dick buy a gun.

We can't get rid of the kids but we can get rid of the angst, or alleviate it some by teaching our children more about the real world, how to deal with bullies, how to deal with personal failures and difficulties and how to approach life head on. We can simply become more involved in our childrens' lives and their doings and if we can just start with that, we'll be just fine.

Or we can just NOT LET THEM HAVE GUNS... That seems to be the simpler solution.

I don't think any amount of "teaching" fixes a Cruz or an Adam Lanza, and often their caregivers are a large part of the problem. Nancy Lanza armed herself like the fucking Zombies were coming and took little Adam to the shooting range.

You seem to think that 37,000 deaths, 2.35 million injuries and 230.6 billion dollars in economic losses a year in automobile accidents are something we can live with.

Again, autos are licensed... designed with new safety features, and we have thousands of cops patrolling the roads policing conduct.

We can't really live without cars... We can get rid of guns quite easily.
To be afraid of something that has a. 003 percent chance of happening is the very definition of an irrational fear

Really. I have a pretty low chance of being caught in a house fire. In fact, total deaths from fires in the US were only a tenth of gun deaths, about 3400. Yet I still have a smoke detector, a fire extinguisher, and an escape plan to get out of my house.

A telling statement

No wonder you're so fucking miserable

Naw, guy, the only miserable ones are the hateful folks on the right. I became a much happier person when I turned off the Hate Radio and stopped voting Republican.
But I don't want to ban matches candles or any other source of fire.

And while you have a. 003 percent chance of being murdered by a person with a gun there is a much greater chance of being the victim of a violent crime so a gun is akin to a fire extinguisher in your example.

And FYI I have never voted republican in fact I used to vote democrat before I realized that they were owned by the same people that own the republicans

And I don't listen to talk radio and never did

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
But I don't want to ban matches candles or any other source of fire.

And while you have a. 003 percent chance of being murdered by a person with a gun there is a much greater chance of being the victim of a violent crime so a gun is akin to a fire extinguisher in your example.

A gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a family member than a criminal... if Fire Extinguishers were that dangerous, I'd consider banning them, too.
But I don't want to ban matches candles or any other source of fire.

And while you have a. 003 percent chance of being murdered by a person with a gun there is a much greater chance of being the victim of a violent crime so a gun is akin to a fire extinguisher in your example.

A gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a family member than a criminal... if Fire Extinguishers were that dangerous, I'd consider banning them, too.
No it is not

That is pure bullshit from a debunked survey

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
But I don't want to ban matches candles or any other source of fire.

And while you have a. 003 percent chance of being murdered by a person with a gun there is a much greater chance of being the victim of a violent crime so a gun is akin to a fire extinguisher in your example.

A gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a family member than a criminal... if Fire Extinguishers were that dangerous, I'd consider banning them, too.
No it is not

That is pure bullshit from a debunked survey

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk[/QUOTE

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
But I don't want to ban matches candles or any other source of fire.

And while you have a. 003 percent chance of being murdered by a person with a gun there is a much greater chance of being the victim of a violent crime so a gun is akin to a fire extinguisher in your example.

A gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a family member than a criminal... if Fire Extinguishers were that dangerous, I'd consider banning them, too.

Did you know a Human is needed to fire that firearam?

It is true, so if you want to solve the issue of a firearm killing a family member by accident or most likely in you case they just got tired of you then ban Humanity...

See and poof your fears are all gone...

Now of course you will explain to me how that firearm is not needed and just dial 911 but what if you live in rural Texas?

I know you will explain how that person should move then what about if you live in Houston and they introduce a 911 system that causes emergency calls to get dropped and no officer shows up?

It has happened but you will explain it is rare and guns are not needed...

So Joe as you pull a number out of the air just know the reality is I am more likely to be killed by someone like you on a cellphone driving recklessly down Interstate 69 than being shot in a mass shooting by some fanatical anarchists or Saudi Muslim Jihadists...

Your main goal to ban firearms is to disarm the population and then use the government to force your Progressive nonsense down everyone throat...

But alas please ban firearms so when the cops do not show up to your house when you are being robbed by an armed assailant just tell the criminals that you will report the fact they were using a banned item, well if they do not kill you first...

My point ban firearms and criminals will ignore the law like every law your typed has passed...
And what does this mean about you, and the various hatred and bigotry that you continually spew?

Are you really a self-loathing latent Catholic, or latent Mormon?

Well, no, you see, I give a reasoned explanation of why I think those religions are silly. As opposed to your homophobia, which is kind of pathological in your hatred.

Hah! You don't give reasoned explanations why you think Catholicism is silly, you give un-reasoned explanations as to why you hate it. You prove this by incorrectly associating all Catholics with the wrong actions of the church leadership.
First of all, you said you hated the church for covering up pedophilia, not for their beliefs.

Actually, I hate them for both, and their intertwined.

There's nothing in Catholic doctrine that condones pedophilia or covering it up. The two are not intertwined.

Secondly, Sandmann's Catholic anti-abortion beliefs have nothing to do with the church's cover up of pedophilia.

First, he's 16... he doesn't get to have "beliefs". When he can vote and pay taxes, then he gets to have beliefs.

You're kidding, right? This is the most asinine thing you've ever said and you've said some pretty asinine things. Did your dog type this?

Beliefs are not handed out as privileges or rights by the government or whoever when you reach a certain age.

Second, um, yeah, the Catholic Church uses this kind of bullshit to raise money to pay off the altar boys.

The church uses anti-abortion beliefs to pay off altar boys? As in, "I believe abortion is wrong so I'll give money to the church to cover up pedophilia."?

I agree, it was contemptible, but faith can be very compelling. You didn't seriously think that Catholics would just turn their backs on the church and the only life they've ever known because of the wrongs committed by others, did you?

Um,yeah, I think most of the parents KNEW that Catholic Clergy are EXACTLY what they are. If you are such a fucking brainwashed zombie that you can see that your clergy are complete perverts, and you keep sitting your ass in a pew and throwing money at them, that's on you.

If you are such a brainwashed zombie that you can't see that Catholicism had nothing to do with Phillips approaching Sandmann that day, that's on you.

And you still haven't answered my question: Did Phillips approach Sandmann?

Actually, I don't think I could make the same argument. I don't agree with you on this one. I know other countries have their problems with their youth like anyone else but this phenomenon is relatively new in this country. Or at least, we've never seen it to this degree before.

Again- the only difference is that this country lets any crazy person with a tiny dick buy a gun.

Anders Behring Breivik, the Norwegian mass shooter with the as yet highest mass shooting body count, purchased a semiautomatic Mini-14 (.223/5.56 caliber like the AR-15) and a Glock pistol legally in his home country of Norway.

We can't get rid of the kids but we can get rid of the angst, or alleviate it some by teaching our children more about the real world, how to deal with bullies, how to deal with personal failures and difficulties and how to approach life head on. We can simply become more involved in our childrens' lives and their doings and if we can just start with that, we'll be just fine.

Or we can just NOT LET THEM HAVE GUNS... That seems to be the simpler solution.

And that's why things like mass killings will continue even if there's a total ban on guns; people like you would rather take the easy way out. But easy answers or simple measures will never solve complicated problems.

I don't think any amount of "teaching" fixes a Cruz or an Adam Lanza, and often their caregivers are a large part of the problem. Nancy Lanza armed herself like the fucking Zombies were coming and took little Adam to the shooting range.

Once again, as is your wont, you oversimplify the issue.

Cruz, like Lanza had mental health issues and also like Lanza, he was autistic. This may be partly attributable to the fact that his birth mother was a crackhead (she was arrested for buying crack while she was pregnant with Nikolas). Also, he had had care for his mental health issues at one time but had received no care for a year before the shooting. Add to that the death of his adoptive mother, which he took very hard. With all these factors in play, it should come as no surprise that he snapped.
As for Lanza, we both know he had mental health issues; though I say he was autistic (which he was) and you say he was retarded (which he was not). He withdrew more and more from everyone and spent the last three months of his life shut up in his room and, not knowing how to deal with this, Nancy simply let him be.

You seem to think that 37,000 deaths, 2.35 million injuries and 230.6 billion dollars in economic losses a year in automobile accidents are something we can live with.

Again, autos are licensed... designed with new safety features, and we have thousands of cops patrolling the roads policing conduct.

We can't really live without cars... We can get rid of guns quite easily.

And yet, still more people die in automobile accidents than from guns.
Now of course you will explain to me how that firearm is not needed and just dial 911 but what if you live in rural Texas?

I know you will explain how that person should move then what about if you live in Houston and they introduce a 911 system that causes emergency calls to get dropped and no officer shows up?

True story. There's rural England and Rural Japan and Rural Germany- they all get by fine without guns.
There's nothing in Catholic doctrine that condones pedophilia or covering it up. The two are not intertwined.

Quite the contrary... the Catholic hiring policy is "No interest in adult women, must spend lots of time around kids! Oh, yeah, and we'll cover it up if you do it, because the confessional is sacred!!!"

Anders Behring Breivik, the Norwegian mass shooter with the as yet highest mass shooting body count, purchased a semiautomatic Mini-14 (.223/5.56 caliber like the AR-15) and a Glock pistol legally in his home country of Norway.

You have to go back 8 years to find a case like this... because they are so rare in Europe.

Cruz, like Lanza had mental health issues and also like Lanza, he was autistic. This may be partly attributable to the fact that his birth mother was a crackhead (she was arrested for buying crack while she was pregnant with Nikolas). Also, he had had care for his mental health issues at one time but had received no care for a year before the shooting. Add to that the death of his adoptive mother, which he took very hard. With all these factors in play, it should come as no surprise that he snapped.

No, it was no surprise when you give a little nut a gun, he's going to snap. Hey, here's a crazy idea.. Don't give them guns.

Problem solved.

What, you can't have a gun, either? Still not seeing a problem.

And yet, still more people die in automobile accidents than from guns.

Auto deaths have been declining due to increased legislation and safety mandates.


Gun deaths, on the other hand... Woooo, doggie..

Hah! You don't give reasoned explanations why you think Catholicism is silly, you give un-reasoned explanations as to why you hate it. You prove this by incorrectly associating all Catholics with the wrong actions of the church leadership.

Uh, the Church Leadership is tolerated by the faithful, who know DAMNED WELL that their clergy are all perverts.
There's nothing in Catholic doctrine that condones pedophilia or covering it up. The two are not intertwined.

Quite the contrary... the Catholic hiring policy is "No interest in adult women, must spend lots of time around kids! Oh, yeah, and we'll cover it up if you do it, because the confessional is sacred!!!"

A hiring policy is not a doctrine. You're just being facetious anyway.

Anders Behring Breivik, the Norwegian mass shooter with the as yet highest mass shooting body count, purchased a semiautomatic Mini-14 (.223/5.56 caliber like the AR-15) and a Glock pistol legally in his home country of Norway.

You have to go back 8 years to find a case like this... because they are so rare in Europe.

How many years I went back is irrelevant. You said, in so many words: "This doesn't happen in countries with common sense gun laws" and "..they can't get guns."

You were wrong on both counts.

Cruz, like Lanza had mental health issues and also like Lanza, he was autistic. This may be partly attributable to the fact that his birth mother was a crackhead (she was arrested for buying crack while she was pregnant with Nikolas). Also, he had had care for his mental health issues at one time but had received no care for a year before the shooting. Add to that the death of his adoptive mother, which he took very hard. With all these factors in play, it should come as no surprise that he snapped.

No, it was no surprise when you give a little nut a gun, he's going to snap. Hey, here's a crazy idea.. Don't give them guns.

Problem solved.

Giving someone a gun doesn't cause them to snap you idiot. And Cruz purchased his own weapons legally.

What, you can't have a gun, either? Still not seeing a problem.

What, a sixteen year old kid has beliefs? Still not seeing a problem.

And yet, still more people die in automobile accidents than from guns.

Auto deaths have been declining due to increased legislation and safety mandates.

Gun deaths, on the other hand... Woooo, doggie..

Yet they are still higher than gun deaths.
Hah! You don't give reasoned explanations why you think Catholicism is silly, you give un-reasoned explanations as to why you hate it. You prove this by incorrectly associating all Catholics with the wrong actions of the church leadership.

Uh, the Church Leadership is tolerated by the faithful, who know DAMNED WELL that their clergy are all perverts.

Actually, not all the clergy are perverts. I know this, they know this and you know this.

You're oversimplifying again because you're too lazy to see the bigger picture.
Yeah, because not all men are so pathetic, that they assume being a man means being acting like a women.

Men like cars. Men like bombs. Men like guns.

This normal. And yes, well adjusted.

Uh, guy, if you like Guns and Bombs, you are not well-adjusted.

Right..... which is why no one ever watches those block buster movies, and you see guys sitting around watching the hallmark channel. That's who those hallmark movies are marketed to, is guys..... right?

Um... with all due respect, I think you just disqualified yourself from this discussion.

Go watch some hallmark movies with your girlfriends, and synchronize your periods.
A hiring policy is not a doctrine. You're just being facetious anyway.

I'm hardly being facetious...

First, you eliminate anyone who already had healthy sex lives with your idiotic celibacy program.
Second, you create a system where they are all required to cover for each other. Fr. McCreepy just confessed to molesting Timmy the Altar Boy? Well, ten Hail Marys and we ship his ass off to another parish where he does it again!

How many years I went back is irrelevant.

It's completely relevent. The problem is you want to make the perfect the enemy of the Good.

I'd rather have one mass shooting a decade than one mass shooting a week.

And Cruz purchased his own weapons legally.

Exactly my point. He was batshit crazy and STILL able to buy a gun, because he lived in a Gun Nut state.

Actually, not all the clergy are perverts. I know this, they know this and you know this.

You're oversimplifying again because you're too lazy to see the bigger picture.

I grew up Catholic. We really did know all the Clergy were perverts. You never wanted to be alone in a room with one of them.

I would go a step further. Pre-1970 or so, when Little Timmy started singing show tunes or otherwise showed signs of being gay or some other "alternative lifestyle", they shipped his ass off to a seminary. So you essentially had an adult gay man whose sexual development stopped at 14 or so. Then you unleash him as an adult on a community, because he didn't find himself.

The best part of the gay liberation movement was that all these kids stopped getting shipped off to become nuns and priests... True, they were still stuck with the pedos...
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