Supreme Court Allows Sandy Hook Families' Case Against Remington Arms To Proceed

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Irrelevant. This has nothing to do with Sandmann's right to disagree with abortionists.

You're not very good at this deflection thing, are you?

You might be interested to know that, according to a recent poll by Gallup for 2019, pro-life women outnumber pro-life men by a margin of 5%.

What you guys are suddenly into polls.. Abortions are like lawyers, everyone is against them... until they need one.

It never occurs to you clowns talking about men telling women what to do with their bodies that there are just as many women saying the same goddamned thing.

Those bitches need to mind their own fucking business, too. If you are a woman and don't like abortion, don't have one. Except, of course, "Christian" and "Conservative" women are MORE likely to have them, because they don't use contraception.
Irrelevant. This has nothing to do with Sandmann's right to disagree with abortionists.

You're not very good at this deflection thing, are you?

You might be interested to know that, according to a recent poll by Gallup for 2019, pro-life women outnumber pro-life men by a margin of 5%.

What you guys are suddenly into polls.. Abortions are like lawyers, everyone is against them... until they need one.

What, suddenly you have a problem with polls when they negate your argument?

It's a lame argument and a moot point considering half of pro-lifers are women.

It never occurs to you clowns talking about men telling women what to do with their bodies that there are just as many women saying the same goddamned thing.

Those bitches need to mind their own fucking business, too.

You mean like Phillips did?

If you are a woman and don't like abortion, don't have one. Except, of course, "Christian" and "Conservative" women are MORE likely to have them, because they don't use contraception.

Catholicism is the only Christian sect I know of that is against contraception. Most others have no problem with it. They have no problem preventing conception, they just have a problem with killing a child after conception.
What, suddenly you have a problem with polls when they negate your argument?

It's a lame argument and a moot point considering half of pro-lifers are women.

I don't buy those polls.

Only about 20% of the population are anti-choice nuts.

Catholicism is the only Christian sect I know of that is against contraception. Most others have no problem with it. They have no problem preventing conception, they just have a problem with killing a child after conception.

You need to educate yourself.

Religion and birth control - Wikipedia
What, suddenly you have a problem with polls when they negate your argument?

It's a lame argument and a moot point considering half of pro-lifers are women.

I don't buy those polls.

Only about 20% of the population are anti-choice nuts.

It wasn't a poll comparing how many Americans were pro-life or pro-choice, it only compared the numbers of pro-lifers by age and gender.

You would know this if you had looked at it. But wait, I didn't post a link, did I? No. But wait, if I had, would you have clicked on it? No.

Even though they've been a respected organization for seventy years, you would have simply labelled Gallup as a right wing nut organization and refused to look at it. So, I didn't post a link and once again you remain uninformed and ignorant due to your own intransigence.

Catholicism is the only Christian sect I know of that is against contraception. Most others have no problem with it. They have no problem preventing conception, they just have a problem with killing a child after conception.

First of all, I said "most others", not "all others". Secondly, I validated my comment with the qualifier "..that I know of...".

These are the kinds of distinctions and details that always escape you or you willfully overlook. It is why you've been proven wrong again and again in this discussion and is why you continue to see Sandmann as the bad guy in spite of all the evidence to the contrary proving that all the other principals in the story were the ones who exhibited bad or irresponsible behavior and instigated the incident.
It wasn't a poll comparing how many Americans were pro-life or pro-choice, it only compared the numbers of pro-lifers by age and gender.

Again, don't waste my time on garbage.

First of all, I said "most others", not "all others". Secondly, I validated my comment with the qualifier "..that I know of...".

These are the kinds of distinctions and details

Guy, I've been dealing with shithouse lawyers since I was in the Army... that's what most of your argument fall into.

The reality- Christian bitches end up at the Abortion Clinics because they buy into the whole "saving it for marriage" crap and don't really know how to use contraception.. I mean, better than the old days when you flew Little Sally out of state to have her baby in secret and dump it off on someone else.
It wasn't a poll comparing how many Americans were pro-life or pro-choice, it only compared the numbers of pro-lifers by age and gender.

Again, don't waste my time on garbage.

Don't waste my time with moot and irrelevant arguments and falsehoods. In a word: garbage.

First, no one's forcing you to come back. Second, as always, you misconstrued what I said. I said that the poll showed that pro-life women outnumbered pro-life men by a margin of five percent. I never said anything about pro-choice, numbers or otherwise.

All of this could have been avoided. If you hadn't used the tired old lame argument about men telling women what to do with their bodies and then in turn completely getting wrong what I said about the poll, none of this would have happened.

First of all, I said "most others", not "all others". Secondly, I validated my comment with the qualifier "..that I know of...".

These are the kinds of distinctions and details

Guy, I've been dealing with shithouse lawyers since I was in the Army... that's what most of your argument fall into.[/quote]

Your dealings with "shithouse lawyers" is irrelevant; I was not wrong. This may bug the shit out of you but it's true.

The reality- Christian bitches end up at the Abortion Clinics because they buy into the whole "saving it for marriage" crap and don't really know how to use contraception.. I mean, better than the old days when you flew Little Sally out of state to have her baby in secret and dump it off on someone else.

Irrelevant. This has nothing to do with what or how many Christian sects disagree with contraception.
First, no one's forcing you to come back. Second, as always, you misconstrued what I said. I said that the poll showed that pro-life women outnumbered pro-life men by a margin of five percent. I never said anything about pro-choice, numbers or otherwise.

In short, you presented garbage. The vast majority of women in this country are Pro-Choice.


Your dealings with "shithouse lawyers" is irrelevant; I was not wrong. This may bug the shit out of you but it's true.

Nope, you are totally full of shit and try to find nuances to make your silly positions work.
First, no one's forcing you to come back. Second, as always, you misconstrued what I said. I said that the poll showed that pro-life women outnumbered pro-life men by a margin of five percent. I never said anything about pro-choice, numbers or otherwise.

In short, you presented garbage. The vast majority of women in this country are Pro-Choice.

Jesus Christ, even after I clarify it for you, you get it wrong. Once again, the poll I cited did not compare numbers of pro-choice vs. pro-life women. It compared numbers of pro-life women vs. pro-life men. In other words, among pro-lifers, 51% are women and 46% are men. Got it?

Your dealings with "shithouse lawyers" is irrelevant; I was not wrong. This may bug the shit out of you but it's true.

Nope, you are totally full of shit and try to find nuances to make your silly positions work.

And you overlook nuances, distinctions, details and specifics to make your silly positions work. Never mind my verbiage, you overlook every important detail of an issue because it makes it more difficult to focus your hate. It was the only way you could continue to malign the pro-life Catholic kid even after it became clear to pretty much everyone else that the BAs were the ones openly exhibiting racist behavior and that Phillips instigated the confrontation.

After the second video came out, many celebrities deleted their Tweets criticising and/or calling for violence against Sandmann and the school (ex. Kathy Griffin and Ron Perlman) and a few openly apologized for their ugly Tweets and comments (ex. Jamie Lee Curtis and Kirstie Alley). A few stubborn knotheads refused to apologize (ex. Pink and Alyssa Milano) but that was to be expected.
Online magazines and newspapers issued corrections, retractions and apologies.

After all these details were apprehended by you and then summarily dismissed, you stubbornly clung to the one irrelevant detail you could use against Sandmann: he was a Catholic pro-lifer.

And, I was still not wrong.

Fact: Catholicism was the only Christian sect I knew of that is against contraception, i.e., I was not aware of any others.

Fact: Most other Christian sects are not against contraception, your Wikipedia article notwithstanding. The article you cited only referred to Protestant sects; it did not give any specifics such as which sects or how many.
After all these details were apprehended by you and then summarily dismissed, you stubbornly clung to the one irrelevant detail you could use against Sandmann: he was a Catholic pro-lifer.

And a smirking little entitled punk who disrespected a vet.

Fact: Most other Christian sects are not against contraception, your Wikipedia article notwithstanding. The article you cited only referred to Protestant sects; it did not give any specifics such as which sects or how many.

Naw, they aren't against contraception, but they are against sex outside of marriage, which is what causes most Abortions...

"I thought he loved me!!!" SUUUUUUCK PLOP
After all these details were apprehended by you and then summarily dismissed, you stubbornly clung to the one irrelevant detail you could use against Sandmann: he was a Catholic pro-lifer.

And a smirking little entitled punk who disrespected a vet.

He didn't know he was a vet and you damn well know it. Why do you persist with this lie?

Fact: Most other Christian sects are not against contraception, your Wikipedia article notwithstanding. The article you cited only referred to Protestant sects; it did not give any specifics such as which sects or how many.

Naw, they aren't against contraception, but they are against sex outside of marriage, which is what causes most Abortions...

"I thought he loved me!!!" SUUUUUUCK PLOP

I would be offended if I didn't know you were an idiot and only trying to get a rise out of me.

Grow up for Christ's sake.
He didn't know he was a vet and you damn well know it. Why do you persist with this lie?

Maybe he should have found out before he acted like a smirking punk? Heck, I was told to respect my elders at that age.. If I pulled shit like that, my dad would have slapped my ass into a new Zip Code.

His parents, "My poor baby, people are saying bad things about him. let's hire lawyers and publicists."

I would be offended if I didn't know you were an idiot and only trying to get a rise out of me.

Grow up for Christ's sake.

I am. I'm grown up enough to know that if a woman doesn't want to be pregnant, she will find a way to not be pregnant. It's all you anti-choice nutters who get a chubby when you watch "A Handmaid's Tale".
He didn't know he was a vet and you damn well know it. Why do you persist with this lie?

Maybe he should have found out before he acted like a smirking punk?

And maybe Phillips should not have approached the group in the first place.
Maybe he should have joined in with the Covington group in drowning out the racist diatribe coming from the Black Israelites, since the BAs had also hectored his group already.
Maybe he should have found out there was more to the situation than kids wearing MAGA hats.
Maybe he should have found out they were, in fact, not chanting "Build that wall" before falsely claiming they did.
Maybe he should have stuck to his original story that he was trying to de-escalate the situation instead of later changing it to his trying to get up the memorial steps.
Maybe he should have never approached the group and deliberately placed himself there in the first fucking place instead of later claiming disingenuously that he "found" himself surrounded and in a hairy situation.

There were a million things Phillips could have done to avoid the situation whereas Sandmann only had to continue standing where he had been the whole time. Except maybe (according to you and other leftists in the agonizing throes of liberal meltdown) the one thing he could have done was...wait for it...not smile.

The most ludicrous and asinine thing about all this is that, even if Sandmann had not smiled, the video would still have gone viral and leftists still would have vilified, insulted and threatened him. Why? Because Phillips was a Native American and Sandmann wore a MAGA hat.

Now, if Phillips being a vet was a factor or pertinent to the situation in any way (it wasn't), being the instigator of the incident, the burden of disclosure would have fallen on him. Sandmann was under no obligation whatsoever to try to find out a damn thing.

Heck, I was told to respect my elders at that age.. If I pulled shit like that, my dad would have slapped my ass into a new Zip Code.

I was told to respect everybody. If I had pulled shit like what Phillips did - getting in someone's face unprovoked and for no words or actions on the other person's part - my Dad would have slapped my ass into a new Zip Code. He then would have drop kicked me to another continent if I had lied and said Sandmann and the Covington group were chanting "Build that wall!" as Phillips did.

Sandmann did and said absolutely nothing to cause any of this.

I would be offended if I didn't know you were an idiot and only trying to get a rise out of me.

Grow up for Christ's sake.

I am. I'm grown up enough to know that if a woman doesn't want to be pregnant, she will find a way to not be pregnant.

Apparently you're not grown up enough to realize you just inadvertently gave one of the best arguments against abortion. This means that women who have abortions either did want to get pregnant but aborted the child anyway, or they were just too lazy or careless to give a fuck. Either way, it doesn't reflect well on pro-choicers or bolster their argument.

It's all you anti-choice nutters who get a chubby when you watch "A Handmaid's Tale".


For the record, I'm not against a woman having the choice to abort, I just think there's a better way to correct (or avoid) a mistake that doesn't involve snuffing out a life.
And maybe Phillips should not have approached the group in the first place.

Philips wasn't required to do anything.

Smirking Punk should have minded his fucking manners.

Apparently you're not grown up enough to realize you just inadvertently gave one of the best arguments against abortion. This means that women who have abortions either did want to get pregnant but aborted the child anyway, or they were just too lazy or careless to give a fuck. Either way, it doesn't reflect well on pro-choicers or bolster their argument.

No, guy, why a woman gets pregnant is irrelevant. I mean if you want to be a bunch of conduct Nazis, we can take it a lot further.

You smoke. Well, no heart surgery for you! Your own damned fault, you knew it was dangerous... enjoy those grasping chest pains.


For the record, I'm not against a woman having the choice to abort, I just think there's a better way to correct (or avoid) a mistake that doesn't involve snuffing out a life.

Fetuses aren't people, and abortion is the only form of contraception that is 100% effective.
And maybe Phillips should not have approached the group in the first place.

Philips wasn't required to do anything.

Smirking Punk should have minded his fucking manners.

Phillips was required to mind his own fucking business. He approached Sandmann and initiated the confrontation, dumbass. What is it about this fact that you can't even acknowledge it by answering a simple yes or no question and continue to blame the kid when the adult was responsible for the entire thing? Why do you not lay any responsibility at all at the feet of Phillips when he was the one who initiated it?

This may come as a surprise to you but respect is a two way street. Adults have an obligation to show respect as well. This is especially true with children and young people because they learn respect for elders from their elders.
Phillips displayed improper etiquette and showed disrespect for Sandmann and his group by approaching them unprovoked and for no reason at all other than that they were wearing MAGA hats. Furthermore, he makes it look like the Covington kids were being hostile and that he was scared, after the dipshit deliberately and willingly placed himself directly in their midst.

Phillips is full of shit and a lying douchebag. Yes, I watched your stupid video in the other post and the guy who did it is full of shit. I never heard "Build that wall" in any of the three or four examples he showed. In fact, I couldn't make out a goddamn thing they were saying. The guy who made that video is just as full of shit as Phillips.

If the roles were reversed and it had been Sandmann who had gotten in Phillips' face, Sandmann would still have gotten all the hate and Phillips would be considered a hero for standing up to him.

You fucking well know it and so do I.

Apparently you're not grown up enough to realize you just inadvertently gave one of the best arguments against abortion. This means that women who have abortions either did want to get pregnant but aborted the child anyway, or they were just too lazy or careless to give a fuck. Either way, it doesn't reflect well on pro-choicers or bolster their argument.

No, guy, why a woman gets pregnant is irrelevant.

If the reason a woman got pregnant was irrelevant then that would mean women would be having abortions for any reason at all or no reason at all or giving birth for any or no reason at all.

Of course the reason is relevant you idiot. The reason she got pregnant but wants an abortion was because she was careless or didn't give a shit.

I mean if you want to be a bunch of conduct Nazis, we can take it a lot further.

This coming from a guy who feels that a kid doing the right thing and doing and saying nothing while a stranger beats a drum in his face is worthy of contempt. Don't talk to me about conduct nazis after you crucify a kid for smiling.


For the record, I'm not against a woman having the choice to abort, I just think there's a better way to correct (or avoid) a mistake that doesn't involve snuffing out a life.

Fetuses aren't people, and abortion is the only form of contraception that is 100% effective.

Abortion is not a contraception dumbass. A contraceptive prevents conception. It doesn't kill the child after conception.

I would be inclined to agree with you if fetuses were complete lifeforms unto themselves. But alas, they are not. Fetuses are a stage in human development. Kill the fetus and you kill what would otherwise become a human being. There's just no getting around that.

Imagine, if you will, that we had the technology to project what a fetus would look like as a child, a teenager and an adult. Imagine we could also see the arc of his/her life and what type of person they would become and what they would accomplish. Would you still feel the same way if the fetus of say, Greta Thunberg was on the chopping block? Martin Luther King? Abraham Lincoln? The doctor who finds a cure for cancer?
Phillips was required to mind his own fucking business.

He was. His group had reserved that space. The MAGA Nazis started hassling them.

I never heard "Build that wall" in any of the three or four examples he showed. In fact, I couldn't make out a goddamn thing they were saying. The guy who made that video is just as full of shit as Phillips.

Get your hearing checked, buddy.

Of course the reason is relevant you idiot. The reason she got pregnant but wants an abortion was because she was careless or didn't give a shit.

Nope. Her body, her choice.

This coming from a guy who feels that a kid doing the right thing and doing and saying nothing while a stranger beats a drum in his face is worthy of contempt. Don't talk to me about conduct nazis after you crucify a kid for smiling.

Naw, I hate the kid because he's a smirking little entitled Catholic Bastard. $6000 a year and they don't teach him manners.

Abortion is not a contraception dumbass. A contraceptive prevents conception. It doesn't kill the child after conception.

I would be inclined to agree with you if fetuses were complete lifeforms unto themselves. But alas, they are not. Fetuses are a stage in human development. Kill the fetus and you kill what would otherwise become a human being. There's just no getting around that.

Sure there is, fetuses aren't people. Suck them into the sink if you don't want them. Again, until the right wing supports cradle to grave welfare benefits without shame, then I don't want to there them whining about "the babies", when they don't give a flying fuck about those kids the minute the umbilical cord is cut.

Imagine, if you will, that we had the technology to project what a fetus would look like as a child, a teenager and an adult. Imagine we could also see the arc of his/her life and what type of person they would become and what they would accomplish. Would you still feel the same way if the fetus of say, Greta Thunberg was on the chopping block? Martin Luther King? Abraham Lincoln? The doctor who finds a cure for cancer?

By that same logic, then, if that fetus was going to grow up to be Hitler or Ted Bundy or Donald Trump, abortion would be a wonderful thing, then. Whew, dodged a bullet on that one.

I wish I had a blue box to go back to 1946 and abort Trump.

Phillips was required to mind his own fucking business.

He was. His group had reserved that space. The MAGA Nazis started hassling them.

Now I know for sure you're just trolling. Either that or you're desperately grasping at straws. You know the kids never hassled the NA group and you also know it's not why Phillips approached them. You also know that the NAs had a space reserved to protest. It does not mean other people or even other groups can't be there and it certainly does not mean Phillips had legitimate cause or reason to approach them and get in Sandmann's face. Everyone has a right to occupy space at any place in D.C.. What they don't have a right to do (without a permit) is occupy space to demonstrate, march or protest.

In other words, the Covington group had just as much right to be there as the NA group. They just didn't have a permit to demonstrate, which they weren't doing anyway. I challenge you to prove me wrong on this.

I never heard "Build that wall" in any of the three or four examples he showed. In fact, I couldn't make out a goddamn thing they were saying. The guy who made that video is just as full of shit as Phillips.

Get your hearing checked, buddy.

There's nothing more to tell you other than that I watched and listened to the video you linked and I didn't hear what he heard. At least I clicked on it and listened. I could have just summarily labelled it left wingnut horseshit like you always do and ignored it. But that's the difference between you and me.

Of course the reason is relevant you idiot. The reason she got pregnant but wants an abortion was because she was careless or didn't give a shit.

Nope. Her body, her choice.

Right, she had the choice to use contraception or be careless and not give a shit and she chose to be careless and not give a shit. What is it about this you don't understand?

This coming from a guy who feels that a kid doing the right thing and doing and saying nothing while a stranger beats a drum in his face is worthy of contempt. Don't talk to me about conduct nazis after you crucify a kid for smiling.

Naw, I hate the kid because he's a smirking little entitled Catholic Bastard. $6000 a year and they don't teach him manners.

None of which has anything to do with the events in D.C.

Abortion is not a contraception dumbass. A contraceptive prevents conception. It doesn't kill the child after conception.

I would be inclined to agree with you if fetuses were complete lifeforms unto themselves. But alas, they are not. Fetuses are a stage in human development. Kill the fetus and you kill what would otherwise become a human being. There's just no getting around that.

Sure there is, fetuses aren't people.

How convenient for you.

Fetuses are not some parasite or lifeform that managed to insert itself into a woman's womb. They are a direct and inevitable result of the choice of having sex without protection and a human being is a direct and inevitable result of a fetus. Every single fetus throughout history that was not aborted became a human being.

When you abort a fetus, all you're doing is killing a human being at an early stage of development.

Suck them into the sink if you don't want them. Again, until the right wing supports cradle to grave welfare benefits without shame, then I don't want to there them whining about "the babies", when they don't give a flying fuck about those kids the minute the umbilical cord is cut.

If it's not the right wing's responsibility or authority to make the choice for against abortion then it's not the right wing's responsibility to care for the child if the mother chooses to give birth to a child she is unable to properly care for. You want to give the choice to a woman to abort or have a child she can't properly provide for and then criticize those who choose to allow her to live with the choice she made.

Imagine, if you will, that we had the technology to project what a fetus would look like as a child, a teenager and an adult. Imagine we could also see the arc of his/her life and what type of person they would become and what they would accomplish. Would you still feel the same way if the fetus of say, Greta Thunberg was on the chopping block? Martin Luther King? Abraham Lincoln? The doctor who finds a cure for cancer?

By that same logic, then, if that fetus was going to grow up to be Hitler or Ted Bundy or Donald Trump, abortion would be a wonderful thing, then. Whew, dodged a bullet on that one.

As usual, whoosh, right over your head.

It goes without saying that if this were the case then we would see future evil people and perhaps abortion would be an easy choice in that case. But what if we see that the child will grow up to cure cancer but the mother wants to abort? Or better yet, given your obsession with the topic, someone who eliminates childhood poverty? Would you still be as inclined to be in favor of abortion if you knew one of these fetuses would cure childhood leukemia? For all we know, that fetus has already been aborted and we lost that opportunity.

I wish I had a blue box to go back to 1946 and abort Trump.

Perhaps you should just go back and abort yourself since you seem unable to deal with the harsh realities of this world and you would never have become as bitter and vindictive as you are.
Now I know for sure you're just trolling. Either that or you're desperately grasping at straws. You know the kids never hassled the NA group and you also know it's not why Phillips approached them.

I know what I saw on TV. A bunch of little entitled Catholic bastards harassing people of color.

All Mommy and Daddy's Money in the world isn't going to change that.

If it's not the right wing's responsibility or authority to make the choice for against abortion then it's not the right wing's responsibility to care for the child if the mother chooses to give birth to a child she is unable to properly care for. You want to give the choice to a woman to abort or have a child she can't properly provide for and then criticize those who choose to allow her to live with the choice she made.

But that's the point here. The right wing WANTS to force women to have babies they don't want.

Me, I want them to have abortions. Seriously. If you can't afford, don't have it. Our jails are full of abortions that should have have happened.

It goes without saying that if this were the case then we would see future evil people and perhaps abortion would be an easy choice in that case. But what if we see that the child will grow up to cure cancer but the mother wants to abort? Or better yet, given your obsession with the topic, someone who eliminates childhood poverty? Would you still be as inclined to be in favor of abortion if you knew one of these fetuses would cure childhood leukemia? For all we know, that fetus has already been aborted and we lost that opportunity.

Poor people not having babies they can't afford or care for would totally eliminate poverty.

As far as cancer, it's well known big pharma found the cure for cancer years ago. There's just no money to be made in it compared to Chemo drugs, which are much more profitable.

Perhaps you should just go back and abort yourself since you seem unable to deal with the harsh realities of this world and you would never have become as bitter and vindictive as you are.

I'm dealing with it just fine, thanks.

Just have to realize who the fucking enemy is.. and their useful idiots.
Now I know for sure you're just trolling. Either that or you're desperately grasping at straws. You know the kids never hassled the NA group and you also know it's not why Phillips approached them.

I know what I saw on TV. A bunch of little entitled Catholic bastards harassing people of color.

You don't believe that any more than I do. If you did, you would have brought it up before now. You're grasping.

If it's not the right wing's responsibility or authority to make the choice for against abortion then it's not the right wing's responsibility to care for the child if the mother chooses to give birth to a child she is unable to properly care for. You want to give the choice to a woman to abort or have a child she can't properly provide for and then criticize those who choose to allow her to live with the choice she made.

But that's the point here. The right wing WANTS to force women to have babies they don't want.

And what about the babies they have that they don't want, without being forced to? It may or may not be true that conservatives want to force women to have abortions but at the present time, with women having the right to choose abortion, it is irrelevant.

You want to give them the right to choose but if they make the unwise choice of sex without protection and then choose to have the baby without the means to properly care for it, the left wing wants to force US to pay for their poor choices.

You can't have it both ways. If they should have the right to choose then we should have the right to let them live with the consequences of their choices.

Me, I want them to have abortions. Seriously. If you can't afford, don't have it. Our jails are full of abortions that should have have happened.

And trashcans, back alleys and gutters are full of abortions that should never have happened.

It goes without saying that if this were the case then we would see future evil people and perhaps abortion would be an easy choice in that case. But what if we see that the child will grow up to cure cancer but the mother wants to abort? Or better yet, given your obsession with the topic, someone who eliminates childhood poverty? Would you still be as inclined to be in favor of abortion if you knew one of these fetuses would cure childhood leukemia? For all we know, that fetus has already been aborted and we lost that opportunity.

Poor people not having babies they can't afford or care for would totally eliminate poverty.

No it wouldn't. If having children put people into poverty, I might understand. But that is not the case. Poor people who choose to have children were poor before they had children. That's a stupid argument.

As far as cancer, it's well known big pharma found the cure for cancer years ago. There's just no money to be made in it compared to Chemo drugs, which are much more profitable.

If this is true then the person or persons who developed the cure were not aborted. And, the one person who might have grown up to effectively challenge the big pharma monopoly may have been aborted.

In any case, this is just conspiracy theory mooseshit. I'll need you to provide sources and links. And not from conspiracy theory or propaganda websites. From respected medical journals and publications.

Perhaps you should just go back and abort yourself since you seem unable to deal with the harsh realities of this world and you would never have become as bitter and vindictive as you are.

I'm dealing with it just fine, thanks.

Yeah, sure. Hating whole groups of people is not "dealing with it just fine".

Just have to realize who the fucking enemy is.. and their useful idiots.

You "realize" more enemies than most people.
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