Supreme Court Allows Sandy Hook Families' Case Against Remington Arms To Proceed

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No self loathing at all.... all the dumb white trash in the MAGA hats, I know I am so much better..

Has there ever been a more spectacular demonstration, than this, of the Dunning-Kruger effect?

You don't need to do any of that to reduce the number of abortions. Also, if women of color can afford three hundred dollar abortions at a rate of over twice their population percentage, why can't they afford contraceptives, which are far cheaper? Also, Obamacare already provides for birth control coverage (a major thorn in the side of many Christian conservatives) in many cases and women on welfare, Medicare and other government programs already get reduced costs for health care.

Are you some kind of retard? Of course, no one thinks, "I better take contraceptives because they are cheaper than abortion." When they get knocked up, then they get a lot more desperate a lot faster.

So obviously handing out free shit and cheap shit doesn't work. The problem is a cultural one and no amount of money and free shit is going to change that.

It works just fine in every other industrialized country, where this isn't even an issue, and they have half the abortions we do.

Universal health care, gun control, abortion--- There's someone who got it right, and you guys pretend they don't exist.

Besides, since you and pro-choice nuts don't seem to have any moral qualms about abortion anyway, what difference does it make whether they use contraceptives or not? And if you feel that strongly about it, why don't you quit your fucking pseudo-righteous preaching about how everyone else should be paying for their abortions and contraceptives and march on down to the nearest Planned Parenthood and hand them your paycheck?

Well, while their is nothing wrong with abortion because fetuses aren't people, it's still kind of an unpleasant procedure, so it would be nice to avoid it.

You have no fucking idea what actually goes on in minority communities yet you, a self-flagellating, white-hating honky wants to lecture everyone else about their plight. Grow the fuck up. Whatever hardships minority communities are suffering is not due to whites not paying for their abortions or their contraceptives. And if we did, it wouldn't change a goddamned thing.

Naw, their plight is due to 400 years of institutionalized racism. But you got white folks acting like they are the victims.
You don't need to do any of that to reduce the number of abortions. Also, if women of color can afford three hundred dollar abortions at a rate of over twice their population percentage, why can't they afford contraceptives, which are far cheaper? Also, Obamacare already provides for birth control coverage (a major thorn in the side of many Christian conservatives) in many cases and women on welfare, Medicare and other government programs already get reduced costs for health care.

Are you some kind of retard? Of course, no one thinks, "I better take contraceptives because they are cheaper than abortion." When they get knocked up, then they get a lot more desperate a lot faster.

So obviously handing out free shit and cheap shit doesn't work. The problem is a cultural one and no amount of money and free shit is going to change that.

It works just fine in every other industrialized country, where this isn't even an issue, and they have half the abortions we do.

Universal health care, gun control, abortion--- There's someone who got it right, and you guys pretend they don't exist.

Besides, since you and pro-choice nuts don't seem to have any moral qualms about abortion anyway, what difference does it make whether they use contraceptives or not? And if you feel that strongly about it, why don't you quit your fucking pseudo-righteous preaching about how everyone else should be paying for their abortions and contraceptives and march on down to the nearest Planned Parenthood and hand them your paycheck?

Well, while their is nothing wrong with abortion because fetuses aren't people, it's still kind of an unpleasant procedure, so it would be nice to avoid it.

You have no fucking idea what actually goes on in minority communities yet you, a self-flagellating, white-hating honky wants to lecture everyone else about their plight. Grow the fuck up. Whatever hardships minority communities are suffering is not due to whites not paying for their abortions or their contraceptives. And if we did, it wouldn't change a goddamned thing.

Naw, their plight is due to 400 years of institutionalized racism. But you got white folks acting like they are the victims.
Here you go again talking about racism when you know nothing about it

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
You don't need to do any of that to reduce the number of abortions. Also, if women of color can afford three hundred dollar abortions at a rate of over twice their population percentage, why can't they afford contraceptives, which are far cheaper? Also, Obamacare already provides for birth control coverage (a major thorn in the side of many Christian conservatives) in many cases and women on welfare, Medicare and other government programs already get reduced costs for health care.

Are you some kind of retard? Of course, no one thinks, "I better take contraceptives because they are cheaper than abortion." When they get knocked up, then they get a lot more desperate a lot faster.

Exactly, no one thinks. That is the problem right there in a nutshell.

And, if no one thinks to take contraceptives because they are cheaper than abortion then why bother offering them free contraceptives or even bring up cost at all? If they don't even think about these things before having sex then the cost of contraceptives is a moot point.

So obviously handing out free shit and cheap shit doesn't work. The problem is a cultural one and no amount of money and free shit is going to change that.

It works just fine in every other industrialized country, where this isn't even an issue, and they have half the abortions we do.

Universal health care, gun control, abortion--- There's someone who got it right, and you guys pretend they don't exist.

I don't pretend these societies don't exist. I am fully aware of the fact that other countries have fewer gun crimes and fewer abortions. I just don't pretend, and do not agree, that they have fewer gun crimes because of gun control or fewer abortions because they're free. It's culture, culture and culture. Besides, it doesn't make sense that they have fewer abortions because it's free. This is a non sequitur.

Besides, since you and pro-choice nuts don't seem to have any moral qualms about abortion anyway, what difference does it make whether they use contraceptives or not? And if you feel that strongly about it, why don't you quit your fucking pseudo-righteous preaching about how everyone else should be paying for their abortions and contraceptives and march on down to the nearest Planned Parenthood and hand them your paycheck?

Well, while their is nothing wrong with abortion because fetuses aren't people, it's still kind of an unpleasant procedure, so it would be nice to avoid it.

There are three ways to avoid the unpleasantness of abortion, two of which are 100% effective:

1) Use protection.
2) Don't have sex.
3) Don't have an abortion.

You have no fucking idea what actually goes on in minority communities yet you, a self-flagellating, white-hating honky wants to lecture everyone else about their plight. Grow the fuck up. Whatever hardships minority communities are suffering is not due to whites not paying for their abortions or their contraceptives. And if we did, it wouldn't change a goddamned thing.

Naw, their plight is due to 400 years of institutionalized racism.

There is much truth to this. However, the poor black community is never going to develop a sense of self worth, self sufficiency and personal responsibility by giving them free shit.

But you got white folks acting like they are the victims.

Tell me again how things are going to get better when old white folks die off and then tell me again about some whites acting like they're victims.
Tell me again how Sandmann is the villain just because he's a rich white Catholic kid and then tell me again about some whites acting like they're victims.
Tell me about all the snowflakes losing their minds and calling for violence on Sandmann just because he was the white person in the pictures and videos.
Tell me again how evil rich white people are just for being rich and white.
Tell me how you bring up race in every discussion even when race has nothing to do with the topic.
Tell me how you assume I'm racist merely because Phillips is a Native American and I never broached the issue of race.
Finally, tell me how you can't even acknowledge the fact that Phillips, the Native American, was the one who approached Sandmann, the white kid, and instigated the incident.

Sandmann didn't do what he did because he's white. But everyone else reacted the way they did...because he's white. So you tell me why some white people are pissed off.
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And, if no one thinks to take contraceptives because they are cheaper than abortion then why bother offering them free contraceptives or even bring up cost at all? If they don't even think about these things before having sex then the cost of contraceptives is a moot point.

Again, are you some kind of retard. The Europeans ALREADY give out free contraception and free health care and they don't have these problems.

Tell me again how things are going to get better when old white folks die off a

See... white victimhood.... It's hilarious to watch when someone calls you guys on being awful.

I don't pretend these societies don't exist. I am fully aware of the fact that other countries have fewer gun crimes and fewer abortions. I just don't pretend, and do not agree, that they have fewer gun crimes because of gun control or fewer abortions because they're free. It's culture, culture and culture. Besides, it doesn't make sense that they have fewer abortions because it's free. This is a non sequitur.

Sure it does. Contraception is free... health care is free... abortion is free. So people are picking 1 and 2 over 3, and they have less of them.

The problem with this country is we don't make contraception as available as we should, and then when it is not used or fails, we stick women with the choice between a lifetime of poverty or a $300 abortion.

I'll take abortion for 300 Alex.
And, if no one thinks to take contraceptives because they are cheaper than abortion then why bother offering them free contraceptives or even bring up cost at all? If they don't even think about these things before having sex then the cost of contraceptives is a moot point.

Again, are you some kind of retard. The Europeans ALREADY give out free contraception and free health care and they don't have these problems.

First of all, the Europeans don't have fewer abortions because they're free, they have fewer abortions because they generally exercise a little more forethought and self discipline than many people in the poor minority communities in this country.
Secondly, your entire pro-choice position collapses under its own weight because your arguments contradict each other. On the one hand you say offering free contraceptives will reduce the number of abortions and on the other hand you say they don't even think about the cost of contraceptives before having sex. So which is it?

Tell me again how things are going to get better when old white folks die off a

See... white victimhood.... It's hilarious to watch when someone calls you guys on being awful.

That's like punching someone in the face and then telling them not to act like an assault victim. Jesus, what a moron.

I don't pretend these societies don't exist. I am fully aware of the fact that other countries have fewer gun crimes and fewer abortions. I just don't pretend, and do not agree, that they have fewer gun crimes because of gun control or fewer abortions because they're free. It's culture, culture and culture. Besides, it doesn't make sense that they have fewer abortions because it's free. This is a non sequitur.

Sure it does. Contraception is free... health care is free... abortion is free. So people are picking 1 and 2 over 3, and they have less of them.

And what is the abortion rate in these countries? How much or how many contraceptives do these governments dole out and are there statistics to support your claim that free shit = fewer abortions? Have you actually looked into and researched why European countries have fewer abortions? Or did you just employ the dry old erroneous tactic of correlative assumption?

The problem with this country is we don't make contraception as available as we should, and then when it is not used or fails, we stick women with the choice between a lifetime of poverty or a $300 abortion.

Assuming for a moment this is true, even though these women are fully aware that not using contraception will most likely result in an unwanted $300 expense or a lifetime of poverty later, they choose to do it anyway because they can't afford the $300 dollars for an IUD now. Is that what you're saying?
None of those things are free. When you say “free”, what you really mean is that someone else's pocket is being picked to pay for it.

by "someone else", you mean that society is paying for it.

Society always ends up Paying, Mormon Bob. It's just they have the good sense to pay for these problems up front instead of the back end like we do. "Well, we didn't pay for your abortion, but we ARE going to pay for 18 years of welfare AND 20 years of keeping little Timmy in prison because he was kind of a fuckup with no Dad and a mom who didn't want him."

First of all, the Europeans don't have fewer abortions because they're free, they have fewer abortions because they generally exercise a little more forethought and self discipline than many people in the poor minority communities in this country.

Wow, scratch a conservative, find the racism, eventually.

Here's the thing. By Conservative standards, the Europeans should be pretty messed up. They don't really believe in Magic Sky Fairies the way Americans do, they aren't sexually repressed like we are. So by the logic you just laid out, they should be having MORE abortions because "anything goes" and the government pays for them. but they have- Less. A lot less. About half of what we have.

Not to worry, we always have the conservative go to - blame minorities for being minorities.

That's like punching someone in the face and then telling them not to act like an assault victim. Jesus, what a moron.

Yeah, guy, if you consider criticism of racism to be an "assault", that' on you.

And what is the abortion rate in these countries? How much or how many contraceptives do these governments dole out and are there statistics to support your claim that free shit = fewer abortions? Have you actually looked into and researched why European countries have fewer abortions? Or did you just employ the dry old erroneous tactic of correlative assumption?

Yes, I have.... The combination of policies I describe mean that you have less unplanned pregnancies.... and less abortions.


Assuming for a moment this is true, even though these women are fully aware that not using contraception will most likely result in an unwanted $300 expense or a lifetime of poverty later, they choose to do it anyway because they can't afford the $300 dollars for an IUD now. Is that what you're saying?

No, but if Explain it to you again, you still won't fucking understand it.
First of all, the Europeans don't have fewer abortions because they're free, they have fewer abortions because they generally exercise a little more forethought and self discipline than many people in the poor minority communities in this country.

Wow, scratch a conservative, find the racism, eventually.

Don't give me that shit. You've been calling me racist long before this and for nothing more than criticizing Nathan Phillips' actions. You're the one who brought up his ethnicity, not me. And when I ask you what his ethnicity had to do with those events, you either refuse to answer or when you do, you cite circumstantial factors that only explain why he was in D.C. that day but not why he approached Sandmann. You even refused to acknowledge that Phillips approached Sandmann.

Here's the thing. By Conservative standards, the Europeans should be pretty messed up. They don't really believe in Magic Sky Fairies the way Americans do, they aren't sexually repressed like we are.

So they're having more sex than we are but still have fewer unwanted pregnancies and abortions. Hmm, interesting...

So by the logic you just laid out, they should be having MORE abortions because "anything goes" and the government pays for them. but they have- Less. A lot less. About half of what we have.

The logic I "laid out" is what I specifically stated; that they are generally more self disciplined as a culture on such things.

If you think it's as simple as: "Give them free shit and they'll stop acting like animals", you are hopelessly naive and uninformed.

Not to worry, we always have the conservative go to - blame minorities for being minorities.

Your go-to argument in any discussion is racism.

These people - the poor, undisciplined and unprincipled members of minority communities are not poor, undisciplined and unprincipled because they're minorities. They are this way because they allowed ennui, laziness and a sense of entitlement from the white man to infect their communities. It is not endemic to their race or skin color, neither was it inevitable and it doesn't have to be this way.

That's like punching someone in the face and then telling them not to act like an assault victim. Jesus, what a moron.

Yeah, guy, if you consider criticism of racism to be an "assault", that' on you.

You don't criticize racism, you use it as a weapon to demonize anyone who disagrees with you on any issue, even when race has nothing to do with it. You look at the world and approach every discussion through one dichotomy: racist/not racist. You're so brainwashed that you are blind to any other possibilities and you came to embody the very thing you hate: judging people by skin color. You allowed yourself to get sucked into the steaming cesspool of racial hysteria and now you can't even think for yourself.

And what is the abortion rate in these countries? How much or how many contraceptives do these governments dole out and are there statistics to support your claim that free shit = fewer abortions? Have you actually looked into and researched why European countries have fewer abortions? Or did you just employ the dry old erroneous tactic of correlative assumption?

Yes, I have.... The combination of policies I describe mean that you have less unplanned pregnancies.... and less abortions.


Brace yourself, here comes some more "shithouse lawyer tactics": This does not say anything about why Europeans have fewer abortions, it only says they have fewer abortions. Your contention that free shit is the reason for this is just an opinion and the graph alone does not support this.

Assuming for a moment this is true, even though these women are fully aware that not using contraception will most likely result in an unwanted $300 expense or a lifetime of poverty later, they choose to do it anyway because they can't afford the $300 dollars for an IUD now. Is that what you're saying?

No, but if Explain it to you again, you still won't fucking understand it.

You haven't explained anything. As I said, your arguments contradict each other and is why I ask these things. On one hand you paint a picture of people who are apparently incapable of making certain choices because the government doesn't give them free shit and on the other hand, you paint a picture of people who can make these choices but choose irresponsibly "in the heat of the moment".

Logic dictates that self discipline and personal responsibility has to enter the picture somewhere and is a factor whether you want to see it or not.

Here's the difference between you and me: You see these people as helpless, undisciplined children that can't survive and thrive without help from the white man and the government. Whereas I see them as capable adults responsible for their own choices. I think, hell, I know, the poor minority communities are capable of thriving and I wish they did.

So, you see them as helpless and incapable and I do not. But because I don't view them as helpless, I'm the racist.
And, if no one thinks to take contraceptives because they are cheaper than abortion then why bother offering them free contraceptives or even bring up cost at all? If they don't even think about these things before having sex then the cost of contraceptives is a moot point.

Again, are you some kind of retard. The Europeans ALREADY give out free contraception and free health care and they don't have these problems.

Tell me again how things are going to get better when old white folks die off a

See... white victimhood.... It's hilarious to watch when someone calls you guys on being awful.

I don't pretend these societies don't exist. I am fully aware of the fact that other countries have fewer gun crimes and fewer abortions. I just don't pretend, and do not agree, that they have fewer gun crimes because of gun control or fewer abortions because they're free. It's culture, culture and culture. Besides, it doesn't make sense that they have fewer abortions because it's free. This is a non sequitur.

Sure it does. Contraception is free... health care is free... abortion is free. So people are picking 1 and 2 over 3, and they have less of them.

The problem with this country is we don't make contraception as available as we should, and then when it is not used or fails, we stick women with the choice between a lifetime of poverty or a $300 abortion.

I'll take abortion for 300 Alex.
25 years ago we were on our honeymoon in Key West. We were offered FREE contraceptives in a couple of bars. Mrs T told them "thanks but no thanks" we are trying for a family. That was news to me because we had never discussed it.
Don't give me that shit. You've been calling me racist long before this and for nothing more than criticizing Nathan Phillips' actions. You're the one who brought up his ethnicity, not me. And when I ask you what his ethnicity had to do with those events, you either refuse to answer or when you do, you cite circumstantial factors that only explain why he was in D.C. that day but not why he approached Sandmann. You even refused to acknowledge that Phillips approached Sandmann.

Enitled white punk disrespecting a person of color.... and you guys all swarmed to his defense.

Let's reverse the situation. Black kid with a BLM hat disrespecting an elderly white veteran... you guys would be calling for a noose.

Your go-to argument in any discussion is racism.

These people - the poor, undisciplined and unprincipled members of minority communities are not poor, undisciplined and unprincipled because they're minorities. They are this way because they allowed ennui, laziness and a sense of entitlement from the white man to infect their communities. It is not endemic to their race or skin color, neither was it inevitable and it doesn't have to be this way.

Yup, more racism from an entitled white person. They just want them welfare dollars... you keep telling yourself that.

This does not say anything about why Europeans have fewer abortions, it only says they have fewer abortions. Your contention that free shit is the reason for this is just an opinion and the graph alone does not support this.

Yes, that was a shithouse lawyer tactic. The Thing Speaks for Itself. When you have free health care, free contraception and strong social policies, you have less abortions. This is established.

Here's the difference between you and me: You see these people as helpless, undisciplined children that can't survive and thrive without help from the white man and the government. Whereas I see them as capable adults responsible for their own choices. I think, hell, I know, the poor minority communities are capable of thriving and I wish they did.

Uh, yeah, guy, we broke both of their legs and said, "Lean on me". They don't thrive because we have 400 years of institutionalized racism holding them back.
Don't give me that shit. You've been calling me racist long before this and for nothing more than criticizing Nathan Phillips' actions. You're the one who brought up his ethnicity, not me. And when I ask you what his ethnicity had to do with those events, you either refuse to answer or when you do, you cite circumstantial factors that only explain why he was in D.C. that day but not why he approached Sandmann. You even refused to acknowledge that Phillips approached Sandmann.

Enitled white punk disrespecting a person of color.... and you guys all swarmed to his defense.

Let's reverse the situation. Black kid with a BLM hat disrespecting an elderly white veteran... you guys would be calling for a noose.

Your go-to argument in any discussion is racism.

These people - the poor, undisciplined and unprincipled members of minority communities are not poor, undisciplined and unprincipled because they're minorities. They are this way because they allowed ennui, laziness and a sense of entitlement from the white man to infect their communities. It is not endemic to their race or skin color, neither was it inevitable and it doesn't have to be this way.

Yup, more racism from an entitled white person. They just want them welfare dollars... you keep telling yourself that.

This does not say anything about why Europeans have fewer abortions, it only says they have fewer abortions. Your contention that free shit is the reason for this is just an opinion and the graph alone does not support this.

Yes, that was a shithouse lawyer tactic. The Thing Speaks for Itself. When you have free health care, free contraception and strong social policies, you have less abortions. This is established.

Here's the difference between you and me: You see these people as helpless, undisciplined children that can't survive and thrive without help from the white man and the government. Whereas I see them as capable adults responsible for their own choices. I think, hell, I know, the poor minority communities are capable of thriving and I wish they did.

Uh, yeah, guy, we broke both of their legs and said, "Lean on me". They don't thrive because we have 400 years of institutionalized racism holding them back.
You need to watch the entire video.

That guy walked all the way across the area to bang a drum in the face of a high school kid because he was too chicken shit to bang his drum in the face of an adult black man

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
You need to watch the entire video.

That guy walked all the way across the area to bang a drum in the face of a high school kid because he was too chicken shit to bang his drum in the face of an adult black man

I didn't watch the video.... He confronted smirking little Nazis wearing MAGA hats and chanting "Build the Wall".
Of course you didn't you just repeat the same shit you are spoon fed

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
Of course you didn't you just repeat the same shit you are spoon fed

Yes, I did... Frankly, there's no way Smirky McPunchface looks good. That's why his mommy and daddy had to hire image consultants and trot him out on TV to look really sad puppy face.
Well at least you'll admit that you don't bother to even try to learn about what actually happened

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
Don't give me that shit. You've been calling me racist long before this and for nothing more than criticizing Nathan Phillips' actions. You're the one who brought up his ethnicity, not me. And when I ask you what his ethnicity had to do with those events, you either refuse to answer or when you do, you cite circumstantial factors that only explain why he was in D.C. that day but not why he approached Sandmann. You even refused to acknowledge that Phillips approached Sandmann.

Enitled white punk disrespecting a person of color.... and you guys all swarmed to his defense.

Incorrect and irrelevant. You still refused to acknowledge that Phillips approached Sandmann.

You will believe and propagate lies and falsehoods all the livelong day on this incident but refuse to acknowledge the one pertinent determining factor in the story: Phillips approached Sandmann. You won't acknowledge it because you know as well as I do that if he hadn't, Sandmann wouldn't have "disrespected" anyone. It never would have have happened and you would not even know this entitled white Little Catholic Bastard existed for you to hate and despise.

You don't hate Sandmann for anything (you think) he did, you hate him for what he is.

Let's reverse the situation. Black kid with a BLM hat disrespecting an elderly white veteran... you guys would be calling for a noose.

Why do you keep pushing the "disrespected a vet" narrative when you know damned well that Sandmann didn't know he was a vet?

Most people understand that the old man being a vet is not germane to the issue and is merely circumstantial. But yes, by all means, let's reverse the situation, but with one caveat: without your own personal spin, blandishments and assumptions. I.E., we'll stick to the indisputable facts of the original story and use those to create a hypothetical scenario. So instead of saying the black kid disrespected the white vet, we'll just say he responded to the white man's approach. The old man's being a vet is irrelevant because it's not why he's in D.C. and the black kid won't know the white man is a vet anyway.
Let's also recreate the setting and background leading up to the incident:

The BLM group is not demonstrating (their BLM march was earlier in the day on a different part of the Mall) and they're just waiting for their bus back to the hotel or back home.
The elderly white man is with a Jewish group demonstrating for awareness of some Jewish something or other and happens to be a veteran.
There's a KKK or white supremacist group between them that's been heckling both groups all day.
The BLM group responds to the heckling and wish to drown out the racist rhetoric coming from the KKK group by say, singing or maybe chanting some BLM phrase or slogan.
The elderly white man hears the commotion, sees the BLM hats and decides to approach them to defuse the situation, in spite of the fact that the BLM group is not addressing him or his group or interacted with them at all.
The white man approaches one black kid in particular and starts to perform a Jewish prayer, ritualistically bowing inches from the boy's face.
The black kid does not understand why the old man is there and decides to do and say nothing so as not to exacerbate the situation and just stands there and smiles.
The BLM kids are now circling around the old white man to get a better view and perhaps try to understand what the hell he's doing there.
The old man is now uncomfortable and disingenuously tells the media later that he "found" himself in a hairy situation and felt threatened, in spite of the fact that he put himself there.

Given all this, I would lay the blame squarely on the old white man. He had no business there and it was disrespectful of him to get in the kid's face without cause or provocation. As for the black kid, I can't think of one reason to criticize him when he was minding his own business, said not a word and did nothing but smile.

Maybe if I tried I could think of something to hate him for. I know, he's Catholic and pro-life! Yeah, that's the ticket! He's a misogynistic Little Catholic Black Bastard who had the gall to smile when an old white man (who later turned out to be a veteran - a plus for our side) got in his face. There, signed, stamped and available for use by anyone looking for a reason to hate the black kid. Take it and run with it and gleefully spread the misplaced animus with impunity.

Your go-to argument in any discussion is racism.

These people - the poor, undisciplined and unprincipled members of minority communities are not poor, undisciplined and unprincipled because they're minorities. They are this way because they allowed ennui, laziness and a sense of entitlement from the white man to infect their communities. It is not endemic to their race or skin color, neither was it inevitable and it doesn't have to be this way.

Yup, more racism from an entitled white person. They just want them welfare dollars... you keep telling yourself that.

What did I just say you idiot? I just told you they are not this way because of their skin color or race. This is exactly what I'm talking about. Even if I specifically point out that their race and skin color are irrelevant, you have to make it about race. You just can't help yourself, can you?

This does not say anything about why Europeans have fewer abortions, it only says they have fewer abortions. Your contention that free shit is the reason for this is just an opinion and the graph alone does not support this.

Yes, that was a shithouse lawyer tactic. The Thing Speaks for Itself. When you have free health care, free contraception and strong social policies, you have less abortions. This is established.

No, it is not established. That is your opinion. The graph only shows that Europe has fewer abortions. It does not explain why white women have comparatively fewer unwanted pregnancies and abortions than black and Hispanic women in the U.S. And no, it's not because white women can better afford contraceptives. Even if that were the case, it begs the question as to why poor men and women of color are so reckless with their sexual activities just because they can ill afford contraceptives. It's like saying that if one can't afford tobacco cessation drugs or procedures, one just keeps smoking and then blames the white man and government when he gets lung cancer. It's ridiculous.

Here's the difference between you and me: You see these people as helpless, undisciplined children that can't survive and thrive without help from the white man and the government. Whereas I see them as capable adults responsible for their own choices. I think, hell, I know, the poor minority communities are capable of thriving and I wish they did.

Uh, yeah, guy, we broke both of their legs and said, "Lean on me". They don't thrive because we have 400 years of institutionalized racism holding them back.

Tell that to successful black people who came from poor backgrounds like Oprah Winfrey.
You need to watch the entire video.

That guy walked all the way across the area to bang a drum in the face of a high school kid because he was too chicken shit to bang his drum in the face of an adult black man

I didn't watch the video.... He confronted smirking little Nazis wearing MAGA hats and chanting "Build the Wall".

The kid wasn't "smirking" until the asshole got in his face you fucking idiot. You would know this if you had watched the video.
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