Supreme Court Allows Sandy Hook Families' Case Against Remington Arms To Proceed

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Melodrama much? Asshole, mandatory immigration detention was authorized and started by Bill Clinton (Democrat) in 1996. For the next two years the number of immigrants in detention nearly doubled under his administration. By 2008 the number had reached over 30,000 under Bush Jr.. Trump is not doing any more than past presidents did.

Bush and Clinton didn't create concentration camps for these people like Trump did where they are denied even personal hygeine products. Also should point out that under Clinton, we had a million border apprehensions a year, compared to when the Fuhrer took office, it was down to 300K. No need for vicious tactics.

Other than to be a prick to be a prick's sake.

Great, let 'em do it their way if it works for them. I don't think it would work well here and they proved that with the way they fucked up the VA hospitals with the way they ran them.

The only thing that caused a problem for VA hosptials is Bush got us into a 19 year war and then cut funding to them. Before Bush fucked it up, the VA had the best record for a public system.

If they're working, what the fuck are you bitching about?

That they can't put food on the table or a roof over their heads. This goes for poor white trash with MAGA hats as well.

You can't force businesses to hand out jobs they can't afford or don't want. And beyond minimum wage, you can't force them to pay a certain amount.

Sure we can. We can raise minimum wage. If businesses can't pay a fair wage, then we start government programs to do the same functions and they pay a good wage. This isn't complicated. The Europeans have already figured this out.
Funny, when I mentioned that more people are killed in car accidents than by firearms, you dismissed it out of hand. You are a craven hypocrite.

We need cars. We don't need guns. That a lot of cops drive like maniacs chasing speeders and get killed is also part of the problem.

How many were armed? I'll bet you have no fucking idea and I'll also bet you won't bother to find out.

933 were shot by police in 2019. Only half of them had guns. (539). Supposedly. I'm sure a lot of them were "found" with weapons after they were dead.

The cops shot a mountain Lion here in Chicago a couple of years ago, and a columnist joked the cops put a gun in his paw.
"That won't be necessary this time, Clancy!"
Melodrama much? Asshole, mandatory immigration detention was authorized and started by Bill Clinton (Democrat) in 1996. For the next two years the number of immigrants in detention nearly doubled under his administration. By 2008 the number had reached over 30,000 under Bush Jr.. Trump is not doing any more than past presidents did.

Bush and Clinton didn't create concentration camps for these people like Trump did where they are denied even personal hygeine products. Also should point out that under Clinton, we had a million border apprehensions a year, compared to when the Fuhrer took office, it was down to 300K. No need for vicious tactics.

Other than to be a prick to be a prick's sake.

Do you think these people are appearing out of thin air? They are coming here from their homes where they have hygiene products and everything else they need. They can bring their own hygiene products for Christ's sake or they can just STAY HOME. Nobody's forcing them to come here.

Here's the thing, you want free health care, which means it is provided by the government and funded with taxes. But you want us to just allow people to cross our borders undocumented and not have them pay their fair share of taxes to help fund the health care system or any other government-provided service. The government would have to raise our taxes to continue to provide health care to the added people not contributing to it.

Illegal immigrants are a drain on the system to the tune of $116 billion dollars a year, according to a 2017 report by the Immigration Reform Law Institute. What's more, many of these people not paying taxes are sending the money they make to their families in their home countries. According to a Forbes article published in April of 2019, immigrants sent $148 billion dollars to their home countries in 2017. That's $148 billion dollars of income that was not taxed and will not be spent on American products and services which would in turn bolster the economy of the country they chose to enter illegally.

Great, let 'em do it their way if it works for them. I don't think it would work well here and they proved that with the way they fucked up the VA hospitals with the way they ran them.

The only thing that caused a problem for VA hosptials is Bush got us into a 19 year war and then cut funding to them. Before Bush fucked it up, the VA had the best record for a public system.

Irrelevant. The point is, you fell over yourself scrambling to defend a veteran who placed himself in a situation where he had to experience - *gasp* - the horror of a smiling teenager, but I'm betting you probably never said or did squat about the VA hospital situation. Even if you did, you probably did not lavish the kind of contempt for them that you reserved for the white Catholic kid. Tell me I'm wrong.

If they're working, what the fuck are you bitching about?

That they can't put food on the table or a roof over their heads. This goes for poor white trash with MAGA hats as well.

So they have jobs and government assistance but can't buy food and don't have homes? That's quite a stretch.

You can't force businesses to hand out jobs they can't afford or don't want. And beyond minimum wage, you can't force them to pay a certain amount.

Sure we can. We can raise minimum wage. If businesses can't pay a fair wage, then we start government programs to do the same functions and they pay a good wage. This isn't complicated. The Europeans have already figured this out.

It's not as simple as raising minimum wage. If they do that, more businesses are going to lay off full time employees and hire part time because they can't afford the insurance and benefits. It's happening already.
Funny, when I mentioned that more people are killed in car accidents than by firearms, you dismissed it out of hand. You are a craven hypocrite.

We need cars. We don't need guns. That a lot of cops drive like maniacs chasing speeders and get killed is also part of the problem.

I didn't say anything about cops dying in the line of duty. I'm talking about cops being murdered, dumbass. With that many officers being killed each year, it's no wonder some are jumpy and panic.

How many were armed? I'll bet you have no fucking idea and I'll also bet you won't bother to find out.

933 were shot by police in 2019. Only half of them had guns. (539). Supposedly. I'm sure a lot of them were "found" with weapons after they were dead.

Where are you getting the 539 number from? I don't see it in the article you linked. And the Washington Post is so far left, I take what they say with a grain of salt.

The cops shot a mountain Lion here in Chicago a couple of years ago, and a columnist joked the cops put a gun in his paw.
"That won't be necessary this time, Clancy!"

A mountain lion? Really? Are you seriously suggesting they should have tried to physically subdue and handcuff a mountain lion? Jesus.
Illegal immigrants are a drain on the system to the tune of $116 billion dollars a year, according to a 2017 report by the Immigration Reform Law Institute. What's more, many of these people not paying taxes are sending the money they make to their families in their home countries. According to a Forbes article published in April of 2019, immigrants sent $148 billion dollars to their home countries in 2017. That's $148 billion dollars of income that was not taxed and will not be spent on American products and services which would in turn bolster the economy of the country they chose to enter illegally.

Okay, this tired old canard again.

Undocumented immigrants are an economic boost for the country overall, because they do the jobs that Americans won't do.

I didn't say anything about cops dying in the line of duty. I'm talking about cops being murdered, dumbass. With that many officers being killed each year, it's no wonder some are jumpy and panic.

44 cops a year? Sorry, man, that's just not that big of a number to justify cases like Laquan McDonald or Tamir Rice or Sandra Bland.

Where are you getting the 539 number from? I don't see it in the article you linked. And the Washington Post is so far left, I take what they say with a grain of salt.

Sorry, the Daily Stormer doesn't cover this issue.

A mountain lion? Really? Are you seriously suggesting they should have tried to physically subdue and handcuff a mountain lion? Jesus.

Wow - you missed the joke entirely, didn't you? The joke, by Chicago Sun Times Neil Steinberg, was that the cops tried to plant a gun on the mountain lion because that's usually what they do when they shoot someone.
Undocumented immigrants are an economic boost for the country overall, because they do the jobs that Americans won't do.

Whatever benefit this country can get from immigrants should be accomplished through legal immigration. Our nation should enact and enforce policies which allow foreigners to legally enter and be presenting our country, in accordance with what is in the best interests of this country and its rightful citizens.

Nothing about any potential benefit from immigration justifies surrendering our nation's security and sovereignty to gangs of invading foreign criminals, nor in treasonously giving any kind of aid, comfort, or even tolerance to these invaders or to any traitors who take their side.

Any American citizen who knowingly assists such invaders—especially corrupt public servants who abuse the powers of their positions to do so—should be arrested, tried for treason, and on conviction, be either put to death, or thrown in prison for life with no possibility of parole.

Filthy traitors, who take the side of foreign invaders against that of their own country and of their own fellow Americans, are the very lowest of criminals, and should be treated accordingly.
Illegal immigrants are a drain on the system to the tune of $116 billion dollars a year, according to a 2017 report by the Immigration Reform Law Institute. What's more, many of these people not paying taxes are sending the money they make to their families in their home countries. According to a Forbes article published in April of 2019, immigrants sent $148 billion dollars to their home countries in 2017. That's $148 billion dollars of income that was not taxed and will not be spent on American products and services which would in turn bolster the economy of the country they chose to enter illegally.

Okay, this tired old canard again.

Undocumented immigrants are an economic boost for the country overall, because they do the jobs that Americans won't do.

Not good enough. If you and they want free health care then they're going to have to pay their fair share to get it.

You know who benefits from illegal immigrant workers? Those rich assholes you hate so much. It's a win-win for the rich assholes and the illegals because the rich guys get cheap labor and the illegals get income they don't pay taxes on. In the meantime, the rest of us are paying taxes to provide them with government services.

Fuck that shit. If overcrowded detention centers is what it takes to cut down on that illegal shit, keep cramming them in there. That or turn them away. As you can plainly see, we have our own problems. What with people wanting to feed seventeen year old kids into a wood chipper because they had no fucking clue what really happened.

I didn't say anything about cops dying in the line of duty. I'm talking about cops being murdered, dumbass. With that many officers being killed each year, it's no wonder some are jumpy and panic.

44 cops a year? Sorry, man, that's just not that big of a number to justify cases like Laquan McDonald or Tamir Rice or Sandra Bland.

It's not a fucking contest you idiot.

Where are you getting the 539 number from? I don't see it in the article you linked. And the Washington Post is so far left, I take what they say with a grain of salt.

Sorry, the Daily Stormer doesn't cover this issue.

I don't even know what the Daily Stormer is. And you didn't answer the question: where did you get the 539 number from?

A mountain lion? Really? Are you seriously suggesting they should have tried to physically subdue and handcuff a mountain lion? Jesus.

Wow - you missed the joke entirely, didn't you? The joke, by Chicago Sun Times Neil Steinberg, was that the cops tried to plant a gun on the mountain lion because that's usually what they do when they shoot someone.

Sounds like this Steinberg is a moron.
Sorry, the Daily Stormer doesn't cover this issue.
I don't even know what the Daily Stormer is.

I'd never even heard of the Daily Stormer until some discussion, some months back, where some piece of LIbEral filth persisted in repeatedly suggesting that it was the source from which I and the other sane people in the conversation were getting all the points with which that LIbEral disagreed.

It turns out to be some rather extreme neo-nazi/white supremacist web site, that none of us would ever have cited or in any way treated as credible.

And interestingly, though it wasn't he who initiated that lie, look who it is that repeated it very shortly after I responded to it, followed by one of his usual bigoted and completely irrelevant digs at my religion.

I don't see anyone crying because you mislabeled his favorite web site.
What I see, here, is you flat-out willfully, deliberately lying, and P@triot calling you on it.
Nobody here has cited the Daily Stormer. I don't think I ever even heard of the Daily Stormer until you falsely accused P@triot of citing it here in this thread. Having now had a look at that site, it's clearly not the sort of site that P@triot nor any other sane person is likely to be citing as any kind of credible source on any topic.
Half you nuts take your talking points off the Daily Stormer.
For those playing along at home, Bob belongs to a Cult that calls dark skin a curse from God.

A funny thing about JoeB131, as fond as he is of falsely accusing everyone else of bigotry, is how, even while doing so, he just cannot help waving his own bigotry around for everyone to see. No self-awareness at all.
Whatever benefit this country can get from immigrants should be accomplished through legal immigration. Our nation should enact and enforce policies which allow foreigners to legally enter and be presenting our country, in accordance with what is in the best interests of this country and its rightful citizens.

The problem with that is that your side has opposed common sense immigration reform since the 1990's. Even the very sensible bill that John McCain and George W. Bush proposed. (Ah, remember when Republicans weren't a bunch of racist nazis?)

Nothing about any potential benefit from immigration justifies surrendering our nation's security and sovereignty to gangs of invading foreign criminals, nor in treasonously giving any kind of aid, comfort, or even tolerance to these invaders or to any traitors who take their side.

Oooooh, invaders. Hey, guy, invaders come with tanks and bombs and want to take your stuff. Undocumented immigrants come in with families and do shitty jobs you don't want to do.

Any American citizen who knowingly assists such invaders—especially corrupt public servants who abuse the powers of their positions to do so—should be arrested, tried for treason, and on conviction, be either put to death, or thrown in prison for life with no possibility of parole.

Wow- such anger... Hey, Mormon Bob, tell us again what a good Christian you are, that shit never gets old.

Filthy traitors, who take the side of foreign invaders against that of their own country and of their own fellow Americans, are the very lowest of criminals, and should be treated accordingly.

Again, Bob, it's fun to watch you spew and anger.

150 years ago, some bigoted POS like you said this about the Irish
100 years ago, some bigoted POS like you said this about the Germans. It's why no one has pronounced my family name correction in 90 years. (We had to "Americanize" the pronunciation)
50 years ago, some bigoted POS like you said this about the Polish. I'm still old enough to remember Pollock jokes being a thing.
Now you fume about the Mexicans...

I'd never even heard of the Daily Stormer until some discussion, some months back, where some piece of LIbEral filth persisted in repeatedly suggesting that it was the source from which I and the other sane people in the conversation were getting all the points with which that LIbEral disagreed.

It turns out to be some rather extreme neo-nazi/white supremacist web site, that none of us would ever have cited or in any way treated as credible.

But oddly, you all say the same kinds of things... why is that?

A funny thing about JoeB131, as fond as he is of falsely accusing everyone else of bigotry, is how, even while doing so, he just cannot help waving his own bigotry around for everyone to see. No self-awareness at all.

Not at all. Either Joseph Smith was talking to God, or he was a two-bit conman who wanted to fuck little girls. If you are dumb enough to believe the former, even when presented with history, then you've made a CHOICE. I don't despise your cult for who you are, I despise you for what you believe. The fact that you just spent a whole thread wanting to put people to DEATH for merely not going along with Trump's Nazi tactics says a lot about you.
Fuck that shit. If overcrowded detention centers is what it takes to cut down on that illegal shit, keep cramming them in there. That or turn them away. As you can plainly see, we have our own problems. What with people wanting to feed seventeen year old kids into a wood chipper because they had no fucking clue what really happened.

I'm sure there were Germans in 1940 who said the same thing about Buchenwald and "solving" the Jewish problem.

It's not a fucking contest you idiot.

Oh, but it is. We have WAAAAAYYYY to many cases of cops whipping out their guns and blasting away. Now, if there were hundreds of cops being killed, I could see that. But there aren't. What we do have are kids being killed playing with toys, guys being shot in their living room because some Cop got distracted and got off on the wrong floor, babies being burned by explosive ordnance because they got the address wrong.

I don't even know what the Daily Stormer is. And you didn't answer the question: where did you get the 539 number from?

It was in the WaPo Link, on one of the pull-downs.. look, guy, I'm not doing your research for you.

Sounds like this Steinberg is a moron.

Neil Steinberg

Neil Steinberg is a columnist on staff at the Chicago Sun-Times. He has also written for Esquire, Granta, Rolling Stone, Forbes, Sports Illustrated, the Washington Post, the New York Daily News and many other publications. He writes daily on his aptly named blog Every Goddamn Day. The author of eight books, his most recent is Out of the Wreck I Rise: A literary companion to recovery, written with Sara Bader and published by the University of Chicago Press in 2016.
A funny thing about JoeB131, as fond as he is of falsely accusing everyone else of bigotry, is how, even while doing so, he just cannot help waving his own bigotry around for everyone to see. No self-awareness at all.
Not at all. Either Joseph Smith was talking to God, or he was a two-bit conman who wanted to fuck little girls. If you are dumb enough to believe the former, even when presented with history, then you've made a CHOICE. I don't despise your cult for who you are, I despise you for what you believe. The fact that you just spent a whole thread wanting to put people to DEATH for merely not going along with Trump's Nazi tactics says a lot about you.

Quod erat demonstrandum.

Not even a hint of self-awareness.
I'm sure there were Germans in 1940 who said the same thing about Buchenwald and "solving" the Jewish problem.

The Nazis were never about defending their own country from foreign invaders. They were about purging their country of those who had as much right to be there, but who the Nazis regarded as less than human. In fact, about whom they had exactly the same attitude that you have about some of your own fellow Americans…
Fetuses aren't people, and women who don't want to be pregnant will find a way to end their pregnancies no matter what the law is.

Before you go invoking Godwin's Law, you might want to consider a proverb about glass houses and flying rocks.
Fuck that shit. If overcrowded detention centers is what it takes to cut down on that illegal shit, keep cramming them in there. That or turn them away. As you can plainly see, we have our own problems. What with people wanting to feed seventeen year old kids into a wood chipper because they had no fucking clue what really happened.

I'm sure there were Germans in 1940 who said the same thing about Buchenwald and "solving" the Jewish problem.

Grow up, this is a specious comparison. The Jews didn't have a choice, these people do. They choose to come here, they choose to stay in the detention centers and they have the choice to leave. What's more, they know by now that the detention centers are crowded and they choose to come anyway. Also, the people that choose to come here are either sent back or granted asylum and allowed into the country after they've been processed.

Reductio ad Hitlerum. The Hitler and Nazis comparison is a fallacy and is a sign that you've lost the argument.

It's not a fucking contest you idiot.

Oh, but it is. We have WAAAAAYYYY to many cases of cops whipping out their guns and blasting away. Now, if there were hundreds of cops being killed, I could see that. But there aren't. What we do have are kids being killed playing with toys, guys being shot in their living room because some Cop got distracted and got off on the wrong floor, babies being burned by explosive ordnance because they got the address wrong.

How many cops have to be murdered in the line of duty before they should be concerned about being murdered in the line of duty? Again, this is not a contest and I'm not making comparisons. I'm saying that as an officer, there is a real possibility some suspect may suddenly pull a gun and kill you. Therefore, some officers panic. It's not that complicated.

I don't even know what the Daily Stormer is. And you didn't answer the question: where did you get the 539 number from?

It was in the WaPo Link, on one of the pull-downs.. look, guy, I'm not doing your research for you.

Then why did you post the link at all?

Sounds like this Steinberg is a moron.

Neil Steinberg

Neil Steinberg is a columnist on staff at the Chicago Sun-Times. He has also written for Esquire, Granta, Rolling Stone, Forbes, Sports Illustrated, the Washington Post, the New York Daily News and many other publications. He writes daily on his aptly named blog Every Goddamn Day. The author of eight books, his most recent is Out of the Wreck I Rise: A literary companion to recovery, written with Sara Bader and published by the University of Chicago Press in 2016.

If he - even in jest - alludes to officers planting guns, he simply reinforces the anti-police sentiment sweeping the country and makes their job that much more difficult and dangerous. He's a moron.
Quod erat demonstrandum.

Not even a hint of self-awareness.

Couldn't even answer my point, could you? YOu've made a choice to belong to a cult... deal with it.

The Nazis were never about defending their own country from foreign invaders. They were about purging their country of those who had as much right to be there, but who the Nazis regarded as less than human. In fact, about whom they had exactly the same attitude that you have about some of your own fellow Americans…

Before you go invoking Godwin's Law, you might want to consider a proverb about glass houses and flying rocks

Fetuses aren't people under the law, Mormon Bob. And a good thing, too, as they would have more rights than the woman they are inside if they did.

But getting back to Hitler, what he said about the Jews and what you say about Mexican Americans... really no fucking difference Arguing over who owns the land or who has the right to be here is like two fleas arguing over who owns the dog they are on.

The reality is, we STOLE half the country from Mexico... and you are bitching because they are reasserting themselves?
Grow up, this is a specious comparison. The Jews didn't have a choice, these people do. They choose to come here, they choose to stay in the detention centers and they have the choice to leave. What's more, they know by now that the detention centers are crowded and they choose to come anyway. Also, the people that choose to come here are either sent back or granted asylum and allowed into the country after they've been processed.

Reductio ad Hitlerum. The Hitler and Nazis comparison is a fallacy and is a sign that you've lost the argument.

YOu realize that exterminating them wasn't Hitler's original plan, right. The plan was to relocate them outside the Reich. The idea of encouraging them to leave by making where they were more miserable than the place they wanted to send them kind of does have a familiar ring.

How many cops have to be murdered in the line of duty before they should be concerned about being murdered in the line of duty? Again, this is not a contest and I'm not making comparisons. I'm saying that as an officer, there is a real possibility some suspect may suddenly pull a gun and kill you. Therefore, some officers panic. It's not that complicated.

It's their job to NOT panic. If they are prone to panic, I don't want them to be cops.

If he - even in jest - alludes to officers planting guns, he simply reinforces the anti-police sentiment sweeping the country and makes their job that much more difficult and dangerous. He's a moron.

Neil Steinberg joking about what cops are doing isn't causing anti-police sentiment.

It's that cops are shooting innocent people and largely not getting held accountable.

If people in Chicago have an anti-Police Sentiment, it's because they saw a video of LaQuan McDonald being shot 16 times when he was lying on the ground. NOT because they read a kind of funny joke that Neil wrote in his column.
The fact that you just spent a whole thread wanting to put people to DEATH for merely not going along with Trump's Nazi tactics says a lot about you.

What you call “Trump's Nazi tactics” is his desire, and attempt to enact policies, which enforce this nation's laws, and defend this nation against hostile foreign invasion.

To side with foreign invaders, to give them aid, comfort and support, exactly meets the definition of treason, as found in Article III, Section 3 of the Constitution.

Treason is a capital crime, legitimately punishable by death.

It says a lot about you, that you openly, treasonously take the side of hostile foreign invaders, against that of your own country and of your own fellow Americans.
Fetuses aren't people under the law, Mormon Bob. And a good thing, too, as they would have more rights than the woman they are inside if they did.

Jews and other “undesirables” weren't people under the law, in Nazi Germany. Blacks and Indians weren't people under the law even in the early history of this country.

You're just as wrong as they were.

But getting back to Hitler, what he said about the Jews and what you say about Mexican Americans... really no fucking difference Arguing over who owns the land or who has the right to be here is like two fleas arguing over who owns the dog they are on.

Invading foreign criminals are not Americans.

And I have nothing against, and have never said anything against legitimate “Mexican-Americans”. I have nothing against anyone who enters and remains in this country legally, in accordance with our laws.

But unlike you, I am not a piece of subhuman traitorous shit, who betrays my country and my fellow Americans, by siding with foreign criminals who illegally invade our country.
Grow up, this is a specious comparison. The Jews didn't have a choice, these people do. They choose to come here, they choose to stay in the detention centers and they have the choice to leave. What's more, they know by now that the detention centers are crowded and they choose to come anyway. Also, the people that choose to come here are either sent back or granted asylum and allowed into the country after they've been processed.

Reductio ad Hitlerum. The Hitler and Nazis comparison is a fallacy and is a sign that you've lost the argument.

YOu realize that exterminating them wasn't Hitler's original plan, right. The plan was to relocate them outside the Reich. The idea of encouraging them to leave by making where they were more miserable than the place they wanted to send them kind of does have a familiar ring.

Bullshit, irrelevant and fallacious analogy. Again, the choice is entirely theirs to either stay in the crowded detention center or leave. Also, the purpose of the detention center is a place for them to wait while being processed. Always has been. It's crowded because immigration law is being enforced and there are so many of them.

Immigration law needs to be enforced and your snowflake sensitivities are immaterial to that end.

How many cops have to be murdered in the line of duty before they should be concerned about being murdered in the line of duty? Again, this is not a contest and I'm not making comparisons. I'm saying that as an officer, there is a real possibility some suspect may suddenly pull a gun and kill you. Therefore, some officers panic. It's not that complicated.

It's their job to NOT panic. If they are prone to panic, I don't want them to be cops.

What if they're prone to detest a seventeen year old for smiling? Would they be justified in panicking then? I mean, you panicked so I would think you'd be a little more understanding.

If he - even in jest - alludes to officers planting guns, he simply reinforces the anti-police sentiment sweeping the country and makes their job that much more difficult and dangerous. He's a moron.

Neil Steinberg joking about what cops are doing isn't causing anti-police sentiment.

I didn't say it caused it, I said it reinforces it, and it does.

Can you tell me that you don't view the entire law enforcement community with distrust? Are you one to immediately assume that when there's a cop shooting that he panicked or was racist? Or do you wait for the results of the inquiry? Be honest.

It's that cops are shooting innocent people and largely not getting held accountable.

If people in Chicago have an anti-Police Sentiment, it's because they saw a video of LaQuan McDonald being shot 16 times when he was lying on the ground. NOT because they read a kind of funny joke that Neil wrote in his column.

The anti-police sentiment is nationwide, not just Chicago. This sentiment has been directly responsible for the assassination of police officers. Remember Baton Rouge? It has also contributed to people harassing officers while they are in the due process of enforcing the law and arresting people. It has also resulted in people being unnecessarily belligerent and uncooperative for no reason other than they are cops.
Jews and other “undesirables” weren't people under the law, in Nazi Germany. Blacks and Indians weren't people under the law even in the early history of this country.

You're just as wrong as they were.

Actually, no. That was never a part of German law, even under the Nazis. Fetuses have never been people under American law.

Invading foreign criminals are not Americans.

And I have nothing against, and have never said anything against legitimate “Mexican-Americans”. I have nothing against anyone who enters and remains in this country legally, in accordance with our laws.

But unlike you, I am not a piece of subhuman traitorous shit, who betrays my country and my fellow Americans, by siding with foreign criminals who illegally invade our country.

Again, guy, your boy is going after people who have been here for decades, some of whom are legitimate immigrants, some of whom were even born here. My neighbor, for instance, was born in Texas, but they tried to claim that her birth documents were forged. This is the shit your Nazis are bringing to our country.

What you call “Trump's Nazi tactics” is his desire, and attempt to enact policies, which enforce this nation's laws, and defend this nation against hostile foreign invasion.

To side with foreign invaders, to give them aid, comfort and support, exactly meets the definition of treason, as found in Article III, Section 3 of the Constitution.

Treason is a capital crime, legitimately punishable by death.

It says a lot about you, that you openly, treasonously take the side of hostile foreign invaders, against that of your own country and of your own fellow Americans.

Uh, guy, let's not forget, your Fucking Cult tried to carve out it's own country in 1857.

Utah War - Wikipedia

If there are any traitorous pieces of shit, it was this child molesting piece of shit. .

Bullshit, irrelevant and fallacious analogy. Again, the choice is entirely theirs to either stay in the crowded detention center or leave. Also, the purpose of the detention center is a place for them to wait while being processed. Always has been. It's crowded because immigration law is being enforced and there are so many of them.

Immigration law needs to be enforced and your snowflake sensitivities are immaterial to that end.

For what it costs to put them in a concentration camp, you could put them in a nice hotel. What we were doing before was just fine, most of them stayed with friends and showed up to their hearings.

What if they're prone to detest a seventeen year old for smiling? Would they be justified in panicking then? I mean, you panicked so I would think you'd be a little more understanding.

If a cop shot Smirky McBitchslap, that would be wrong, too. Thinking he's a little entitled punk isn't panicking. Man, talk about White Privilege Butthurt...

I didn't say it caused it, I said it reinforces it, and it does.

Can you tell me that you don't view the entire law enforcement community with distrust? Are you one to immediately assume that when there's a cop shooting that he panicked or was racist? Or do you wait for the results of the inquiry? Be honest.

Here's the thing. 99% of cops are great guys... but they tend to protect the 1% who aren't. Pretty much like any profession, you have people who should have picked something else on Career Day. Unlike other professions, they don't get rid of the bad apples.

Take the officer who shot LaQuan McDonald. The other cops on the scene didn't whip out their guns and shoot him. They did all file false reports indicating the kid was more of a threat than he actually was. They went to neighboring buildings and erased video evidence. The Police Department up to the Superintendent signed off on the"official" story until someone got a hold of the video tape from one of the police cars that wasn't erased. the FOP went to the mattresses for this guy, spending millions on his defense. The City tried to keep it quiet by paying off the family. .

This cop had 20 complaints by civilians for excessive force prior to this, including one incident where he dislocated a suspect's shoulder and the city had to pay out $375,000.00 in damages. The City of Chicago paid out $180 MILLION in settling police misconduct lawsuits in 2018.

The anti-police sentiment is nationwide, not just Chicago. This sentiment has been directly responsible for the assassination of police officers. Remember Baton Rouge? It has also contributed to people harassing officers while they are in the due process of enforcing the law and arresting people. It has also resulted in people being unnecessarily belligerent and uncooperative for no reason other than they are cops.

Yes, the police have lost the trust of the community.

Here's the real problem. For years, minorities have rightly complained that police routinely abuse them in a way that white people aren't abused. And white people, being white people, dismissed that for years. Then everyone and his brother got a cell phone with a video camera on it, and now we are seeing how this shit played out.

Yes, anti-police sentiment is growing because we now get to see video of Michael Slager shooting Walter Scott in the back and then trying to plant a weapon on him. We get video of Brian Encinia escalating a bullshit traffic stop on Sandra Bland to an unjustified arrest that led to her death.

I also find it kind of amusing that you think that the shooting of cops is a "tragedy", when you right wing gun nuts INSIST that the reason you done needs you some guns is to fights the government, just like the Founding Fathers did. Well, who do cops work for? THE GOVERNMENT. What did you think that was going to look like?

Or is this another one of those rights you only think applies to White People?
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