Supreme Court Allows Sandy Hook Families' Case Against Remington Arms To Proceed

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Another important thing to remember here: Sandmann never complained about Phillips getting in his face and was not stressed about it and likely would have never made an issue of it.

No, he only started whining like a little entitled bitch when his face was plastered all over the news as "Entitled Little Bastard".

Then mommy and daddy got him image consultants and lawyers to make him look better.

They didn’t get image consultants because his face was plastered everywhere you fucking idiot. They got image consultants because dipshits like you spread hate and lies about him and wished violence against him. For smiling in reaction to a situation he did not initiate and was not responsible for in any way.
To make matters worse, you can’t even acknowledge that Phillips approached him and you believed things about him and the incident that are completely false. This makes your motives particularly pernicious.

He did not complain, he said nothing about the “scary red man”, he did not put it on social media, he did not hire image consultants, he did not call news outlets, he did not get a lawyer or call the cops. He smiled at the crazy old man, shrugged when it was over and went home. That’s it.

But you, Mr. Drooly McPussyflakeshitmypants, couldn’t resist the opportunity to jump on the Merry Bandwagon of Liberal Paranoia and revile a kid that you didn’t know over a situation you didn’t understand and wouldn’t even know about if another paranoid liberal, who also did not understand the situation, had not decided to plaster it all over the news.

If you haven’t guessed by now, this whole Sandmann thing disturbs me. Greatly. It disturbs me because, if liberals, in direct contradiction of their purported ethos of tolerance, won’t stop at wishing violence on a minor and spreading lies and half truths about him and continuing to spread lies about him even after the truth is known (I’m talking about you), for nothing more than smiling, then there is nothing they won’t do to suppress and squash different ideas, opinions and viewpoints.

What prompted his ire and that of his parents and the school was the way the mainstream media, social media and stupid fucks like you vilified and demonized him because some asshole chose to get in his face and then other assholes chose to make an issue of it, write headlined articles about it, blow it all out of proportion and make him out to be some kind of nazi.

He was wearing a MAGA hat, and protesting a woman's right to choose. That's what made him a Nazi.

He was wearing the hat and had participated in the pro-life march long before Phillips came along, correct?

You said: “Common sense, buddy, if you let the cops investigate themselves, they will always find themselves innocent.”

You set yourself up for that one like you always do because you always speak in terms of absolutes. And you speak in terms of absolutes because you think in terms of absolutes because it’s the only way you know how to think. Because of this, you hate all rich people, all Catholics, all pro-lifers, all conservatives, all white kids in private schools and now all cops.

You forgot "Snivelly, whiny bitches" as a group I hate. Because, man, are you a snivelly whiny bitch.

Says the guy who feels threatened by a smiling teenager.

Of course, the cops can't be trusted to police themselves. Even in a case like Guyger, they tried to demonize this innocent guy she shot because she was too confused to know what floor she was on after texting dirty messages with her partner.

You demonized a kid for smiling.

Bullshit. They tried to paint Brown as some innocent angel and he was anything but. A lot of the testimony came from people who were not even there and the whole “Hands up, don’t shoot” thing was completely bogus.

Yes, he pushed a clerk! And he smoked Pot. CLEARLY THE FUCKER NEEDED TO DIE!!!!! The only thing that was bogus was a DA acting like a defense attorney. But he's out of a job because he did.

“Hands up, don’t shoot” was complete bullshit. I’ll just bet you were one of the dupes that believed it.

Brown attacked a police officer, the officer defended himself. End of story.

Can I take that to mean that an officer would have made a more objective assessment of the Sandmann case than you did?

Naw, anyone would have wanted to punch his smirky little face.

The restraint would have been NOT punching him, because that would be excessive.

You just said officers should be held to a higher standard because they’re too quick to respond with violence but you wouldn’t have had a problem with an officer punching Sandmann. Hypocrite.

Accountability for what, exactly?

Being a racist, misogynistic little punk.

If he is a racist, misogynistic little punk, he’s not accountable to your lying racist chickenshit ass anyway.
From your position of abject intellectual dishonesty, extreme ignorance, and hatred, misrepresenting what my scriptures say and mean, and what my faith teaches, in order to make the claim that all Mormons are racist, therefore I must be racist, is nonsense.

Guy, your cult didn't admit black people to full membership until 1978, and that was only because the Government threatened to cut off your tax exemptions.

I challenge you to find one thing that I have written, on this forum or anywhere else, in which I express an opinion that anyone is superior or inferior to anyone else, or otherwise should be treated differently than anyone else, on the basis of their race. Just one.

You did in this very thread when you called them "Invaders" and called for people to be executed for opposing Trump's policies.

The only thing that the birth certificates prove is that there was some sort of fraud committed, with regard to misrepresenting where she was born; otherwise, there would be only one birth certificate. Which one of those birth certificates, if either, is legitimate will probably never be provable. At least one is certainly the product of intentional fraud, if not both.

Two problems with that statement. one is that it's that big of a deal. The second is holding someone accountable for fraud that was committed by someone else when she was a baby. But this is the shit Trump is pulling, not only going after undocumented immigrants, but going after documented immigrants and even US Citizens of Hispanic descent. Which you are probably fine with, given they are not "White and Delightsome"

It's a very far stretch from there, to apply the name to a young man for wearing a hat expressing support for the current President and his policies, or for standing up for the right of the most innocent and defenseless of all human beings to not be savagely slaughtered in cold blood.

Again, the only regime to live the Right Wing Wet Dream of executing people for performing abortions? You got it- NAZI GERMANY!!!!

You have a lot more in common than you think, Mormon Bob.
They didn’t get image consultants because his face was plastered everywhere you fucking idiot. They got image consultants because dipshits like you spread hate and lies about him and wished violence against him. For smiling in reaction to a situation he did not initiate and was not responsible for in any way.

For smirking and looking like kind of a douchebag... except he's still kind of a douchebag.

Here's what he should have said. "I'm sorry I was not respectful of other people and their space."

Done. Mike Drop.

Instead, he and his image consultants went around slandering this vet.

If you haven’t guessed by now, this whole Sandmann thing disturbs me. Greatly. It disturbs me because, if liberals, in direct contradiction of their purported ethos of tolerance, won’t stop at wishing violence on a minor and spreading lies and half truths about him and continuing to spread lies about him even after the truth is known (I’m talking about you), for nothing more than smiling, then there is nothing they won’t do to suppress and squash different ideas, opinions and viewpoints.

Obviously, you keep going on and on about it. But frankly, that's the world we live in now, buddy, with social media, viral posts and video cameras everywhere. I mean, it was easy for you racists to be racists when you could hide in a crowd, but when we can catch you with your Tiki Torches and your Maga hats and out you... OH MY GOD! you might actually have to work on being a decent human being or something.

Oh, given your tolerance for minors, I notice you guys have dumped all sorts of abuse on Greta Thurnberg...


“Hands up, don’t shoot” was complete bullshit. I’ll just bet you were one of the dupes that believed it.

Brown attacked a police officer, the officer defended himself. End of story.

You left out the part where he ran away, stopped, put his hands up and was shot 6 more times. You see, I don't have a problem with the first two non-fatal shots that were fired when they were fighting. AFTER the kid was running away, shooting him six more times- um, yeah, that's a problem.

This goes back to the whole "don't panic" thing I was talking about earlier. He should have assessed the situation and de-escalated it.

You just said officers should be held to a higher standard because they’re too quick to respond with violence but you wouldn’t have had a problem with an officer punching Sandmann. Hypocrite.

I wouldn't have a problem with anyone punching Sandmann... but shooting him would have been harsh. Knocking him on his ass would have been a life lesson.
I challenge you to find one thing that I have written, on this forum or anywhere else, in which I express an opinion that anyone is superior or inferior to anyone else, or otherwise should be treated differently than anyone else, on the basis of their race. Just one.

You did in this very thread when you called them "Invaders" and called for people to be executed for opposing Trump's policies.

As a matter of undeniable, objective fact, they •ARE• invaders. They are foreign nationals directly and willfully attacking the security and sovereignty of this country. Race has nothing to do with it. Their hostile, illegal acts against this country and its people have everything to do with it.

There is nothing racist about calling out invading foreign criminals for what they are, and desiring that my country and its people be defended against such invaders. And there is nothing racist about calling for our laws against treason, which is the highest crime that any American citizen can commit, be properly enforced with the appropriate penalty, which is death.

And again, what this all says about you is very damning. Namely, that you are, as I said before, a treasonous subhuman piece of shit, who willfully betrays your own country and your own countrymen, to take the side of foreign invaders.

The only thing that the birth certificates prove is that there was some sort of fraud committed, with regard to misrepresenting where she was born…

Two problems with that statement. one is that it's that big of a deal. The second is holding someone accountable for fraud that was committed by someone else when she was a baby. But this is the shit Trump is pulling, not only going after undocumented immigrants, but going after documented immigrants and even US Citizens of Hispanic descent. Which you are probably fine with, given they are not "White and Delightsome"

And again, you're the only one insisting that race has anything to do with it, revealing yourself to be the true racist.

NOBODY IS GOING AFTER U.S. CITIZENS, AS YOU CLAIM. NOBODY IS GOING AFTER LEGITIMATE IMMIGRANTS. The person in question, by her own admission, lived in Mexico all her life. The preponderance of evidence suggests that she is a Mexican citizen, and not a U.S. citizen. She has no right, whatsoever, to now come into the U.S., and demand to be recognized as a citizen, or even a legitimate non-citizen resident. And she has no right to benefit from a criminal act of fraud that was apparently committed on her behalf, while she was an infant; any more than the children of a ban robber are entitled to keep what their father stole.

It's a very far stretch from there, to apply the name to a young man for wearing a hat expressing support for the current President and his policies, or for standing up for the right of the most innocent and defenseless of all human beings to not be savagely slaughtered in cold blood.
Again, the only regime to live the Right Wing Wet Dream of executing people for performing abortions? You got it- NAZI GERMANY!!!!
You have a lot more in common than you think, Mormon Bob.
The death penalty is the appropriate penalty for the unmitigated, premeditated, and willful murder of an innocent person. And abortion is exactly that.

It takes the very lowest soulless subhuman piece of shit to value the life of a cold-blooded murderer more than you value the life of an innocent child.
No, guy they are immigrants... Just like my dad was, just like your ancestors where.

All of my ancestors came here legally, and immediately strove to become productive members of whatever society they found when they arrived. Not one of them deserved the foul insult of being likened to the invading foreign criminals whom you treasonously defend and support.

That was completely uncalled-for. I remind you that it is against this forum's rules to attack another forum member's family members.

And again, what this all says about you is very damning. Namely, that you are, as I said before, a treasonous subhuman piece of shit, who willfully betrays your own country and your own countrymen, to take the side of foreign invaders.

I would trust a Mexican long before I'd trust a Mormon...

It'd be more honest to say that you'd trust an invading foreign criminal before you'd trust one of your own fellow Americans. And what this tells us is about you, not about whomever you say you would or would not trust.


Um, yeah, they are... This woman had a legitimate US Birth certificate... no one had questioned it up to this point. It's not just this one woman.

Yes, and an at-least-equally “legitimate” Mexican birth certificate. And by her own admission, she grew up in Mexico, and lived there all her life.

Here's a hint: One cannot have two different legitimate birth certificates, listing two different nations in which one was born. At least one of her birth certificates, if both both, is fraudulent.

So what you are saying is we need to execute every woman who has ever had an abortion, then? I mean, this is what you just logically claimed, that anyone who gets an abortion is guilty of murder. This would be about 40 million women, so they are going to need to take a number.

Yes, and I stand by that.

The appropriate penalty for murdering an innocent human being in cold blood is to be put to death.

This only sounds crazy to you because you're a subhuman piece of shit who sympathizes more with a cold-blooded murderer than with the victim of that murderer.

Fetuses aren't people, abortion isn't murder…

It's funny that you keep gratuitously throwing “Nazi” around as an insult. The genuine Nazis were most notorious for a massive Final Solution” in which they defined certain classes of human beings as less than human, and on that basis, murdered extraordinary numbers of them.

Your denial, here, of the humanity of the very most innocent and defenseless of all human beings, and your defense of the savage murder of these human beings, is the most genuinely Nazi-like opinion that anyone has expressed in this thread, and likely on this entire forum.

…and I'd have some respect for you if you weren't all for throwing REAL children into concentration camps because they are darker than a lunch bag.

Again, you're the one making this about race. It has nothing to do with race.

I don't like what is happening to these children either. They are victims of illegal activity committed by the adults who were supposed to have been caring for them; who are dragging them along on an illegal invasion of a foreign country. It's beyond my own qualification to know what better our government is supposed to be doing with these children, given Congress' absolute refusal, not only to do anything about stopping them from being trafficked here as part of a foreign invasion, but also to allocate anything close to adequate funding to properly care for them once they've arrived.

And please don't insult my intelligence with that lie that you'd “respect” me if I agreed with you on one particular point (which, oddly, I might if I had a better understanding of what alternatives might actually exist). The only way you would ever respect me is if I was hateful, Godless, soulless piece of shit like yourself, with no conscience, who openly and unabashedly chooses evil always over good, madness always over reason.

To be “respected” by your kind would be the ultimate insult.
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They didn’t get image consultants because his face was plastered everywhere you fucking idiot. They got image consultants because dipshits like you spread hate and lies about him and wished violence against him. For smiling in reaction to a situation he did not initiate and was not responsible for in any way.

For smirking and looking like kind of a douchebag... except he's still kind of a douchebag.

What you think he looked like is irrelevant. He smiled so as not aggravate the old man because he had no idea why Phillips approached him.

Here's what he should have said. "I'm sorry I was not respectful of other people and their space."

Done. Mike Drop.

Why would he have said that?

Instead, he and his image consultants went around slandering this vet.


If you haven’t guessed by now, this whole Sandmann thing disturbs me. Greatly. It disturbs me because, if liberals, in direct contradiction of their purported ethos of tolerance, won’t stop at wishing violence on a minor and spreading lies and half truths about him and continuing to spread lies about him even after the truth is known (I’m talking about you), for nothing more than smiling, then there is nothing they won’t do to suppress and squash different ideas, opinions and viewpoints.

Obviously, you keep going on and on about it. But frankly, that's the world we live in now, buddy, with social media, viral posts and video cameras everywhere. I mean, it was easy for you racists to be racists when you could hide in a crowd, but when we can catch you with your Tiki Torches and your Maga hats and out you... OH MY GOD! you might actually have to work on being a decent human being or something.

Whatever I do to be a decent human being will be a fuck of a lot more than you do.

Oh, given your tolerance for minors, I notice you guys have dumped all sorts of abuse on Greta Thurnberg...

I’ve never said a word about Greta Thunberg to anyone.

“Hands up, don’t shoot” was complete bullshit. I’ll just bet you were one of the dupes that believed it.

Brown attacked a police officer, the officer defended himself. End of story.

You left out the part where he ran away, stopped, put his hands up and was shot 6 more times. You see, I don't have a problem with the first two non-fatal shots that were fired when they were fighting. AFTER the kid was running away, shooting him six more times- um, yeah, that's a problem.

Sorry, don’t buy it. The official DOJ report states that there was no evidence to support the claim that Brown put his hands up and ballistic and forensic evidence suggest that, as Wilson testified, Brown had turned around and was approaching him again when he fired at Brown from a distance of no more than two or three feet.

Brown fucked up when he attacked Wilson and tried to grab his weapon inside the police vehicle. Because of this, when Brown turned back and approached Wilson, Wilson by this time had reason to believe Brown meant to do harm and so he defended himself.

This goes back to the whole "don't panic" thing I was talking about earlier. He should have assessed the situation and de-escalated it.

He did assess the situation. He assessed the situation and determined that Brown was attempting to escalate the situation.

You just said officers should be held to a higher standard because they’re too quick to respond with violence but you wouldn’t have had a problem with an officer punching Sandmann. Hypocrite.

I wouldn't have a problem with anyone punching Sandmann... but shooting him would have been harsh. Knocking him on his ass would have been a life lesson.

You see, that’s the problem: Sandmann didn’t do anything to justify someone punching him. This is why attitudes like yours are disturbing.
All of my ancestors came here legally, and immediately strove to become productive members of whatever society they found when they arrived. Not one of them deserved the foul insult of being likened to the invading foreign criminals whom you treasonously defend and support.

Uh, your ancestors invaded Mexican Territory illegally, try to set up their own country, were slapped down by the US government, and then proceeded to displace the Native Americans in Utah. (I am assuming for the sake of this argument that you are a life long Mormon Cultist and not some poor fool who converted because a couple of idiots in white shirts showed up on your doorstep one day.)

Do you really want to recount the Mountain Meadows Massacre?

It'd be more honest to say that you'd trust an invading foreign criminal before you'd trust one of your own fellow Americans. And what this tells us is about you, not about whomever you say you would or would not trust.

Quite the contrary. WHen I was in the Army, the Hispanic guys always had your back. The Mormons were two-faced lying scum. First time I ever encountered members of your cult, had no idea of the crazy shit you actually believe, but man, what a bunch of back-stabbing lying weasels.

Yes, and an at-least-equally “legitimate” Mexican birth certificate. And by her own admission, she grew up in Mexico, and lived there all her life.

Here's a hint: One cannot have two different legitimate birth certificates, listing two different nations in which one was born. At least one of her birth certificates, if both both, is fraudulent.

Here's a hint... She had a legitimate US Birth certificate, as thousands of people being hassled by the Trump ICE Jackboots are now. Should be the end of the discussion.

Yes, and I stand by that.

The appropriate penalty for murdering an innocent human being in cold blood is to be put to death.

This only sounds crazy to you because you're a subhuman piece of shit who sympathizes more with a cold-blooded murderer than with the victim of that murderer.

Holy shit.. man, you are crazy. You would execute millions of women for ending their pregnancies... You see, this is why I'm a liberal... not because I have this vast concern for my fellow man, but because the kind of batshit crazy that would happen if you guys ever won.

It's funny that you keep gratuitously throwing “Nazi” around as an insult. The genuine Nazis were most notorious for a massive Final Solution” in which they defined certain classes of human beings as less than human, and on that basis, murdered extraordinary numbers of them.

Your denial, here, of the humanity of the very most innocent and defenseless of all human beings, and your defense of the savage murder of these human beings, is the most genuinely Nazi-like opinion that anyone has expressed in this thread, and likely on this entire forum.

Uh, guy, there was never a point in history where fetuses were considered "Human Beings". Even when Abortion was illegal, people were never charged with "Murder" for having them or performing them.

The difference between a Nazi and a woman who ends her pregnancy is that it's HER BODY. Her body, her choice.

I don't like what is happening to these children either. They are victims of illegal activity committed by the adults who were supposed to have been caring for them; who are dragging them along on an illegal invasion of a foreign country. It's beyond my own qualification to know what better our government is supposed to be doing with these children, given Congress' absolute refusal, not only to do anything about stopping them from being trafficked here as part of a foreign invasion, but also to allocate anything close to adequate funding to properly care for them once they've arrived.

Actually, what we were doing before was just fine. We released them into custody of other people in this country, most of them showed up for their hearings, and we either granted them asylum or we sent them back. (This if for refugees from Central America. Mexicans just get sent right back). Trump's goal is to mistreat these people to scare them into not wanting to come here to start with. It's an immoral policy.

And please don't insult my intelligence with that lie that you'd “respect” me if I agreed with you on one particular point (which, oddly, I might if I had a better understanding of what alternatives might actually exist). The only way you would ever respect me is if I was hateful, Godless, soulless piece of shit like yourself, with no conscience, who openly and unabashedly chooses evil always over good, madness always over reason.

Guy, why do you people equate "Godless" with "evil". Frankly, looking at history, the most evil fucks in history are religious folks, who think God is on their side. They've given us wars and inquisitions. Shit, it wasn't even the Atheists who chased your cult out of four states, it was those God Fearing Religious People who thought you were a weird sex cult.
What you think he looked like is irrelevant. He smiled so as not aggravate the old man because he had no idea why Phillips approached him.

Or he was smirking because his LECB buddies behind him were chanting "Build the Wall, Build the Wall"

Whatever I do to be a decent human being will be a fuck of a lot more than you do.

Then why are you terrified? I'm not worried that anyone is going to take pictures of me in public and post them on the internet and make me look like a smirking racist twat.

Why are you?

Sorry, don’t buy it. The official DOJ report states that there was no evidence to support the claim that Brown put his hands up and ballistic and forensic evidence suggest that, as Wilson testified, Brown had turned around and was approaching him again when he fired at Brown from a distance of no more than two or three feet.

Except that Brown was 149 feet away from the Police Cruiser when he fell and there were a trail of expended bullet casings.

Wilson executed Brown in cold blood because he could. That shit needs to stop.

You see, that’s the problem: Sandmann didn’t do anything to justify someone punching him. This is why attitudes like yours are disturbing.

No problem at all. A nice punch in the face would have taught Smirky McPunchface a life lesson about respecting people.
Actually, what we were doing before was just fine. We released them into custody of other people in this country, most of them showed up for their hearings, and we either granted them asylum or we sent them back. (This if for refugees from Central America. Mexicans just get sent right back). Trump's goal is to mistreat these people to scare them into not wanting to come here to start with. It's an immoral policy.

You only think that it's “immoral”, because you're a filthy traitorous anti-American subhuman piece of shit who openly sides with invading foreign criminals, against your country, and against your fellow Americans.

And given not only this, but a whole bunch of other evil, immoral, and outright evil crap which you openly defend and advocate, and given all the good that you condemn, you're not in any position to credibly tell others what is moral or immoral.
You only think that it's “immoral”, because you're a filthy traitorous anti-American subhuman piece of shit who openly sides with invading foreign criminals, against your country, and against your fellow Americans.

No, Bob... I just don't see people who want to come here for a better life as "the enemy" like you seem to. Nor do I see them as "Criminals". (Or at least not committing a crime that is all that seriously). They are exactly the same as my Grandparents were when they came her from Germany one step ahead of Hitler.

But just remember, terminating a blob of cells is murder, but throwing a kid into a concentration camp where she dies is okay... if she's brown.

And given not only this, but a whole bunch of other evil, immoral, and outright evil crap which you openly defend and advocate, and given all the good that you condemn, you're not in any position to credibly tell others what is moral or immoral.

Yes, guy... funny thing, your hatred of gay people isn't moral... it's just backwards.

in 50 years, even your cult will be running away from Homophobia. Your Prophet will have another conversation with God and find out that God is totally good with gays now.
What you think he looked like is irrelevant. He smiled so as not aggravate the old man because he had no idea why Phillips approached him.

Or he was smirking because his LECB buddies behind him were chanting "Build the Wall, Build the Wall"

As much as you would like to believe this, they were not chanting “Build the wall”. It’s as bogus as “Hands up, don’t shoot”.

Whatever I do to be a decent human being will be a fuck of a lot more than you do.

Then why are you terrified?

Where did I say I was terrified?

I'm not worried that anyone is going to take pictures of me in public and post them on the internet and make me look like a smirking racist twat.

Why are you?

Where did I say I was worried about my picture being on the internet? What the fuck are you talking about?

Let me reiterate because you seem incapable (as I’ve pointed out before) of discerning distinctions even when they are stated in plain English: It disturbs me that people like you will not stop short of demonizing a minor, believing and propagating lies and half truths about him and thinking that violence on your part is a proper and justifiable response to non violence on his part.

You and everyone else who criticized this kid acted like an angry mob. If there had been a stake, you would have burned him at it.

Sorry, don’t buy it. The official DOJ report states that there was no evidence to support the claim that Brown put his hands up and ballistic and forensic evidence suggest that, as Wilson testified, Brown had turned around and was approaching him again when he fired at Brown from a distance of no more than two or three feet.

Except that Brown was 149 feet away from the Police Cruiser when he fell and there were a trail of expended bullet casings.

Wilson executed Brown in cold blood because he could. That shit needs to stop.

He was 149 feet away from the cruiser because he was walking or running away, dumbass. His mistake was turning around and approaching Wilson again. This is when Wilson shot him.
As for the trail of casings, I don’t know about that and will have to read more of the DOJ report. But I will say that all the shots that hit Brown, hit him in the front.

Again, Brown fucked up. It was his choice to assault an officer. What happened from that point was pretty much inevitable and he had no one to blame but himself.

You see, that’s the problem: Sandmann didn’t do anything to justify someone punching him. This is why attitudes like yours are disturbing.

No problem at all. A nice punch in the face would have taught Smirky McPunchface a life lesson about respecting people.

Violence is not the answer to someone smiling. And Sandmann disrespected no one.

Can you explain to me why you think violence was unjustified in Brown’s case even though he assaulted the officer and tried to take his gun, but justified in Sandmann’s case when he did nothing more than smile?
As much as you would like to believe this, they were not chanting “Build the wall”. It’s as bogus as “Hands up, don’t shoot”.

Yes, and Trump doesn't say crazy stuff on twitter, either. Conservative Gaslighting at it's best, who ya gonna believe, me or your lying eyes?

Again, Brown fucked up. It was his choice to assault an officer. What happened from that point was pretty much inevitable and he had no one to blame but himself.

When we start throwing thug cops in jail for shooting innocent black children, this sort of shit will come to an end.

He was 149 feet away from the cruiser because he was walking or running away, dumbass. His mistake was turning around and approaching Wilson again. This is when Wilson shot him.

No, the mistake was Wilson's, escalating a situation over a petty offense into deadly force.
What you think he looked like is irrelevant. He smiled so as not aggravate the old man because he had no idea why Phillips approached him.

Or he was smirking because his LECB buddies behind him were chanting "Build the Wall, Build the Wall"

Whatever I do to be a decent human being will be a fuck of a lot more than you do.

Then why are you terrified? I'm not worried that anyone is going to take pictures of me in public and post them on the internet and make me look like a smirking racist twat.

Why are you?

Sorry, don’t buy it. The official DOJ report states that there was no evidence to support the claim that Brown put his hands up and ballistic and forensic evidence suggest that, as Wilson testified, Brown had turned around and was approaching him again when he fired at Brown from a distance of no more than two or three feet.

Except that Brown was 149 feet away from the Police Cruiser when he fell and there were a trail of expended bullet casings.

Wilson executed Brown in cold blood because he could. That shit needs to stop.

You see, that’s the problem: Sandmann didn’t do anything to justify someone punching him. This is why attitudes like yours are disturbing.

No problem at all. A nice punch in the face would have taught Smirky McPunchface a life lesson about respecting people.

You just make crap up.......brown attacked the officer and then charged him....Black witnesses to the attack stated this in the Grand Jury, you dope...
You just make crap up.......brown attacked the officer and then charged him....Black witnesses to the attack stated this in the Grand Jury, you dope...

You mean after the corrupt DA who was voted out of office threatened them if they didn't testify the way he wanted?
You just make crap up.......brown attacked the officer and then charged him....Black witnesses to the attack stated this in the Grand Jury, you dope...

You mean after the corrupt DA who was voted out of office threatened them if they didn't testify the way he wanted? was all a scam.....and only you know the truth......
All of my ancestors came here legally, and immediately strove to become productive members of whatever society they found when they arrived. Not one of them deserved the foul insult of being likened to the invading foreign criminals whom you treasonously defend and support.

Uh, your ancestors invaded Mexican Territory illegally, try to set up their own country, were slapped down by the US government, and then proceeded to displace the Native Americans in Utah. (I am assuming for the sake of this argument that you are a life long Mormon Cultist and not some poor fool who converted because a couple of idiots in white shirts showed up on your doorstep one day.)

Do you really want to recount the Mountain Meadows Massacre?

It'd be more honest to say that you'd trust an invading foreign criminal before you'd trust one of your own fellow Americans. And what this tells us is about you, not about whomever you say you would or would not trust.

Quite the contrary. WHen I was in the Army, the Hispanic guys always had your back. The Mormons were two-faced lying scum. First time I ever encountered members of your cult, had no idea of the crazy shit you actually believe, but man, what a bunch of back-stabbing lying weasels.

Yes, and an at-least-equally “legitimate” Mexican birth certificate. And by her own admission, she grew up in Mexico, and lived there all her life.

Here's a hint: One cannot have two different legitimate birth certificates, listing two different nations in which one was born. At least one of her birth certificates, if both both, is fraudulent.

Here's a hint... She had a legitimate US Birth certificate, as thousands of people being hassled by the Trump ICE Jackboots are now. Should be the end of the discussion.

Yes, and I stand by that.

The appropriate penalty for murdering an innocent human being in cold blood is to be put to death.

This only sounds crazy to you because you're a subhuman piece of shit who sympathizes more with a cold-blooded murderer than with the victim of that murderer.

Holy shit.. man, you are crazy. You would execute millions of women for ending their pregnancies... You see, this is why I'm a liberal... not because I have this vast concern for my fellow man, but because the kind of batshit crazy that would happen if you guys ever won.

It's funny that you keep gratuitously throwing “Nazi” around as an insult. The genuine Nazis were most notorious for a massive Final Solution” in which they defined certain classes of human beings as less than human, and on that basis, murdered extraordinary numbers of them.

Your denial, here, of the humanity of the very most innocent and defenseless of all human beings, and your defense of the savage murder of these human beings, is the most genuinely Nazi-like opinion that anyone has expressed in this thread, and likely on this entire forum.

Uh, guy, there was never a point in history where fetuses were considered "Human Beings". Even when Abortion was illegal, people were never charged with "Murder" for having them or performing them.

The difference between a Nazi and a woman who ends her pregnancy is that it's HER BODY. Her body, her choice.

I don't like what is happening to these children either. They are victims of illegal activity committed by the adults who were supposed to have been caring for them; who are dragging them along on an illegal invasion of a foreign country. It's beyond my own qualification to know what better our government is supposed to be doing with these children, given Congress' absolute refusal, not only to do anything about stopping them from being trafficked here as part of a foreign invasion, but also to allocate anything close to adequate funding to properly care for them once they've arrived.

Actually, what we were doing before was just fine. We released them into custody of other people in this country, most of them showed up for their hearings, and we either granted them asylum or we sent them back. (This if for refugees from Central America. Mexicans just get sent right back). Trump's goal is to mistreat these people to scare them into not wanting to come here to start with. It's an immoral policy.

And please don't insult my intelligence with that lie that you'd “respect” me if I agreed with you on one particular point (which, oddly, I might if I had a better understanding of what alternatives might actually exist). The only way you would ever respect me is if I was hateful, Godless, soulless piece of shit like yourself, with no conscience, who openly and unabashedly chooses evil always over good, madness always over reason.

Guy, why do you people equate "Godless" with "evil". Frankly, looking at history, the most evil fucks in history are religious folks, who think God is on their side. They've given us wars and inquisitions. Shit, it wasn't even the Atheists who chased your cult out of four states, it was those God Fearing Religious People who thought you were a weird sex cult.
In response to your claim in red-
Acting DHS Secretary Reveals Whopping Percentage of Migrants Don't Show for Their Court Hearings
Acting Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kevin McAleenan told the Senate Judiciary Committee during Tuesday’s hearing that 90 percent of asylum-seekers who come into the country are not to be seen again.
As much as you would like to believe this, they were not chanting “Build the wall”. It’s as bogus as “Hands up, don’t shoot”.

Yes, and Trump doesn't say crazy stuff on twitter, either. Conservative Gaslighting at it's best, who ya gonna believe, me or your lying eyes?

What does any of this have to do with Trump?

I’ve been going over the DOJ report and of all the witnesses that testified that Brown did not have his hands up, only one was white. In fact, even some of those who feel the shooting was not justified say that Brown never had his hands up. In addition, one of the black witnesses who testified that the shooting was justified is actually an ex con and even has a son currently in prison.

I haven’t finished reading the report (it’s 86 pages long) but so far I’ve read of two witnesses whose testimony contradicts Wilson’s account, later recanted and admitted to not having witnessed the shooting at all and said they only testified the way they did because they wanted to be involved. One even said “You’ve gotta live the life to know it” as a half assed justification for giving false testimony. Which suggests to me that they were only interested in railroading the white cop.

The report also states that a number of witnesses refused to come forward for fear of reprisal from the community and that some who did give a statement, did so only under condition of anonymity for the same reason.

Now why do you suppose they would fear community reprisal if not because their testimony would contradict that of their neighbors that the shooting was unjustified?

On top of all this, the Brown family hired a medical examiner to do an independent examination and his findings were consistent with the other MEs that forensic evidence supported Wilson’s account of events.

As for the “trail of casings”, the casings were all found where they would be if Wilson’s account is true. There’s nothing in the report to indicate there are any inconsistencies with the layout of the casings.

Again, Brown fucked up. It was his choice to assault an officer. What happened from that point was pretty much inevitable and he had no one to blame but himself.

When we start throwing thug cops in jail for shooting innocent black children, this sort of shit will come to an end.

Meaning, when we falsely accuse enough white cops, this shit will come to an end.

I’m not sitting here saying there are no unjustified shootings, there are. But it serves no one to assume before any inquiry or investigation that every shooting is unjustified. It also serves no one to assume that every inquiry that clears the officer is a cover up.

You can’t have it both ways; if you want more rigorous investigations of these shootings, you’re going to have to come to grips with the fact that some of these investigations will clear the officer and rule the shooting justified.

He was 149 feet away from the cruiser because he was walking or running away, dumbass. His mistake was turning around and approaching Wilson again. This is when Wilson shot him.

No, the mistake was Wilson's, escalating a situation over a petty offense into deadly force.

The deadly force came after Brown assaulted him in the cruiser and then later turning around and charging him. What’s more, Wilson had heard the call about the convenience store robbery but is not why he confronted Brown and his friend. He confronted them because the idiots were walking down the middle of the street and a number of vehicles had already had to swerve to miss them.
So he asked them to get on the sidewalk and that’s when Brown became belligerent. It was then that Wilson saw the cigarillos in Brown’s hand and realized they fit the description of the convenience store robbery suspects.

Just like in the Sandmann case, almost nothing you believe about it is true.
n response to your claim in red-
Acting DHS Secretary Reveals Whopping Percentage of Migrants Don't Show for Their Court Hearings
Acting Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kevin McAleenan told the Senate Judiciary Committee during Tuesday’s hearing that 90 percent of asylum-seekers who come into the country are not to be seen again.

On CBS, Pence claimed that “the vast majority” never show up. On CNN, he said the rate of no-shows was “plus-90 percent.”

The rate of no-shows is far below 90 percent, according to the Department of Justice’s most recent annual figures. When using the Justice Department’s preferred metric, 44 percent of migrants who were not in custody failed to show up for their court proceedings.

That’s half the rate Pence claimed. And some researchers say that the Justice Department numbers don’t tell the whole story and that the real rate is less than 44 percent.

Graham’s question was about asylum hearings, not about all immigration cases. From fiscal 2013 through 2017, asylum applicants received deportation orders “in absentia” in 6 percent to 11 percent of cases per year, according to the most recent statistics yearbook from the Justice Department’s Executive Office for Immigration Review. The term “in absentia” is used when someone didn’t show up to court.

So another Racist, Nativist Lie put to bed. Most of them show up for their hearings.
What does any of this have to do with Trump?

I’ve been going over the DOJ report and of all the witnesses that testified that Brown did not have his hands up, only one was white. In fact, even some of those who feel the shooting was not justified say that Brown never had his hands up. In addition, one of the black witnesses who testified that the shooting was justified is actually an ex con and even has a son currently in prison.

Check it out.. From the initial witness interviews. 18 people said he had his hands up. only two said he didn't.


The report also states that a number of witnesses refused to come forward for fear of reprisal from the community and that some who did give a statement, did so only under condition of anonymity for the same reason.

Yes, anonymous witnesses... they are always credible.

Look, this was a massive white-wash by Law Enforcement from the get-go. And, no, I don't take what the DOJ did very seriously, because they were trying to placate law enforcement as well. That's the problem I always had with Obama. He talked big smack,but backed down when confronted.

Meaning, when we falsely accuse enough white cops, this shit will come to an end.

I’m not sitting here saying there are no unjustified shootings, there are. But it serves no one to assume before any inquiry or investigation that every shooting is unjustified. It also serves no one to assume that every inquiry that clears the officer is a cover up.

You can’t have it both ways; if you want more rigorous investigations of these shootings, you’re going to have to come to grips with the fact that some of these investigations will clear the officer and rule the shooting justified.

Buddy, there are 900 cop shooting civilians a year. As opposed to the UK, where they only have 2-5 a year.

When a body is 147 feet away from the police car and it has EIGHT bullet holes in it, and the guy claims "He was going for my gun, really!" despite 18 witnesses saying, "The kid had his hands up!" then, um, yeah, it smells like a rat, it's probably a rat.

The deadly force came after Brown assaulted him in the cruiser and then later turning around and charging him. What’s more, Wilson had heard the call about the convenience store robbery but is not why he confronted Brown and his friend. He confronted them because the idiots were walking down the middle of the street and a number of vehicles had already had to swerve to miss them.

This is why I don't believe a fucking thing Wilson had to say. His story had too many contradictions. He claims both that he was calling them out for jaywalking, and then Brown attacked him, and then he claimed that he was responding to the "robbery" (not really) which the owner didn't call in. If he sincerely suspected these two black kids were the perps, he was showing far too little caution. If he didn't this was just another case of the Ferguson PD hassling black folks for the fun of it.

Just like in the Sandmann case, almost nothing you believe about it is true.

Just like in teh Sandman Case, you just LOVE to be gaslighted as long as people of color are involved.
n response to your claim in red-
Acting DHS Secretary Reveals Whopping Percentage of Migrants Don't Show for Their Court Hearings
Acting Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kevin McAleenan told the Senate Judiciary Committee during Tuesday’s hearing that 90 percent of asylum-seekers who come into the country are not to be seen again.

On CBS, Pence claimed that “the vast majority” never show up. On CNN, he said the rate of no-shows was “plus-90 percent.”

The rate of no-shows is far below 90 percent, according to the Department of Justice’s most recent annual figures. When using the Justice Department’s preferred metric, 44 percent of migrants who were not in custody failed to show up for their court proceedings.

That’s half the rate Pence claimed. And some researchers say that the Justice Department numbers don’t tell the whole story and that the real rate is less than 44 percent.

Graham’s question was about asylum hearings, not about all immigration cases. From fiscal 2013 through 2017, asylum applicants received deportation orders “in absentia” in 6 percent to 11 percent of cases per year, according to the most recent statistics yearbook from the Justice Department’s Executive Office for Immigration Review. The term “in absentia” is used when someone didn’t show up to court.

So another Racist, Nativist Lie put to bed. Most of them show up for their hearings.
So, you believe the wp. No surprise there. You also believed their Russia lies as well.
And there is nothing racist about wanting people to follow the law. Only in your warped mind, as anything having to do with Reps, you must accuse them of racism to hopedully score brownie points. Doesn’t work anymore. Overplayed.

How many that don’t show up are too many for you? I am going to apologize, if you are talking only asylum cases, yes that 90% figure appears to be incorrect. What the actual figure is appears to be much less.
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