Supreme Court Allows Sandy Hook Families' Case Against Remington Arms To Proceed

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You left out the rest of the question. Deliberately, most likely. The rest of the question was: How does he proceed without putting his own life at risk if the suspect is coming at him?

Don't pull over or harass every black kid you run into. We've been over this.

It didn’t answer the question the first time so saying it again won’t work.

Brown was not confronted for no reason. He was walking down the middle of the street where he shouldn’t have been, requiring vehicles to swerve around him. Wilson asked him to get on the sidewalk because, well, that’s his job.

Brown is directly responsible for everything that happened after that. He had no justification for assaulting an officer for simply doing the job he is paid to do in the interest of public safety.

Wrong. According to the DOJ report,

You mean after they decided they were going to whitewash the whole incident after the riots so they didn't look like they were giving into rioters?

If all you’re going to do is dismiss the results of an official investigation on the mere premise that the officer is a “racist piece of shit” without presenting evidence, you have nothing of value to contribute to the discussion.

Wrong. The department was closed down due to corruption and most of the officers were let go but Wilson kept his job and was assigned to a jailhouse. And, there were never any allegations or accusations of corruption against Wilson in particular.

Nope. He was fired, too. The disbanded the whole police force because it was so corrupt.

He was not.

Covering up for a bad cop is not good cop behavior. Once a heretofore good cop takes that step, he is now in the dubious realm of bad cops.

More shithouse lawyer sophistry... don't waste my time. The problem isn't individuals, it's a group think. Of course, you cover for one of your own. Of course you start out with the premise that if there was a police shooting, it must have been justified. (As opposed to some civilian shooting someone, you start out with the premise it was a homicide.)

It doesn’t matter. We could quibble over the definition of good cop/bad cop all day but it won’t change the fact that there are good officers out there who have never done the things you’re talking about.

Civilians shootings are investigated by Homicide
Cop shootings are investigated by Internal Affairs, or as they like to call them, "The Rat Squad".

And? What’s your point? Who else is going to investigate it, a civilian plumber? A 7/11 cashier?

You say good cops should be working hard to get rid of the bad ones while at the same time saying that the entity that was created for that very purpose, among other things (internal affairs) can’t be trusted.

This is yet another example of you contradicting yourself. You will say whatever you think will cancel or discount the opposing argument at the moment.

The reason for this is you have no real clear understanding of the overall facts or the bigger picture. All you have is a vague generalized notion that cops are bad and black suspects are not intelligent enough or possess the reason or emotional wherewithal to be responsible for their own actions.

This is nothing more than diversion or deflection. The fact remains that some illegal immigrants are committing real crimes.

Sure. And when they do, they should go to jail. Period.

So then you admit that some illegal immigrants commit real crimes? Can you go a step further and admit that being here illegally is a crime?

So are you telling me that if Brown had done as Wilson asked and got on the sidewalk, not attacked Wilson in his cruiser and had not charged at him, that Wilson would have shot him anyway?

Probably. He was a real racist piece of shit. The kind who would go after a kid for jaywalking.

Don’t give me “probably” or “maybe” or “possibly”. Do you know for a fact that Wilson would have shot him anyway?

Once again, Brown was not shot for jaywalking. But since he was jaywalking, it was Wilson’s duty as an officer to ask him to get on the sidewalk.

But I understand where you’re coming from: the nerve of that racist piece of shit for looking out for the personal safety of that black man and the motorists!

Of course it’s about Brown you idiot. He’s the one who attacked an officer and was shot for it, isn’t he?

No, he was the one murdered by a racist cop.

He’s also the one who attacked the “racist cop” for asking him to get out of the middle of a busy city street.

Sorry, but a number of witnesses WHO WERE ACTUALLY THERE testified that he did not have his hands up and that he charged at the officer. Forensic evidence proves this.

The evidence and overall testimony is simply not on your side here and even some of those who testified that Brown had his hands up said he was moving toward Wilson when Wilson shot him.

Again, I can get someone to testify you are a space alien if I threaten them enough. Once the investigators decided this was a "Good Shoot", all the evidence was molded to that and the intent was to NEVER, EVER put this in front of a jury.

Go and ask Witnesses 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 115 and 141 if they were threatened then get back to me.

Your argument is complete bullshit because the same report has witnesses saying Brown’s hands were up, that he was not moving toward Wilson and that Wilson grabbed Brown by the throat.

Again, whatever argument works at the moment.
Brown was not confronted for no reason. He was walking down the middle of the street where he shouldn’t have been, requiring vehicles to swerve around him.

You do realize pedestrians have the right of way, right. This is another bullshit "Harass black people" law that the cops certainly don't arrest white people for.

If all you’re going to do is dismiss the results of an official investigation on the mere premise that the officer is a “racist piece of shit” without presenting evidence, you have nothing of value to contribute to the discussion.

I already presented my evidence. He was unarmed. Shot 8 times. 18 PRIMARY witnesses said he had his hands up.

Go and ask Witnesses 102

If you are having to pass up 100 witnesses to find witnesses to tell the story you want, that smell of a whitewash.

Once again, Brown was not shot for jaywalking. But since he was jaywalking, it was Wilson’s duty as an officer to ask him to get on the sidewalk.

Again, believing anything a racist piece of shit says. More like, "Oh, my god, oh, my god, oh my god, I just shot a kid. Quick, come up with a story, Darren.... Um, yeah. He was jaywalking. That's it. And I was responding to the robbery report. And he had a bag of cigarellos, but they were in a bag and I couldn't actually see what they were.

Officer Darren Wilson's story is unbelievable. Literally.

At about noon on August 9th, Wilson hears on the radio that there's a theft in progress at the Ferguson Market. The suspect is a black male in a black shirt.

Moments later, Wilson sees two young black men walking down the yellow stripe in the center of the street. He pulls over. "Hey guys, why don't you walk on the sidewalk?" They refuse. "We're almost at our destination," one of them replies. Wilson tries again. "But what's wrong with the sidewalk?" he asks.

And then things get weird.

Brown's response to "what's wrong with the sidewalk?", as recorded by Wilson, is "fuck what you have to say." Remember, Wilson is a uniformed police officer, in a police car, and Brown is an 18-year-old kid who just committed a robbery. And when asked to use the sidewalk, Wilson says Brown replied, "Fuck what you have to say."

What happens next is the most unbelievable moment in the narrative. And so it's probably best that I just quote Wilson's account at length on it.

I was doing the, just scrambling, trying to get his arms out of my face and him from grabbing me and everything else. He turned to his...if he's at my vehicle, he turned to his left and handed the first subject. He said, "here, take these." He was holding a pack of — several packs of cigarillos which was just, what was stolen from the Market Store was several packs of cigarillos. He said, "here, hold these" and when he did that I grabbed his right arm trying just to control something at that point. Um, as I was holding it, and he came around, he came around with his arm extended, fist made, and went like that straight at my face with his...a full swing from his left hand.

So Brown is punching inside the car. Wilson is scrambling to deflect the blows, to protect his face, to regain control of the situation. And then Brown stops, turns to his left, says to his friend, "Here, hold these," and hands him the cigarillos stolen from Ferguson Market. Then he turns back to Wilson and, with his left hand now freed from holding the contraband goods, throws a haymaker at Wilson.

Every bullshit detector in me went off when I read that passage. Which doesn't mean that it didn't happen exactly the way Wilson describes. But it is, again, hard to imagine. Brown, an 18-year-old kid holding stolen goods, decides to attack a cop and, while attacking him, stops, hands his stolen goods to his friend, and then returns to the beatdown. It reads less like something a human would do and more like a moment meant to connect Brown to the robbery.

Brown sees him go for the gun. And he replies: "You're too much of a fucking pussy to shoot me."

Again, stop for a moment and think about that. Brown is punching Wilson, sees the terrified cop reaching for his gun, and says "You're too much of a fucking pussy to shoot me." He dares him to shoot.

Brown was not confronted for no reason. He was walking down the middle of the street where he shouldn’t have been, requiring vehicles to swerve around him.

You do realize pedestrians have the right of way, right. This is another bullshit "Harass black people" law that the cops certainly don't arrest white people for.

A pedestrian only has right-of-way in a crosswalk, while crossing a street.

There is no right to walk in the traffic lanes, creating a safety hazard to one's self, and to others.

On more than one occasion, I've called the police on someone wandering in the traffic lanes in such a manner. In each case, it was a white, homeless-looking guy, apparently drunk or drugged and oblivious to the danger he was in, and to the danger that he was creating for others as cars had to make abrupt maneuvers to avoid hitting him. In one instance, someone else must have called it in before I did, as I was still on the phone, waiting to talk to a dispatcher, when a police vehicle drove up, the officer got out, very deftly grabbed the guy and threw him in the back of the car, then drove off.

I don't know what universe you think you live in, where white people are allowed to walk in the middle of the street with impunity, creating dangerous situations, and only black people get arrested for it, but whatever universe that is, Sacramento, California, is not part of it.
On more than one occasion, I've called the police on someone wandering in the traffic lanes in such a manner. In each case, it was a white, homeless-looking guy, apparently drunk or drugged and oblivious to the danger he was in, and to the danger that he was creating for others as cars had to make abrupt maneuvers to avoid hitting him. In one instance, someone else must have called it in before I did, as I was still on the phone, waiting to talk to a dispatcher, when a police vehicle drove up, the officer got out, very deftly grabbed the guy and threw him in the back of the car, then drove off.

I don't know what universe you think you live in, where white people are allowed to walk in the middle of the street with impunity, creating dangerous situations, and only black people get arrested for it, but whatever universe that is, Sacramento, California, is not part of it.

Mormon Bob lives in a world where the Police treat White and Delightsome Folks just like blacks... that's adorable.

Brown wasn't a homeless person wandering in the street. He was just jaywalking, like millions of us do every day.

Also, Mormon Bob makes it a habit to call the cops on the Homeless. Must be some of that Mormon Compassion we've heard so much about.
Mormon Bob lives in a world where the Police treat White and Delightsome Folks just like blacks... that's adorable.

Brown wasn't a homeless person wandering in the street. He was just jaywalking, like millions of us do every day.

Also, Mormon Bob makes it a habit to call the cops on the Homeless. Must be some of that Mormon Compassion we've heard so much about.

In the cases where I called the police because of a pedestrian in the street, it was not mere jaywalking. In each case, it was some cretin, in the traffic lane, putting himself in unreasonable danger, and creating an unreasonable hazard to traffic. Either drunk or drugged, or just plain crazy, and apparently oblivious to the danger he was putting himself in, and creating for others. By all credible accounts, that's pretty much what Michael Brown was doing, in the situation that was being discussed here.

I don't know what world you live in, where that is ever acceptable behavior, or where reporting such a situation to the appropriate authorities is not the correct response, or where anyone's race has anything to do with it; but the rest of us sane people live out here in The Real World, which is apparently very different from that in which you live.
Brown was not confronted for no reason. He was walking down the middle of the street where he shouldn’t have been, requiring vehicles to swerve around him.

You do realize pedestrians have the right of way, right.

You know better than that. How old are you? Do you mean to tell me you are not aware that pedestrians are required to use pedestrian crosswalks?

In most places pedestrians only have the right of way if the “walk” sign is lit or green. And even in places where pedestrians have the right of way, they only have the right of way in the designated pedestrian crosswalk. They do not have the right of way in the middle of the fucking street.

I can’t believe you actually tried to use this argument.

This is another bullshit "Harass black people" law that the cops certainly don't arrest white people for.

So public safety is now a racist ploy?

If all you’re going to do is dismiss the results of an official investigation on the mere premise that the officer is a “racist piece of shit” without presenting evidence, you have nothing of value to contribute to the discussion.

I already presented my evidence. He was unarmed. Shot 8 times. 18 PRIMARY witnesses said he had his hands up.

The testimonies of these so called “primary witnesses” were mostly discounted and deemed not credible because their testimonies were wildly inconsistent from one witness to the next and in some cases witnesses contradicted themselves or lied outright. Or they were too far away (blocks away in some cases) or did not have a good perspective on the incident.
Some claimed to have witnessed the shooting only to find out they actually didn’t; that they were merely repeating what they were told by someone else.
Some testified to the FBI and DOJ and then gave different details in podcast and TV interviews, requiring authorities to question them again.

The chart you linked earlier in the discussion is from a PBS article in November 2014. There was no general consensus as to whether or not Brown had his hands up or was moving toward Wilson. In addition, some testimonies contradicted forensic evidence. Some claimed Brown was shot where he had turned to face Wilson but forensic evidence proves he had approached Wilson after he turned. Some say Brown was shot from behind but no shots hit him in the back. Some even say he was kneeling but ballistic trajectories do not support this.

Go and ask Witnesses 102

If you are having to pass up 100 witnesses to find witnesses to tell the story you want, that smell of a whitewash.

They were passed up because they gave false testimony, gave testimony that contradicted forensic evidence and were otherwise deemed not credible for these and various other reasons.

If you choose to overlook these facts because you are single-mindedly determined to make the white officer the bad guy then I can’t help you. As for me, I refuse to overlook these kinds of factors just because I want people of color to see me as some kind of white savior.

Once again, Brown was not shot for jaywalking. But since he was jaywalking, it was Wilson’s duty as an officer to ask him to get on the sidewalk.

Again, believing anything a racist piece of shit says. More like, "Oh, my god, oh, my god, oh my god, I just shot a kid. Quick, come up with a story, Darren....

How convenient for Wilson that Brown was actually jaywalking, huh?

Um, yeah. He was jaywalking. That's it. And I was responding to the robbery report. And he had a bag of cigarellos, but they were in a bag and I couldn't actually see what they were.

He actually saw the cigarillos in Brown’s hand because they were NOT IN A BAG dumbass. He swiped them from the counter, remember?
Do you think the cashier put an item that was being stolen from him in a bag for the thief, handed it back to the thief and said “Have a nice day!”?

It’s incredible the stupid shit you’ll come up with just to crucify someone.

At about noon on August 9th, Wilson hears on the radio that there's a theft in progress at the Ferguson Market. The suspect is a black male in a black shirt.

Moments later, Wilson sees two young black men walking down the yellow stripe in the center of the street. He pulls over. "Hey guys, why don't you walk on the sidewalk?" They refuse. "We're almost at our destination," one of them replies. Wilson tries again. "But what's wrong with the sidewalk?" he asks.

And then things get weird.

Brown's response to "what's wrong with the sidewalk?", as recorded by Wilson, is "fuck what you have to say." Remember, Wilson is a uniformed police officer, in a police car, and Brown is an 18-year-old kid who just committed a robbery. And when asked to use the sidewalk, Wilson says Brown replied, "Fuck what you have to say."

What happens next is the most unbelievable moment in the narrative. And so it's probably best that I just quote Wilson's account at length on it.

I was doing the, just scrambling, trying to get his arms out of my face and him from grabbing me and everything else. He turned to his...if he's at my vehicle, he turned to his left and handed the first subject. He said, "here, take these." He was holding a pack of — several packs of cigarillos which was just, what was stolen from the Market Store was several packs of cigarillos. He said, "here, hold these" and when he did that I grabbed his right arm trying just to control something at that point. Um, as I was holding it, and he came around, he came around with his arm extended, fist made, and went like that straight at my face with his...a full swing from his left hand.

So Brown is punching inside the car. Wilson is scrambling to deflect the blows, to protect his face, to regain control of the situation. And then Brown stops, turns to his left, says to his friend, "Here, hold these," and hands him the cigarillos stolen from Ferguson Market. Then he turns back to Wilson and, with his left hand now freed from holding the contraband goods, throws a haymaker at Wilson.

Every bullshit detector in me went off when I read that passage. Which doesn't mean that it didn't happen exactly the way Wilson describes. But it is, again, hard to imagine. Brown, an 18-year-old kid holding stolen goods, decides to attack a cop and, while attacking him, stops, hands his stolen goods to his friend, and then returns to the beatdown. It reads less like something a human would do and more like a moment meant to connect Brown to the robbery.

This is where my bullshit meter goes off. No one had to make any kind of effort to connect Brown to the robbery because he actually committed the robbery. Everybody knew this, including the idiot author of this article.

Brown sees him go for the gun. And he replies: "You're too much of a fucking pussy to shoot me."

Again, stop for a moment and think about that. Brown is punching Wilson, sees the terrified cop reaching for his gun, and says "You're too much of a fucking pussy to shoot me." He dares him to shoot."

I honestly don’t understand why any of this is so hard for the author to believe.

From the same article:

Why did Michael Brown, an 18-year-old kid headed to college, refuse to move from the middle of the street to the sidewalk? Why would he curse out a police officer? Why would he attack a police officer? Why would he dare a police officer to shoot him? Why would he charge a police officer holding a gun?”

Why didn’t he ask this question?: Why did an 18 year old kid headed to college rob a convenience store?

If nothing else about Brown’s actions that day made no sense then this made no sense either. So why didn’t he ask?

Reading a Washington Post article from August 2019 in which they interviewed Dorian Johnson, the friend with Brown the day of the shooting, may shed a little light on Brown’s frame of mind that day.

His friend relates that Brown had recently been preoccupied and anxious and had begun talking about Christianity and faith healing.
Brown showed up at Johnson’s apartment at 2:00 am the day of the shooting and talked about being stressed that both his grandmother and stepmother were sick. He told Johnson he had had a premonition that he healed them with a laying on of hands. He related this to his family but they wanted none of it it and his father had hung up on him when he proposed it.

Later the same day as they were walking and talking, Brown indicated he was experiencing a spiritual epiphany and that unexplained things were going on around him. He seemed to think he had been touched by God and at one point, walked into the middle of the street to prove it. As cars whizzed by him in both directions and he was unhit, he looked at Dorian as if to say “Told you so.”

Johnson says he found the whole thing pretty strange and that he had had an “eerie feeling”

It seems to me that Brown was stressed, frustrated and anxious that day and is probably why he was so reckless and his actions so out of character.
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In the cases where I called the police because of a pedestrian in the street, it was not mere jaywalking. In each case, it was some cretin, in the traffic lane, putting himself in unreasonable danger, and creating an unreasonable hazard to traffic. Either drunk or drugged, or just plain crazy, and apparently oblivious to the danger he was putting himself in, and creating for others. By all credible accounts, that's pretty much what Michael Brown was doing, in the situation that was being discussed here.

Again, poor and a person of color, that's probably why you called... but never mind.

It's some of that wonderful Mormon Compassion we've heard so much about.

I don't know what world you live in, where that is ever acceptable behavior, or where reporting such a situation to the appropriate authorities is not the correct response, or where anyone's race has anything to do with it; but the rest of us sane people live out here in The Real World, which is apparently very different from that in which you live.

IN a sane, real world, we'd have funded mental health programs to help these people. But you were too busy giving tax breaks to billionaires and spending money on wars...
So public safety is now a racist ploy?

The cops handed out 2 tickets for very resident of Furgeson... um, yeah, it kind of is.

In Ferguson, Court Fines And Fees Fuel Anger

To understand some of the distrust of police that has fueled protests in Ferguson, Mo., consider this: In 2013, the municipal court in Ferguson — a city of 21,135 people — issued 32,975 arrest warrants for nonviolent offenses, mostly driving violations.
Blacks make up 67 percent of the city's population, but are 86 percent of motorists stopped by police. Whites make up 29 percent of the population, but 12.7 percent of vehicle stops.

The testimonies of these so called “primary witnesses” were mostly discounted and deemed not credible because their testimonies were wildly inconsistent from one witness to the next and in some cases witnesses contradicted themselves or lied outright.

In short, they didn't tell the story that the DA and the Police wanted to hear... that some maniac blew away a child.

If you choose to overlook these facts because you are single-mindedly determined to make the white officer the bad guy then I can’t help you. As for me, I refuse to overlook these kinds of factors just because I want people of color to see me as some kind of white savior.

He's the bad guy because he shot an unarmed kid 8 times who had his hands up.

How convenient for Wilson that Brown was actually jaywalking, huh?

See above. The Racist FPD was handing out two citations for every resident.

He actually saw the cigarillos in Brown’s hand because they were NOT IN A BAG dumbass. He swiped them from the counter, remember?

Um, no, they were in a bag because Brown had swapped them the day before for pot and the staff was holding it for him.

He actually saw the cigarillos in Brown’s hand because they were NOT IN A BAG dumbass. He swiped them from the counter, remember?
Do you think the cashier put an item that was being stolen from him in a bag for the thief, handed it back to the thief and said “Have a nice day!”?

No, he put them in a bag the day before after Brown had sold them some pot.

Reading a Washington Post article from August 2019 in which they interviewed Dorian Johnson, the friend with Brown the day of the shooting, may shed a little light on Brown’s frame of mind that day.

Problem with Dorian Johnson was that the guy was all down with getting justice for his friend, until McColloch- the corrupt, racist as shit DA who should have recused himself - started threatening to charge him as a co-conspirator. So I take anything he says with a grain of salt.

Speaking of McColloch, who was voted out by the people of his county for his corrupt behavior in the Wilson case, we have this little gem.

McCulloch, Two Assistants Face Ethics Complaint Over Darren Wilson Grand Jury

Specifically, McCulloch, Alizadeh and Whirley are accused of violating the following rules of conduct:

  • Rule 4-3.3: Candor toward the tribunal. The complaint says, among other things, that Alizadeh and Whirley cited an outdated, unconstitutional use-of-force statute, and failed to properly correct their mistake. The two are also accused of knowingly allowing witnesses to lie to the grand jury.
  • Rule 4-1.1: Competence. Historically, the plaintiff -- or the person bringing the case -- is supposed to receive the benefit of the doubt. In the Wilson case, the state is the plaintiff. The complaint alleges that Alizadeh and Whirley, presumably with McCulloch's knowledge, did not do all they could to present the strongest case for the state.
  • Rule 4-1.6: Confidentiality of information. The complaint says McCulloch needed permission to release the transcripts of grand jury testimony and witness statements and that he dumped all the evidence in an effort to taint a second grand jury.
  • Rule 4-1.8: Conflict of interest: prohibited transactions. The complaint alleges that Alizadeh and Whirley acted more like Darren Wilson's defense attorneys. They cite the continual references to the marijuana in Michael Brown's system, and the fact that he was suspected of robbing a convenience store moments before the shooting.
    • Rule 4-3.8: Special responsibilities of a prosecutor. The complaint alleges that McCulloch made several public statements that went beyond what's permitted to "inform the public of the nature and extent of the prosecutor's actions."
    • Rule 4-3.4: Fairness to opposing party and counsel. McCulloch made several public statements that seemed to bolster Wilson's statements, while commenting negatively about Michael Brown.
    • Rule 4-3.5: Impartiality and decorum of the tribunal. Alizadeh is accused of making comments about protesters, the NAACP and Ferguson unrest that could prejudice the grand jurors.
    • Rule 4.4-1: Truthfulness in statements to others. This complaint also deals with the outdated use-of-force statute originally presented to the grand jury. It specifically references the day Alizadeh handed the copy of the unconstitutional statute to the grand jury, and also comments she made about messing up the exhibit numbers.
    • Rule 4-5.2: Responsibilities of a subordinate lawyer. Alizadeh and Whirley were required to abide by the rules of professional conduct regardless of what McCulloch told them to do.
So corrupt prosecutor who should have recused himself violated several rules to acquit a dirty cop, and got voted out of office Hmmmm..
You know better than that. How old are you? Do you mean to tell me you are not aware that pedestrians are required to use pedestrian crosswalks?

In most places pedestrians only have the right of way if the “walk” sign is lit or green. And even in places where pedestrians have the right of way, they only have the right of way in the designated pedestrian crosswalk. They do not have the right of way in the middle of the fucking street.

I can’t believe you actually tried to use this argument.

For someone who is assumed to be of at least normal intelligence and mental function, it would indeed be unbelievable to hear this argument made by such a person.

But you're not addressing someone of at least normal intelligence and mental function; you're addressing JoeB131. It's entirely believable that he would try to make this argument. If he's at all above the mental function of those cretins on whom I've had to call the police because they were wandering in the traffic lanes creating a serious safety hazard to themselves and to others, it's not by very much.

So public safety is now a racist ploy?

He continues to try to claim that it was racist of me to call the police on white guys who were behaving dangerously.
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Again, poor and a person of color, that's probably why you called... but never mind.

It's some of that wonderful Mormon Compassion we've heard so much about.

IN a sane, real world, we'd have funded mental health programs to help these people. But you were too busy giving tax breaks to billionaires and spending money on wars...

But you're not addressing someone of at least normal intelligence and mental function; you're addressing JoeB131. It's entirely believable that he would try to make this argument. If he's at all above the mental function of those cretins on whom I've had to call the police because they were wandering in the traffic lanes creating a serious safety hazard to themselves and to others, it's not by very much.

Yes, yes, Bob, I'm sure you call the cops to harass the homeless out of an abundence of concern, because you've shown all sorts of compassion here..
Yes, yes, Bob, I'm sure you call the cops to harass the homeless out of an abundence [sic] of concern, because you've shown all sorts of compassion here..

I guess you just cannot help yourself, can you?

I've written of calling the police, to deal with genuine safety issues, created by drugged-out, drunk, or otherwise insane people being in the roadway where they don't belong, and you cannot find any way to see it as anything other than bigotry on my part.

Do you have any idea how you come across to sane people? Any vestige at all of a clue?
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So public safety is now a racist ploy?

The cops handed out 2 tickets for very resident of Furgeson... um, yeah, it kind of is.

Wilson didn’t issue a citation, he only asked them to get on the sidewalk.

In Ferguson, Court Fines And Fees Fuel Anger

To understand some of the distrust of police that has fueled protests in Ferguson, Mo., consider this: In 2013, the municipal court in Ferguson — a city of 21,135 people — issued 32,975 arrest warrants for nonviolent offenses, mostly driving violations.
Blacks make up 67 percent of the city's population, but are 86 percent of motorists stopped by police. Whites make up 29 percent of the population, but 12.7 percent of vehicle stops.

None of this is relevant to the Brown/Wilson case. Wilson did not issue a ticket and he had no intention of arresting him until he saw they fit the description of the guys at the store and seeing the cigarillos in Brown’s hand. At this point Brown sealed his fate by attacking Wilson.

The testimonies of these so called “primary witnesses” were mostly discounted and deemed not credible because their testimonies were wildly inconsistent from one witness to the next and in some cases witnesses contradicted themselves or lied outright.

In short, they didn't tell the story that the DA and the Police wanted to hear... that some maniac blew away a child.

If you mean that the story the DA didn’t want to hear was false and a lie, you’re right. Also, Brown was eighteen and therefore an adult.

If you choose to overlook these facts because you are single-mindedly determined to make the white officer the bad guy then I can’t help you. As for me, I refuse to overlook these kinds of factors just because I want people of color to see me as some kind of white savior.

He's the bad guy because he shot an unarmed kid 8 times who had his hands up.

Who was charging at him...

How convenient for Wilson that Brown was actually jaywalking, huh?

See above. The Racist FPD was handing out two citations for every resident.

Irrelevant to the case.

He actually saw the cigarillos in Brown’s hand because they were NOT IN A BAG dumbass. He swiped them from the counter, remember?

Um, no, they were in a bag because Brown had swapped them the day before for pot and the staff was holding it for him.

Wrong. Additional security footage was released in the Stranger Fruit documentary by a Jason Pollock and this additional footage (from behind the counter) shows the store clerk putting two packs of cigarillos in a bag and handing it to Brown. This took place in the early morning hours during the alleged initial transaction.
However, when Brown is leaving with the bag, he then turns around and puts the bag back on the counter and leaves. The store clerk removes the cigarillos from the bag and puts them back on the shelf.

When Brown returns later in the day, he is seen in the security footage of the robbery grabbing a pack of cigarillos and handing them to Johnson and they were not in a bag. He then grabs another pack - also not in a bag - and leaves the store after shoving the store owner who tried to stop him from taking his merchandise.

So no, they were not in a bag and yes, Wilson saw them in Brown’s hand.

He actually saw the cigarillos in Brown’s hand because they were NOT IN A BAG dumbass. He swiped them from the counter, remember?
Do you think the cashier put an item that was being stolen from him in a bag for the thief, handed it back to the thief and said “Have a nice day!”?

No, he put them in a bag the day before after Brown had sold them some pot.

And then took them out of the bag when Brown left.

Reading a Washington Post article from August 2019 in which they interviewed Dorian Johnson, the friend with Brown the day of the shooting, may shed a little light on Brown’s frame of mind that day.

Problem with Dorian Johnson was that the guy was all down with getting justice for his friend, until McColloch- the corrupt, racist as shit DA who should have recused himself - started threatening to charge him as a co-conspirator. So I take anything he says with a grain of salt.

Even when he says Brown had his hands up?

This was from an interview Johnson gave just last year. However, these remarks are pretty much in line with what he told authorities just after the shooting in 2014. Namely, that Brown had seemed on edge that day and felt bewildered by Brown’s swiping the cigarillos and then blatantly walking down the middle of the street with them in his hand knowing the clerk was calling the cops. He was bewildered because he said these actions were out of character for Brown.

Speaking of McColloch, who was voted out by the people of his county for his corrupt behavior in the Wilson case, we have this little gem.

McCulloch, Two Assistants Face Ethics Complaint Over Darren Wilson Grand Jury

Specifically, McCulloch, Alizadeh and Whirley are accused of violating the following rules of conduct:

  • Rule 4-3.3: Candor toward the tribunal. The complaint says, among other things, that Alizadeh and Whirley cited an outdated, unconstitutional use-of-force statute, and failed to properly correct their mistake. The two are also accused of knowingly allowing witnesses to lie to the grand jury.
  • Rule 4-1.1: Competence. Historically, the plaintiff -- or the person bringing the case -- is supposed to receive the benefit of the doubt. In the Wilson case, the state is the plaintiff. The complaint alleges that Alizadeh and Whirley, presumably with McCulloch's knowledge, did not do all they could to present the strongest case for the state.
  • Rule 4-1.6: Confidentiality of information. The complaint says McCulloch needed permission to release the transcripts of grand jury testimony and witness statements and that he dumped all the evidence in an effort to taint a second grand jury.
  • Rule 4-1.8: Conflict of interest: prohibited transactions. The complaint alleges that Alizadeh and Whirley acted more like Darren Wilson's defense attorneys. They cite the continual references to the marijuana in Michael Brown's system, and the fact that he was suspected of robbing a convenience store moments before the shooting.
    • Rule 4-3.8: Special responsibilities of a prosecutor. The complaint alleges that McCulloch made several public statements that went beyond what's permitted to "inform the public of the nature and extent of the prosecutor's actions."
    • Rule 4-3.4: Fairness to opposing party and counsel. McCulloch made several public statements that seemed to bolster Wilson's statements, while commenting negatively about Michael Brown.
    • Rule 4-3.5: Impartiality and decorum of the tribunal. Alizadeh is accused of making comments about protesters, the NAACP and Ferguson unrest that could prejudice the grand jurors.
    • Rule 4.4-1: Truthfulness in statements to others. This complaint also deals with the outdated use-of-force statute originally presented to the grand jury. It specifically references the day Alizadeh handed the copy of the unconstitutional statute to the grand jury, and also comments she made about messing up the exhibit numbers.
    • Rule 4-5.2: Responsibilities of a subordinate lawyer. Alizadeh and Whirley were required to abide by the rules of professional conduct regardless of what McCulloch told them to do.
So corrupt prosecutor who should have recused himself violated several rules to acquit a dirty cop, and got voted out of office Hmmmm..

First of all, you have no evidence or proof that Wilson was a dirty cop. Secondly, none of this changes what happened that day. The one glaringly large fact that cannot be overlooked is that Brown attacked Wilson unprovoked.
His actions up to that point were mere misdemeanors that might have gotten him a slap on the wrist. He upped the stakes by attacking Wilson and would very likely still be alive today if not for that.
You know better than that. How old are you? Do you mean to tell me you are not aware that pedestrians are required to use pedestrian crosswalks?

In most places pedestrians only have the right of way if the “walk” sign is lit or green. And even in places where pedestrians have the right of way, they only have the right of way in the designated pedestrian crosswalk. They do not have the right of way in the middle of the fucking street.

I can’t believe you actually tried to use this argument.

For someone who is assumed to be of at least normal intelligence and mental function, it would indeed be unbelievable to hear this argument made by such a person.

But you're not addressing someone of at least normal intelligence and mental function; you're addressing JoeB131. It's entirely believable that he would try to make this argument. If he's at all above the mental function of those cretins on whom I've had to call the police because they were wandering in the traffic lanes creating a serious safety hazard to themselves and to others, it's not by very much.

So public safety is now a racist ploy?

He continues to try to claim that it was racist of me to call the police on white guys who were behaving dangerously.

The very first thing that occurred to me when he said that is that you specifically said they were usually white, homeless people.

Joe’s got a racism script he goes by and he’s not deviating from that even if you’re discussing the merits of french fries vs. mashed potatoes.

Somewhere in the discussion he would probably insert something to the effect that potatoes are inherently racist because they’re white on the inside.Or that they are a symbol of white supremacy and imperialism because, well, you know, the sky is blue.
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I guess you just cannot help yourself, can you?

I've written of calling the police, to deal with genuine safety issues, created by drugged-out, drunk, or otherwise insane people being in the roadway where they don't belong, and you cannot find any way to see it as anything other than bigotry on my part.

Again, you belong to a bigoted cult started by racist con-men, so there's that.

The very first thing that occurred to me when he said that is that you specifically said they were usually white, homeless people.

Again, the very first thing that occurred to me is that Mormon Bob's first reaction to a poor person begging for money in the street is to call the cops on him.
None of this is relevant to the Brown/Wilson case. Wilson did not issue a ticket and he had no intention of arresting him until he saw they fit the description of the guys at the store and seeing the cigarillos in Brown’s hand. At this point Brown sealed his fate by attacking Wilson.

Again, his story has so many holes in it... If he really thought they were the robbers, he was much to casual about it. If he was merely harassing jaywalkers, that was just a typical day in the Racist Ferguson PD.

Funny thing, the "Story" about the "Strong Arm Robbery" didn't come out until days later, when the Racist Ferguson PD released an selectively edited tape. (Run in slow motion to make a push look more sinister than it was, leaving out the part where the store employees were buying pot from him.)

Wrong. Additional security footage was released in the Stranger Fruit documentary by a Jason Pollock and this additional footage (from behind the counter) shows the store clerk putting two packs of cigarillos in a bag and handing it to Brown. This took place in the early morning hours during the alleged initial transaction.
However, when Brown is leaving with the bag, he then turns around and puts the bag back on the counter and leaves. The store clerk removes the cigarillos from the bag and puts them back on the shelf.

Well, you finally admit this was a trade and not a robbery, but the rest is bullshit. Nobody puts tobacco products where a customer can just reach over and grab them. They had to be somewhere in easy reach. They were in a bag. Wilson did not have X-ray eyes.

Again, we're talking about shooting a black kid for maybe petty theft.... which I'm sure you and Mormon Bob think is fine.

If you mean that the story the DA didn’t want to hear was false and a lie, you’re right.

So he ignored the first 18 Witnesses who were there, and found more witnesses, including a mentally ill woman with racist tendency (Hey, Mormon Bob, we found your dream date.)

‘Witness 40’ for Ferguson grand jury exposed as a racist, mentally ill felon who lied about shooting: report

Convicted felon Sandra McElroy — an outspoken backer of Wilson on Facebook — previously lied to police and didn't give authorities a statement about the Aug. 9 killing until Sept. 11, well after several descriptions of the shooting had been detailed in the press, an investigation by news website The Smoking Gun found.

Still, she was allowed to give her testimony before the grand jury declined to indict Wilson, sparking national protests.

Now, that they had to drill down to 150 "witnesses" to find ones who contradicted "Hands Up, Don't Shoot"... you have to ask, how many fucking people were on the street that day?

Even when he says Brown had his hands up?

This was from an interview Johnson gave just last year. However, these remarks are pretty much in line with what he told authorities just after the shooting in 2014. Namely, that Brown had seemed on edge that day and felt bewildered by Brown’s swiping the cigarillos and then blatantly walking down the middle of the street with them in his hand knowing the clerk was calling the cops. He was bewildered because he said these actions were out of character for Brown.

Because he didn't know he had traded pot for the cigarellos... Again, some credit for being honest about the "Hands up", but you read his testimony and you can tell McColluch got this kid in a back room and threatened him.

Because- Silly Darkie, Rights are for White People.
I guess you just cannot help yourself, can you?

I've written of calling the police, to deal with genuine safety issues, created by drugged-out, drunk, or otherwise insane people being in the roadway where they don't belong, and you cannot find any way to see it as anything other than bigotry on my part.

Again, you belong to a bigoted cult started by racist con-men, so there's that.

The very first thing that occurred to me when he said that is that you specifically said they were usually white, homeless people.

Again, the very first thing that occurred to me is that Mormon Bob's first reaction to a poor person begging for money in the street is to call the cops on him.

Then why did you bring up race? And, he never said they were begging, he just said they were homeless.
Then why did you bring up race? And, he never said they were begging, he just said they were homeless.

He said they were "in the street". The only reason why the Homeless wander into the streets is to panhandle, which no doubt offended Mormon Bob's sensibility.

You know what offends me? That we don't have a system to treat these people. We used to. And here's where I'll rip on liberals. They were the ones who got the State Mental Hospitals closed down because it was "mean" to incarcerate the mentally ill in a place where they were fed, medicated and housed against their will. The Conservatives decided that we needed to give rich tax cuts instead of funding decent programs to help these people...

So we all have to deal with some mentally ill person with cardboard signs begging for food. But Mormon Bob, being a nice compassionate Christian that he is... Call the Cops!!!!
Again, the very first thing that occurred to me is that Mormon Bob's first reaction to a poor person begging for money in the street is to call the cops on him.

Then why did you bring up race? And, he never said they were begging, he just said they were homeless.

I didn't actually say that were homeless. I described them as “homeless-looking”. It was intended as a description of their general appearance, not of their actual status of having a home or not, which I wouldn't know.

And, as you point out, I didn't say that they were begging, either (though the most recent instance was carrying a cardboard sign, begging for money). As far as them begging in the street, the issue is not that they were begging, but that they were in the street, where they didn't belong, creating a serious safety hazard.

It truly takes a JoeB131 level of madness and depravity to twist my concern about a serious danger to public safety as bigotry toward the individual responsible for creating that hazard.
Again, the very first thing that occurred to me is that Mormon Bob's first reaction to a poor person begging for money in the street is to call the cops on him.

Then why did you bring up race? And, he never said they were begging, he just said they were homeless.

I didn't actually say that were homeless. I described them as “homeless-looking”. It was intended as a description of their general appearance, not of their actual status of having a home or not, which I wouldn't know.

My mistake.

And, as you point out, I didn't say that they were begging, either (though the most recent instance was carrying a cardboard sign, begging for money). As far as them begging in the street, the issue is not that they were begging, but that they were in the street, where they didn't belong, creating a serious safety hazard.

It truly takes a JoeB131 level of madness and depravity to twist my concern about a serious danger to public safety as bigotry toward the individual responsible for creating that hazard.

Well, that’s Joe.
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