Supreme Court Allows Sandy Hook Families' Case Against Remington Arms To Proceed

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None of this is relevant to the Brown/Wilson case. Wilson did not issue a ticket and he had no intention of arresting him until he saw they fit the description of the guys at the store and seeing the cigarillos in Brown’s hand. At this point Brown sealed his fate by attacking Wilson.

Again, his story has so many holes in it... If he really thought they were the robbers, he was much to casual about it. If he was merely harassing jaywalkers, that was just a typical day in the Racist Ferguson PD.

He wasn’t casual about it all. Why do you think he was trying to get out of the cruiser in the first place?

When he first approached them it was to ask them to get on the sidewalk. Brown says “Fuck what you have to say.” At about the same time Wilson noticed the cigarillos in his and realized they fit the description of the two guys at the store.
He then reversed his cruiser and whipped it around so as to block their path. He then tried to exit the cruiser to question them about the robbery but Brown prevented him from doing so and then attacked him.

Funny thing, the "Story" about the "Strong Arm Robbery" didn't come out until days later, when the Racist Ferguson PD released an selectively edited tape. (Run in slow motion to make a push look more sinister than it was, leaving out the part where the store employees were buying pot from him.)

He swiped merchandise he never paid for then assaulted the store owner when he tried to stop him. What difference does it make if the fucking video was in slow motion?

Wrong. Additional security footage was released in the Stranger Fruit documentary by a Jason Pollock and this additional footage (from behind the counter) shows the store clerk putting two packs of cigarillos in a bag and handing it to Brown. This took place in the early morning hours during the alleged initial transaction.
However, when Brown is leaving with the bag, he then turns around and puts the bag back on the counter and leaves. The store clerk removes the cigarillos from the bag and puts them back on the shelf.

Well, you finally admit this was a trade and not a robbery, but the rest is bullshit.

I never admitted there was a trade. I said “...alleged initial transaction...”

Nobody puts tobacco products where a customer can just reach over and grab them. They had to be somewhere in easy reach. They were in a bag. Wilson did not have X-ray eyes.

Watch the video, you just might learn something. That’s how I knew the clerk took them out of the bag and put them back on the shelf. I then watched the original video again where he took the cigarillos and left the store and you can plainly see the cigarillos he gave to Johnson were not in a bag. It’s also obvious that the second batch he gabbed and kept himself were not in a bag.

Again, watch the video.

Again, we're talking about shooting a black kid for maybe petty theft.... which I'm sure you and Mormon Bob think is fine.

He wasn’t shot for petty theft, he was shot for attacking an officer.

How many times do you have to be told this?

If you mean that the story the DA didn’t want to hear was false and a lie, you’re right.

So he ignored the first 18 Witnesses who were there, and found more witnesses, including a mentally ill woman with racist tendency (Hey, Mormon Bob, we found your dream date.)

‘Witness 40’ for Ferguson grand jury exposed as a racist, mentally ill felon who lied about shooting: report

Convicted felon Sandra McElroy — an outspoken backer of Wilson on Facebook — previously lied to police and didn't give authorities a statement about the Aug. 9 killing until Sept. 11, well after several descriptions of the shooting had been detailed in the press, an investigation by news website The Smoking Gun found.

Still, she was allowed to give her testimony before the grand jury declined to indict Wilson, sparking national protests.

So you apparently don’t have a problem with black people lying about witnessing the shooting but have an embolism when a white person does it. Gotcha.

Now, that they had to drill down to 150 "witnesses" to find ones who contradicted "Hands Up, Don't Shoot"... you have to ask, how many fucking people were on the street that day?

Would you be asking this question if most of them had said Brown had his hands up and was surrendering?

Since there were at least three different law enforcement agencies involved and interrogating witnesses, it’s possible one or two had a different system for witness designation. I’m thinking that for the DOJ report, they started at “101” (Johnson) and went from there.

Even when he says Brown had his hands up?

This was from an interview Johnson gave just last year. However, these remarks are pretty much in line with what he told authorities just after the shooting in 2014. Namely, that Brown had seemed on edge that day and felt bewildered by Brown’s swiping the cigarillos and then blatantly walking down the middle of the street with them in his hand knowing the clerk was calling the cops. He was bewildered because he said these actions were out of character for Brown.

Because he didn't know he had traded pot for the cigarellos... Again, some credit for being honest about the "Hands up",

I only said it was possible he had his hands up. But I don’t think he had them up as a gesture of surrender, I think he was looking at the gunshot wound on his hand. And hands up or not, he was moving towards Wilson. That’s what got him shot.

but you read his testimony and you can tell McColluch got this kid in a back room and threatened him.

Opinion. You don’t know that McColluch threatened him.

The article I cited with the Johnson interview was from last year; five years after the shooting. In this interview he never wavered from his initial testimony from five years before and never said or implied - then or now - that he had been threatened or intimidated.

Because- Silly Darkie, Rights are for White People.

What rights were denied Johnson?
Then why did you bring up race? And, he never said they were begging, he just said they were homeless.

He said they were "in the street". The only reason why the Homeless wander into the streets is to panhandle, which no doubt offended Mormon Bob's sensibility.

Most panhandlers I’ve seen do so while standing on the median at intersections or at the end of an offramp.
I didn't actually say that were homeless. I described them as “homeless-looking”. It was intended as a description of their general appearance, not of their actual status of having a home or not, which I wouldn't know.

So you think he lives in a mansion and dresses like that for fun?

And, as you point out, I didn't say that they were begging, either (though the most recent instance was carrying a cardboard sign, begging for money). As far as them begging in the street, the issue is not that they were begging, but that they were in the street, where they didn't belong, creating a serious safety hazard.

Yes, they were offending your white and delightsome sensibilities.... Good thing we don't have programs to help these people stay off the streets. Let's just call the cops on them, that's totally what Jesus would do.
He wasn’t casual about it all. Why do you think he was trying to get out of the cruiser in the first place?

When he first approached them it was to ask them to get on the sidewalk. Brown says “Fuck what you have to say.” At about the same time Wilson noticed the cigarillos in his and realized they fit the description of the two guys at the store.

Again, and unbeleivable story as the Vox article pointed out. Sounds more like, "OH, we found some tape of him taking some cigars... Um, yeah, I was investigating that, and not just "Harrass the black kid" which is our hobby out here."

He swiped merchandise he never paid for then assaulted the store owner when he tried to stop him. What difference does it make if the fucking video was in slow motion?

You mean making a slight push look like an assault. Again. without the context of him trading the pot for the cigars earlier, (Which the cops hid for years) it all looked a lot more ominous than it was. You know, like they knew Wilson fucked up by shooting him 8 times when he had his hands up.

So you apparently don’t have a problem with black people lying about witnessing the shooting but have an embolism when a white person does it.

I have no evidence that any of the black folks lied about what they saw...

We do know the cops lied.

Would you be asking this question if most of them had said Brown had his hands up and was surrendering?

Since there were at least three different law enforcement agencies involved and interrogating witnesses, it’s possible one or two had a different system for witness designation. I’m thinking that for the DOJ report, they started at “101” (Johnson) and went from there.

Well, there you go thinking again. Point was, all the primary witnesses said he had his hands up, but that didn't fit the official Law Enforcement Narrative. LaQuan McDonald was lunging at the officers. Sandra Bland assaulted the officer. Walter Scott took Slager's Taser and was trying to shoot him with it. Oh... whoops. You have video of what ACTUALLY happened?

I only said it was possible he had his hands up. But I don’t think he had them up as a gesture of surrender, I think he was looking at the gunshot wound on his hand. And hands up or not, he was moving towards Wilson. That’s what got him shot.

What got him shot was being black. We need to stop doing that shit.

And no, this isn't because I want to be a "White Savior". Enlightened self interest. At some point, they might start shooting back.
I didn't actually say that were homeless. I described them as “homeless-looking”. It was intended as a description of their general appearance, not of their actual status of having a home or not, which I wouldn't know.

So you think he lives in a mansion and dresses like that for fun?

I wouldn't know. It's not my business, and not relevant to the situation anyway.

And, as you point out, I didn't say that they were begging, either (though the most recent instance was carrying a cardboard sign, begging for money). As far as them begging in the street, the issue is not that they were begging, but that they were in the street, where they didn't belong, creating a serious safety hazard.

Yes, they were offending your white and delightsome sensibilities....

No, they were, in each instance, creating a serious safety hazard, both to themselves, and to others.

In the two specific incidents that I can clearly remember, I'm pretty sure that in each case, the offender was white; not that the color of his skin is in any way relevant.

Only you would suggest, in your extreme ignorance about the actual circumstances and in your own madness and general depravity, that racism or any other kind of irrational bigotry had anything to do with it. I don't think that even a few of the more extreme and insane black racists on this forum, such as IM2 or Asclepias, would agree with you that racism was in any way relevant here. I think you truly are very much alone, in your own unique, solitary, racist fringe, trying to paint this as a racism issue.

The first incident was some years ago. My wife and I, having dropped our car off to be serviced, were availing ourselves of Sacramento's public transit system to get home. Waiting at this bus stop at the intersection of Florin & Stockton, we observed a gut on the center divider on Florin, just west of the intersection. We're not sure what he thought he was doing, other than an apparent intent to try to stay on that center divider, but he was clearly drunk, drugged, or in some other way seriously impaired, and kept falling off the divider and into the traffic lanes. Several times, as we watched, he either nearly got himself hit by a car, or else nearly caused an accident where other cars came close to colliding as a result of swerving to avoid hitting him. I don't remember whether it was my wife or I who called 911, but whichever it was, we had just barely got to a dispatcher, and hadn't even had the chance to tell what was going on, when a police car came along Florin, from the west, stopped right where this guy was; and the officer very deftly got out, grabbed him, threw him in the back of the car, and drove off. I don't know if that officer was there in response to someone else having called this situation in, or whether it was just good timing that he happened to be passing by, and saw the situation.

Both Florin and Stockton are very busy streets, at this point, and where this guy was was a very dangerous place for anyone to be, (even sober, which he very clearly appeared not to be).

The second incident was much more recent, some time last year when I was working a construction project that fills up this block bordered by 20th, 21st, Q and R streets. During my morning break, I went to my car, which was parked on the east side of 21st Street, across from my project. I observed a guy walking up and down this section of the street, mostly keeping to the border between the bicycle lane and the regular traffic lane, but occasionally wandering into the automobile lane, causing cars to have to suddenly swerve or stop to avoid hitting him. This one was carrying a stereotypical cardboard panhandling sign.

This section of 21st is a very busy street, that time of day, and due to the nearby construction, this section was particularly congested and dangerous. Again, in the roadway was just not a safe place for any pedestrian to be. The current Google satellite view shows two lanes of automobile traffic, two bike lanes, and a parking lane to the right. At the time of this incident, and I assume it is still the case, due to construction, the leftmost car and bike lanes are blocked off, and the barriers doing so actually intrude uncomfortably close to the remaining automobile lane. The current Google Street View is somewhat more recent, and gives a better idea of what the circumstances were like at the time of this incident.

He was probably in less danger to himself than the guy in the first incident, but on the other hand, the danger that he was creating to others was greater. Bicycles were swerving into the path of automobile traffic to avoid hitting him. The danger that the guy in the first incident created to others was of creating a high probability that two or more cars would collide; this guy was creating a danger that a car and a bicycle might collide, which means a much greater danger of someone suffering serious physical injury or death, as opposed to just having a few cars damaged.

Of course, I called 911 and reported the situation. I couldn't stick around to see what happened after that, because I had to return to work. When I came out at lunch time, he was no longer there, so I assume the police came along, and either took him away, or at least convinced him to go somewhere safer.

I know that there have been other incidents in which I ended up calling 911 on someone being dangerously in the roadway; but these are the two most recent, and the two that I can clearly remember enough details to tell the story.

So, what would you have done in these situations? What would you have had me do? As far as I can tell, the only rational choices for me in either of these two situations, and in other similar situations that I've encountered in the past, would be to either do nothing, and leave the person creating the situation and any who might run afoul of it, to their fates, or else to call 911 and try to get someone dispatched there who is qualified to intervene.

And do you truly believe that my response, if any, to such a situation should or would be affected by the races of anyone involved?
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What got him shot was being black. We need to stop doing that shit.

And no, this isn't because I want to be a "White Savior". Enlightened self interest. At some point, they might start shooting back.

“Enlightened self interest” you say? That must mean that you think they'll be shooting at you. Which means either that you believe that black people are going to be inclined to shoot at people who are not threatening them (which would make you a racist, attributing to them a tendency to such gratuitous violence), or else that you expect to be in a position of threatening them to a degree that they'd be justified in shooting you.
No, they were, in each instance, creating a serious safety hazard, both to themselves, and to others.

In the two specific incidents that I can clearly remember, I'm pretty sure that in each case, the offender was white; not that the color of his skin is in any way relevant.

Only you would suggest, in your extreme ignorance about the actual circumstances and in your own madness and general depravity, that racism or any other kind of irrational bigotry had anything to do with it. I don't think that even a few of the more extreme and insane black racists on this forum, such as IM2 or Asclepias, would agree with you that racism was in any way relevant here. I think you truly are very much alone, in your own unique, solitary, racist fringe, trying to paint this as a racism issue.

Mormon Bob, the fact you tangled with those two gentlemen tells me all about your racism... So you've gone from "They were white" to "I'm not sure what they were, but it doesn't matter"

So, what would you have done in these situations? What would you have had me do? As far as I can tell, the only rational choices for me in either of these two situations, and in other similar situations that I've encountered in the past, would be to either do nothing, and leave the person creating the situation and any who might run afoul of it, to their fates, or else to call 911 and try to get someone dispatched there who is qualified to intervene.

I would have minded my own business and not called the cops. Frankly, given what you describe, it's about typical of what I see in homeless people all the time living in Chicago. It's what happens when you stop spending on mental health and start giving money to billionaires.

The thing is, you don't know what these guys backstories were. Maybe they were panhandling because they were veterans with PTSD who can't hold down a regular job. Maybe they were suffering a mental illness.... but man, they were just annoying you slightly, so by all means, call the cops on them.

Because that's totally what Jesus would do.
“Enlightened self interest” you say? That must mean that you think they'll be shooting at you. Which means either that you believe that black people are going to be inclined to shoot at people who are not threatening them (which would make you a racist, attributing to them a tendency to such gratuitous violence), or else that you expect to be in a position of threatening them to a degree that they'd be justified in shooting you.

Or that they might be taking Sister Souljah's advice and start killing white people for a change. Point being that you can only hit a group with injustice for so long before they start striking back. We really thought we were going to have race riots here in Chicago if Van Dyke was acquitted. Thankfully, he was convicted and the protests were peaceful.

Truth be told, the only reason we made any progress on race relations in the 1960's (I am just old enough to remember when we had race riots in Chicago) was because the Black Panthers and Malcolm X were threatening violence more than MLK's reasoned calls for justice.

I like to defuse bombs before they go off.
Mormon Bob, the fact you tangled with those two gentlemen tells me all about your racism... So you've gone from "They were white" to "I'm not sure what they were, but it doesn't matter"

I'm pretty sure they were white, in both cases, but it doesn't matter. Are you claiming that it did matter what race they were?

I would have minded my own business and not called the cops. Frankly, given what you describe, it's about typical of what I see in homeless people all the time living in Chicago. It's what happens when you stop spending on mental health and start giving money to billionaires.

The thing is, you don't know what these guys backstories were. Maybe they were panhandling because they were veterans with PTSD who can't hold down a regular job. Maybe they were suffering a mental illness.... but man, they were just annoying you slightly, so by all means, call the cops on them.

Because that's totally what Jesus would do.

I'm not sociopathic enough to see as dangerous a situation as I saw in those instances, and, if there's a simple step I can take to mitigate it, to not do so. You're trying to paint it as merely annoying. As a matter of self-interest, I didn't have to get involved at all. In neither of the cases that I described was I going to be directly affected.

But in both these cases, the men creating the situation were in mortal danger, and they were putting others in danger as well. Something needed to be done to mitigate that danger, but I was not and am not qualified to intervene in a direct manner, to try to convince or compel mentally-ill people who are engaging in dangerous behavior to stop doing so. That's the job of the police.

Or that they might be taking Sister Souljah's advice and start killing white people for a change. Point being that you can only hit a group with injustice for so long before they start striking back. We really thought we were going to have race riots here in Chicago if Van Dyke was acquitted. Thankfully, he was convicted and the protests were peaceful.

Truth be told, the only reason we made any progress on race relations in the 1960's (I am just old enough to remember when we had race riots in Chicago) was because the Black Panthers and Malcolm X were threatening violence more than MLK's reasoned calls for justice.

I like to defuse bombs before they go off.

So you're a racist, then, as well as a f•••ing coward. You perceive black people as inclined to unjustified violence, and you believe that “justice” should bow to such threats of violence, rather that convicting or acquitting a suspect on the facts that support or refute his actual guilt or innocence. Nothing about this, of course, is in any way inconsistent with what we all know about you.
He wasn’t casual about it all. Why do you think he was trying to get out of the cruiser in the first place?

When he first approached them it was to ask them to get on the sidewalk. Brown says “Fuck what you have to say.” At about the same time Wilson noticed the cigarillos in his and realized they fit the description of the two guys at the store.

Again, and unbeleivable story as the Vox article pointed out. Sounds more like, "OH, we found some tape of him taking some cigars... Um, yeah, I was investigating that, and not just "Harrass the black kid" which is our hobby out here."

Wilson knew about the robbery before he ran into Johnson and Brown. I’ve told you this already:

Wilson was just finishing up on a callout regarding a sick infant when the call went out about two guys swiping cigarillos from the Ferguson Market. Wilson heard this but was still involved in the sick baby callout.
When that was wrapped up and the child was in an ambulance on the way to the hospital, he called the two officers that had responded to the robbery call and were still there to see if they needed any help. They told him the two perpetrators were “in the wind” so Wilson just resumed his routine patrol.

This is all in the police radio dispatch transcripts which proves Wilson knew about the robbery and knew that the stolen items were cigarillos.

Not long after that is when he spotted Brown and Johnson walking down the middle of the street. At this time he did not know they were the two guys from the robbery. He confronted them to ask them to get on the sidewalk and when he did, he saw the cigarillos in Brown’s hand.
He then moved his cruiser to block their path and get out to confront them about the cigarillos but Brown slammed the door shut on him and then attacked him.

He swiped merchandise he never paid for then assaulted the store owner when he tried to stop him. What difference does it make if the fucking video was in slow motion?

You mean making a slight push look like an assault.

By definition, a push, no matter how slight, is an assault.

Again. without the context of him trading the pot for the cigars earlier, (Which the cops hid for years) it all looked a lot more ominous than it was. You know, like they knew Wilson fucked up by shooting him 8 times when he had his hands up.

It was ominous enough for the store owner to call the police.

So you apparently don’t have a problem with black people lying about witnessing the shooting but have an embolism when a white person does it.

I have no evidence that any of the black folks lied about what they saw...

You don’t, but they do. It’s in the report

We do know the cops lied.

About what?

Would you be asking this question if most of them had said Brown had his hands up and was surrendering?

Since there were at least three different law enforcement agencies involved and interrogating witnesses, it’s possible one or two had a different system for witness designation. I’m thinking that for the DOJ report, they started at “101” (Johnson) and went from there.

Well, there you go thinking again.

Someone has to do the thinking around here. It sure as hell isn’t you.

Point was, all the primary witnesses said he had his hands up, but that didn't fit the official Law Enforcement Narrative.

The primary witnesses were the people closest to the shooting with the best view: Johnson; the black man in the pickup who drove right up next to them while it was going on; the black family in the minivan watching from the intersection; the black couple in the car that Johnson was cowering behind; the contractor doing a home remodel just up the street; the two guys doing drainage work nearby and a handful of people watching from their apartments nearby.

All of these people closest to the shooting said Brown attacked Wilson in his cruiser, was not surrendering and was moving towards Wilson.

LaQuan McDonald was lunging at the officers. Sandra Bland assaulted the officer. Walter Scott took Slager's Taser and was trying to shoot him with it. Oh... whoops. You have video of what ACTUALLY happened?

None of these cases are relevant to the Brown case.

I only said it was possible he had his hands up. But I don’t think he had them up as a gesture of surrender, I think he was looking at the gunshot wound on his hand. And hands up or not, he was moving towards Wilson. That’s what got him shot.

What got him shot was being black. We need to stop doing that shit.

Did he attack Wilson because he’s black? No? Then he was shot for attacking an officer.

And no, this isn't because I want to be a "White Savior". Enlightened self interest. At some point, they might start shooting back.

“Enlightened”? If you are so enlightened then why did you not know the cigarillos were not in a bag?

Why did you not know that Brown was shot closer to the cruiser than from where he turned to face Wilson?

Why did you not know that Wilson knew about the robbery and the cigarillos before he encountered Brown?

Why did you not know that Brown was not shot for jaywalking or the robbery?

Why did you not know that Johnson thought his friend seemed antsy and was behaving strangely?

Why did you not know that Wilson was not fired when they closed the precinct?

Just like with the Sandy Hook and Sandmann cases, virtually everything you think you know about the Brown case is false and based on lies and ignorance.

You know what makes this even more pathetic? I knew almost nothing about these three cases before debating you on them.
I researched and read articles and watched videos during the discussions to learn what I could and due to this, I managed to know more about these cases in a matter of days and weeks than you learned in years.

Your premises for all three of these topics were built on falsehoods, lies, misconceptions, assumptions, intellectual dishonesty and willful ignorance.
It was ominous enough for the store owner to call the police.

Apparently, based on the most recent exchanges between JoeB131 and myself, calling the police is racist, no matter what danger or crime the subject of the call may be involved in, and even if the subject is white and so is the one making the call.
It was ominous enough for the store owner to call the police.

Apparently, based on the most recent exchanges between JoeB131 and myself, calling the police is racist, no matter what danger or crime the subject of the call may be involved in, and even if the subject is white and so is the one making the call.

Racism is all Joe has and has ever had. He gleefully jumped on the Merry Bandwagon of Liberal Paranoia and he’s going to ride that motherfucker to the bitter end.
I'm pretty sure they were white, in both cases, but it doesn't matter. A

Are you "pretty sure" or just "sure"?

Never mind.

I'm not sociopathic enough to see as dangerous a situation as I saw in those instances, and, if there's a simple step I can take to mitigate it, to not do so. You're trying to paint it as merely annoying. As a matter of self-interest, I didn't have to get involved at all. In neither of the cases that I described was I going to be directly affected.

But in both these cases, the men creating the situation were in mortal danger, and they were putting others in danger as well. Something needed to be done to mitigate that danger, but I was not and am not qualified to intervene in a direct manner, to try to convince or compel mentally-ill people who are engaging in dangerous behavior to stop doing so. That's the job of the police.

The next day, those guys were going to be back out on those same streets, so what did you actually accomplish? I mean, besides reminding the world you are a Mormon Prick?

So you're a racist, then, as well as a f•••ing coward. You perceive black people as inclined to unjustified violence,

No, that's the problem... it isn't "unjustified". You push people far enough, they'll explode.

and you believe that “justice” should bow to such threats of violence, rather that convicting or acquitting a suspect on the facts that support or refute his actual guilt or innocence.

Uh, guy ,a jury found the Klansmen who lynched Emmit Till "innocent". It found Darren Wilson innocent. If we as a society don't treat the lives of black people terribly importantly, we shouldn't be surprised when they show a similar disregard for our lives.

But don't worry, you're a guy who calls the police on someone if they are being dirty and homeless on a street you are using and annoying you.
Wilson knew about the robbery before he ran into Johnson and Brown. I’ve told you this already:

That's what the lying sack of shit claimed, LATER, after the police found the video.

By definition, a push, no matter how slight, is an assault.

Especially when it's an uppity negro doing it.

None of these cases are relevant to the Brown case.

Sure they are. COPS LIE. Especially when they might go to jail for their actions, because they just LOOOOOVE cops in jail.

So you have live cop and a dead an UNARMED kid with EIGHT bullet holes in him, pardon me if I don't take his word at face value.

Just like with the Sandy Hook

Uh, guy, your rantings on Sandy Hook make Dale Smith and his "False Flag" claims sound rational.
Racism is all Joe has and has ever had. He gleefully jumped on the Merry Bandwagon of Liberal Paranoia and he’s going to ride that motherfucker to the bitter end.

As opposed to you, who will justify any racist cop because the little uppity bastard had it coming.
I'm pretty sure they were white, in both cases, but it doesn't matter. A

Are you "pretty sure" or just "sure"?

Never mind.

It doesn't matter what color their skin was. In each of the cases that I described, what mattered was that there was an individual behaving in an insane and dangerous manner, putting his own safety at unreasonable risk, and putting the safety of others at an unreasonable risk. You're trying to make this all about racism, when it has nothing at all to do with race; just as I just read, in just the past few minutes, you doing in this thread, and in another thread, about several other unrelated issues. In this case, you're being particularly insane, in trying to characterize me as racist for being a white guy that called the police on two different instances of other white guys behaving in a manner that called for intervention by the police.

It's very noticeable that you often cry “Racism!”, and that when you do, it is nearly always the case that you're the only one who claims that race has anything to do with it.
Wilson knew about the robbery before he ran into Johnson and Brown. I’ve told you this already:

That's what the lying sack of shit claimed, LATER, after the police found the video.

Wrong. As I said, it’s in the police radio dispatch transcripts. When Wilson finished up with the call he was on, he called the two officers responding to the robbery and asked them if they needed help. What he said, verbatim was: “Do you guys need me?” One of the officers at the store responded: “They disappeared into the woodwork.” Wilson didn’t quite make this out so he asked dispatch for clarification. The dispatcher responded: “He thinks that they...disappeared.”

Sorry, but the facts prove Wilson knew about the robbery of the cigarillos.

By definition, a push, no matter how slight, is an assault.

Especially when it's an uppity negro doing it.

I can’t speak to how “uppity” Brown was or even see how it’s relevant if he was. But he did assault the store owner and he did assault an officer.

None of these cases are relevant to the Brown case.

Sure they are. COPS LIE.

So do you. So what’s your problem?

Especially when they might go to jail for their actions, because they just LOOOOOVE cops in jail.

Is this from experience?

So you have live cop and a dead an UNARMED kid with EIGHT bullet holes in him, pardon me if I don't take his word at face value.

So you have an internet troll prone to prevarication, exaggeration and displays a complete lack of interest in learning the facts of an issue. Pardon me if I don’t take his word at face value.

Just like with the Sandy Hook

Uh, guy, your rantings on Sandy Hook make Dale Smith and his "False Flag" claims sound rational.

Let’s talk about false flags. What about your false flag that the cigarillos were in a bag?
What about your false flag that Wilson didn’t know about them?
What about your false flag that Brown was shot for jaywalking?
What about your false flag that Brown was not approaching Wilson?

Talk about false flags, you’ve got a closet full of them.
Racism is all Joe has and has ever had. He gleefully jumped on the Merry Bandwagon of Liberal Paranoia and he’s going to ride that motherfucker to the bitter end.

As opposed to you, who will justify any racist cop because the little uppity bastard had it coming.

I haven’t justified a thing. I’m just informing you of the facts.

Fact: Brown swiped cigarillos from a store.
Fact: They were not in a bag.
Fact: The store owner called the cops.
Fact: Police dispatch puts out call about robbery at Ferguson Market giving description of main suspect (red Cardinals hat, white t-shirt, yellow socks and khaki shorts) and merchandise stolen (Swisher Sweets cigarillos).
Fact: Wilson hears this but is involved with another callout.
Fact: Two officers respond to robbery call and go to the store.
Fact: Wilson finishes previous call and asks officers at Ferguson Market if they need help. They inform him the suspects are gone.
Fact: Wilson later sees Brown and Johnson walking down the middle of the street and pulls up next to them and asks them to get on the sidewalk.
Fact: Wilson then sees the cigarillos in their hands and realizes Brown fits the description of the suspect from the store; red Cardinals hat, white t-shirt, etc.
Fact: Wilson reverses cruiser and maneuvers to block their path, then attempts to get out of the cruiser.
Fact: Brown slams cruiser door shut on Wilson and then proceeds to attack Wilson, punching him through the driver’s side window.
Fact: After the initial shots from the cruiser, Brown takes off running.
Fact: Wilson exits the cruiser and calls for backup.
Fact: After making the call, he goes after Brown with his gun drawn but down at his side yelling for Brown to stop.
Fact: Brown stops, turns around, looks down at his hands and then charges at Wilson.
Fact: Wilson orders Brown to stop but he does not so Wilson raises his gun and shoots.

These are the facts of the case and as you can see, Wilson doesn’t need any justification from me.
It doesn't matter what color their skin was. In each of the cases that I described, what mattered was that there was an individual behaving in an insane and dangerous manner, putting his own safety at unreasonable risk, and putting the safety of others at an unreasonable risk. You're trying to make this all about racism, when it has nothing at all to do with race; just as I just read, in just the past few minutes, you doing in this thread, and in another thread, about several other unrelated issues. In this case, you're being particularly insane, in trying to characterize me as racist for being a white guy that called the police on two different instances of other white guys behaving in a manner that called for intervention by the police.

Guy, we've already established you are a racist.. your rants about undocumented immigrants, the fact you belong to a racist cult. You just think that if you don't blurt the N-word out loud, that gives you a hall pass.

It's very noticeable that you often cry “Racism!”, and that when you do, it is nearly always the case that you're the only one who claims that race has anything to do with it.

Naw, what's amazing is that the one percenters get people like you to vote away yoru rights as workers by playing on your racism. Look out, that Mexican might take your job!!!
Fact: After the initial shots from the cruiser, Brown takes off running.
Fact: Wilson exits the cruiser and calls for backup.
Fact: After making the call, he goes after Brown with his gun drawn but down at his side yelling for Brown to stop.
Fact: Brown stops, turns around, looks down at his hands and then charges at Wilson.
Fact: Wilson orders Brown to stop but he does not so Wilson raises his gun and shoots.

Again, all according to Wilson if you ignore the dozens of witnesses who said he had his hands up. A guy who was FIRED for corruption from his last job.

I haven’t justified a thing. I’m just informing you of the facts.

You wouldn't know a fact if it bit you in the ass. You seem really invested in a thug cop murdering a black child.
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