Supreme Court Allows Sandy Hook Families' Case Against Remington Arms To Proceed

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In any case, this is just conspiracy theory mooseshit. I'll need you to provide sources and links. And not from conspiracy theory or propaganda websites. From respected medical journals and publications.

It wouldn't be a good conspiracy if you could prove it...
ou want to give them the right to choose but if they make the unwise choice of sex without protection and then choose to have the baby without the means to properly care for it, the left wing wants to force US to pay for their poor choices.

Oh, poor baby... you might have to give some money to a poor person...

Oh poor baby, someone might have to pay for their own mistakes.
In any case, this is just conspiracy theory mooseshit. I'll need you to provide sources and links. And not from conspiracy theory or propaganda websites. From respected medical journals and publications.

It wouldn't be a good conspiracy if you could prove it...

You said the cure for cancer is out there, so what is it? If you don't know what it is, how do you know it exists?
Oh poor baby, someone might have to pay for their own mistakes.

Hey, personally, I'd love if the government paid for abortions.... We'd solve so many problems that way.

Instead we pay for poor women to have babies they can't take care of, and so many of them end up in prison for life.

$300 abortion verses hundreds of thousands in welfare/incarceration.
Oh poor baby, someone might have to pay for their own mistakes.

Hey, personally, I'd love if the government paid for abortions.... We'd solve so many problems that way.

Instead we pay for poor women to have babies they can't take care of,

You just criticized me for not wanting to give money to the poor and here you are saying the exact same thing.

and so many of them end up in prison for life.

$300 abortion verses hundreds of thousands in welfare/incarceration.

I thought this was about a woman's choice?

It's clear to me now that you don't give a shit about a woman having choice, you just prefer they choose abortion so you don't have to pay for their welfare and food stamps.

You can't have it both ways. If you give women the option to choose abortion or giving birth, you can't very well complain if they choose to give birth. What you have right now is exactly what you and Norma McCorvey (A.K.A. Jane Roe of Roe vs. Wade) wanted: women having choice. The inevitable result of their having that choice is that some are going to choose to give birth, even if they can ill afford to raise a child.

So all of your pseudo-morality arguments about women having choice and people like me not caring about poor children are just props and smokescreen to disguise the fact that you don't want to pay for their mistakes any more than I do. And whereas I prefer they just use contraception to avoid getting pregnant in the first place, you prefer they choose abortion to erase the mistake already made.
You just criticized me for not wanting to give money to the poor and here you are saying the exact same thing.

The difference is, you want to force them to have babies they never wanted.

t's clear to me now that you don't give a shit about a woman having choice, you just prefer they choose abortion so you don't have to pay for their welfare and food stamps.

You can't have it both ways. If you give women the option to choose abortion or giving birth, you can't very well complain if they choose to give birth. What you have right now is exactly what you and Norma McCorvey (A.K.A. Jane Roe of Roe vs. Wade) wanted: women having choice. The inevitable result of their having that choice is that some are going to choose to give birth, even if they can ill afford to raise a child.

Stop with the shithouse lawyer tactics, buddy. What we have right now is rich white women having abortions, but poor women of color often can't afford them. What we should do is have the government fund both abortions and cradle to grave benefits.

This is what they do in France, and funny thing, they have an abortion rate half per capita of what we have.

Now, if you wingnuts had your way, we'd be like the Philippines... Abortion is "illegal", but they have more per capita than we have. They have 3 million abandoned children. But they be Right With Jesus, and that's the important thing. That and Grinding fucking poverty.

So all of your pseudo-morality arguments about women having choice and people like me not caring about poor children are just props and smokescreen to disguise the fact that you don't want to pay for their mistakes any more than I do. And whereas I prefer they just use contraception to avoid getting pregnant in the first place, you prefer they choose abortion to erase the mistake already made.

No, guy, I realize that contraception is imperfect. The pills fuck with women's emotional states. The rubbers are uncomfortable. IUD's have health risks. And sometimes, and I know you don't get this, people just get caught up in the heat of the moment and have sex.

Abortion is exactly what it is... another form of birth control. Which I'm just fine with.
You just criticized me for not wanting to give money to the poor and here you are saying the exact same thing.

The difference is, you want to force them to have babies they never wanted.

Actually I don't. I don't like the idea of forcing women to have abortions and I don't necessarily agree with repealing Roe vs. Wade. I just wish more women (and men) exercised more personal responsibility and good judgment.

t's clear to me now that you don't give a shit about a woman having choice, you just prefer they choose abortion so you don't have to pay for their welfare and food stamps.

You can't have it both ways. If you give women the option to choose abortion or giving birth, you can't very well complain if they choose to give birth. What you have right now is exactly what you and Norma McCorvey (A.K.A. Jane Roe of Roe vs. Wade) wanted: women having choice. The inevitable result of their having that choice is that some are going to choose to give birth, even if they can ill afford to raise a child.

Stop with the shithouse lawyer tactics, buddy.

None of what I said is untrue.

What we have right now is rich white women having abortions, but poor women of color often can't afford them.

Then how do you account for the fact that blacks and Hispanics have abortions out of proportion to their population numbers? The 2010 census puts blacks at 12.6% of the population, Hispanics at 16.3% and whites at 72.4%. Yet blacks account for 28% of abortions and Hispanics account for 25% while whites account for 39%.

Percentage wise, black and Hispanic abortions far outnumber white abortions. This means that if you have three communities of a hundred women each, where one community is all white, one is all black and one is all Hispanic, the white community will have about 50 to 60 abortions, the black community: 210 abortions and the Hispanic community: 110 abortions. This in turn means that blacks are having abortions at more than twice their population numbers, i.e., all the women in the black community will have two abortions and ten will have three.

So it appears that if women of color can't afford abortions, they're managing to have them anyway at or near the rate of over twice their numbers.

What we should do is have the government fund both abortions and cradle to grave benefits.

What we should do is have the government fund programs and initiatives to inform and educate young people on sex and the potential consequences, hardships and pitfalls of unwanted pregnancies. They need to know how much more difficult it is to achieve what they want in life while having to care for a child.

This is what they do in France, and funny thing, they have an abortion rate half per capita of what we have.

France doesn't have fewer abortions because the government is paying for them, they have fewer abortions because their young women are more informed, educated and aware.

Now, if you wingnuts had your way, we'd be like the Philippines... Abortion is "illegal", but they have more per capita than we have. They have 3 million abandoned children. But they be Right With Jesus, and that's the important thing. That and Grinding fucking poverty.

You have it all bass ackwards. Excessive pregnancies and abortions to not cause poverty, it is because of poverty. If one has or perceives fewer opportunities to achieve success and make something of oneself, there's not much more to life than working menial jobs, having children and suckling off the government teat.

So all of your pseudo-morality arguments about women having choice and people like me not caring about poor children are just props and smokescreen to disguise the fact that you don't want to pay for their mistakes any more than I do. And whereas I prefer they just use contraception to avoid getting pregnant in the first place, you prefer they choose abortion to erase the mistake already made.

No, guy, I realize that contraception is imperfect. The pills fuck with women's emotional states. The rubbers are uncomfortable. IUD's have health risks. And sometimes, and I know you don't get this, people just get caught up in the heat of the moment and have sex.

Well that's just tough shit, isn't it? I can't do anything about any of these things so what does any of it have to do with me or society?

When it comes to having sex, one has three choices: 1) Use protection. 2) Abstain or 3) Have unprotected sex and risk pregnancy. None of these choices taken by someone else other than myself or my partner has anything to do with me and is not my responsibility or society's. It's also not my responsibility if they use protection and it fails. Every condom package and contraceptive warns that condoms are not always 100% effective and everyone knows this anyway.

Abortion is exactly what it is... another form of birth control. Which I'm just fine with.

Birth control, by definition, is preventing conception. Killing the child after the fact is nothing more than a cheap and easy way to erase a mistake.
Actually I don't. I don't like the idea of forcing women to have abortions and I don't necessarily agree with repealing Roe vs. Wade. I just wish more women (and men) exercised more personal responsibility and good judgment.

Hope isn't a policy strategy.

Maybe you guys should stop trying to defund Planned Parenthood and the sensible contraception they provide to underserved communities.

Birth control, by definition, is preventing conception.

No, birth control by definition is preventing BIRTH. Abortion prevents birth.
Then how do you account for the fact that blacks and Hispanics have abortions out of proportion to their population numbers?

because they have less access to other forms of birth control. We've been over this.

Abortion is the birth control of last resort.
Actually I don't. I don't like the idea of forcing women to have abortions and I don't necessarily agree with repealing Roe vs. Wade. I just wish more women (and men) exercised more personal responsibility and good judgment.

Hope isn't a policy strategy.

Well then, maybe you better stop hoping more conservatives agree to just throw money at the problem. Because that ain't gonna happen.

Maybe you guys should stop trying to defund Planned Parenthood and the sensible contraception they provide to underserved communities.

I don't have a problem with Planned Parenthood being funded to educate, I have a problem with it being funded to give abortions, which is an elective procedure and in most cases, is not a health risk. I just don't think that people who play it loose with contraception deserve to have someone else pay for their mistake.

Birth control, by definition, is preventing conception.

No, birth control by definition is preventing BIRTH. Abortion prevents birth.

From, the definition of birth control: "Birth control is the use of any practices, methods, or devices to prevent pregnancy from occurring in a sexually active woman."

From "Birth control, also known as contraception, is designed to prevent pregnancy. Birth control methods may work in a number of different ways:

  • Preventing sperm from getting to the eggs. Types include condoms, diaphragms, cervical caps, and contraceptive sponges.
  • Keeping the woman's ovaries from releasing eggs that could be fertilized. Types include birth control pills, patches, shots, vaginal rings, and emergency contraceptive pills.
  • IUDs, devices which are implanted into the uterus. They can be kept in place for several years.
  • Sterilization, which permanently prevents a woman from getting pregnant or a man from being able to get a woman pregnant"
From ": control of the number of children or offspring born especially by preventing or lessening the frequency of conception : CONTRACEPTION.

I looked at a few other sites as well and nowhere is abortion listed as a method of birth control.
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Then how do you account for the fact that blacks and Hispanics have abortions out of proportion to their population numbers?

because they have less access to other forms of birth control. We've been over this.

Abortion is the birth control of last resort.

That is not at all what you said. You said poor women of color often can't afford abortions. You didn't say anything about not affording birth control or contraceptives. I quote: "What we have right now is rich white women having abortions, but poor women of color often can't afford them."

And what forms of birth control do they have less access to anyway?
Well then, maybe you better stop hoping more conservatives agree to just throw money at the problem. Because that ain't gonna happen.

Naw, I'll just wait for all the old stupid white people to die off, then we can get real economic justice in this country.

I don't have a problem with Planned Parenthood being funded to educate, I have a problem with it being funded to give abortions, which is an elective procedure and in most cases, is not a health risk. I just don't think that people who play it loose with contraception deserve to have someone else pay for their mistake.

Yes, yes, we know, the ladies controlling their own bodies just horrifies you nuts.

From, the definition of birth control: "Birth control is the use of any practices, methods, or devices to prevent pregnancy from occurring in a sexually active woman."

Awesome. Abortion prevents pregnancy by ending it. We totally need more of them.. just because they piss religious assholes off.
That is not at all what you said. You said poor women of color often can't afford abortions. You didn't say anything about not affording birth control or contraceptives. I quote: "What we have right now is rich white women having abortions, but poor women of color often can't afford them."

And what forms of birth control do they have less access to anyway?

Most of them, if they are uninsured, and can't get in to see a doctor to get pills or an IUD.
Well then, maybe you better stop hoping more conservatives agree to just throw money at the problem. Because that ain't gonna happen.

Naw, I'll just wait for all the old stupid white people to die off, then we can get real economic justice in this country.

I don't have a problem with Planned Parenthood being funded to educate, I have a problem with it being funded to give abortions, which is an elective procedure and in most cases, is not a health risk. I just don't think that people who play it loose with contraception deserve to have someone else pay for their mistake.

Yes, yes, we know, the ladies controlling their own bodies just horrifies you nuts.

From, the definition of birth control: "Birth control is the use of any practices, methods, or devices to prevent pregnancy from occurring in a sexually active woman."

Awesome. Abortion prevents pregnancy by ending it. We totally need more of them.. just because they piss religious assholes off.
you'll die along with all the stupid old white people
Well then, maybe you better stop hoping more conservatives agree to just throw money at the problem. Because that ain't gonna happen.

Naw, I'll just wait for all the old stupid white people to die off, then we can get real economic justice in this country.

I don't have a problem with Planned Parenthood being funded to educate, I have a problem with it being funded to give abortions, which is an elective procedure and in most cases, is not a health risk. I just don't think that people who play it loose with contraception deserve to have someone else pay for their mistake.

Yes, yes, we know, the ladies controlling their own bodies just horrifies you nuts.

From, the definition of birth control: "Birth control is the use of any practices, methods, or devices to prevent pregnancy from occurring in a sexually active woman."

Awesome. Abortion prevents pregnancy by ending it. We totally need more of them.. just because they piss religious assholes off.
Technically an abortion terminates a pregnancy it doesn't prevent it.
Technically an abortion terminates a pregnancy it doesn't prevent it.

Technically, it keeps a woman from having to deal with a mewling little brat... Works for me.

Added bonus. It pisses off religious assholes.
Well then, maybe you better stop hoping more conservatives agree to just throw money at the problem. Because that ain't gonna happen.

Naw, I'll just wait for all the old stupid white people to die off, then we can get real economic justice in this country.

Paying for other peoples' mistakes is not economic justice. And indulging in self loathing because you're white will not bring about economic justice; accomplishes nothing and doesn't impress anyone, least of all minorities.

I don't have a problem with Planned Parenthood being funded to educate, I have a problem with it being funded to give abortions, which is an elective procedure and in most cases, is not a health risk. I just don't think that people who play it loose with contraception deserve to have someone else pay for their mistake.

Yes, yes, we know, the ladies controlling their own bodies just horrifies you nuts.

Why do I always have to repeat myself to you? I told you already, I'm not against a woman's right to choose, I just wish more of them (and men) exercised better judgment so we could have far fewer abortions and be more like, say, France.

From, the definition of birth control: "Birth control is the use of any practices, methods, or devices to prevent pregnancy from occurring in a sexually active woman."

Awesome. Abortion prevents pregnancy by ending it. We totally need more of them.. just because they piss religious assholes off.

If a woman becomes pregnant then you haven't prevented it, dumbass. Stopping and preventing are two entirely different things. By the same principle, my correcting you on your falsehoods, lies and factual errors after you've said them never prevented you from saying them.
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That is not at all what you said. You said poor women of color often can't afford abortions. You didn't say anything about not affording birth control or contraceptives. I quote: "What we have right now is rich white women having abortions, but poor women of color often can't afford them."

And what forms of birth control do they have less access to anyway?

Most of them, if they are uninsured, and can't get in to see a doctor to get pills or an IUD.

If they can afford to have $300 abortions at over twice the rate of whites then I'd have to say that affording contraceptives is likely not a problem for them.
Paying for other peoples' mistakes is not economic justice. And indulging in self loathing because you're white will not bring about economic justice; accomplishes nothing and doesn't impress anyone, least of all minorities.

No self loathing at all.... all the dumb white trash in the MAGA hats, I know I am so much better..

Why do I always have to repeat myself to you? I told you already, I'm not against a woman's right to choose, I just wish more of them (and men) exercised better judgment so we could have far fewer abortions and be more like, say, France.

Okay. Let's be like France
Government provides free health care to everyone
Abortions are paid for.
Contraception is readily available.
No religious stupidity
Employers are required to give PAID family leave for 12 weeks.

If a woman becomes pregnant then you haven't prevented it, dumbass. Stopping and preventing are two entirely different things. By the same principle, my correcting you on your falsehoods, lies and factual errors after you've said them never prevented you from saying them.

Cartoon boy, you haven't corrected anything, including your OCD. Dance, my puppet.
Paying for other peoples' mistakes is not economic justice. And indulging in self loathing because you're white will not bring about economic justice; accomplishes nothing and doesn't impress anyone, least of all minorities.

No self loathing at all.... all the dumb white trash in the MAGA hats, I know I am so much better..

Then make some goddamn sense and suggest realistic, common sense and fair solutions without making it about white people.

Why do I always have to repeat myself to you? I told you already, I'm not against a woman's right to choose, I just wish more of them (and men) exercised better judgment so we could have far fewer abortions and be more like, say, France.

Okay. Let's be like France
Government provides free health care to everyone
Abortions are paid for.
Contraception is readily available.
No religious stupidity
Employers are required to give PAID family leave for 12 weeks.

You don't need to do any of that to reduce the number of abortions. Also, if women of color can afford three hundred dollar abortions at a rate of over twice their population percentage, why can't they afford contraceptives, which are far cheaper? Also, Obamacare already provides for birth control coverage (a major thorn in the side of many Christian conservatives) in many cases and women on welfare, Medicare and other government programs already get reduced costs for health care.

So obviously handing out free shit and cheap shit doesn't work. The problem is a cultural one and no amount of money and free shit is going to change that.

Besides, since you and pro-choice nuts don't seem to have any moral qualms about abortion anyway, what difference does it make whether they use contraceptives or not? And if you feel that strongly about it, why don't you quit your fucking pseudo-righteous preaching about how everyone else should be paying for their abortions and contraceptives and march on down to the nearest Planned Parenthood and hand them your paycheck?

If a woman becomes pregnant then you haven't prevented it, dumbass. Stopping and preventing are two entirely different things. By the same principle, my correcting you on your falsehoods, lies and factual errors after you've said them never prevented you from saying them.

Cartoon boy, you haven't corrected anything, including your OCD. Dance, my puppet.

My OCD, huh? I love how you keep insinuating that I'm obsessed or something when you have responded to every single one of my posts up to this point as much as I have responded to every one of yours. Except of course, the one where I asked you if Phillips approached Sandmann.

Anyway, I've had to correct you numerous times on things relating to Sandy Hook, Nick Sandmann and now abortion. I've had to correct you numerous times regarding my views on abortion in spite of the fact I told you these things two or three times already. I just had to correct you in my last post on something you said. Specifically, saying women of color not affording abortions and then later saying you were talking about contraceptives.

You can't even keep track of your own comments and arguments, it's no wonder you always get shit wrong; like Phillips being at a veterans march; Sandmann knowing Phillips was a vet; the Covington kids heckling the NA group; the definition of birth control; etc., etc., ad nauseum...

You have no fucking idea what actually goes on in minority communities yet you, a self-flagellating, white-hating honky wants to lecture everyone else about their plight. Grow the fuck up. Whatever hardships minority communities are suffering is not due to whites not paying for their abortions or their contraceptives. And if we did, it wouldn't change a goddamned thing.
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