Supreme Court Allows Semi Automatic Gun Ban

So all you crazy gun people who think that anyone should be able to get any sort of weapon they want have been told by supreme court you can't have semi automatic guns if they're outlawed where you live.

They also upheld limits on the amount of bullets you can have in a magazine too.

I hope the ban and limits rolls across the nation and those deadly weapons are illegal in as many states as possible.

Supreme Court rejects challenge to assault weapon ban - AOL

The SCOTUS is loathe to take cases concerning state/municipal authority, and refusing to review is not a final ruling. Another case will surface that will be more defining.

In Virginia, municipalities cannot override state law, which makes things much simpler.

You need to read the constitution.

The supreme court is the final say.

If they don't want to take the case the appeals court ruling stands.

Which is what happened.

You can make all the excuses you want but the reality is that the appeals court ruling stands.

The semi automatic weapon and large magazine law has been upheld and will remain in place.

No amount of your rationalizations will change it. Our court system follows the laws and constitution. Not what you want. You don't matter to anyone on those courts neither does what you say or want.

What matters is our constitution, laws and court rulings.

In this case you LOST.
So all you crazy gun people who think that anyone should be able to get any sort of weapon they want have been told by supreme court you can't have semi automatic guns if they're outlawed where you live.

They also upheld limits on the amount of bullets you can have in a magazine too.

I hope the ban and limits rolls across the nation and those deadly weapons are illegal in as many states as possible.

Supreme Court rejects challenge to assault weapon ban - AOL

I hate to burst your little bubble but not all semiautomatic rifles are classified as assault rifles
Yet, it's legal for Obama to give ISIS Javelin AT Missiles?

Why do you care about that?

IF it's true you should be very happy.

You conservatives have killed legislation that will prohibit terrorists from legally buying and owning any sort of weapon they want.

If you and those like you had not spent so much time rationalizing and supporting terrorists getting guns legally in America I might believe you care whether they get weapons or not.

However you're on the side of the terrorists. You will do anything to prevent safety laws that prohibit terrorists from buying guns legally in America.

I'm going to need reliable and credible honest proof of your claim. I did a search on it. Very few articles about it actually came up. None of the articles are from reliable and credible newspapers. I've never heard of most of them and some of them aren't even publications in America. All the ones I read just asked the question if he did or not. They didn't say he did that nor did they provide any proof that Obama did that.

Then you will have to tell me what that has to do with the subject of this thread?

Seems to me you're trying to change the subject which is against USMB posting rules.

Stick to the subject. If you want to discuss what you posted, create a thread about it.
So all you crazy gun people who think that anyone should be able to get any sort of weapon they want have been told by supreme court you can't have semi automatic guns if they're outlawed where you live.

They also upheld limits on the amount of bullets you can have in a magazine too.

I hope the ban and limits rolls across the nation and those deadly weapons are illegal in as many states as possible.

Supreme Court rejects challenge to assault weapon ban - AOL

The SCOTUS is loathe to take cases concerning state/municipal authority, and refusing to review is not a final ruling. Another case will surface that will be more defining.

In Virginia, municipalities cannot override state law, which makes things much simpler.

You need to read the constitution.

I have. Many, many times. Innumerable times.

The supreme court is the final say.

Now it's YOU who need to read the Constitution. There are three co-equal branches of government, and there are mechanisms for Congress to override SCOTUS rulings.

And in the end, the people have the final say, depending on what they are prepared to do to enforce it.

If they don't want to take the case the appeals court ruling stands.

I have not said otherwise. Completely true, until the case is revisited directly, or indirectly through another case.

Please educate yourself before you piss your pants once again.

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