Supreme Court: Coach Can Pray on the Sidelines. Ruling 6-3

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Did he "organize" them?
Yep. He is the leader. He had the say. And your question is kind of desperate anyway.

The SCOTUS today made it a constitutional right to organize students on the 50 yard line and pray at school events.

So let's stay tethered to the topic and to reality. We aren't talking about one incident. We are talking about every school in the country, until the end of time.
Yep. He is the leader. He had the say. And your question is kind of desperate anyway.

The SCOTUS today made it a constitutional right to organize students on the 50 yard line and pray at school events.

So let's stay tethered to the topic and to reality. We aren't talking about one incident. We are talking about every school in the country, until the end of time.

Nobody organized students on the 50 yard line so your entire post is based on a lie.
You're inability to provide an answer is noted.

I'll not hit you with the hard questions from here on out...
Just because someone doesn't do something, you assume they cannot?

Thats really poor logic. You could not have gotten very far in life with such a horrible grasp of logic.

So I will assume you are just saying dumb stuff for attention.

You don't understand why children might be handled differently than adults, in the respect she mentioned?

I think you do.
Just because someone doesn't do something, you assume they cannot?

Well, true. I assumed you were interested in having an intelligent conversation about the issue.

Clearly that ability escapes you...

Thats really poor logic. You could not have gotten very far in life with such a horrible grasp of logic.

Oh, I've gotten quite far, thankyouverymuch...

So I will assume you are just saying dumb stuff for attention.

And I'll assume you're a dolt because you can't answer a simple question...

You don't understand why children might be handled differently than adults, in the respect she mentioned?

I think you do.

She said that "choice is iffy when it comes to students" without explanation.

All I did was ask "why?"

"US Supreme Court: Should this coach have been punished for praying?"

The Supreme Court is going all in for right wing policies right now.

Allowing abortion to be banned, being pro-gun, being pro-religion anywhere and everywhere. What next?

And what are the inevitable consequences?
Civil War? A change in the way the government is set up?
I wouldn't allow that, just as I wouldn't allow a Christian coach to do it, either. If the players choose to do it, though, I don't have an issue with it...
Ok, so to be clear if a Muslim Coach did the exact same thing as Kennedy but it was prayers to Allah, it would be a none issue for you. Correct?
Ok, so to be clear if a Muslim Coach did the exact same thing as Kennedy but it was prayers to Allah, it would be a none issue for you. Correct?

I might find it odd (those prayer rugs can take up some space), but as long as he wasn't requiring the students to join him, no, I don't think it's a big deal...
The team wasn’t praying with him but you already knew that. Your post is what happens when your feelings rule your judgement.
It makes no sense and is a lie.
My post was a question, did not have any feelings or judgement involved. Its your feelings and judgement that led you to jump to false conclusions about my post. Take a breath and relax. Everything is going to be ok. Now try and proceed in a more reasonable and less emotional way. Thank you in advance.
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