Supreme Court: Coach Can Pray on the Sidelines. Ruling 6-3

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"US Supreme Court: Should this coach have been punished for praying?"

The Supreme Court is going all in for right wing policies right now.

Allowing abortion to be banned, being pro-gun, being pro-religion anywhere and everywhere. What next?

And what are the inevitable consequences?
Civil War? A change in the way the government is set up?
Was it a public school?

I might find it odd (those prayer rugs can take up some space), but as long as he wasn't requiring the students to join him, no, I don't think it's a big deal...
How will you know? You won't.

How will you know the kids don't just feel like they are required to do it? You won't.
I might find it odd (those prayer rugs can take up some space), but as long as he wasn't requiring the students to join him, no, I don't think it's a big deal...
True, they would need an extra storage shed for all the prayer rugs.

I think were it gets sticky with team sports is the fact that many competitive teams do things as a single unit to promote solidarity and team unity. Team huddles, team prayers, team charity events, wearing your jersey to school on game days etc etc. A coach sets a system that team players follow. Is it required? No. But it does isolate and puts people against the flow if they opt out. This can translate to people feeling pressured to do things against their beliefs. I believe this is where the opposition comes from.

Personally I don't care that much because I've never been effected by it. I'm a white boy who was raised Catholic so if a coach did a prayer it was no big deal. If I was a brown muslim, I may feel a bit differently about it... Don't know... Thats why I ask questions here instead of try to dictate how things should be.
Time for jews, muslims, hindus, sikhs, wiccans, pagans, satanists and everyone to start leading prayers.

sure, why not?

Local City Council, at last meeting, passed a new rule to open the Council meeting with a prayer.

Can't believe how many idiots posted on their site about Separation of Church and State.

Ignorant that both Houses of Congress open their daily sessions with the Chaplain invoking a prayer.

It really amazes me just how stupid some people are.
My post was a question, did not have any feelings or judgement involved. Its your feelings and judgement that led you to jump to false conclusions about my post. Take a breath and relax. Everything is going to be ok. Now try and proceed in a more reasonable and less emotional way. Thank you in advance.

You have nothing. Weak.

"US Supreme Court: Should this coach have been punished for praying?"

The Supreme Court is going all in for right wing policies right now.

Allowing abortion to be banned, being pro-gun, being pro-religion anywhere and everywhere. What next?

And what are the inevitable consequences?
Civil War? A change in the way the government is set up?
The SCOTUS is simply and fairly and accurately assessing cases and controversies.

The truth is that there is nothing at all in the first amendment’s freedom of religion provisions which suggest that a coach praying on a school field after a game in any way inhibits the free exercise of religious freedom of anyone or establishes any state religion.
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