Supreme Court: Coach Can Pray on the Sidelines. Ruling 6-3

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Congress allow opening statements from anyone, even non-religious people.

The coach doesn't. It's evangelical Christianity or nothing.

Honest people admit to the stark difference, that one of those things is not like the others.
The coach has no power but Congress is the legislative body of the Country. Congress authorizes prayer but the 1st Amendment doesn't extend to a freaking football coach.
No one ever said it was. That's just one of your dishonest deflections.

Now, a government agent pressuring a captive crowd clearly is establishing a religion.

I hope you won't embarrass yourself by denying that, but I'm sure you will.
How is he keeping people there? How is he preventing anyone from leaving? How is he forcing anyone to pray?

Hear that noise? That was your stupid argument being torpedoed. You should be used to that.
No one ever said it was. That's just one of your dishonest deflections.

Now, a government agent pressuring a captive crowd clearly is establishing a religion.

I hope you won't embarrass yourself by denying that, but I'm sure you will.
So now this one coach praying has the power of Congress? You sir, are a moron.
The prayer was not private. Xians do it for recognition in public because they know it is antagonistic to non-believers, or moral posturing for future recruits to their protection racket. When the CIA goes to church, it's not to pray but to learn theological technique. The CIA is interested in dictators and their overthrow, not just Ukrainian elections that install their puppets.
Doesn’t matter. Protected right to free exercise of religion anywhere at any time.
So now this one coach praying has the power of Congress? You sir, are a moron.
Are you drunk?

Seriously, that was a remarkably stupid statement from you, one that didn't seem attached to reality in any way. I'm being charitable by assuming you were drunk instead of stupid.
FIrst amendment. Have you ever read it? "no law respecting an establishment of religion".

Don't feel bad. Six justices didn't read it either.
"no law respecting an establishment of religion".

What law did they make establishing a religion?

and, why didn't you add this part of it?

"or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;"
Of course a coach pressures his team to do everything together. Nobody wants to be the outsider.

You're just embarrassing yourself now.
Odd, then, how no students came forward to claim they were pressured.

But I gotta hand it to you. You bitterly cling to your leftist horseshit no matter how completely it's been refuted.
So, do you all support prosecuting women for murder when they come back to Florida after having an abortion out of state?

Do you support prosecuting them for murder if they took the abortion pill in-state?

Prosecuting someone for murder because they disagree with your religion would qualify as control by that religion, wouldn't you say?
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