Supreme Court: Coach Can Pray on the Sidelines. Ruling 6-3

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As the TRUMPCourt continues to erode Constitutional protections long understood.

The coach has a right to personally pray but not to coerce players to participate in public prayer

The coach was fired for ignoring instructions not to hold public prayers not for the act of praying
He wasn't coercing anyone.
School property at a sanctioned school event

If he prayed on an empty field nobody would care
Hair splitting. He waited until the game is over,
But honestly... I don't care one bit.
This is nothing more than whiney little bitches finding something new to be outraged about.
All kinds of things annoy me. The older I get, the more there is to be annoyed about.
But it never occurs me to go running to a judge and demand it stop.
Like I say - it's called tolerance.
Hair splitting. He waited until the game is over,
But honestly... I don't care one bit.
This is nothing more than whiney little bitches finding something new to be outraged about.
All kinds of things annoy me. The older I get, the more there is to be annoyed about.
But it never occurs me to go running to a judge and demand it stop.
Like I say - it's called tolerance.
Rules for School Prayer have been around for 50 years
Rules for School Prayer have been around for 50 years
meh... there is a lot more things to worry about.
Like I say, if a person is actually so outraged by seeing a man standing on the sidelines with his head bowed that they pay lawyers to get it stopped??.... you got issues.
Such convenient excuses.

You know you are not doing what you are supposed to do, but you do it anyhow.

Right. It's the world religion that perfectly describes the human condition.

Also, I am not perfect like Jesus Christ. Are you? That's something if you are. huh.
The Supreme Court’s decisions interpreting the First Amendment ban on “an establishment of religion” have, at times, relied on different frameworks to determine if this ban is violated. Legal scholars refer to these competing frameworks by names such as the “endorsement test” or the “coercion test.”

Under the first framework, Justice Sandra Day O’Connor wrote in 1984, government actions that endorse a particular religion or religious belief are disfavored because such endorsements send “a message to nonadherents that they are outsiders, not full members of the political community, and an accompanying message to adherents that they are insiders, favored members of the political community.”

Under the latter framework, endorsements are sometimes permitted, but not if they coerce individuals into a religious exercise. The Court’s decision in Lee v. Weisman (1992), moreover, suggests that school-sponsored religious activities are inherently coercive — both because of the power school officials wield over students, and because of the peer pressure facing young people who visibly refuse to participate.

meh... there is a lot more things to worry about.
Like I say, if a person is actually so outraged by seeing a man standing on the sidelines with his head bowed that they pay lawyers to get it stopped??.... you got issues.
apparently the guy actually KNELT . well---to me it is a minor faux pas.
sportsmen do things that bother ME----all the time-----Long ago---when
my brothers watched TV baseball----it BOTHERED me that the pitcher
SPIT his tobacco juice incessantly
School property at a sanctioned school event

If he prayed on an empty field nobody would care

Yep. Perfectly legal.

Nice to say, but when he is the coach, he is the organizer. The leader. Sorry.

And I don't have too much problem with it. He is the one opening himself up, the first moment some kid can make a case he was treated differently for not joining prayers. So he should be careful.
And when the school made a big issue about the players coming out to middle of the field (it was the opposing team players as well did he have some undue influence on them some how) he told them they couldn't come out there anymore and they still fired him.
And when the school made a big issue about the players coming out to middle of the field (it was the opposing team players as well did he have some undue influence on them some how) he told them they couldn't come out there anymore and they still fired him.
yeah----undue influence----a COACH in the sport of choice
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