Supreme Court: Coach Can Pray on the Sidelines. Ruling 6-3

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School Prayer has been resolved for 50 years

The TRUMP Court is changing the rules
Yes. No one in school may force others to pray. Despite leftist hysterics, no one has proved the coach forced anyone.

It looks like you're going to continue going through life bitter and disappointed. But then, you're a leftist. Bitter and disappointed is hard-wired in.
Look away. No one has to change their behavior to assuage your butthurt.
Looking at your latest posts, we all see that you're not doing well. We just got treated to _nineteen_ of your posts that were just content-free hate-rants. And I'm sure more are on the way.

Do you see anyone else on the board acting like you do? No. You're not normal. You've taken the "hateful miserable prick" act to a whole new level.

Needless to say, it violates board rules, but that's a minor thing. The bigger thing is that you get some help before you hurt yourself or someone else.
Hair splitting. He waited until the game is over,
But honestly... I don't care one bit.
This is nothing more than whiney little bitches finding something new to be outraged about.
All kinds of things annoy me. The older I get, the more there is to be annoyed about.
But it never occurs me to go running to a judge and demand it stop.
Like I say - it's called tolerance.
Leftists are great believers in tolerance. For instance, they believe everyone should be forced by threat of government violence to tolerate whatever leftists want.

In return, leftists will tolerate from the right -- absolutely nothing. Silence, peasant!
Coerced MINORS to pray

lighten up francis.gif
How do you know?

How do you know the players didn't feel pressured?

And how do you know the coaches won't require it and the players wont feel pressured in any instance of this at every school in America until the end of time?

You don't know any of these things. Nobody can.
But that sure doesn't stop any of you snowflakes from claiming it, does it?
The Constitution was set up to protect the People from it's government, not to protect the government from its People.
Power goes back to the People for now. Doesn't it?
That's why they hate these two cases, this one and RvW being overturned.

Their little-g god, government, has had some of its absolute authority taken away.

The Supreme Court justices that repeatedly reaffirmed the precedent that was just trashed by the court?

The lower court judges that just got overruled?


No, I am pretty sure they had well reasoned arguments, as did the dissenting judges in this ruling.
Leftists in general, dumbass. You're not even the smartest guy in the room when you're the only guy in the room.
Looking at your latest posts, we all see that you're not doing well. We just got treated to _nineteen_ of your posts that were just content-free hate-rants. And I'm sure more are on the way.

Do you see anyone else on the board acting like you do? No. You're not normal. You've taken the "hateful miserable prick" act to a whole new level.

Needless to say, it violates board rules, but that's a minor thing. The bigger thing is that you get some help before you hurt yourself or someone else.
Violates the rules? Man up and report me, you sniveling puke. Show some backbone for once.

Meanwhile, the Court correctly decided you god-haters are full of shit.
Learn to read.

the last person to try to pack the court was FDR.

No one has tried it again til now. (BIden)
No one has tried it since. Biden consistently rules it out.
You lead a rich fantasy life. Most leftists do.

And you do it yet again.

There is no winning or losing. This case has zero impact on my life and will never have any impact on my life

I disagreed with the ruling, not a big deal, people disagree with the Supreme Court all the time.

But by hades that makes you all so very mad. You cannot just discuss the ruling and our views on it, we have to agree with you all or be attacked and belittled.

Why is that? Why do you want everyone to think just like you on every topic?

That seems so very boring, but it is all you people want.

If I live to be 1000 I will never understand it.
And you do it yet again.

There is no winning or losing. This case has zero impact on my life and will never have any impact on my life

I disagreed with the ruling, not a big deal, people disagree with the Supreme Court all the time.

But by hades that makes you all so very mad. You cannot just discuss the ruling and our views on it, we have to agree with you all or be attacked and belittled.

Why is that? Why do you want everyone to think just like you on every topic?

That seems so very boring, but it is all you people want.

If I live to be 1000 I will never understand it.
You project almost as much as mamooth. :auiqs.jpg:

I don't care that you don't agree with the ruling. Your approval is neither sought nor required; you should stop pretending it is.

Meanwhile, you fellow leftists are filled with pants-shitting rage. You have to be making a special effort to pretend it's not there.
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