Supreme Court: Coach Can Pray on the Sidelines. Ruling 6-3

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who on here was offended by the prayer?
That we don't know, we don't have all the details. But I believe it would be next to impossible to get a bunch of teenagers to agree on anything. Most likely, most did not want to do it, but they don't obligated to their coach and of course they want to be good team players.
That we don't know, we don't have all the details. But I believe it would be next to impossible to get a bunch of teenagers to agree on anything. Most likely, most did not want to do it, but they don't obligated to their coach and of course they want to be good team players.
Typo in the above; " but they felt all they get into their coach..."
You'd think someone would come up with a disclaimer and end all this needless exercise in making lawyers rich.

Schools could put a placard on display saying something to the effect of:

This school supports free exercise of or no exercise of any and all religions under the First Amendment.

Kinda ends the separation of church and state argument....which also needs to be addressed.
Imagine a commencement, where the rabbi gets up and says a prayer, the Imam gets up and says a prayer, the priest gets up and says a prayer, the father gets up and says a prayer, the Wiccan gets up and says a prayer, etc. They'd never get commencing done in the same day.
You'd think someone would come up with a disclaimer and end all this needless exercise in making lawyers rich.

Schools could put a placard on display saying something to the effect of:

This school supports free exercise of or no exercise of any and all religions under the First Amendment.

Kinda ends the separation of church and state argument....which also needs to be addressed.
He did?

So it seems he is aware of which players participate and which don’t

And showed no bias. Actually PREFERRED those as captains for decision making abilities and "not flock followers". I tossed in the "flock followers" to help you UNDERSTAND the common sense of it.

And being SILENT prayers -- it EXCLUDED no other religions or cults. Just a matter of personal style. Or players that needed to pee real bad or were bleeding out and did not have the time.
Imagine a commencement, where the rabbi gets up and says a prayer, the Imam gets up and says a prayer, the priest gets up and says a prayer, the father gets up and says a prayer, the Wiccan gets up and says a prayer, etc. They'd never get commencing done in the same day.

Lets have the atheist get up and say all those religions are fake
Let me reiterate for you....

"The Constitution was set up to protect the People from it's government, not to protect the government from its People.
Power goes back to the People for now. Doesn't it?"
Let me remind you... you just said something wrong and stupid,and I corrected your lies.

That's why you changed lanes.
You could not possibly know that.

Way to start your post with madeup horrseshit. Really prepares the reader for the rest.

I didn't START the post with that. Started with QUOTING the actual guy. dishonest one. Here's where your logic and independent thought fails.

If there was BIAS of any kind, those 2 non-participating kids wouldn't have been team captains would they? And dont team captains usually stay ON THE FIELD LONGER and more often than non team captains?

Tell me how you turn this around and still hold that there's evidence this guy was as spiteful as most leftists are and taking it on the kids.
That we don't know, we don't have all the details. But I believe it would be next to impossible to get a bunch of teenagers to agree on anything. Most likely, most did not want to do it, but they don't obligated to their coach and of course they want to be good team players.
So if being a “good team player” involved hazing?
Imagine a commencement, where the rabbi gets up and says a prayer, the Imam gets up and says a prayer, the priest gets up and says a prayer, the father gets up and says a prayer, the Wiccan gets up and says a prayer, etc. They'd never get commencing done in the same day.

Except in THIS particular case, the prayer was silent and by definition INCLUDES all of those views.
So you're not going to bed. You lied about that at well. I detect a pattern.

Now, what is your definition of murder?
I see you haven't yet come to grips with your essential impotence that no little blue pill can cure.

You don't give orders, Slappy.
It's not a win for religious freedom. It is a win for religiosity and indoctrination. Religious freedom is the opposite of what is happening. Coaches have a dominating stature among young impressionable minds. Are all these children even Christians ? If the one Jewish boy or the one Muslim boy decides he can't join the Christians in doing this. Even the impression that he is outside of the loop can have detrimental effects on the individual. I'm not quoting any already written script I'm just thinking off the top of my head and what is reasonable. This is not. Undue influence is at play here. The Constitution says no one religion can be put above the others. Christianity is bad enough, I hope his coach isn't using the name Jesus Christ when he's leading these boys, if you just talked about god that wouldn't be quite as offensive. But to say the name Jesus is unacceptable to children of other faiths or atheist or agnostics. The list goes on and on. This wasn't right for a reason, the only thing that's changed is the people who are supreme Court justices. The people who lied to get on the supreme Court who were sponsored by a lying president. Wonder why it's causing such trouble. The Constitution is based on truth not lies.
You are stating as fact things which are based on your hatred of Christians.

Reality has no obligation to alter itself to suit you.
Coaches have a great power over there students. It's called undue influence. How do you think so many coaches get into their students pants. Most coaches I've ever seen aren't very attractive. So that's not doing it. I think that's a good comparison.
Well, that's because you're retarded.
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