Supreme Court Rejects Challenge To Indiana University's Vaccination Requirement

Congress really needs to rein in the SCOTUS and remind it precisely why the Founders purposefully made it the least powerful of the three branches of government.

Congress has all of the power in the world to do just that very thing.

That congres has effectively been derelict of its duty is the only reason the court has been able to exist and function as an activist type of entity.
If Barrett agreed with you, she would have taken up the case.
By the way, the Constitution says who was responsible for taxation. It doesn't say anything about vaccines.

Agree with me? I'm asking questions.
Congress really needs to rein in the SCOTUS and remind it precisely why the Founders purposefully made it the least powerful of the three branches of government.

Congress has all of the power in the world to do just that very thing.
The USSC is as powerful as Congress.
Let the congress worry about renaming post offices and wasting $trillions, not constitutional matters.
If you can opt out for medical reasons or religious, is it really a mandate?

I don't know.

I do know that many of the trump people on this board have screamed that no court would allow it.

When I reply that the court already ruled in 1905 the trump people think that the Supreme Court we have now will just ignore that already settled case law.

It's just another example of how down right stupid the trump people are.
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There are many colleges and universities who have already implemented vaccine mandates. Of course our supreme court are too PC to make an actual ruling that will overturn these. Pussies.

Your post screams how ill informed you are.

It's already established case law. It was established in 1905.

The only way to change it is for the congress to write legislation, it passes both houses of congress then the president signs it into law.

The Supreme Court can't overturn already settled case law.

No matter how much you want them to.

It has noting to do with being PC. Your statement is very lame.
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When one of the students has an adverse reaction to the non-FDA approved vaccine and sues the college will the judge rule in favor of the college and open him/herself to a lawsuit for the ruling?


I've been saying on this board that the Supreme Court ruled in 1905 that the government or state can mandate vaccines for about a week now. In that time it was the small pox vaccination. Well, well, it's the exact case the appeals court cited in their upholding the lower court's ruling that the school can mandate vaccines.

Too bad that this isn't a vaccination, it is gene therapy, and too bad the small pox vaccine truly immunizes you and was thoroughly tested----- the Covid shots are not approved by the FDA, and have a lot of dangers and side effects. Ever hear of anyone dying from the small pox vaccine?

Ever hear that after getting the small pox vaccine, you still had to stay away from everyone and wear a mask, even if they showed no signs whatsoever of being sick?
Who works for who?
They work for the taxpayers but that doesn't mean low I.Q. right wing goons & drama queens should be allowed to threaten their lives. Those officials are trying to save children's lives because the parents are too stupid to do it themselves.

Parents have been jailed under child abuse statutes for witholding meds from their children & the same should apply to idiot parents who are against kids masking up because of their devotion to right wing fascist idology that is killing people, including children who are too young to take care of themselves.
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anti-vaxers basic argument.. they have “a constitutional right to bodily integrity, autonomy, and of medical treatment choice in the context of a vaccination mandate.”..wonder if that makes them pro-choice on the abortion issue?
I remember when we all lined up in school for vaccines. It was not an option.
View attachment 524886

That's exactly what happened in the 60s and 70s.

We were all lined up in either the gym or cafeteria. Everyone was vaccinated. The only exceptions being those who already had the vaccination. That's it.

We managed to eradicate polio, small pox, rubella and other horrible diseases.

We would still have it today if not for reagan. That became "big government" in the reagan years. When people spoke up about how it's not a good idea, reagan said people can get their kids vaccinated at their doctor's office.

How did that work out? We've had outbreaks of whooping cough and measles.

Now we have a pandemic.
Just for argument........the earlier ruling was that the government could require a vaccine. A college is not the government. Now it might be a state college but can they now enact a tax also?

It's a public school. Owned by the government.
I've been saying on this board that the Supreme Court ruled in 1905 that the government or state can mandate vaccines for about a week now. In that time it was the small pox vaccination.

Well, well, it's the exact case the appeals court cited in their upholding the lower court's ruling that the school can mandate vaccines.

Looks like the non vaxers didn't do their homework.

It didn't take me long to find that information a week ago or so when I did a search on if vaccines can be mandated.

Now, the Supreme Court has basically said the same thing. They rejected the student's case.

Oh, and the judge who wrote the ruling? trump appointed amy coney barrett.

Too bad that this isn't a vaccination, it is gene therapy, and too bad the small pox vaccine truly immunizes you and was thoroughly tested----- the Covid shots are not approved by the FDA, and have a lot of dangers and side effects. Ever hear of anyone dying from the small pox vaccine?

Ever hear that after getting the small pox vaccine, you still had to stay away from everyone and wear a mask, even if they showed no signs whatsoever of being sick?
View attachment 524893

When one of the students has an adverse reaction to the non-FDA approved vaccine and sues the college will the judge rule in favor of the college and open him/herself to a lawsuit for the ruling?



The school is buying Big Pharma's liability by mandating this shit and schools don't get the same Big Pharma liability protection.

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