Supreme Court Rejects Final trump Election Challenge

The Supreme Court finally put a stop to the court challenges today.

They threw out the last case trump has brought to that court.

So it's 0-4 on the court with his election challenges.

Thank goodness this is finally over. Hopefully the nation can move on from all the many lies.

Not sure the country will ever forgive and forget. If we did, we could end up with another trumpist down the road that could end our constitutional representative republic type of government in this country. You will remember, for the rest of your life, especially if any of the Senators that supported trying to overthrow the election after they lost are stupid enough to run for the presidency. It is time for a 3rd party, as Republicans in general will not be trusted, especially as they continue to make purges of anybody not of the trumpist mindset. You may not believe it Dana, but unless a viable 3rd party is assembled, you are going to miss the Republicans.

We don't need a 3rd party. We will get rid of the RINOS. I believe in the findings of Rudy, Sidney Powell, Mike Lindell and the other lawyers. Justice will prevail and the fat lady will sing.

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See the VA. Get some meds, Top. Be lucky if two of them keep their law license. Pillow head is not looking too good either. Just a radical nutball like the other two, but a rich one.
The Supreme Court finally put a stop to the court challenges today.

They threw out the last case trump has brought to that court.

So it's 0-4 on the court with his election challenges.

Thank goodness this is finally over. Hopefully the nation can move on from all the many lies.

Not sure the country will ever forgive and forget. If we did, we could end up with another trumpist down the road that could end our constitutional representative republic type of government in this country. You will remember, for the rest of your life, especially if any of the Senators that supported trying to overthrow the election after they lost are stupid enough to run for the presidency. It is time for a 3rd party, as Republicans in general will not be trusted, especially as they continue to make purges of anybody not of the trumpist mindset. You may not believe it Dana, but unless a viable 3rd party is assembled, you are going to miss the Republicans.

I've been a registered Independent since 1978.

I've voted a variety of parties through the decades.

I've posted many times on this board that I don't want the Republican Party to destroy itself. That we need two major parties in our nation for democracy to be able to exist. That the last thing we need is one major political party.

I'm not a democrat.

I'm a liberal. And proud of it. I have been all my life.

I hope that trump doesn't succeed in purging the Republican Party of the few sane people who are left.

I don't agree with much from today's Republican Party. I wish they would get their act together and stop trying to force their disastrous and failed economic and social policies on our nation.
The Supreme Court finally put a stop to the court challenges today.

They threw out the last case trump has brought to that court.

So it's 0-4 on the court with his election challenges.

Thank goodness this is finally over. Hopefully the nation can move on from all the many lies.

Not sure the country will ever forgive and forget. If we did, we could end up with another trumpist down the road that could end our constitutional representative republic type of government in this country. You will remember, for the rest of your life, especially if any of the Senators that supported trying to overthrow the election after they lost are stupid enough to run for the presidency. It is time for a 3rd party, as Republicans in general will not be trusted, especially as they continue to make purges of anybody not of the trumpist mindset. You may not believe it Dana, but unless a viable 3rd party is assembled, you are going to miss the Republicans.

I've been a registered Independent since 1978.

I've voted a variety of parties through the decades.

I've posted many times on this board that I don't want the Republican Party to destroy itself. That we need two major parties in our nation for democracy to be able to exist. That the last thing we need is one major political party.

I'm not a democrat.

I'm a liberal. And proud of it. I have been all my life.

I hope that trump doesn't succeed in purging the Republican Party of the few sane people who are left.

I don't agree with much from today's Republican Party. I wish they would get their act together and stop trying to force their disastrous and failed economic and social policies on our nation.
Independence is good, as neither of the two main parties get it right, a lot of the time. As far as elected officials, the trump purges have worked and they appear to be at a tipping point, from which there is no return. With as many republicans that still support trump, even after his insurrection, they are presidential toast for the next 3 presidential elections at least, just to make sure to clear the anti-free election/insurrectionist crowd out, less they try it again.
I am moderate to conservative. I wish there were a rational conservative party to act as a counterbalance to unbridled liberalism, which (in my view) also could destroy the country. Good people are out there, but they would be stupid to try, under the republican banner.
The Supreme Court finally put a stop to the court challenges today.

They threw out the last case trump has brought to that court.

So it's 0-4 on the court with his election challenges.

Thank goodness this is finally over. Hopefully the nation can move on from all the many lies.

You'll never be able to move on from Trump. His memory burned into your cortex is the only thing that keeps you from admitting to yourselves the totally-retarded and stupid off the wall shit Joe Biden is doing on a daily basis.

These bad faith lawsuits are yet another example of Trump and his supporters’ contempt for our democratic institutions and the will of he people.
The Supreme Court finally put a stop to the court challenges today.

They threw out the last case trump has brought to that court.

So it's 0-4 on the court with his election challenges.

Thank goodness this is finally over. Hopefully the nation can move on from all the many lies.

You'll never be able to move on from Trump. His memory burned into your cortex is the only thing that keeps you from admitting to yourselves the totally-retarded and stupid off the wall shit Joe Biden is doing on a daily basis.

These bad faith lawsuits are yet another example of Trump and his supporters’ contempt for our democratic institutions and the will of he people.

I don't agree because all these lawsuits many they are are legal, but he should have stopped doing it December 12 when SCOTUS dumped the Texas lawsuit.
The Supreme Court finally put a stop to the court challenges today.

They threw out the last case trump has brought to that court.

So it's 0-4 on the court with his election challenges.

Thank goodness this is finally over. Hopefully the nation can move on from all the many lies.

Not sure the country will ever forgive and forget. If we did, we could end up with another trumpist down the road that could end our constitutional representative republic type of government in this country. You will remember, for the rest of your life, especially if any of the Senators that supported trying to overthrow the election after they lost are stupid enough to run for the presidency. It is time for a 3rd party, as Republicans in general will not be trusted, especially as they continue to make purges of anybody not of the trumpist mindset. You may not believe it Dana, but unless a viable 3rd party is assembled, you are going to miss the Republicans.

I've been a registered Independent since 1978.

I've voted a variety of parties through the decades.

I've posted many times on this board that I don't want the Republican Party to destroy itself. That we need two major parties in our nation for democracy to be able to exist. That the last thing we need is one major political party.

I'm not a democrat.

I'm a liberal. And proud of it. I have been all my life.

I hope that trump doesn't succeed in purging the Republican Party of the few sane people who are left.

I don't agree with much from today's Republican Party. I wish they would get their act together and stop trying to force their disastrous and failed economic and social policies on our nation.
“I hope that trump doesn't succeed in purging the Republican Party of the few sane people who are left.”

That’s the problem: few.
The Supreme Court finally put a stop to the court challenges today.

They threw out the last case trump has brought to that court.

So it's 0-4 on the court with his election challenges.

Thank goodness this is finally over. Hopefully the nation can move on from all the many lies.


An guess what conclusion we've come to
The Supreme Court finally put a stop to the court challenges today.

They threw out the last case trump has brought to that court.

So it's 0-4 on the court with his election challenges.

Thank goodness this is finally over. Hopefully the nation can move on from all the many lies.

You'll never be able to move on from Trump. His memory burned into your cortex is the only thing that keeps you from admitting to yourselves the totally-retarded and stupid off the wall shit Joe Biden is doing on a daily basis.


Sure, we will move on from trump, but first he has to face responsibility for the crimes he has committed. Any criminal would want to walk away from his crimes, and I don't blame trump for wanting to do that, but it's just not the way our system is set up.

These are Trump’s meritless lawsuits, it’s perfectly appropriate to discuss the Court rejecting Trump’s ridiculous lies about the election.

Indeed, it’s Trump who keeps himself in the political spotlight.
Don't you worry Trump is still playing the same old song as he has for the last five months about how he didn't lose.
Bitchillary has been doing that for over 4 YEARS! Hypocrisy rules the Democrat lovers!
The Supreme Court finally put a stop to the court challenges today.

They threw out the last case trump has brought to that court.

So it's 0-4 on the court with his election challenges.

Thank goodness this is finally over. Hopefully the nation can move on from all the many lies.

You'll never be able to move on from Trump. His memory burned into your cortex is the only thing that keeps you from admitting to yourselves the totally-retarded and stupid off the wall shit Joe Biden is doing on a daily basis.

Biden is doing a fine job. That's why you're here rage-weeping helplessly. You understand just how bad you and Trump look in comparison.

Remember, whenever fascists weep, it means good things are happening in the USA, so we like to see you weep.

Oh he is doing a fine job of kicking every American tax payer in the teeth. Once his EO's and green shit kick in I doubt he could get elected to man the back of a garbage truck.

His EO's are already letting thousands of illegals, many with the Chinese Virus, into the country. He handcuffed ICE and doesn't care that most Americans want ALL illegals out of the country as they cost us billions.

So go ahead and keep telling one and all about the great job that stuttering fuck is doing.

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